

Facebook or Instagram may be a great place to share your pictures, but sometimes you need to do more than just share your photos with friends and family. Let’s take a look at our favorite free image hosting websites for all your other needs.

Facebook或Instagram可能是共享照片的好地方,但有时您需要做的不仅仅是与朋友和家人共享照片。 让我们来看看我们最喜欢的免费图像托管网站,满足您的所有其他需求。

伊姆古尔 (Imgur)

The chances are that you’ve already used Imgur, whether you realize it or not. It’s one of the world’s most popular image sharing sites. You can upload unlimited images to Imgur, and they will stay there forever. The size limit for a still image is 20 MB and 200 MB for an animated GIF, both of which are more than sufficient. PNG files over 5 MB are converted to JPEGs, and the following file formats are supported.

无论您是否意识到,都有可能使用过Imgur 。 它是世界上最受欢迎的图像共享网站之一。 您可以将无限制的图像上传到Imgur,它们将永远存在。 对于动画GIF,静止图像的大小限制为20 MB和200 MB,这两个大小都绰绰有余。 超过5 MB的PNG文件将转换为JPEG,并且支持以下文件格式。

You can use Imgur to organize your images into albums, caption and tag them, and share them with others. You can also browse the hundreds of thousands of images other Imgur users have uploaded.

您可以使用Imgur将图像整理到相册中,为它们添加标题和标签,并与他人共享。 您还可以浏览其他Imgur用户上传的数十万张图像。

Although an account is not required to upload pictures, we would recommend you create a free account if you have a lot to host or share. Having an account lets you create albums, control the privacy of albums, and upload unlimited images without being throttled.

尽管不需要帐户即可上传图片,但是如果您有很多托管或共享的内容,我们建议您创建一个免费帐户。 拥有帐户可让您创建相册,控制相册的隐私并上传无限制的图像而不会受到限制。

Google相簿 (Google Photos)

Google Photos is another fantastic image sharing and hosting service. You can upload unlimited pictures to Google Photos for free—as long as each image is limited to 16 megapixels. Images above that resolution count against your Google Drive storage. The same goes for videos over 1080p.

Google相册是另一种出色的图像共享和托管服务。 您可以将无限的图片免费上传到Google相册,只要每张图片的大小限制为16兆像素。 高于该分辨率的图像将计入您的Google云端硬盘存储空间。 1080p以上的视频也是如此。

As with all Google services, you’ll need a Google account to use Google Photos. Both the browser version and the mobile apps work great for uploading and viewing pictures, and you can even configure auto-upload of the images on your phone from the app.

与所有Google服务一样,您需要一个Google帐户才能使用Google相册。 浏览器版本和移动应用程序都非常适合上传和查看图片,您甚至可以从该应用程序配置手机上图像的自动上传。

For sharing, you can create albums and then share them via email or various other options. You can also let other people contribute to albums, which is pretty useful.

对于共享,您可以创建相册,然后通过电子邮件或其他各种选项进行共享。 您还可以让其他人为相册做出贡献,这非常有用。

Google Photos also uses machine learning to recognize people, organize your photos, and even create albums. This works great, and you can even search for photos by date, scenes, and even people’s names—which comes in handy if you have thousands of pictures.

Google相册还使用机器学习来识别人物,整理照片,甚至创建相册。 这非常有效,您甚至可以按日期,场景甚至人物姓名搜索照片,如果您有成千上万张照片,这将非常方便。

Flickr (Flickr)

Flickr was already an active community for sharing photos and videos before being acquired by Yahoo in 2013. After that, it got even better.

在2013年被Yahoo收购之前, Flickr已经是一个活跃的社区,用于共享照片和视频。此后,情况变得更好了。

Currently, you get a whopping 1 Terabyte of storage to host your photos and videos on Flickr. There are no bandwidth limits, but images are limited to 200 MB per image, while videos are limited to 1 GB size and 1080p resolution.

目前,您拥有1 TB的巨大存储空间,可将照片和视频托管在Flickr上。 没有带宽限制,但是每个图像的图像限制为200 MB,而视频的大小限制为1 GB,分辨率为1080p。

On the downside, video playback is limited to three minutes, making it okay for sharing short videos but not much else. Flickr also doesn’t support many photo formats—you can only upload JPEG, PNG, and non-animated GIF files.

不利的一面是,视频播放被限制为三分钟,可以共享短视频,但没有太多其他东西。 Flickr也不支持许多照片格式-您只能上传JPEG,PNG和非动画GIF文件。

Flickr does preserve the EXIF data of all your images, though, unlike many other websites. This is a feature that photographers and photography enthusiasts enjoy.

但是,与许多其他网站不同,Flickr确实保留了所有图像的EXIF数据。 这是摄影师和摄影爱好者喜欢的功能。

To upload photos, you can use your browser or the iOS and Android apps. Desktop apps are limited to Flickr Pro accounts, which also offer an ad-free experience and advanced statistics.

要上传照片,您可以使用浏览器或iOS和Android应用程序。 桌面应用程序仅限于Flickr Pro帐户 ,该帐户还提供无广告的体验和高级统计信息。

500像素 (500px)

Similar to Flickr, 500px is a photography community first and an image hosting website second. However, if you are a professional photographer looking to gain exposure, then 500px is the ideal place to be.

与Flickr相似, 500px首先是摄影社区,其次是图像托管网站。 但是,如果您是寻求曝光的专业摄影师,那么500px是理想的选择。

It’s not exactly an image hosting website as you can’t get a direct link to your images, but you can share your images or albums from the website itself. You can also use the embed option to display your photos on other websites.

它不是图像托管网站,因为您无法直接链接到图像,但是可以从网站本身共享图像或相册。 您也可以使用embed选项在其他网站上显示您的照片。

Since 500px is aimed towards professionals, it does have some strict limits on free accounts. Free users can upload up to seven photos per week with virtually no size limits. The paid plans start at $47.88 per year and include additional features. You can see more details about the paid plans here.

由于500px面向专业人士,因此它对免费帐户确实有一些严格的限制。 免费用户每周最多可以上传七张照片,几乎没有大小限制。 付费计划的起价为每年47.88美元,其中包括其他功能。 您可以在此处查看有关付费计划的更多详细信息 。

Image Credit: justsolove/Shutterstock

图片来源: justsolove / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/366356/the-best-free-image-hosting-websites/

本文标签: 最好的图像网站