



1. ambassador to 驻…的大使

2. access to 能进入…;能接近…;有接近…的方法、权利或机会

e.g.: the access to a building到达(或进入)大楼的通路

have no access to education没有受教育的机会

3. barrier / obstacle to …的障碍

e.g.: an obstacle to progress进步的障碍

(set up / remove a barrier between 再…中间设置/拆除障碍)

4. adherence to 对…的坚持

(adhere to the original plan坚持原来的计划)

5. clue to …的线索

e.g.: give / find a clue to the case提供 / 找到关于…的线索

6. admission to 允许进入…

e.g.: admission to a school准许入学


7. concession to 对…的让步

e.g.: make a concession to 对…让步

(concede to sb. 对某人让步)

8. assent to 对…的同意

e.g.: give one’s assent to a proposal同意某人的建议

(assent vi. to one’s proposal)

9. door to (open the doors to 向…开门)

e.g.: open the door(s) to a visitor为来客开门

This agreement opens the door to advances in technology.


10. journey / trip / voyage / visit / excursion / visitor to swh. 到某地的旅行/拜访/远足/拜访

11. road / way to通向…的路

approach to 通向…的近路,入门;途径


本文标签: 进入近路机会找到拜访