

1.A user interface we said here is __ABC________

A.a text-based user interface or GUI interface between a computer and its peripheral device interaction between an operating system and a user interaction between an application program and a user

2.___A___provides transparent transfer of data between end users, providing reliable data transfer services to the upper layers.

A.The Transport Layer

B. Session Layer

C. Network Layer

E.Application Layer E. Presentation Layer

3.Many viruses do harmful things such as (ABCD ).

A.deleting files

B. slowing your PC down

B.simulating typos D. changing random data on your disk

4.We can classify programming languages under two types:(AB ) languages and ( )languages.


B. low-level

C. advanced-level

D. basic-level

5.With an Internet connection you can get some of the basic services available are:___ABCD_______


B. Telnet


D. Usenet news

6. A general purpose computer has four main sections: ( ABCE).

A.the control unit

B. the memory

C. the input and output devices

D. the cpu

E. the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU),

7.Windows 2000 has the key technologies, they are (ABCD ).

B. active directory

C. flat directory

D. enterprise management

8.The register file is___ACD_______

A.addressed by much shorter addresses

B. physically large

C.physically small

D. one the same chip as the CPU

9. A stack protocol can be used for (A ).

A.removing the latest element ins( )erted

B. removing the earliest element ins( )erted

C. subroutine calls

D. operation of arithmetic expressions

10.The end equipment in a communication system includes (ABCD ).


B. computers


D. keyboards

11.Microsoft Office Professional 2000 include____ABCD______.

A.Excel 2000

B. PowerPoint 2000

C. Word 2000

D. Outlook 2000

12. A general purpose computer has four main sections: ______ABCE______

本文标签: 英语单数计算机专业计算机多选题