


When people talk about Internet Browsers, you immediately assume that they are referring to either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. However, there are many other "alternative" browsers that deserve a second glance. In this article I am going to review those that I think are worthwhile installing as an alternative to the two big players. If you don’t do a lot of Web surfing and are less than enthusiastic about adding another 12 MB to your hard drive for a browser suite with features you’ll probably never use, you may want to consider an alternative browser. These browsers can also be very useful for developers, as they provide a testing bed for websites to ensure that as many of your potential visitors as possible have access to your site.

当人们谈论Internet浏览器时,您会立即假定他们所指的是Internet Explorer或Netscape Navigator。 但是,还有许多其他“替代”浏览器值得一看。 在本文中,我将回顾那些我认为值得安装的产品,以代替这两个大公司。 如果您不进行大量的网络冲浪,并且不愿意在硬盘驱动器上添加另一个12 MB的存储空间,以获取具有您可能永远不会使用的功能的浏览器套件,则可以考虑使用其他浏览器。 这些浏览器对开发人员也非常有用,因为它们为网站提供了测试平台,以确保尽可能多的潜在访问者可以访问您的网站。

Opera This has to be the most popular alternative browser and is compatible with Windows-based systems. Opera’s claim to fame is that it is fast and tiny, only taking up 1.7 MB disk space. In addition, it has mail and Usenet features, supports JavaScript and enables you to bookmark your favourite sites. Opera is built from scratch and not based upon any existing browser’s code, therefore, it is designed to specifics and updated according to user feedback. It’s only drawback is that it does not have any native java support, which some people may find essential. However, it is a small price to pay for its speed, its small memory usage and the fact that it fits on a floppy disk.

Opera这必须是最受欢迎的替代浏览器,并且与基于Windows的系统兼容。 Opera声名fa起的是它速度快且体积小,仅占用1.7 MB磁盘空间。 此外,它还具有邮件和Usenet功能,支持JavaScript,并使您可以为自己喜欢的网站添加书签。 Opera是从头开始构建的,并且不基于任何现有浏览器的代码,因此,Opera是针对特定内容进行设计的,并根据用户反馈进行更新。 唯一的缺点是它不提供任何本机Java支持,有些人可能会发现这是必需的。 但是,要为它的速度,小的内存使用量以及它适合软盘而付出的代价是很小的。

Mosaic Mosaic’s claim to fame was that it was the first graphical browser. Developed by the National Centre for Supercomputing Applications it is of particular interest to the developers amongst us. If you are interested in playing around with the Mosaic Browser you can download the source code and have a go yourself.

Mosaic Mosaic声名claim起是它是第一个图形浏览器。 由国家超级计算应用中心开发的,我们当中的开发人员特别感兴趣。 如果您有兴趣使用Mosaic浏览器,则可以下载源代码并亲自尝试。

Amaya Not only is Amaya a browser, but it is also a powerful authoring tool. It is used by the W3C to demonstrate and test many of the new developments in Web protocols and data formats. It is versatile and extensible and is available on both Unix and Windows ’95/NT platforms. Using Amaya you can create Web pages and upload them onto a server. Authors can create a document from scratch, they can browse the web and find the information they need, copy and paste it to their pages, and create links to other Web sites. All this is done in a straightforward and simple manner, and actions are performed in a single consistent environment. Editing and browsing functions are integrated seamlessly in a single tool. It is probably not the perfect browser for the average surfer, but it is an essential tool for developers because it sticks rigidly to HTML standards, therefore making it a very good test browser.

Amaya Amaya不仅是浏览器,还是强大的创作工具。 W3C使用它来演示和测试Web协议和数据格式的许多新开发。 它具有通用性和可扩展性,可在Unix和Windows '95 / NT平台上使用。 使用Amaya,您可以创建网页并将其上传到服务器上。 作者可以从头开始创建文档,他们可以浏览网络并找到所需的信息,将其复制并粘贴到其页面中,并创建指向其他网站的链接。 所有这些操作都以简单明了的方式完成,并且在单个一致的环境中执行操作。 编辑和浏览功能无缝集成在单个工具中。 对于一般的冲浪者来说,它可能不是理想的浏览器,但对于开发人员来说,它却是必不可少的工具,因为它严格遵守HTML标准,因此使其成为非常好的测试浏览器。

Cello The beauty about this browser is that it runs under Microsoft Windows on any IBM PC with a 386SX chip or better. This means that if you have a very old system, maybe a laptop that you use when you are occasionally on the go, then this is the one for you. Cello is well-integrated with other software tools which you can use to prepare HTML documents, serve WWW information, view graphics from the Net, listen to digital sound files, and many other things

大提琴这种浏览器的妙处在于,它可以在装有386SX或更高版本芯片的任何IBM PC上的Microsoft Windows下运行。 这意味着如果您有一个非常旧的系统,也许是您偶尔在旅途中使用的笔记本电脑,那么这就是适合您的笔记本电脑。 大提琴与其他软件工具很好地集成在一起,您可以使用它们来准备HTML文档,提供WWW信息,从网上查看图形,收听数字声音文件以及许多其他事情

Arachne Arachne WWW browser is a full screen graphical World Wide Web browser, which is currently available for DOS compatible operating systems and for Linux/SVGAlib platform. Arachne supports subset of HTML/4.0, GIF, JPEG and PNG images, popular internet protocols http, ftp, smtp and pop3, and more. Not everyone is using Microsoft Windows as their Operating System, and browsers like these give those users the chance to surf the Web. Like a lot of the alternative browsers, Arachne needs only eight Meg of RAM and should install on a 386 or higher. The download is only 529k which means you can easily install from a single floppy disk.

Arachne Arachne WWW浏览器是一种全屏图形化万维网浏览器,当前可用于DOS兼容操作系统和Linux / SVGAlib平台。 Arachne支持HTML / 4.0,GIF,JPEG和PNG图像的子集,流行的Internet协议http,ftp,smtp和pop3等。 并非每个人都使用Microsoft Windows作为其操作系统,而类似的浏览器使这些用户有机会浏览Web。 像许多其他浏览器一样,Arachne只需要8 Meg的RAM,并且应该安装在386或更高版本上。 下载仅需529k,这意味着您可以轻松地从单个软盘安装。

HotJava As the name implies, this browser is written completely in Java, which means that it will run on any platform that supports it. Even though Java has a reputation for being slow, this problem doesn’t represent itself in this browser. It’s just as fast as the other browsers mentioned, and does not use up alo of computing power. It’s biggest drawback is that you have to wait for the entire page to download before you can view anything, and it might just be that alone that is the deciding factor when it comes to choosing whether you want to use this Java browser or not.

HotJava顾名思义,此浏览器完全用Java编写,这意味着它将在支持它的任何平台上运行。 尽管Java以其速度慢而著称,但此问题并未在此浏览器中体现出来。 它与提到的其他浏览器一样快,并且不会消耗大量计算能力。 最大的缺点是,您必须等待整个页面下载后才能查看任何内容,而选择是否要使用此Java浏览器可能只是决定因素。

Lynx Lynx is one of the smallest browsers around. It takes seconds to download a page as it is a text only browser so it does not support images (a good way to test if your ALT tags are that relevant after all!). Lynx has no mouse support so you have to use your cursor keys, and it does not support some features of HTML such as tables and frames. Lynx is available on most platforms and is a perfect browser for users of speech. However, the text only approach might discourage some people, but if you are on a low specification computer and need something that’s lightning fast and small on the processing power, then this might be your ideal alternative browser.

Lynx Lynx是周围最小的浏览器之一。 由于页面是纯文本浏览器,因此下载页面需要几秒钟,因此它不支持图像(毕竟,这是测试ALT标签是否相关的好方法!)。 Lynx不支持鼠标,因此您必须使用光标键,并且不支持HTML的某些功能,例如表格和框架。 Lynx在大多数平台上都可用,并且是语音用户的理想浏览器。 但是,纯文本方法可能会使某些人不满意,但是如果您使用的是低规格计算机,并且需要处理速度快,处理能力小的设备,那么这可能是您理想的替代浏览器。

Alternative browsers are not a thing of the past, in fact many potential visitors to your site could be using them. However, unless you ensure that your website is viewable by an alternative browser, there is no guarantee that you are making yourself available to the widest audience possible. It is essential that a compromise be found between applying the features that the newer more commonly used browsers provide, together with providing support to alternative browser users.

替代浏览器已不再是过去,实际上,您网站的许多潜在访问者可能正在使用它们。 但是,除非您确保可以通过其他浏览器查看您的网站,否则无法保证您可以将自己的网站提供给尽可能多的受众。 在应用更新的,更常用的浏览器提供的功能以及为其他浏览器用户提供支持之间找到折衷至关重要。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/netscape-internet-explorer/


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