

Title:Prelim p. 2; First issue - Editorial Board
Title:初步p. 2;第一期-编辑部

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Title:A classification and new benchmark instances for the multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Author:Jakob Snauwaert a
Mario Vanhoucke abc
a: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University, Tweekerkenstraat 2, Ghent 9000, Belgium
b: Operations and Technology Management Centre, Vlerick Business School, Reep 1, Ghent 9000, Belgium
c: UCL School of Management, University College London, 1 Canada Square, London E14 5AA, UK
Date:Received 31 May 2021, Accepted 30 May 2022, Available online 8 June 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This paper studies and analyses the multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MSRCPSP). We present a new classification scheme based on an existing classification scheme for project scheduling problems. This allows researchers to classify all multi-skilled project scheduling problems and its extensions. Furthermore, we propose a new data generation procedure for the MSRCPSP and introduce multiple artificial datasets for varying research purposes. The new datasets are generated based on new multi-skilled resource parameters and are compared to existing benchmark datasets in the literature. A set of 7 empirical multi-skilled project instances from software and railway construction companies are collected in order to validate the quality of the artificial datasets. Solutions are obtained through a genetic algorithm and by solving a mixed-integer linear programming formulation with CPLEX 12.6. The hardness of the multi-skilled project instances is investigated in the computational experiments. An experimental analysis studies the impact of skill availability, workforce size and multi-skilling on the makespan of the project.
Abstract:研究和分析了多技能资源约束项目调度问题(MSRCPSP)。在现有项目调度问题分类方案的基础上,提出了一种新的分类方案。这使得研究人员能够对所有多技能项目调度问题及其扩展进行分类。此外,我们为MSRCPSP提出了一种新的数据生成程序,并为不同的研究目的引入了多个人工数据集。新的数据集是基于新的多技能资源参数生成的,并与文献中现有的基准数据集进行比较。为了验证人工数据集的质量,收集了7个来自软件和铁路建设公司的经验多技能项目实例。通过遗传算法和CPLEX 12.6混合整数线性规划公式求解得到了解。通过计算实验研究了多技能工程实例的硬度。一项实验分析研究了技能可用性、劳动力规模和多技能对项目工期的影响。
Highlights:Highlights • We propose a new classification scheme for multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problems. • New multi-skilled resource parameters are introduced to define multi-skilled resources in projects. • Several datasets are presented that fit a wide range of research requirements in the field of multi-skilled project scheduling. These sets are made available on our website. • The generated data is compared to benchmark datasets of the literature. • Computational experiments are provided in which the dataset is evaluated based on the multi-skilled resource parameters.

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Title:On designing networks resilient to clique blockers
Author:Haonan Zhong a
Foad Mahdavi Pajouh b
Oleg A. Prokopyev c
a: Mechanical Engineering Department, City College, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Xishan, Kunming 650032, China
b: School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
c: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, 3700 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
Date:Received 19 January 2022, Accepted 13 September 2022, Available online 19 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Robustness and vulnerability analysis of networked systems is often performed using the concept of vertex blockers. In particular, in the minimum cost vertex blocker clique problem, we seek a subset of vertices with the minimum total blocking cost such that the weight of any remaining clique in the interdicted graph (after the vertices are blocked) is upper bounded by some pre-defined parameter. Loosely speaking, we aim at disrupting the network with the minimum possible cost in order to guarantee that the network does not contain cohesive (e.g., closely related) groups of its structural elements with large weights; such groups are modeled as weighted cliques. In this paper, our focus is on designing networks that are resilient to clique blockers. Specifically, we construct additional connections (edges) in the network and our goal is to ensure (at the minimum possible cost of newly added edges) that the adversarial decision-maker (or the worst-case realization of random failures) cannot disrupt the network (namely, the weight of its cohesive groups) at some sufficiently low cost. The proposed approach is useful for modeling effective formation and preservation of influential clusters in networked systems. We first explore structural properties of our problem. Then, we develop several exact solution schemes based on integer programming and combinatorial branch-and-bound techniques. Finally, the performance of our approaches is explored in a computational study with randomly-generated and real-life network instances.

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Title:Dynamically second-preferred -center problem
Author:Yolanda Hinojosa ab
Alfredo Marín d
Justo Puerto ac
a: Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS). Edificio Celestino Mutis, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, Sevilla 41012, Spain
b: Dpto. de Economía Aplicada I, Universidad de Sevilla. Fac. de C. Económicas y Empresariales, Avda. Ramón y Cajal 1, Sevilla 41018, Spain
c: Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de Sevilla. Fac. de Matemáticas, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, Sevilla 41012, Spain
d: Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de Murcia. Fac. de Matemáticas, Campus de Espinardo, Murcia 30100, Spain
Date:Received 14 October 2021, Accepted 20 September 2022, Available online 24 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This paper deals with the Dynamically Second-preferred p p -center Problem (DSpP). In this problem, customers’ preferences and subsets of sites that each customer is willing to accept as service centers are taken into account. It is assumed that centers can fail and, thus, the decision maker is risk-averse and makes his decision taking into account not only the most favourite centers of the customers but also the worst case situation whenever they evaluate their preferred second opportunity. Specifically, the new problem aims at choosing at most p p centers so that each demand point can visit at least two acceptable centers and the maximum sum of distances from any demand point to any of its preferred centers plus the distance from any of the preferred centers to any of the centers the user prefers once he is there is minimized. The problem is NP-hard as an extension of the p p -next center problem. The paper presents three different mixed-integer linear programming formulations that are valid for the problem. Each formulation uses different space of variables giving rise to some strengthening using valid inequalities and variable fixing criteria that can be applied when valid upper bounds are available. Exact methods are limited so that a heuristic algorithm is also developed to provide good quality solution for large size instances. Finally, an extensive computational experience has been performed to assess the usefulness of the formulations to solve DSpP using standard MIP solvers.
Abstract:本文讨论了动态二阶优先p< math>p -center问题(DSpP)。在这个问题中,考虑了客户的偏好和每个客户愿意接受作为服务中心的站点子集。假设中心可能会失败,因此,决策者是风险厌恶的,他的决策不仅考虑到客户最喜欢的中心,而且在他们评估他们首选的第二次机会时,也考虑到最坏的情况。具体来说,新问题的目的是选择最多p< math>p中心,以便每个需求点可以访问至少两个可接受的中心,并且从任何需求点到其任何首选中心的距离加上从任何首选中心到用户首选的任何中心的距离的最大和最小化。这个问题是np难的,作为p< math>p -next center问题的扩展。本文给出了三种不同的混合整数线性规划公式,分别适用于该问题。每个公式使用不同的变量空间,从而使用有效的不等式和变量固定标准进行一些强化,当有效的上界可用时,可以应用这些标准。由于方法的局限性,本文还开发了一种启发式算法,为大型实例提供高质量的解决方案。最后,进行了广泛的计算经验,以评估使用标准MIP求解器求解DSpP公式的有用性。
Highlights:Highlights • An extension of the next p-center problem with customers’ preferences. • Facility reliability in combination with customers’ preferences. • Three mixed-integer linear formulations: three-indexed, straight and radius. • Valid inequalities and variable fixing criteria provided. • Heuristic algorithm provided.

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Title:Stochastic optimization models for a home service routing and appointment scheduling problem with random travel and service times
Author:Man Yiu Tsang
Karmel S. Shehadeh
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Date:Received 18 November 2021, Accepted 20 September 2022, Available online 24 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract We address a routing and appointment scheduling problem with uncertain service and travel times arising from home service practice. Specifically, given a set of customers within a service region that an operator needs to serve, we seek to find the operator’s route and time schedule. The quality of routing and scheduling decisions is a function of the total operational cost, consisting of customers’ waiting time, and the operator’s travel time, idle time and overtime. We propose and rigorously analyze a stochastic programming model and two distributionally robust optimization (DRO) models to solve the problem, assuming known and unknown service and travel time distributions, respectively. We consider two popular types of ambiguity sets for the DRO models: mean-support and 1-Wasserstein ambiguity sets. We derive equivalent mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) reformulations of both DRO models that can be implemented and efficiently solved using off-the-shelf optimization software, thereby enabling practitioners to use these models. In an extensive numerical experiment, we investigate the proposed models’ computational and operational performance and derive insights into the problem.

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Title:A two-phase hybrid algorithm for the periodic rural postman problem with irregular services on mixed graphs
Author:Enrique Benavent a
Ángel Corberán a
Demetrio Laganà b
Francesca Vocaturo c
a: Departament d’Estadística i Investigació Operativa (DEIO), Universitat de València, Dr. Moliner 50, Burjassot 46100, Valencia, Spain
b: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica e Gestionale (DIMEG), Università della Calabria, via Pietro Bucci Cubo 41/C, Arcavacata di Rende (CS) 87036, Italy
c: Dipartimento di Economia, Statistica e Finanza “Giovanni Anania” (DESF), Università della Calabria, via Pietro Bucci Cubo 0/C, Arcavacata di Rende (CS) 87036, Italy
Date:Received 7 December 2021, Accepted 21 September 2022, Available online 26 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In this article we address the periodic rural postman problem with irregular services ( PRPP–IS ), where some arcs and/or edges of a mixed graph must be traversed (to be serviced) a certain number of times in some subsets of days of a given time horizon. The goal is to define a set of minimum cost tours, one for each day or period of the time horizon, that satisfy the service requirements. For this problem we propose a two-phase algorithm that combines heuristics and mathematical programming. In the first phase, two different procedures are used to construct feasible solutions: a multi-start heuristic based on feasibility pump and a multi-start constructive heuristic. From these solutions, some fragments (parts of tours associated with the different days) are extracted. The second phase determines a solution for the PRPP–IS by combining the fragments by means of a mathematical model. We show the effectiveness of this solution approach through an extensive experimental phase on different sets of instances.
Abstract:摘要在本文中,我们解决周期性的乡村邮递员问题与不规则的服务(PRPP–IS),一些弧线和/或混合图的边缘必须遍历(服务)一定数量的次一些天的给定时间范围的子集。目标是确定一组最低费用旅行,每天一次或时间段一次,以满足服务需求。针对这一问题,我们提出了一种结合启发式和数学规划的两阶段算法。在第一阶段,采用两种不同的方法构造可行解:基于可行性泵的多起点启发式方法和多起点构造启发式方法。从这些解决方案中,提取出一些片段(与不同日期相关的旅游部分)。第二阶段确定了PRPP–IS 的解决方案。我们通过在不同实例集上的广泛实验阶段展示了这种解决方法的有效性。

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Title:Exact algorithms based on a constrained shortest path model for robust serial-batch and parallel-batch scheduling problems
Author:Wei Wu a
Takito Hayashi a
Kato Haruyasu b
Liang Tang c
a: Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, 3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, 432-8561, Japan
b: Faculty of Science and Technology, Seikei University, 3-3-1 Kita-machi, Kichijoji, Musashino, Tokyo, 180-8633, Japan
c: College of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, No.1 Linghai Road, Dalian, 116026, China
Date:Received 22 November 2021, Accepted 25 September 2022, Available online 29 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract We study robust single-machine batch scheduling problems under uncertain processing times to minimize total flow time. Two types of batches are considered: serial batch (s-batch) and parallel batch (p-batch). These problems can model many on-site production and logistics applications which involve uncertain factors such as defect rates. We first prove that a sequencing rule for the shortest nominal processing time is optimal for both s-batch and p-batch problems. We then propose polynomial-time algorithms based on the observation that the robust batch scheduling problems are reducible or partially reducible to a constrained shortest path problem through worst-case scenario analysis. We further present more efficient algorithms for the special case of uniform maximum deviation times for all jobs. The algorithms are evaluated computationally, and the results show that their performance is satisfactory on the tested instances.

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Title:Are price matching and logistics service enhancement always effective strategies for improving profitability?
Author:Jie Wei
Meijing Chang
School of economics and management, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
Date:Received 6 October 2021, Accepted 18 August 2022, Available online 24 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Driven by increasingly fierce market competition, many traditional retailers have started to adopt price matching under which they promise to match competitors’ lower prices for the same product, and many online retailers have started to conduct logistics service enhancement. Motivated by these observations, we use the Hotelling model to develop a duopoly game, in which a traditional retailer and an online retailer sell the same product to consumers, to examine the effectiveness of price matching and logistics service enhancement in improving profitability. The results show that in the scenario where the online retailer does not conduct logistics service enhancement, the traditional retailer benefits from price matching only when the transportation cost to the brick-and-mortar store is high. However, in the scenario where the online retailer conducts logistics service enhancement, when the transportation cost is relatively low, the traditional retailer also has a chance to benefit from price matching. In contrast, regardless of the traditional retailer’s price matching strategy, the online retailer always benefits from logistics service enhancement. We also reveal that regardless of the online retailer’s logistics service enhancement strategy, the traditional retailer’s price matching can lead to Pareto improvement for both retailers as long as the transportation cost is high enough. However, only when the traditional retailer adopts price matching does the online retailer’s logistics service enhancement have a chance to lead to Pareto improvement for both retailers.

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Title:A dynamic programming approach for the two-product capacitated lot-sizing problem with concave costs
Author:Kevin A. Bunn
José A. Ventura
Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802, USA
Date:Received 29 June 2021, Accepted 18 August 2022, Available online 24 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In this paper, we analyze a two-product multi-period dynamic lot-sizing problem with a fixed capacity constraint in each period. Each product has a known demand in each period that must be satisfied over a finite planning horizon. The aim of this problem is to minimize the overall cost of placing orders and carrying inventory across all periods. The structure of an optimal solution is analyzed with respect to a type of period called regeneration period, which is a period where the inventory of one or both products reach zero. We show that there is an optimal arrangement of placing orders between consecutive regeneration periods. We propose a pseudo-polynomial algorithm to solve the two-product problem. First, we show how the optimal ordering pattern between two consecutive regeneration periods can be solved using a shortest path problem. Then, we explain how the optimal locations for regeneration periods can be found by solving a shortest path problem on a different network, where each arc corresponds to the shortest path in a subproblem network. We then show how this approach can be scaled up to a three-product problem and generalize this technique to any number of products, as long as it is small.

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Title:Inventory allocation with full downward substitution and monotone cost differences
Author:Yulia Tseytlin a
H. Sebastian Heese b
a: EBS University, Institute for Supply Chain Management, Burgstrasse 5, Oestrich-Winkel 65375, Germany
b: Poole College of Management, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7229, USA
Date:Received 8 June 2021, Accepted 19 August 2022, Available online 24 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract We study a single-period multi-product inventory allocation problem with full downward substitution and monotone cost differences. The cost structure with monotone differences is more general than the additive cost structure usually assumed in literature. Using the notion of Monge sequences, we identify conditions under which the problem can be solved efficiently using greedy allocation. For problems that do not meet these conditions, we develop an efficient algorithm that solves the problem to optimality. For this specific problem, our algorithm has substantially lower computational complexity than existing efficient algorithms for the more general transportation problem; we numerically confirm this superior computational efficiency and illustrate the importance of using efficient algorithms at the allocation stage of the inventory management problem.

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Title:Community logistics and dynamic community partitioning: A new approach for solving e-commerce last mile delivery
Author:Zhiyuan Ouyang a
Eric K.H. Leung b
George Q. Huang a
a: Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
b: Management School, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Date:Received 14 October 2021, Accepted 23 August 2022, Available online 28 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Last mile delivery shows an increasingly tough challenge for logistics service providers due to the rapidly expanding e-commerce sales around the globe. To ease the implementation of last mile delivery, an effective delivery strategy is to predetermine the service regions of vehicles before optimizing their delivery routes. On this ground, this paper proposes a new delivery strategy named Community Logistics (CL) to generate vehicle service region and departure time dynamically. Through adopting this new delivery strategy, we transform the original last mile delivery to a new type of research problem, namely dynamic community partitioning problem (DCPP), with an aim to strike a balance between vehicle service region range, order delay time and vehicle capacity usage based on the real-time order arrivals and vehicle availability status. We present a Markov decision process (MDP) model for the DCPP and develop a heuristic solution approach to solve this MDP model. Numerical results demonstrate significant benefits of the proposed solution framework and delivery strategy.

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Title:Cargo securing under multi-drop and axle weight constraints
Author:Hatice Çalık a
Marc Juwet b
Hande Yaman c
Greet Vanden Berghe a
a: KU Leuven, Department of Computer Science, CODeS, NUMA, Ghent, Belgium
b: KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghent, Belgium
c: KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, ORSTAT, Leuven, Belgium
Date:Received 6 January 2022, Accepted 23 August 2022, Available online 29 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This study emerges from a real-world cargo securing application to ensure safer road transportation and falls into the category of container loading problems with practical constraints. The literature has lacked efficient methods for the secure loading of items with non-identical dimensions, weights and rotations into containers while ensuring that the securing efforts necessary are minimal when also taking into account multi-drop and axle weight constraints. This paper puts forward a new way of ensuring cargo stability that gives rise to a novel combinatorial optimization problem, which is a generalization of the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem with orthogonal rotations. We formally demonstrate the intractability of the problem and provide a mixed integer programming formulation. The formulation is based on a discretization of the packing polyhedron, enabling us to model a range of complicated and practical constraints. A group of practical constraints tends to be large in number and makes it difficult to solve the formulation in a reasonable amount of time. In order to overcome this difficulty, we develop an exact algorithmic framework. This framework initially solves certain relaxations of the problem to obtain strong lower bounds before subsequently embedding those lower bounds into a branch-and-cut algorithm. The experimental study serves three purposes: (i) evaluating the performance of the algorithmic framework and the mathematical formulation to assess the merits of the two methods, (ii) identifying the characteristics of hard problem instances and (iii) extracting insights regarding challenges in cargo securing to help managers and practitioners in decision making.

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Title:Getting more third-party participants on board: Optimal pricing and investment decisions in competitive platform ecosystems
Author:Weijun Zhu a
Jiaping Xie b
Yu Xia c
Lihong Wei d
Ling Liang e
a: School of Economics & Management, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China
b: College of Business, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China
c: College of Business, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
d: School of International Business, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, China
e: School of Management, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, China
Date:Received 6 July 2021, Accepted 24 August 2022, Available online 29 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In two-sided markets, hardware/software platforms meet the unified and personalized demands of consumers through hardware and software products respectively, forming their own ecosystems. For platform enterprises, how to drive third-party value creation through interface extensibility investment (typically on application programming interfaces, or APIs) under different pricing schemes, has become a critical issue under intensified competition. In this paper, we build game theoretic models in four platform competition scenarios (NR, NRT, IR, IRT) considering both investment decisions—no investment (N), investment (I), and pricing decisions—registration fee only ®, registration fee and transaction fee (RT), and analyze the competitive equilibrium in each scenario. Our results show that: (1) Although “reducing price” and “enhancing investment” are partial substitutes, platforms are still incentivized to implement both strategies. Contrary to the traditional wisdom, when platforms with investment charge both registration and transaction fees, the strengthening of cross-side network effect may lead to an increase in registration fee on both sides. (2) The improvement of interface extension effectiveness (cost reduction for developers per unit of investment from platforms) shifts more developers from single-homing to multi-homing, leading to fiercer market competition and thus lower platform profit in equilibrium. (3) Although implementing investment may not be optimal from the profit perspective, it does help platforms in securing a larger market share on the developer side. (4) The existence of same-side network effect enhances both side users’ incentive to enter the market; however, for the platforms, they should carefully mind the irrational price competition to avoid falling into profit-hurting traps.
Abstract:在双边市场中,硬件/软件平台分别通过硬件和软件产品满足消费者统一和个性化的需求,形成各自的生态系统。对于平台企业来说,如何在不同定价方案下,通过接口可扩展性投资(通常是应用程序编程接口或api)来推动第三方价值创造,已成为竞争加剧的关键问题。本文分别考虑投资决策(N)、投资决策(I)和定价决策® -注册费、注册费和交易费(RT),建立了四种平台竞争情景(NR、NRT、IR、IRT)的博弈理论模型,并分析了每种情景下的竞争均衡。研究结果表明:(1)虽然“降价”和“加大投入”是部分替代策略,但平台仍然会被激励实施这两种策略。与传统观点相反,当有投资的平台同时收取注册费和交易费时,跨境网络效应的加强可能会导致双方注册费的增加。(2)界面扩展效率的提高(开发商单位投资平台成本的降低)使得更多开发商从单归巢转向多归巢,市场竞争更加激烈,平台均衡利润降低。(3)虽然从利润角度来看,实施投资可能不是最优的,但它确实有助于平台在开发者方面获得更大的市场份额。(4)同侧网络效应的存在增强了双方用户进入市场的动机;但对于平台而言,应谨慎对待不合理的价格竞争,避免陷入损害利润的陷阱。

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Title:A multi-start local search heuristic for the multi-period auto-carrier loading and transportation problem in Brazil
Author:Antonio Carlos Bonassa
Claudio Barbieri da Cunha
Cassiano Augusto Isler
Department of Transportation Engineering, Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, Travessa 2, no 83, 05508-070, São Paulo, Brazil
Date:Received 23 July 2021, Accepted 24 August 2022, Available online 31 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This paper deals with a variation of the Dynamic Multi-Period Auto-Carrier Transportation Problem (DMPACTP) applied to real-world problems in the automotive industry in Brazil. The problem consists in finding the set of vehicles to be loaded into auto-carriers over a planning horizon of multiple days while minimizing the total transportation cost and fulfilling the loading constraints and meeting the delivery deadlines. Our study considers that the loading sequence policy at each stop is not required, and a minimum cost of auto-carriers is calculated on a per trip basis. We propose a Multi-Start Local Search Heuristic (MSLSH) to solve large-scale instances that arise in practice. Computational experiments compare the solutions obtained by means of our heuristic with the exact solutions for four medium size instances faced by a major Brazilian 3PL as well as with the manual allocation for two larger instances comprising 3,865 and 3,809 vehicles that could not be solved using the exact model. The results show that the proposed heuristic is able to obtain the optimal solutions for all the tested medium-sized instances. For large-sized instances that cannot be solved to optimality, we could obtain significant total transportation cost reductions (up to 15.40%) and lower number of vehicles delivered after the promised due date compared to the 3PL manual allocation. The 3PL was satisfied with the results and intends to deploy it into production environment as the MSLSH is robust, does not require extensive parameter calibration and it is easy to implement.

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Title:Nonlinear pricing for yield management and countering strategic consumer behavior
Author:Moutaz Khouja a
Yuefeng Li b
Jing Zhou c
a: The Belk College of Business, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, 28213 U.S.A.
b: Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030, China
c: The Belk College of BusinessUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, 28213 U.S.A.
Date:Received 20 October 2021, Accepted 24 August 2022, Available online 31 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Many models assume that faced with excess inventory, retailers offer price discounts to increase sales. This discount is assumed to be a certain dollar amount or a certain percent of the regular price. However, many retailers use nonlinear pricing, e.g., “Buy one, get one for 50% off,” which we refer to as BOGO. We analyze BOGO within the newsvendor model and identify the reasons for its popularity. We describe the type of products for which BOGO is suitable, identify the optimal BOGO discount, and its effect on the retailer’s profit. We compare BOGO to straight price reduction and analyze the newsvendor’s optimal choice between them. We also examine the two promotions in the presence of strategic consumers. We find that for reasonable values of consumer marginal utility and a given order quantity, BOGO reduces strategic consumers’ chances of obtaining a unit at a discount and their incentive to wait. Therefore, the newsvendor orders a larger quantity with BOGO than with a price reduction. Thus, BOGO can be used to counter strategic consumer behavior. Also, we find that in the presence of strategic consumers, there are cases where it is optimal for the retailer to wait and offer a straight discount at the end of the season. However, with BOGO, it is always optimal to offer a BOGO at the start of the season if realized demand is low. We examine the robustness of our results to different arrival rates and positive salvage value and find that they qualitatively hold.

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Title:Approximation schemes for districting problems with probabilistic constraints
Author:Antonio Diglio a
Juanjo Peiró b
Carmela Piccolo a
Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama cd
a: Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering (DII), Piazzale Tecchio, 80 Naples 80125, Italy
b: Departament d’Estadestica i Investigació Operativa, Facultat de Ciéncies Matemátiques, Universitat de Valéncia, Spain
c: Departamento de Estatística e Investigação Operacional, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 1749-016, Portugal
d: Centro de Matemática, Aplicaçóes Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 1749-016, Portugal
Date:Received 8 March 2022, Accepted 5 September 2022, Available online 9 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In this work a districting problem with stochastic demand is investigated. Chance-constraints are used to model the balancing requirements. Explicit contiguity constraints are also considered. After motivating the problem and discussing several modeling aspects, an approximate deterministic counterpart is proposed which is the core of new solution algorithms devised. The latter are based upon a location-allocation scheme, whose first step consists of considering either a problem with a sample of scenarios or a sample of single-scenario problems. This leads to two variants of a new heuristic. The second version calls for the use of a so-called attractiveness function as a means to find a good trade-off between the (approximate) solutions obtained for the single-scenario problems. Different definitions of such functions are discussed. Extensive computational tests were performed whose results are reported.

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Title:Stochastic crowd shipping last-mile delivery with correlated marginals and probabilistic constraints
Author:Marco Silva a
João Pedro Pedroso b
Ana Viana c
a: INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
b: INESC TEC and Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
c: INESC TEC and Polithecnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Date:Received 9 May 2022, Accepted 26 October 2022, Available online 4 November 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In this work, we study last-mile delivery with the option of crowd shipping. A company uses occasional drivers to complement its fleet in the activity of delivering products to its customers. We model it as a variant of the stochastic capacitated vehicle routing problem. Our approach is data-driven, where not only customer orders but also the availability of occasional drivers are uncertain. It is assumed that marginal distributions of the uncertainty vector are known, but the joint distribution is difficult to estimate. We optimize considering a worst-case joint distribution and model with a strategic planning perspective, where we calculate an optimal a priori solution before the uncertainty is revealed. A limit on the infeasibility of the routes due to the capacity is imposed using probabilistic constraints. We propose an extended formulation for the problem using column-dependent rows and implement a branch-price-and-cut algorithm to solve it. We also develop a heuristic approximation to cope with larger instances of the problem. Through computational experiments, we analyze the solution and performance of the implemented algorithms.

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Title:On the finite-sample statistical validity of adaptive fully sequential procedures
Author:Zhenxia Cheng a
Jun Luo a
Ruijing Wu bc
a: Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China
b: School of Business and Management, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China
c: Institute of Intelligent Operations and Supply Chain Management, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 20083, China
Date:Received 8 November 2021, Accepted 18 November 2022, Available online 23 November 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract We consider the simulation optimization problem of selecting the best system design from a finite set of alternatives, which is known as ranking and selection (R&S). Many fully sequential procedures have been proposed to solve the R&S problem using a static sampling rule in order to ensure a finite-sample statistical guarantee. In this paper, we develop fully sequential procedures that can incorporate various adaptive sampling rules, based on a modification of Paulson’s bound Paulson (1964), while still preserving the finite-sample guarantee. In particular, we propose an adaptive sampling rule that utilizes the consecutively updated sample mean and sample variance information by solving a minimization problem of the approximated total sample size. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed procedures with several existing procedures through extensive simulation experiments, and apply them to solve an ambulance dispatching problem.
Abstract:摘要研究了从有限备选方案集中选择最优系统设计的仿真优化问题,即排序与选择问题(R&S)。为了保证有限样本的统计保证,已经提出了许多用静态抽样规则来解决R&S问题的全序贯方法。在本文中,我们开发了基于保尔森边界保尔森(Paulson’s bound, 1964)的修正的全顺序过程,可以在保留有限样本保证的情况下,包含各种自适应抽样规则。特别地,我们提出了一种利用连续更新的样本均值和样本方差信息的自适应抽样规则,通过解决近似总样本量的最小化问题。最后,通过大量的模拟实验,我们用几个现有的程序验证了所提出的程序的有效性,并将其应用于解决一个救护车调度问题。

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Title:Supporting strategy selection in multiobjective decision problems under uncertainty and hidden requirements
Author:Lauri Neuvonen ab
Matthias Wildemeersch b
Eeva Vilkkumaa a
a: Department of Information and Service Management, School of Business, Aalto University, Ekonominaukio 1, Espoo, 02150, Finland
b: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Date:Received 8 September 2021, Revised 14 September 2022, Accepted 25 September 2022, Available online 7 October 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Decision-makers are often faced with multi-faceted problems that require making trade-offs between multiple, conflicting objectives under various uncertainties. The task is even more difficult when considering dynamic, non-linear processes and when the decisions themselves are complex, for instance in the case of selecting trajectories for multiple decision variables. These types of problems are often solved using multiobjective optimization (MOO). A typical problem in MOO is that the number of Pareto optimal solutions can be very large, whereby the selection process of a single preferred solution is cumbersome. Moreover, preference between model-based solutions may not be determined only by their objective function values, but also in terms of how robust and implementable these solutions are. In this paper, we develop a methodological framework to support the identification of a small but diverse set of robust Pareto optimal solutions. In particular, we eliminate non-robust solutions from the Pareto front and cluster the remaining solutions based on their similarity in the decision variable space. This enables a manageable visual inspection of the remaining solutions to compare them in terms of practical implementability. We illustrate the framework and its benefits by means of an epidemic control problem that minimizes deaths and economic impacts, and a screening program for colorectal cancer that minimizes cancer prevalence and costs. These examples highlight the general applicability of the framework for disparate types of decision problems and process models.

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Title:Comparative performance analysis of frontier-based efficiency measurement methods – A Monte Carlo simulation
Author:Heinz Ahn a
Marcel Clermont b
Julia Langner a
a: Department of Business Sciences, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Fallersleber-Tor-Wall 23, 38100 Braunschweig, Germany
b: Cooperative University Gera-Eisenach, Am Wartenberg 2, 99817 Eisenach, Germany
Date:Received 19 May 2021, Accepted 26 September 2022, Available online 1 October 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In the last decades, various frontier-based efficiency measurement methods have been developed. So far, there is only limited knowledge with respect to the question to what extent a certain method is advantageous in different scenarios. We address this issue by a simulation study. In the respective scenarios, nine parameters are varied that reflect the specific structure of the data and knowledge about the competitive environment of the units to be evaluated. In contrast to other studies, we consider, e.g., multiple inputs and outputs. Furthermore, among other things, we assume lower levels of efficiency to reflect characteristics of markets with weaker competition. The methods compared are Data Envelopment Analysis, Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Stochastic Non-Smooth Envelopment of Data, and Normalized Additive Analysis. They are assessed with respect to two main purposes of efficiency measurement, the correct estimation of the efficiency degrees as well as the accurate determination of the ranking of the compared units. It is shown that, depending on the chosen purpose and the data scenario, there are major differences regarding the performance of the methods. The results of our study provide a comprehensive basis for selecting between the methods.

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Title:Multi-league sports scheduling with different leagues sizes
Author:Miao Li a
Morteza Davari b
Dries Goossens ac
a: Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management, Ghent University, Tweekerkenstraat 2, Gent 9000, Belgium
b: SKEMA Business School, Université Côte d’Azur, Avenue Willy Brandt, Lille 59777, France
c: FlandersMake@UGent – Core Lab CVAMO, Ghent, Belgium
Date:Received 18 July 2021, Accepted 3 October 2022, Available online 12 October 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This paper introduces a general multi-league sports scheduling problem where timetables for multiple leagues must be determined simultaneously, a practical and challenging problem in amateur and youth sports. We consider round robin leagues with different numbers of teams, and hence also requiring different numbers of rounds. As the number of simultaneous home games that clubs can organize for their teams is limited by the capacity of their venue, the objective is to minimize capacity violations. Along with a mixed integer programming model which is formulated to optimize the starting round of each league as well as to settle when teams have their home games, we develop various methods to construct an initial solution, and a heuristic with several local search and perturbation components to improve on this. Extensive computational experiments reveal that our heuristic can efficiently provide high-quality solutions for artificial and realistic instances. We also illustrate the impact of using different sets of home-away patterns on the total venue capacity violations. Results on a real-life application from the Belgian national football association indicate that schedules based on our heuristic allow teams to substantially decrease their venue capacity without causing meaningfully more violations.

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Title:Routing in offshore wind farms: A multi-period location and maintenance problem with joint use of a service operation vessel and a safe transfer boat
Author:Chandra Ade Irawan ab
Stefano Starita c
Hing Kai Chan ab
Majid Eskandarpour de
Mohammad Reihaneh de
a: Nottingham University Business School China, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China
b: Nottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute, China
c: Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
d: IESEG School of Management, 3 rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France
e: LEM-CNRS UMR 9221, 3 rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France
Date:Received 6 June 2021, Accepted 29 July 2022, Available online 5 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract This paper studies an interesting logistical problem related to maintaining a set of selected turbines in offshore wind farms. A service operation vessel (SOV), used to support maintenance activities, also carries a safe transfer boat (STB), which is used to transport technicians, parts, and equipment to the turbines. The maintenance activities are optimised over a planning horizon by simultaneously coordinating the SOV and the STB. A mixed-integer linear programming model is designed, where the objective function is to minimise the total maintenance cost. As the proposed mathematical model is hard to solve with a commercial solver, a decomposition approach is developed. A two-stage stochastic programming model is also designed to tackle uncertain conditions, including the duration of maintenance and the STB’s travel time. The performance of the solution method is evaluated using the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, in the southeast of the UK. The results of our experiments show that joint use of an SOV and an STB can yield a lower total maintenance cost than only using an SOV or crew travel vessels (CTVs) that are currently the common practice in maintaining offshore turbines.

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Title:Long-run optimal pricing in electricity markets with non-convex costs
Author:Conleigh Byers
Gabriela Hug
Power Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Date:Received 9 August 2021, Accepted 31 July 2022, Available online 5 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Determining optimal prices in non-convex markets remains an unsolved challenge. Non-convex costs are critical in electricity markets, as startup costs and minimum operating levels yield a non-convex optimal value function over demand levels. While past research largely focuses on the performance of different non-convex pricing frameworks in the short-run or uses convex approximations, we determine long-run adapted resource mixes associated with each pricing framework while preserving the full extent of the non-convex operations. We frame optimal pricing in terms of social surplus achieved and transfer of consumer to producer surplus in adapted long-run market equilibria. We find that convex hull pricing achieves the highest social surplus and is also associated with the lowest transfer of consumer to producer surplus. Marginal prices determined by fixing integer variables to their optimal values in the pricing run are also associated with high social surplus and high consumer surplus when the optimality gap in the original mixed integer linear program is very small. Other pricing frameworks tend to over-compensate inframarginal units, leading to resource mixes with lower social surplus and a greater transfer of consumer surplus to producer surplus in the long-run.
Highlights:Highlights • Non-convex costs make pricing in electricity markets challenging. • Different pricing methods can lead to different resource mixes in the long run. • With price-responsive demand, optimality gaps may impact total producer surplus. • Make-whole payments can be small in long-run adapted systems with flexible demand. • Convex hull pricing is associated with the highest consumer surplus.

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Title:An integrated multitiered supply chain network model of competing agricultural firms and processing firms: The case of fresh produce and quality
Author:Deniz Besik a
Anna Nagurney b
Pritha Dutta c
a: Department of Analytics and Operations, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173, United States
b: Department of Operations and Information Management, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, United States
c: Department of Management and Management Science, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York City, NY 10038, United States
Date:Received 15 June 2021, Revised 20 June 2022, Accepted 31 July 2022, Available online 6 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract In this paper, we develop an integrated multitiered competitive agricultural supply chain network model in which agricultural firms and processing firms compete to sell their differentiated products. The focus here is on fresh produce and minimally processed such agricultural products, with quality also captured. The competition among agricultural firms and processing firms is studied through game theory, where the governing Cournot–Nash equilibrium conditions correspond to a variational inequality problem. The algorithm, at each iteration, yields explicit closed form expressions for the agricultural product path flows, the agricultural product shipments from agricultural firms to the processing firms, and the Lagrange multipliers. A numerical study consisting of several supply chain disruption scenarios demonstrates the applicability of our modeling framework.

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Title:Bowley vs. Pareto optima in reinsurance contracting
Author:Tim J. Boonen a
Mario Ghossoub b
a: Amsterdam School of Economics University of Amsterdam Roetersstraat 11 1018 WB, Amsterdam The Netherlands
b: University of Waterloo Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science 200 University Ave. W. Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada
Date:Received 30 March 2022, Accepted 4 August 2022, Available online 9 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract The notion of a Bowley optimum has gained recent popularity as an equilibrium concept in problems of risk sharing and optimal reinsurance. In this paper, we examine the relationship between Bowley optimality and Pareto efficiency in a problem of optimal reinsurance, under fairly general preferences. Specifically, we show that Bowley-optimal contracts are indeed Pareto efficient but they make the insurer indifferent with the status quo (hence providing a partial first welfare theorem). Moreover, we show that only those Pareto-efficient contracts that make the insurer indifferent between suffering the loss and entering into the reinsurance contract are Bowley optimal (hence providing a partial second welfare theorem). We interpret these result as indicative of the limitations of Bowley optimality as an equilibrium concept in this literature. We also discuss relationships with competitive equilibria, and we provide illustrative examples.

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Title:Online voluntary mentoring: Optimising the assignment of students and mentors
Author:Péter Biró ab
Márton Gyetvai a
a: Institute of Economics, CERS, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, Budapest, 1097, Hungary
b: Corvinus University of Budapest, Fövám tér 8, Budapest, 1093, Hungary
Date:Received 15 March 2021, Accepted 5 August 2022, Available online 10 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract After the closure of the schools in Hungary from March 2020 due to the pandemic, many students were left at home with no or not enough parental help for studying, and in the meantime some people had more free time and willingness to help others in need during the lockdown. In this paper we describe the optimisation aspects of a joint NGO project for allocating voluntary mentors to students using a web-based coordination mechanism. The goal of the project has been to form optimal pairs and study groups by taking into account the preferences and the constraints of the participants. In this paper, we present the optimisation concept and the integer programming techniques used for solving the allocation problems. Furthermore, we conducted computational simulations on real and generated data to evaluate the performance of this dynamic matching scheme under different parameter settings.
Highlights:Highlights • Application of allocating voluntary mentors to students for online mentoring in Hungary during the COVID-lockdowns. • Optimal solutions with a MILP model based on personal characteristics, social priorities, and preferences. • Special features are the possibility of mentoring in pairs and groups, batch matching runs. • Computer simulations for generated data to evaluate the performance of dynamic allocations under various settings and objectives.

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Title:Managing quality and pricing during a product recall: An analysis of pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis regimes
Author:Arka Mukherjee a
Margarida Carvalho b
Georges Zaccour a
a: GERAD and HEC Montréal 3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, Québec H3T 2A7 Canada
b: CIRRELT and Département d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebéc H3T 1J4, Canada
Date:Received 4 October 2021, Accepted 9 August 2022, Available online 14 August 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Product recalls are often consequences of quality failures. While such failures are related to a manufacturer’s or supplier’s design quality, the perceived quality of products may be severely damaged when a product harm crisis occurs. However, most often, such a crisis will not last forever, and a firm at fault eventually recovers. Considering an optimal control model, we investigate the optimal pricing decisions, advertising and quality efforts of a firm while it anticipates a product recall and a subsequent recovery. We show that the decisions and profits of the manufacturer vary widely with the stochastic parameters: crisis likelihood, recovery likelihood, crisis impact and recovery intensity. We illustrate that myopic firms are more severely affected by a product recall than farsighted firms when the impact of recall is high. However, it might not be so detrimental to take myopic decisions for low impact recalls. In the absence of recovery, a product recall can lead to bankruptcy. High initial perceived quality may not insulate a firm against bankruptcy.

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Title:Methods for constrained optimization of expensive mixed-integer multi-objective problems, with application to an internal combustion engine design problem
Author:João A. Duro a
Umud Esat Ozturk b
Daniel C. Oara a
Shaul Salomon ac
Robert J. Lygoe d
Richard Burke b
Robin C. Purshouse a
a: Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK
b: The Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
c: ORT Braude College of Engineering, Israel
d: Product Development Europe, Dunton Technical Centre UK, Ford Motor Co. Ltd, UK
Date:Received 10 December 2020, Accepted 24 August 2022, Available online 6 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Engineering design optimization problems increasingly require computationally expensive high-fidelity simulation models to evaluate candidate designs. The evaluation budget may be small, limiting the effectiveness of conventional multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Bayesian optimization algorithms (BOAs) are an alternative approach for expensive problems but are underdeveloped in terms of support for constraints and non-continuous design variables—both of which are prevalent features of real-world design problems. This study investigates two constraint handling strategies for BOAs and introduces the first BOA for mixed-integer problems, intended for use on a real-world engine design problem. The new BOAs are empirically compared to their closest competitor for this problem—the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II, itself equipped with constraint handling and mixed-integer components. Performance is also analysed on two benchmark problems which have similar features to the engine design problem, but are computationally cheaper to evaluate. The BOAs offer statistically significant convergence improvements of between 5.9% and 31.9% over NSGA-II across the problems on a budget of 500 design evaluations. Of the two constraint handling methods, constrained expected improvement offers better convergence than the penalty function approach. For the engine problem, the BOAs identify improved feasible designs offering 36.4% reductions in nitrogen oxide emissions and 2.0% reductions in fuel consumption when compared to a notional baseline design. The use of constrained mixed-integer BOAs is recommended for expensive engineering design optimization problems.
Highlights:Highlights • Engine design problems are compute-expensive, mixed-integer and constrained. • A multi-objective Bayesian optimizer is extended to solve these type of problems. • Probability of feasibility constraint handling is better than using penalty functions. • The new Bayesian optimizer converges faster than a popular dominance-based algorithm. • The use of feasible and infeasible solutions in the training set improves performance.

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Title:Dynamic firm performance and estimator choice: A comparison of dynamic panel data estimators
Author:Joshua Cave a
Kausik Chaudhuri a
Subal C. Kumbhakar b
a: Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Maurice Keyworth Building, Leeds, LS61AN, UK
b: Department of Economics, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13902, United States
Date:Received 13 July 2021, Accepted 9 September 2022, Available online 17 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Dynamic panel data models are increasingly and extensively used in operational research and performance analysis as researchers seek to better understand the dynamic behaviors of firms. However, estimation of the lagged dependent variable in conjunction with the time-invariant individual effect leads to a number of econometric issues. While several methodologies exist to overcome such complexities, there is little consensus on the appropriate method of estimation. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of different dynamic panel estimators across a range of common settings experienced by researchers. Instead of focusing on one single criterion of assessment, we employ multiple evaluative metrics across multiple experiments to provide a more extensive analysis of dynamic panel estimators. Taking all simulations into account, we find the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator to be the most robust and reliable estimator across empirical settings. We illustrate our findings with two empirical applications and show that the choice of estimator significantly affects the interpretation of firms’ productivity and efficiency persistence.

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Title:Optimal multivariate financial decision making
Author:C. Bernard ab
L. De Gennaro Aquino cd
S. Vanduffel b
a: Department of Accounting, Law and Finance, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
b: Faculty of Economics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
c: Department of Information Systems and Management Engineering, College of Business, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China
d: Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Date:Received 26 September 2021, Accepted 19 September 2022, Available online 27 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract Agents who pursue optimal portfolio choice by optimizing a univariate objective (e.g., an expected utility) obtain optimal payoffs that are increasing with each other (situation of no diversification). This situation may lead to an undesirable level of systemic risk for society. A regulator may consider a global perspective and aim to enforce diversification among the various portfolios by optimizing a suitable multivariate objective. We explain that optimal solutions satisfy a notion of multivariate cost-efficiency and provide an algorithm to obtain multivariate cost-efficient payoffs. We also assess the cost of diversification and provide the strategy that the regulator should pursue for obtaining the desired level of diversification.

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Title:Contractual flexibility, firm effort, and subsidy design: A comparison of PPP project contracts
Author:Zhuo Feng a
Jinbo Song a
Xiaoxing Yang a
Ran Guo b
a: School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
b: Beijing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176, China
Date:Received 3 August 2021, Accepted 20 September 2022, Available online 26 September 2022, Version of Record 19 January 2023.
Abstract:Abstract A growing number of infrastructure projects in developing countries are being provided by private firms through public-private partnership (PPP). We compare rigid and flexible contracts for PPP projects under demand uncertainty, the former of which is not allowed to be adjusted through renegotiation when demand uncertainty materializes while the latter is. In comparing the rigid and the flexible contracts, we highlight their respective strengths of inducing firm effort and adaptation to the uncertainties. We present clear conditions under which each contract type can lead to better performance, measured by firm effort, firm profit, and consumer surplus. We have further investigated the effects of government subsidies on the comparison results. We show that government subsidies are able to improve the comparative advantages of the flexible contract, regardless of subsidy forms. The effects of different government subsidies in improving firm effort to the first-best level under the two contract types are also analyzed.

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Title:Corrigendum to ‘Optimization of personalized price discounting scheme for one-way station-based carsharing systems’ [European Journal of Operational Research 303 (2022) 220–238]
Title:“基于单向站的汽车共享系统的个性化价格折扣方案的优化”勘误[欧洲运筹学杂志303 (2022)220-238]
Author:Si Zhang a
Huijun Sun a
Xu Wang a
Ying Lv a
Jianjun Wu b
a: Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport, Ministry of Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
b: State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
Date:Available online 3 January 2023, Version of Record 19 January 2023.

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