

nova launcher

If you’re anything like me, you do a lot of stuff with your Android phone. That usually means clutter on the home screens for most users—but it doesn’t have to be that way.

如果您像我一样,则可以使用Android手机完成很多工作。 对于大多数用户而言,这通常意味着主屏幕上会出现混乱情况-但这不是必须的。

Nova Launcher—our favorite home screen launcher for Android—has some powerful and unique gesture features that will have your home screens cleaned up and more powerful than ever with just the swipe of a finger.

Nova Launcher是我们最喜欢的Android主屏幕启动器,具有一些强大而独特的手势功能,只需轻扫手指,即可清理您的主屏幕,并且功能比以往更强大。

First things first—you’re going to need the “Prime” version of Nova to enable gestures, which will set you back $4.99. If you’d rather wait, you can sometimes catch Nova Prime on sale for a couple bucks less, but I feel like the normal asking price is fair. This is a crazy powerful app that you will literally use every single day.

首先,您需要使用Nova的“ Prime”版本来启用手势,这将使您花费4.99美元。 如果您愿意等待,有时您可以以低几美元的价格买到Nova Prime,但我觉得正常的要价是合理的。 这是一个疯狂而强大的应用程序,您几乎每天都会使用它。

There are two main “types” of gestures in Nova: home screen gestures and icon gestures. For example, the Google Maps icon on my home screen opens Maps as normal when tapped, but a swipe up on the icon automatically opens navigation to my house without the need for any further interaction. Similarly, a couple of the icons in my app tray double as folders—tapping the icon opens the app, but swiping up exposes the contents of the “hidden” folder. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg here.

Nova中的手势主要有两种“类型”:主屏幕手势和图标手势。 例如,我的主屏幕上的Google地图图标在点击时会正常打开地图,但是向上滑动图标会自动打开到我家的导航,而无需任何进一步的交互。 类似地,我的应用程序托盘中的几个图标兼作文件夹—点按该图标可打开该应用程序,但向上滑动则可显示“隐藏”文件夹的内容。 这只是这里的冰山一角。

如何在Nova Launcher中设置主屏幕手势 (How to Set Up Home Screen Gestures in Nova Launcher)

To set up gestures on the home screens, jump into Nova’s Settings menu by heading into the app drawer and selecting “Nova Settings.”


本文标签: 手势快捷方式有用更多屏幕上