

Adobe Flash is a framework used to create interactive web experience in various ways. With Adobe Flash client-side applications, games, video players can be created. Adobe Flash was in the 2010s but currently, with the advance of HTML5, it is losing popularity. But it is used by a lot of people even losing its popularity.

Adobe Flash是用于以各种方式创建交互式Web体验的框架。 使用Adobe Flash客户端应用程序,可以创建游戏,视频播放器。 Adobe Flash出现在2010年代,但随着HTML5的发展,它正在逐渐消失。 但是很多人甚至失去了它的知名度。

下载Flash Player (Download Flash Player)

Adobe Flash player is downloaded from the Adobe web site URL which is like below. We can see that the download consists of 3 steps. In this case, we will install Flash Player for Window 10 system but also Windows XP and Windows 7 is supported with the separate installer which can be selected from the first part. In the optional part, some third party applications like antivirus, etc. are promoted to download and installed. We will disable the optional offers to prevent 3rd parties.

Adobe Flash Player是从Adobe网站URL下载的,如下所示。 我们可以看到下载包含3个步骤。 在这种情况下,我们将安装适用于Window 10系统的Flash Player,但单独的安装程序也支持Windows XP和Windows 7,可以从第一部分中进行选择。 在可选部分中,某些第三方应用程序(如防病毒软件等)被提升为下载和安装。 我们将禁用可选优惠,以防止第三者参加。



Download Flash Player
下载Flash Player

When we have clicked to the Download button we will see a screen like below. In this step, the download of the Flash Player installer will start automatically.

单击“ Download按钮后,我们将看到如下屏幕。 在此步骤中,将自动开始下载Flash Player安装程序。

安装Flash Player (Install Flash Player)

In this part, we will install the Adobe Flash Player.

在这一部分中,我们将安装Adobe Flash Player。

开始安装 (Start Installation)

We will start the installation by clicking the downloaded file named flashplayer32pp_xa_install.exe. We will be asked following security warning where we will click to the Run.

我们将通过单击名为flashplayer32pp_xa_install.exe的下载文件来开始安装。 在出现安全警告后,将要求我们单击“ Run

Start Installation

通过UAC提供管理权限(Provide Administrative Rights with UAC)

Installation on Windows operating systems requires Administrative rights which is generally provided by UAC like below. We will click to Yes provide the Administrative right.

在Windows操作系统上进行安装需要管理权限,该权限通常由UAC提供,如下所示。 我们将单击“ Yes提供管理权限。

Provide Administrative Rights with UAC

设置Flash Player更新首选项(Set Flash Player Update Preference)

In this step, we will specify the update preference of the Adobe Flash Player. Updates are important for Adobe Flash Player because Flash Player provides a lot of security vulnerabilities during the time which can be exploited by the attackers easily. There are 3 choices like below.

在此步骤中,我们将指定Adobe Flash Player的更新首选项。 更新对Adobe Flash Player很重要,因为Flash Player在这段时间内提供了很多安全漏洞,攻击者可以轻松利用这些漏洞。 共有以下3种选择。

  • Allow Adobe to install updates will the most secure way where updates will be downloaded and installed automatically.

    Allow Adobe to install updates将是最安全的方式,可以自动下载和安装更新。

  • Notify me to install updates will only notify us there is a new update.

    Notify me to install updates只会通知我们有新更新。

  • Never check for updates is the insecure step that will do note install or notify about updates.

    Never check for updates是不安全的步骤,它会做笔记安装或通知更新。

Set Flash Player Update Preference
设置Flash Player更新首选项

安装期间(During Installation)

When the installation starts some files will be downloaded from the internet like below and installed properly.


During Installation


When the installation is complete we will see the following screen which requires a restart of the running browsers.



检查是否安装了Flash Player(Check Flash Player Is Installed)

From the following page, Adobe Flash Player installation can be checked. If the installation is successful we will see a screen like below. Firefox will provide information where there is a Flash in the web page and do you allow to run this Flash. We can also check the Remember this decision .

在下一页中,可以检查Adobe Flash Player的安装。 如果安装成功,我们将看到如下屏幕。 Firefox将在网页上的Flash位置提供信息,您是否允许运行此Flash。 我们还可以检查“ Remember this decision

Allow Adobe Flash
允许Adobe Flash

After we allowed the flash to be run we will see that Adobe Flash animation will start like below.

在允许运行Flash之后,我们将看到Adobe Flash动画将如下所示开始。

Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash

删除/卸载Flash Player (Remove/Uninstall Flash Player)

In order to uninstall or remove Adobe Flash Player, we should use Programs and Features. We can open programs and features in different ways but the easiest is typing in the start menu like below. We can also access programs and features menu from the Control Panel.

为了卸载或删除Adobe Flash Player,我们应该使用“ Programs and Features 。 我们可以通过不同的方式打开程序和功能,但是最简单的方法是在开始菜单中输入以下内容。 我们还可以从“ Control Panel访问程序和功能菜单。

Programs and Features

We will see the following screen where installed applications are listed alphabetically. We will see Adobe Flash Player 32 NPAPI is in the list. Also, its version is . We will select the Adobe Flash Player from the list. Then we will click to the Uninstall button which will start and open Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller.

我们将看到以下屏幕,其中已安装的应用程序按字母顺序列出。 我们将在列表中看到Adobe Flash Player 32 NPAPI 。 同样,它的版本是32.0.0.223 。 我们将从列表中选择Adobe Flash Player。 然后,我们将单击“ Uninstall按钮,该按钮将启动并打开Adobe Flash Player卸载程序。

We will see the following screen to Uninstall Adobe Flash Player. We will simply click to the Uninstall button like below. If there is an open browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera we should close them to uninstall properly.

我们将看到以下屏幕,以卸载Adobe Flash Player。 我们将简单地单击如下所示的“ Uninstall按钮。 如果有打开的浏览器,例如Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxOpera ,则应将其关闭以正确卸载。

Uninstall Adobe Flash Player
卸载Adobe Flash Player

When the uninstallation is completed successfully we will see a screen like below. And then we will click to the Done.

卸载成功完成后,我们将看到如下屏幕。 然后我们将单击“ Done

Adobe Flash Player Uninstall Successful
Adobe Flash Player卸载成功
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翻译自: https://www.poftut/how-to-install-update-and-uninstall-adobe-flash-on-windows/

本文标签: 新和如何在flashWindowsAdobe