








        In the contemporary world, the ability to meet challenges has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for students to improve the ability to solve problems ( when facing difficulty.) The following are reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point.

        In the first place,there is no doubt that we can ’ t divorce from reality that challenge is everywhere(we can ’ t avoid challenges). Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in facing challenges. Moreover, no one can deny that challenges make us stronger. Where there are difficulties, there are opportunities. Last but not least, I firmly believe that without the ability to meet challenges, we can’t make any achievements.(lf we don't have the ability to meet challenges, we can’t do anything.) The more problems you solve, the smarter and capable you are.

        In conclusion, the ability to meet challenges and solve problems is essential for everyone.lf we spare no effort to cultivate this ability, the future of our study andcareer will be both hopeful and rosy.


        In the contemporary world, interpersonal relationship has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for us students to form mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. Reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point are as follows.

        In the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from reality that sympathy plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in understanding people's feeling. Moreover , no one can deny that mutual respect can close relationships .Where there is respect, there is understanding. Last but not least, I firmly believe that mutual understanding makes us real friend. The more sincere you are ,the more friends you have.

        In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect are essential for interpersonal
relationship. lf we spare no efforts to cultivate them, the future of our life will be both hopeful
and rosy.


        In the contemporary world, community life has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for residents to increase the sense of community responsibility. Reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point are as follows.
        In the first place,there is no doubt that having a sense of community responsibility makes your popular. Based on big data, most of successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in helping seniors in their communities. Moreover , no one can deny that responsibility makes you stronger. Where there are responsibilities, there are possibilities for you to succeed. Last but not least, I firmly believe that responsibility is rewarding(beneficial). The more responsibilities you have, the more repay you will get.

        ln conclusion, having a sense of community responsibility is essential for everyone to succeed .lf we spare no efforts to cultivate it, the future of life and career will be both hopeful and rosy.


        In the contemporary world, life in work place has become increasingly important. It's of great necessity for staff and employers to build mutual trust. Reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point are as follows.
        In the first place,there is no doubt that mutual trust can foster(cultivate) a friendly working atmosphere(environment). Based on big data, most of successful social elites admitted that their bosses trust them very much. Moreover , no one can deny that mutual trust can increase working efficiency. Where there is trust, there is devotion. Last but not least, I firmly believe that mutual trust makes employee more loyal. The more trust you have, the more willing you are to work.

        In conclusion, building trust in work places is essential for a company to succeed .lf we spare no efforts to believe people around us, the future of career will be both hopeful and rosy.



        In the contemporary world,virtual reality has become increasingly important. When people spending an increasing amount of time in the virtual world, our life can be very easy and happy. Reasons and concrete evidence to support my view point are as follows.

        In the first place,there is no doubt that our social life will be very convenient(with the appearance and popularization of virtual reality, great convenience will be brought to our social life).Based on big data, most of netizens admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in onlinesocial life. Moreover,no one can deny that we can have more entertainments at home. Where there is Internet, there are fun activities. Last but not least, I firmly believe that we can study more easily. The more time you spend on virtual world, the more learning resources you will get.

        In conclusion, our life can be easy and happy in the virtual world.lf we spare no efforts to balance it reasonably, the future of our life will be both hopeful and rosy.


        Today there is a growing awareness that mental wel-being needs to be given as much attention asphysical health.[题目要求: 第一句必须抄题] As far as lam concerned, the underlying reason is thatenhancing the mental well-being exerts salutary impacts.

        First and foremost, never can we ignore the significance of mental well-being to academic performance.[倒装] To elucidate, only when students are mentally healthy can they stay concentrated in class andengage in learning.[倒装句] Conversely, dreadful mental well-being, such as stress, anxiety, ordepression, will diminish students 'motivation. They may find it hard to attend classes, completeassignments,or ace the exams.

   On top of that, another noteworthy merit is that mentaly healthy people are more likely to expandtheir social circle. The primary reason is that such people are optimistic and open to new experienceswhich makes them more approachable and attractive to potential friends. Furthermore, people withgood mental health tend to be more proactive in seeking social opportunities. They are fond of initiating social gatherings, reaching out to new people, and participating in social events.

        To sum up,it is reasonable to reach the conclusion that the growing awarenessof the significance of mental health represents a positive shift, This paradigm shift is not only beneficialfor individuals but also for the collective health and prosperity of societies around the world.


        As is starkly mirrored in the chart (表格) that Chinese rural population has been all lifted out of is revealed that China’ s achievements in poverty alleviation are extraordinary.(图片内涵) The following reasons can account for this issue.(过渡)

        In the first place, there is no doubt that officials in the governments have played an important role in this process . Based on big data, most of the governors involved have admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in the rural area.Moreover,no one can deny that the poverty alleviation policy is indeed beneficial.Where there are good policies, there are incentives. Last but not least, I firmly believe that the personal efforts of the rural residents can ’ t be ignored.The harder they work,the wealthier they are.

        In conclusion, the accomplishment of poverty alleviation in Chinais outstanding.lf we spare no efforts to implement the policy and maintain the work, the future of our country will be both hopeful and rosy.



         As an old saying goes: What is worth doing, worth doing well. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: lf you want to achieve something, you need a serious attitude. The following reasons can account for this issue.
        In the first place,there is no doubt that we can‘t divorce from reality that attitude plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they have a serious mindset towards everything. Moreover, no one can deny that a serious attitude make us stronger. Where there is serious spirit, there are opportunities. Last but noteast, I firmly believe that without a serious attitude, we can’t make any achievements.(lf we don’t have the serious mindset, we can’t do anything.) The more serious you are, the more possibility you will succeed.

         In conclusion, the serious attitude towards everything is essential for everyone.lf we spare no effort to cultivate this mindset, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful androsy.


        As an old saying goes: the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: lf you want to achieve somethin,you need to overcome procrastination. The following reasons can account for this issue.

        In the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from reality that time plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted tha they've spent 2/3 of their time in valuable places. Moreover, no one can deny that procrastination makes us weaker. Where there is procrastination, there is time wasted. Last butot least, I firmly believe that your future is what you do today. The more serious you are, the more possibility you will succeed.

        In conclusion, doing our best today is essential for everyone to succeed.lf we spare no ffort to cherish the time today, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy.


        As an old saying goes: respect others, and you will be respected. For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: a good manner is needed when dealing with people.The following reasons can account for this issue.
        In the first place,there is no doubt that we can’t divorce from reality that politeness plays an important role in one's success. Based on big data, most successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in dealing with people. Moreover, no one can deny that courtesy makes us stronger. Where there is good manner, there is respect. Last but not least, I firmly believe that respect should be mutual. The more polite you are, the more respect you will get.

        ln conclusion,respecting others(a respectful manner) is essential for everyone to succeed. lf we spare no effort to cultivate a good manner, the future of our study and career will be both hopeful and rosy.



        In the contemporary world, major in university has become increasingly important When faced with decision of choosing major, quite a few would deem that science is a beneficial choice, but others, in contrast, believe that humanity is the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless reasons which support my view, there are three conspicuous aspects as follow.

        ln the first place,there is no doubt that humanity is more useful in finding jobs. Based on big data, most of job seekers admitted that 2/3 of jobs require major of humanity. Moreover , no one can deny that we can learn more culture in humanity, Where there are humanities, there is cultural knowledge. Last but not least, I firmly believe that we can have abetter personality if we major in humanity. The more humanity knowledge you know, the more interesting and elegant you are.
        In conclusion, humanity is a better choice when it comes to the major.lf we spare no efforts to study it, the future of our life will be both hopeful and rosy.



        In the contemporary world, a balanced life has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for staff to balance job responsibilities and personal interests.The following solutions can account for this issue properly.

         In the first place,there is no doubt that we should connect our interests to the job(our interests should be connected to the job)  *(A win win situation can be reached if we cultivate an interest related to our iob responsibility). Based on big data, most of socia elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in doing jobs related to their hobby. Moreover, no one can deny that we should put job responsibility first(we should prioritize job responsibility). Where there are jobs, there are possibilities to cultivate(foster) interests. Last but not least, I firmly believe that personal interests play an important(crucial) role in our sense of happiness. The more interests you have, the happier you are.
        In conclusion, job responsibilities and personal interests are extremely crucial. lf we spare no efforts to balance them, the future of our life and career will be both hopeful and rosy.


        In the contemporary world, innovation has become increasingly important. lt's of great necessity for us students to have an innovative mind(new ideas). The following solutions can account for this issue properly.

        In the first place,there is no doubt that we should be curious all the time(curiosity doescontribute to innovation.).Based on big data, most of successful social elites admitted that they've spent 2/3 of their time in learning(trying) new things. Moreover,no one can deny that we need to study more.(new inspiration can be enlightened by things we acquire everyday. ).Where there is knowledge, there are new ideas. Last but not least, l firmly believe that we need to be humble(humbleness is helpful to stimulate creation). The more humble you are, the more creative you will be.

        In conclusion, it's essential for students to have new ideas. lf we spare no efforts to
explore new things, the future of our life will be both hopeful and rosy.

本文标签: 英语六级模板范文