


The XPS format is Microsoft’s alternative to PDF. It was introduced in Windows Vista, but never gained much traction. However, modern versions of Windows continue to include better support for XPS files than PDF files.

XPS格式是Microsoft替代PDF的格式。 它是Windows Vista中引入的,但从未受到太大的关注。 但是,现代Windows版本继续提供比XP文件更好的XPS支持。

Once regarded as a possible “PDF killer,” the XPS file format now lives on in Windows seemingly out of sheer inertia. The average person should stay away from XPS files and use PDF files instead.

XPS文件格式曾经被认为是可能的“ PDF杀手”,但现在却完全出于惯性而在Windows中继续使用。 一般人应远离XPS文件,而应使用PDF文件。

Note: If you’re using Windows 10, they’ve finally added built-in support for printing to PDF files, so you will hopefully never need to deal with an XPS format file again. Continue reading the following for posterity and use PDF instead of XPS.

注意:如果您使用的是Windows 10,则它们最终增加了对打印到PDF文件的内置支持 ,因此希望您不再需要处理XPS格式的文件。 继续阅读以下内容以作为后代,并使用PDF代替XPS。

什么是XPS文件? (What’s an XPS File?)

Think of an XPS file like a PDF (or PostScript) file. An XPS file represents a document with a fixed layout, just as a PDF file does. XPS also includes support for other features that you’d find in PDF, like digital signatures and DRM.

可以将XPS文件视为PDF(或PostScript)文件。 XPS文件代表具有固定布局的文档,就像PDF文件一样。 XPS还包括对您在PDF中可以找到的其他功能的支持,例如数字签名和DRM。

XPS is now technically a standardized, open format – it stands for Open XML Paper Specification. XPS is an open format in the same way “Office Open XML” is an open, standardized format for Microsoft Office documents. Other software companies haven’t jumped to include XPS support.

XPS现在从技术上讲是一种标准化的开放格式,它表示Open XML Paper Specification。 XPS是一种开放格式,与“ Office Open XML”是一种用于Microsoft Office文档的开放标准化格式相同。 其他软件公司尚未跳出对XPS的支持。

By default, Windows 8 uses the OXPS file extension for XPS files it generates. OXPS stands for OpenXPS – it’s the standardized version of the original XPS format. It’s actually not compatible with the XPS Viewer included with Windows 7, so you have to convert OXPS files to XPS if you want to view them on Windows 7.

默认情况下,Windows 8对它生成的XPS文件使用OXPS文件扩展名。 OXPS代表OpenXPS,它是原始XPS格式的标准化版本。 它实际上与Windows 7附带的XPS Viewer不兼容,因此,如果要在Windows 7上查看它们,必须将OXPS文件转换为XPS。

In short, an XPS file is Microsoft’s less-compatible version of a PDF file.


Windows随附的XPS功能 (XPS Functionality Included With Windows)

Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 all include built-in XPS tools. Even Windows 8 has better support for XPS files than it does for PDFs.

Windows Vista,Windows 7和Windows 8均包含内置XPS工具。 甚至Windows 8对XPS文件的支持也比对PDF的更好。

  • Microsoft XPS Document Writer: Microsoft installs a virtual printer named “Microsoft XPS Document Writer.” This printer creates XPS files from documents you print to it. It’s like a “print to PDF” feature, but less useful because it’s not as compatible with other software.

    Microsoft XPS Document Writer :Microsoft安装名为“ Microsoft XPS Document Writer”的虚拟打印机。 该打印机从您打印到它的文档中创建XPS文件。 它就像“打印到PDF”功能,但用处不大,因为它与其他软件不兼容。

  • XPS Viewer: The included XPS Viewer application allows you to view XPS documents on your desktop.

    XPS Viewer :随附的XPS Viewer应用程序使您可以在桌面上查看XPS文档。

While Windows 8 touts better support for PDFs because of its Modern “Reader” app, you will need a third-party app if you want to view PDF files on the desktop or print to PDF files.

尽管Windows 8凭借其现代的“阅读器”应用程序吹捧了对PDF的更好支持,但是如果要在桌面上查看PDF文件或打印为PDF文件,则需要第三方应用程序。

什么时候应该使用XPS文件? (When Should You Use XPS Files?)

While XPS was regarded as a possible “PDF killer” when it was included with Windows Vista six years ago, it never became very popular. Even though Windows prods its users into printing to XPS files rather than PDF files by including the XPS Document Writer printer, few users seem to create XPS files.

尽管六年前Windows XP中包含XPS时,XPS被视为可能的“ PDF杀手”,但它从未变得非常流行。 尽管Windows通过包括XPS Document Writer打印机来促使其用户打印XPS文件而不是PDF文件,但似乎很少用户创建XPS文件。

It’s unclear why you’d actually want to create an XPS file instead of a PDF file, unless you need to print a document to a file and can’t install a PDF printer. Microsoft has certainly not been making a case for XPS files being better than PDF files and has been silent on any reason to use them in recent years. In fact, Windows 8’s inclusion of a PDF viewer can be seen as Microsoft taking a step back, introducing support for a competing document format.

目前尚不清楚为什么您实际上要创建XPS文件而不是PDF文件,除非您需要将文档打印到文件中并且无法安装PDF打印机。 Microsoft肯定没有提出XPS文件要比PDF文件更好的理由,并且近年来一直没有任何理由使用它们。 实际上,Windows 8包含PDF查看器可以看作是微软退后一步,引入了对竞争文档格式的支持。

While the advantages of printing to XPS files are unclear, the disadvantages are fairly clear. The world has largely standardized on PDF files, while XPS files remain little-used. If you’re trying to send someone a document, you can bet they’ll be familiar with PDF files and will be able to open it. An XPS file may look unfamiliar and the recipient may not be able to open the file. For example, Macs don’t include built-in XPS file support, but they do include built-in PDF support. Many other programs may support PDF files, but won’t support XPS files. There are third-party viewer applications that can read XPS files, but support is nowhere near as common.

虽然打印到XPS文件的优点尚不清楚,但缺点也很清楚。 世界上在很大程度上已经标准化了PDF文件,而XPS文件却很少使用。 如果您要向某人发送文档,可以打赌他们会熟悉PDF文件,并且可以打开它。 XPS文件可能看起来不熟悉,收件人可能无法打开该文件。 例如,Mac不包含内置的XPS文件支持,但确实包含内置的PDF支持。 许多其他程序可能支持PDF文件,但不支持XPS文件。 有一些第三方查看器应用程序可以读取XPS文件,但支持却远远不那么普遍。

In summary, you probably don’t want to use XPS files for your personal documents. XPS seems neglected, like another Microsoft technology introduced around the same time: Silverlight. Silverlight was supposed to be Microsoft’s “Flash killer,” but it’s now being set aside. Just as Silverlight failed to replace Flash, XPS can’t seem to replace PDF.

总之,您可能不想将XPS文件用于个人文档。 XPS似乎被忽略了,就像大约在同一时间推出的另一项Microsoft技术:Silverlight。 Silverlight本来是微软的“ Flash杀手”,但现在被搁置了。 正如Silverlight无法替换Flash一样,XPS似乎无法替换PDF。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/148499/what-is-an-xps-file-and-why-does-windows-want-me-to-print-to-one/


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