

但EVE-NG的NAT Cloud只能EVE-NG Pro版本才有。

实验室云名称EVE接口名称(内)类型ESXi VM对应接口VMware Workstation对应界面裸硬件服务器笔记
云0Pnet0桥接网络适配器 1网络适配器第一个以太网Eth0Cloud0/pnet0 与您的主要 EVE 以太网端口桥接。它被分配了一个用于 WEB GUI 访问的管理 IP 地址。 EVE 管理子网可以作为实验室的管理网络。
云1Pnet1桥接网络适配器 2网络适配器 2第二个以太网 Eth1Cloud1 可以与 EVE 的第二个以太网端口桥接,以实现与另一个网络或设备的连接。不需要在其上配置 IP 地址。它将充当您与 EVE 实验室节点的外部连接的纯粹桥梁。
Lab cloud nameEVE interface name (inside)TypeESXi VM corresponding interfaceVMware Workstation corresponding interfaceBare HW ServerNotes
Cloud0Pnet0bridgedNetwork adapter 1Network AdapterFirst ethernet Eth0Cloud0/pnet0 is bridged with your primary EVE ethernet port. It is assigned a management IP address used for WEB GUI access. The EVE management subnet can be used as management network in the labs.
Cloud1Pnet1bridgedNetwork adapter 2Network Adapter 2Second ethernet Eth1Cloud1 can be bridged with your EVE second ethernet port to achieve connection to another network or device. The IP address is not required to be configured on it. It will act like a pure bridge your external connection with EVE lab node.


root@eve-ng:~# brctl show
bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
pnet0           8000.000c29e7cc25       no              eth0
pnet1           8000.000c29e7cc2f       no              eth1

Ref: https://www.eve-ng/index.php/documentation/community-cookbook/

本文标签: NGEVECloudLab