

In dynamic games, one has to distinguish between the notion of an action and a strategy.

For example, if an individual has to decide what to do in the evening and the options are camping in nature or staying at home, then a possible strategy would be “If the weather report predicts dry weather for the evening, then I will go out camping; otherwise, I will stay at home.” After knowing about the weather, the individual would take an action, which is to go camping or to stay at home, depending on the available information. in essence, a strategy can be seen as a mapping from the information available to a player (e.g., the weather report) to the action set of this player (e.g., go camping or stay at home).

Whenever we deal with static games, where information has no role and where the decisions are simultaneous, we do not distinguish between the notions of action and strategy, and so the terms will be used interchangeably.
A constant strategy, e.g., a decision to stay at home regardless of any information, coincides with the notion of an action. As a result, in static games, the choice that a given player makes is independent of any information; thus, in such games, the concepts of an action and a strategy are identical.

本文标签: 动态ActionStrategy