

(Anders artima 访谈系列 , 这是第 5 部分 )


关于 DLL Hell

"The absolute answer, the only way guaranteed to not break anything, is to change nothing."

因此 "Versioning is all about relaxing the rules in the right way and introducing leeway."


对 Interoperability 的定义

"Interoperability means several things. First, it means interoperability between various programming languages in .NET.", "Another aspect of interoperability is interoperability with existing systems."


"The whole world is about putting systems together and making them work."

"And that's why the whole world is so excited about things like web services, because they're a wonderful way to interoperate. And we just think interoperability comes in many forms and we should just push as hard as we can and make it better and easier for systems to interoperate."


可惜, 这篇访谈没有包含我最感兴趣的 managed 与 unmanaged code 间交互的设计思路

本文标签: 笔记InteroperabilityContractsquotConversation