




  1. 当表示时间、地点或方位副词位于句首,如now,then,here,there,down,out,off,back,away

例:Here comes the bus to the airport.去机场的大巴来了

Out rushed the students after school.放学后同学们冲了出去

In came the teacher,with a book in his hand.老师来了,手里拿着一本书

     2. 当表示地点的介词位于句首时,如under the tree,in the classroom,on the wall,in the house

例:In the house lives an old man,shabbily dressed.房子里住着一个老人,穿着单薄

     3.  there引出的完全倒装句型,there后可接appear,come,exist,lie,live,remain,stand,happen,occur等不及物动词

例: During the period of spring tide,there occur more strong current events.在大潮期间,更多的强流事件发生



     1. 表示否定的或部分否定的词或短语位于句首,如: never(从不), seldom(很少), scarcely/hardly/rarely(几乎不), no(不), little(几乎没有), nowhere(哪里都不), no longer(不再……), hardly/scarcely……when……(一……就……), no sooner……than……(一……就……), in no case(决不), in no way(决不), on no account(决不),  at no time(从来没有), under no circumstance(决不), not until(直到……才),not only……but (also)……(不仅……而且……),neither(不), nor(不)

例:Under no circumstance may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.在任何情况下我们都不能把办公室的电话用于私事。

      2. hardly/scarcely/……when……, no sooner……than……这三个句型中,hardly/scarcely/no sooner位于句首时,主句半倒,且主句用过去完成时从句用一般过去式(前倒后不倒)

例:Hardly had we finished the work when the electricity was cut down.我们一完成作业就断电了

      3. Not only……but (also)……句型中,not only位于句首时,半倒(前倒后不倒)

例:Not only did he make a promise but (also) he kept it他不仅承诺了,而且遵守了它.

      4. Not until句首引出的句子中,通常选did前不倒后倒

例:Not until the baby fell asleep did the mother leave the room.直到小宝宝睡着了,这位母亲才离开房间

      5. only + 状语(从句)位于句首时,需将句子进行部分倒装(前不倒后倒

  例:Only when one falls in love can one understand the true meaning of it.只有当一个人恋爱了才会理解它真正的意义

      6. so……that……和such…… that……表示如此……以至于……,所修饰的句子位于句首时,that前需要半倒(前倒后不倒) so的基本句型:so + adj./adv. + be动词/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 其它  such的基本句型such + a/an/the + adj. + 动词/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 其它 

 例1:So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.光跑得如此的快以至于我们难以想象它的速度

 例2:such a cute girl is she that everyone likes her.她是如此可爱的一个女孩以至于每个人都喜欢她

      7. As表示虽然,但是引导从句需将表语或状语(名词、形容词、副词、分词、实义动词)提前(前倒后不倒),其基本句型为:adj./adv./n. + as + 主语 + 谓语 或 实义动词 + as + 主语 +情态动词/助动词

 例: Try as she did/Best as she tried , she didn’t lift/move the rock.她虽然尽力了,但还是弄不动这快石头。

      8. as前的名词是可数名词单数时,前面不加任何冠词

  例:Child as he is, he knows a lot of logical knowledge.虽然他是个小孩子,但他知道很多逻辑学知识。

      9. Although引导从句时,从句不倒装

例:Although he is a child, he knows a lot of logical knowledge.尽管他是个小孩,但他知道很多逻辑学知识

      10. 如果前面所述情况与后面相同,后面句子用so来肯定,neither、nor来肯否并引出倒装并省略与前一句相同成分。基本句型为:so + be/助/情 + 主语(为肯定,表示……也一样)

neither/nor + be/助/情 + 主语(为肯否,表示……也不一样)

 例1:Lily can ride a bike, so can her brother.莉莉能骑自行车,她的兄弟也能

 例2:Lily cant ride a bike, nor/neither can her brother. 莉莉不能骑自行车,她的兄弟也不能

      11. 当so引导的句子用于对上文内容(可为肯定与否定)加以肯定时,不倒装,表示的确如此

     例:He is good at English.  ---so he is.他英语很好     他的确是

      12. 当上文既有肯定又有否定或有两个谓语时用so it is/was with sb.

 例:His uncle is a sophisticated worker and hasn’t been retiring, so it is with his aunt.他叔叔是有一个老练的员工并且还有没有退休,他的阿姨也是这样。


  1. 陈述句的强调句为it is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who/whom + 剩余部分。可用于强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语,

 陈述句:I helped you at the railway station yesterday.我昨天在地铁站帮助了你

 强调主句:It was I that(who) helped you at the railway station yesterday.

 强调宾语:It was you that(whom) I helped at the railway station yesterday.

 强调地点状语: It was at the railway station that I helped you yesterday.

 强调时间状语: It was yesterday that I helped you at the railway station.

      2. not until强调结构为It was not until + 被强调部分 + that + 剩余部分, 表示直到……才,不倒装,此时为陈述句语序

例:It was not until dark she realized that it was too late to go home.直到天黑她才意识到回家也太晚了


  1. The medal didn’t cost too much, _B_ very good. 这块奖牌没有花费太多,它也不是很好

A.or was it    B. nor was it

C.or did it     D. nor did it


本文标签: 倒装英语