


Unit1 The country

()1. The United States stretches

Ocean in the east.

()2. The Mississippi river is the longest river in the United States.

()3. The Appalachian region is both complicated and varied, containing some of

the highest mountains in North America, but also a vast expanse of intermontane

basins, plateaus, and isolated ranges.

()4. Western Washington and Oregon receive plenty of rain and central California

is noticeably drier in winter.

( )5. New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America.

( )6. Washington D. C. is located in the Southern States Region.

( )7. Many Southerners have a strong sense of regional loyalty and take pride in

the South’s history and tradition.

( )8. The Midwestern States Region is a vast area of generally flat land that covers

from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacific

much of the center of the United States.

( )9. Las Vegas and Reno stand out as “American dreamland”, for they primarily

find wealth through the gambling and entertainment industries.

( )10. Hawaii has the largest land area of all the states, and Alaska has one of

the smallest land areas.

1. The United States of America is the ____________ country in the world in size.

A. Largest B. second-largest

C. third-largest D. fourth-largest

2. ____________ extend from the northern tip of Maine southwestern to Alabama.

A. The Rocky Mountains B. The Appalachian Highlands

C. The Coast Mountains D. The Blue Mountains

3. The climate of the United States is influenced by ____________.

A. the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

B. the Gulf of Mexico

C. the Great Lakes D. All of the above

4. What is the leading commercial crop of the south

A. Cotton. B. Tobacco. C. Sugar cane. D. Rice.

5. What Midwestern city is the automobile capital of the world

A. Chicago. B. Detroit.

C. Milwaukee. D. Cleveland.

6. One of the most important lakes in the United States is _________, which is

the largest fresh water lake in the world.

A. Lake Superior B. Lake Michigan

C. Lake Huron D. Lake Ontario

7. New England lies in __________ of the United States.

A. the northern part B. the southern part

C. the northeastern part D. the southeastern part

8. The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a ___________


A. subtropical B. continental desert

C. maritime D. Mediterranean

9. The smallest state in the United States is ___________.

A. Washington B. Rhode Island

C. Hawaii D. Maryland

10. In the United States, the largest city along the Pacific


A. Los Angeles B. San Francisco

C. Seattle D. Portland

Unit2 History

( )1. The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown,

coast is


in 1607.

( )2.

17 colonies.

( )3. When many thousands of Southerners saw the triumph of Abraham Lincoln

in the 1860 election



()4. The Progressive Movement was a well-organized, unified movement,

as not simply a political defeat but also a threat to all southern

they decided to secede from the

The early British settlers organized the east coast of North America into

and the southern way of life,

demanding government regulation of economy and social condition.

( )5. The Stock Market collapse occurred in 1928 in the United States.

( )6. The Marshall Plan refers to the military and economic aid to Greece and

Turkey in the 1950s.

( )7. Nixon was the second President in American history who resigned.

( )8. The black-white racial chasm in post-Civil-Rights-Movement America was

highlighted by the savage beating of Martin Luther King by white police officers

in 1992.

1. The British established 13 colonies along _________.

A. the west coast of North America

B. the west coast of South America

C. the east coast of North America

D. the east coast of South America

2. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious

political issue endangering the unity of the country because _________.

A. whether or not slavery would expand into the future states formed as a result

of the westward movement would affect the balance of power in the Senate

B. the South insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new


C. the North refused to let slavery spread into new territories

D. the North wanted to put an end to slavery

3. The Progressive Movement wanted to ________ in order to stop big business


A. initiate strict government regulation

B. have the government fix prices

C. break up all the big businesses D. do away with rebates

4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of ____________ .

A. cultural revival B. loss of purpose

C. development in science and technology

D. material success and spiritual frustration

5. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first brought

about by _____________.

A. bank failures B. serious unemployment

C. farm foreclosures D. the stock market crash

6. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to __________.

A. save American democracy and the capitalist system

B. check the worsening of the economic situation

C. help people tide over the difficulty

D. increase American export

7. On June 5, 1947, ________ suggested that the . should offer economic aid to

Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.

A. George Marshall B. Franklin D. Roosevelt

C. George Kennan D. Harry Truman

8. At the time of Cuban Missile

A. Truman B. Eisenhower

Crisis, the President of the . was ____________.

C. Kennedy D. Johnson

9. New Frontier and Great Society were programs initiated by _______.

A. President Kennedy B. President Johnson

C. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectively

D. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively

10. The conservatism during Reagan’s administration

A. the New Left B. the New Right

C. the New Frontier D. the New Freedom

Unit3 The American identity

()1. In the United States, the major source of population

birth rate.

()2. In the United States, the largest minority


()3. In the United States, the fastest-growing group is the Asian-American


()4. Native Americans have a low school dropout rate.

()5. The three major Hispanic groups are the Mexican-Americans, the Puerto

Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.

()6. The Puerto Ricans are American citizens.

()7. The first

were the Japanese.

()8. Today the Indians are only allowed to live on reservations.

()9. Traditionally, the mainstream Americans were called WASP.

Asians to arrive in the United States in significant numbers

group is the African-American

growth is the rising

was known as _____________.

current situation of African-Americans presents


A. a favorable picture B. a negative picture

C. a mixed picture D. a positive picture

2. Although discrimination has been legally abolished, ________.

A. discrimination in employment still exists

B. discrimination in university admission still exists

C. poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groups

D. inequality and subtle discrimination still exist

3. The Cuban-Americans mainly live in ______.

A. Florida B. Texas

C. Louisiana D. Alabama

4. Some people say Asian-Americans owe their success to the

the following EXCEPT ________.

A. family B. hard work

C. education D. Discrimination

5. Now about 80% to 90% of immigration to the United

States is from _______.

A. Asian and Hispanic countries

B. African countries C. European countries

D. Central and South American countries

6. The first immigrants in American history came from __________.

A. England and the Netherlands B. Ireland

C. West Germany D. East Europe

7. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United

States, the largest group is _______.

A. the Puerto Ricans

B. the Mexican-Americans

C. the Cuban-Americans

D. the Central and South American immigrants

8. Among the major Hispanic groups in the United

Asian tradition of

States, ________ have the highest social status.

A. the Chicanos B. the Cuban-Americans

C. the Puerto-Ricans

D. the Latin American immigrants

9. The Native Americans are __________.

A. the Indians B. the whites

C. the blacks D. the Hispanics

Unit4 political institutions

()1. The Constitution of the United States, after its adoption, has never

been revised.

()2. According to the Constitution, the federal government is responsible

for addressing questions that affect the nation as a whole as well as individual


()3. Separation of power is designed to prevent the government from being

too strong.

() 4. The . government is divided into four branches: the legislative, the

presidency, the bureaucracy and the judiciary.

()5. The Supreme Court has the right to declare laws and actions of the federal,

state, and local governments unconstitutional.

)6. Candidates for the presidency can only be chosen from political

)7. The . President has great executive power but no legislative power.

)8. Congressmen serve a term of six years while Senators serve a term of


two years.

()9. The Democrats are thought of as associated with business,

Anglo-Americans, and the rich.

()10. The number of Senators from each state is based upon its population.

1. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in ________.

A. all kinds of cases

B. cases involving foreign citizens

C. cases involving a state

D. Both B and C

2. Political parties are the basis of the American political

system, _________.

A. but there is no provision in the Constitution for

political parties

B. and the Constitution has clear provision

C. but the founding fathers had strong apprehension

of political parties

D. Both A and C

3. The two major parties today have ______

differences in policy concentration.

A. no B. little C. some D. Great

4. The writers of the Constitution worked out the checks and

to _______.

A. prevent the government from misusing its power

B. prevent the government from being strong

C. pacify those who opposed the Constitution

D. meet the demands of small states

5. The President of the United States is elected _____.

A. indirectly by the electors B by Congress

C. directly by the voters D. None of the above.

6. . President can serve ________ term(s).

A. only one B. two

balances in order

C. more than two D. as many as four

7. The . President’s appointments have to be

approved by ________.

A. the House of Representatives B. the Senate

C. the Cabinet D. the Supreme Court

8. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of

one Chief Justice and ______ Associate Justices.

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 10

9. The two major political parties in the United States

are _______.

A. the Democratic Party and the Labor Party

B. the Federalist Party and the Democratic Party

C. the Federalist Party and the Republican Party

D. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party

10. The . Congress has the power to override the

president’s veto by a _____ majority.

A. 2/3 B. 3/4 C. 3/5 D. 4/5

Unit5 Economy

()1. Since the . economy is based on free enterprise, there is little

government involvement in the economy.

)2. The United States is the world

)3. In the 18th century,

’s leading maker of industrial goods.

in producing the New England colonies specialized

tobacco from plantations.

()4. While most Americans embraced the idea of money-making and held

businessmen in great admiration, they resented big businesses successful

monopolizing any industry in any form.

()5. By 1956, a majority of . workers held blue-collar rather than

white-collar jobs.

()6. Many urban Americans, particularly Blacks and Hispanics, found the

postwar prosperity inaccessible to them.

)7. The American West is now an important region for corn and wheat.

)8. While manufacturing giants such as IBM and General Electronic enjoy

worldwide reputation as the pillars of the American economy, the . economy is by

no means one dominated by giant corporations.

()9. As the number of workers employed in the traditional manufacturing

industries has declined, union membership has dropped in recent years.

1. The United States ranks ________ in the world in the

total value of its economic production.

A. first B. second C. third D. Fourth

2. The following are the factors that have contributed to

the development of the . economy EXCEPT


A. the vast space and resources of the land

B. the ideals of freedom and economic opportunity

C. English as its national language

D. hard work by the people

3. What is America’s most important food crop

A. Corn. B. Rice. C. Barley D. Oat.

4. Service industries account for more than _________ of the . gross domestic


A. a third B. half

C. two thirds D. three fourth

5. The westward expansion is a demonstration of

American ________.

A. Individualism B. patriotism

C. Liberalism D. Expansionism

6. Hamilton believed that the United States should

pursue economic growth through the following

EXCEPT ________.

A. shipping B. manufacturing

C. banking D. slavery

7. With the arrival of the 20th century, the United States

became increasingly urbanized, particularly in the

_________ cities.

A. Northeast B. Northwest C. Southeast

D. Southwest8. The American South is a center of the following

traditional crops EXCEPT _________.

A. tobacco B. corn C. cotton D. wheat

9. As the world’s leading maker of industrial goods, the

’s . now produces around _________ of the world

industrial products.

A. 20% B. 25% C. 30% D. 35%

10. In the United States, the following areas tend to

specialize in high-tech and computer industries

EXCEPT ________.

A. Northeast B. Midwest

C. Northwest D. Southwest

Unit6 social service

()1. In the United States, the social security system provides assistance

to people with financial problems.

()2. In the United States, Medicare provides virtually free treatment for

all American citizens.

()3. Social security is the nearly universal retirement program for Americans,

with about 92 percent of people aged 60 and over receiving benefits.

()4. Since 1996, welfare responsibility under AFDC has been passed to the

states, which receive federal grants to run their own programs.

()5. The Social Security Administration organizes the distribution of food

and food stamps through state and local governments.

()6. Since government-sponsored welfare programs are essential to the needy

and the poor, they are quite adequate in confronting the poverty issue.

()7. Child Welfare League of America is the largest privately-funded

childcare agency in the United States, providing shelter and service to homeless

and runaway youth.

()8. In the United States, most employees and their families are normally

insured for health care through public insurance programs.

()9. Medicaid program provides federal grants to states for the free

treatment of the elderly.

()10. In the United States, two-thirds of the housing units in the

“single-family dwellings”.private sector are

1. The American social security system includes the

following programs EXCEPT _________.

A. OASDHI B. Medicare

C. Medicaid D. Unemployment Compensation

2. Americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of _________.

A. 55 B. 60 C. 65 D. 70

3. The main federal welfare programs in the USA

consist of the following programs EXCEPT


A. Medicaid B. AFDC

C. Food Stamps D. Medicare

4. Which of the following belongs to the religious welfare organization


C. CCHD. D. Ford Foundation.

5. Among private foundations, which has become

increasingly prominent in private charity activity

A. Rockefeller Foundation.

B. Ford Foundation. C. Buffett Foundation.

D. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about

American health care services

A. A sizable number of Americans still remain uninsured.

B. The . has top-quality medical facilities.

C. Medicaid covers only about 40 percent of the poor nationwide.

D. Compared with other developed countries, the

United States spends less on health care.

7. According to the healthcare reform proposed during

the Obama administration, the government will require

most Americans to have health insurance by _______.

A. 2011 B. 2012 C. 2013 D. 2014

8. Homes and houses give Americans the following

sense EXCEPT ________.

A. possession B. material satisfaction

C. personal identification D. freedom

Unit7 the legal system

()1. The . Constitution defines the organization of a court system, including

a Supreme Court and inferior courts.

)2. In the United States, each state has one district court.

)3. District courts are the only national courts that use grand juries and

petit juries.

)4. All national courts can review decisions of state courts.

)5. At the national level, government prosecution is the responsibility

of the Supreme Court.

)6. The . attorneys are appointed for life terms to the district courts.

)7. Anglo-American Common Law is based on the supposed reasonable person’

s view of what is right and fair.

)8. In the United States, all cases should be tried with a jury.

)9. A unanimous decision is needed for a grand jury to make a decision.

)10. Federal crimes are mainly the responsibility of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

1. There are currently ________ district courts in the United States.

A. 52 B. 54 C. 92 D. 94

2. There are currently _______ courts of appeals in the United States.

A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13

3. __________ argues cases for the government before the Supreme Court.

A. Chief Justice of Supreme Court

B. Attorney General C. Solicitor General

D. President of the United States

4. District judgeships are filled by the President with the consent of _________.

A. Chief Justice of Supreme Court

B. Attorney General C. the Senate

D. the House of Representatives

5. Generally, the trial jury consists of _______ ordinary citizens.

A. 1-6 B. 6-12 C. 12-23 D. 23-30

6. Generally, the grand jury consists of _______ ordinary citizens.

A. 1-6 B. 6-12 C. 12-23 D. 23-30

and _______ associate justices.7. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

8. In the United States, people between the ages of _______ are the most inclined

age group to commit crimes.

A. 11-19 B. 19

C. 24-45 D. 45



9. In some urban areas in the United States, murder is the main cause of death

among non-White males between the ages of ________.

A. 11-19 B. 19-24 C. 24-45 D. 45-54

10. As a rule, the implementation of state law is carried out by the police

and detectives in the city, and by _______ in rural areas.

A. Sheriffs B. Constables

Unit8 Education

)1. Americans generally hold that everyone is entitled to education.

)2. Americans believe that education is beneficial to individuals and

C. Magistrates D. both A and B

society as a whole.

is free.

)4. American education system is characterized by diversity.

)5. According to the . Constitution, education is the responsibility of

)3. In the United States, public education at elementary and secondary level

the federal government.

)6. There is little similarity in the education system of the 50 states.

)7. The state board of education is responsible for the education policy

of the state.

()8. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States is Harvard


()9. Junior colleges offer only . degrees.

()10. The affirmative action program aims to help ethnic

minorities in elementary and secondary education.

1. To many Americans, education is important because _____________.

A. it contributes to the success of individuals

B. it contributes to the strengthening of national strength

C. it prepares the young people for future development

D. Both A and B

2. In the United States, public schools at the elementary and secondary level

are ______________.

A. free B. compulsory

C. open to all D. Both A and C

3. American schools fall into two categories, namely, _______________.

A. public and private schools

B. academic and vocational schools

C. coeducation and single sex schools

D. national and state-run schools

4. In the United States, education policies are made by ______________.

A. the federal government

B. the state board of education

C. local school district

and racial

D. board of trustees

5. The governing board of school district is responsible for _______________.

A. the hiring of teachers and staff

B. the designing of a suitable curriculum

C. the compiling and approving of budget

D. All of the above

6. There is _______________ difference(s) in tuition rates between public and

private institutions of higher learning in the .

A. no B. significant C. Some D. not much

7. The community college _______________.

A. offers bachelor degrees B. offers associate degrees

C. offers master degrees D. Both A and B

8. Elementary and secondary education in the . covers _______ years.

A. 9 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14

9. Admission to an educational


A. the institution itself B. the state board of education

C. the local authority D. the federal government

10. The following are the public policies and legal decisions emphasizing

special rights for ethnic and linguistic minorities in the area of education EXCEPT

institution in the U. S. is determined by


A. Bilingual Education Act B. Proposition 227

C. affirmative action program D. No Child Left Behind Act

Unit9 Religion in American life

()1. In comparison with other Western countries, America is less religious

in terms of church attendance and financial commitment to church organizations.

()2. At the time when the United States was founded, it was the Catholic

branch of the Christian faith that had the strongest influence on the development

of the religious climate in the United States.

()3. The Pilgrims tried to create a community in which life would be guided

by God’s will and deviations from His will in any shape or form would never be


)4. America became “the Kingdom of God” by the end of the 17th century.

)5. In the 19th century, Americans stopped talking about the importance

of religious values for their national identity.

()6. According to the . Constitution, church and state are separate in their

role and function.

()7. Historically, church and state in the United States has never interacted

to each other.

()8. A growing trend in American religious life is that religion has become

increasingly secularized.

()9. In the United States, mainstream Protestant denominations have lost

ground to Catholic denominations.

()10. Post-war Evangelism has attempted to use its influence to restore some

sense of community in a society.

1. The Catholic faith was first brought to the North American continent by


A. the Portuguese B. the English C. the French D. the Spanish

2. The great waves of Jewish immigration

United States a major center of Judaism.

A. 1836 B. 1863 C. 1936 D. 1963

3. By the end of the 17th century,


A. Protestantism B. Catholicism C. Puritanism D.

______________ had already begun to lose its

started in ______________ and made the


4. The First Great Awakening of ______________ provided the opportunity for a

fresh reaffirmation of God’s role in directing the fortunes of His chosen people.

A. the 17th century B. the 18th century

C. the 19th century D. the 20th century

5. The Second Great Awakening of ______________ exerted a profound impact both

on the scale of church membership and on the range of American sectarianism.

A. the 17th century B. the 18th century

C. the 19th century D. the 20th century

6. The _______________ Amendment of Constitution states that

make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free

exercise thereof.”

“Congress shall

A. First B. Second C. Tenth D. Twentieth

7. Which of the following minority religions is deemed by the mainstream religion

to advocate or practice kinds of beliefs against the public interest

A. Islam. B. Hinduism. C. Mormonism. D. Zenism.

8. The following mainstream Protestant denominations have recently witnessed

significant loss of members EXCEPT ________________.

A. Methodists B. Episcopalians C. Presbyterians D. Evangelistsv

9. Post-war Evangelicalism


A. telephone B. music C. television D. Movies

10. Which of the following contemporary religious groups is relying upon big

rallies to draw Christian men together




“Saved” Christians. B.

Promise Keepers.


D. Seventh-Day

has made effective use of __________ to reach massive

Unit10 Private life in American

()1. Most Americans have an ambition to own their own house on a little

’s difficult for them to have that ambition materialized.

of the so-called post-industrial society, Americans


of property, but it

(02. After the arrival

started to move to the city.

()3. Most Americans live in mobile homes which function as prefabricated

housing units in stationary settings.

()4. Many poor American families expect their children to find part-time

jobs, especially as they enter their teens.

()5. Parties for children and for grown-ups are constantly occupying the

leisure hours of Americans.

()6. In the United States, high-brow arts get most of the financial backing

from the government.

()7. In the United States, popular culture outshines classical culture in

audience size and in public influence.

)8. Today’s preeminent spectator game in America is baseball.

)9. American football was derived from the British game of soccer.

)10. Baseball is adapted by the Americans from the English cricket to their

own tastes.

1. For most Americans, one of the first activities at home is to _______________.

A. watch TV B. do repair work

C. surf on the Internet D. drink coffee

2. The following are

EXCEPT ________________.

A. washing and waxing floors B. mowing the lawn

C. keeping the car(s) clean D. Babysitting

3. The following are part-time jobs expected to be done by American children

“chores” assigned to the children in American families

EXCEPT _________.

A. mowing lawns B. delivering newspapers

C. taxi driving D. Babysitting

4. The following are the leisure activities outside the home for American adults

EXCEPT ___________.




A. playing bowling B. playing soccer

public service activities D. attending church-related

5. The following are the leisure activities outside the home for American

children EXCEPT ________.

A. taking lessons B. traveling overseas C. horseback riding D.


6. One out of every ______ Americans donates some part of their


A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

7. The following belong to high-brow culture EXCEPT ___________.

A. classical music B. Ballet C. opera D. Movies

8. The following remain high on the domestic vocational destination list in the

time as

minds of most Americans EXCEPT ________________.

A. Walt Disney World B. New York

C. the Yellowstone National Park D. the Grand Canyon

9. The following are the


A. basketball B. football C. baseball D. Volleyball

10. The Super Bowl is a game for _______________.

A. basketball B. football C. baseball D. volleyball

“four major sports” in the United States EXCEPT

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