




One day student was walking with a teacher and they noticed a pair of old shoes. They thought the "shoes might

belong to a poor farmer. The owner of the shoes was working in a field-nearby and had nearly finished his work.

The student said to the teacher, "Let's play a joke on the man. We hide his shoes, and wait to see what he will do

when he cannot find them."

"My young friend," answered the teacher,'we should never make fun of others. Instead, put a coin into each shoe,

and watch what will happen. "

The student did so, and hid nearby.

The farmer soon came back to get his shoes,but when he put his foot into one of his shoes and felt something hard,

he found the coin.

Surprise appeared on his face. He looked at the coin, And then looked around, but no person was to be seen. He

then began to put on the other shoe, but his surprise was doubled on finding the second coin

He then fell on his knees,looked up to heaven and said aloud thanks. In the thanks he spoke of his wife who was in

poor health,and his children without bread.

The student stood there silent, his eyes filled -with tears . "Now," said the teacher, "are you not much more pleased

than if you had played your joke?"

The young man replied, "You've taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I've really got the true meaning of the

words that I have never understood before: It's better to give than to receive."

49. The old shoes belonged to .

A. the student B. the teacher C. the farmer D. the farmer's wife

50. What did the student do one day?

A. He played a joke on the farmer. B. He made fun of the poor farmer.

C. He hid the farmer's shoes for a joke. D. He put a com into each shoe of the farmer.

51. When the farmer saw the coins in his shoes, he .

A. began to cry B. was very surprised

C. thanked the student D. knew it was a joke

52. What did the student learn from the story?

A. Better to give than to receive. B. Receiving should come first.

C, Show your thanks in rime. D. Money is better than jokes.


When 12-year-old Helen received a lot of money on her birthday she knew exactly what she wanted to buy: a pair

of LuluLemon trousers that her mom wouldn't buy because they were too expensive.

"We went to the store together,Helenas mom, Kate remembers, "but she gave up. When it was her own money, she

felt they were too expensive, after all.

That story well explains why kids should have some money of their own ― not for lunch or movies, but for the

things that they dream of. Because they "don't really understand what it means to pay $ 100 for a pair of trousers until it's

their $ 100.

"Kids get excited about receiving money because it gives them the chance to decide what to buy," says Lana, a

manager of the Yonge and Eglinton CIBC in Toronto. "Kids are more interested in money, which means there is a need

for parents to teach them."

If kids are given some money a week or a month, it will do them good, because they will learn how to "use money.

But Lana has other suggestions :

Help them plan. "If there's a big-ticket item your child wants'" says Lana, "help him plan how long it will take him

to save enough money for that, and how much he should save each week."

Help them earn . Tell kids the ways they can make their money, for instance, they can help do the housework.

53. What did Helen get on her birthday?

A. Flowers. B. Trousers. C. Books. D. Money.

54. Helen didn’t buy the trousers because they were

A. not nice B. a little short C. expensive D. too big


55.. The underlined words "a big-ticket item" might mean .

A. something that costs much B. something new C. something that costs little D. something heavy

56. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Make More Money B. Learn How to Manage Money

C. Money Is Very Important D. Keep Kids Away from Money


Different countries have different cultures. Be careful with the following mistakes and try to avoid them while

going abroad.

Taking off Your Shoes Or Not

It's bad manners to take off your shoes at the door of a London dinner party. But in Asia if you don't take off your

shoes before entering a home, you are not polite enough.

What You Should Do Instead: If you see a row of shoes at the door, take off your shoes. If not, keep the shoes on.

Talking Over Dinner

In some countries, like Japan, don't start talking while everyone else is having dinner. You'll meet with silence—

not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not Talking. Also don't talk in places like

churches in Europe.

What You Should Do Instead : Keep quiet !

Knowing Your Right from Your Left

Some cultures in Africa and the Middle East still like to eat in traditional ways― using their hands. When people

eat in this way, food is often offered for several people to share at the same time. That is why it's important to wash your

hands before eating. While eating, you have to follow the rule: Eat using your right hand, and use your left hand to do

other things. Another thing to remember: Eat the food that's closest to you. Do not put your hand into the center of the


What You Should Do Instead :Left-handed ? "Even children who are left-handed in these cultures are taught

to eat with their right hands. So follow the others and use your right hand. If you really can't, explain yourself to others

before you eat.

When you are on the ground of a different country, watch how the people there behave . Never be surprised by

anything, try to take it. After all, we are all very different.

57. It is good manners to take off your shoes before entering a home in .

A. Europe B. Africa C. the Middle East D. Asia

58. Which is not talked about in the passage?

A. Eating using right hand. B. Talking over dinner.

C. Touching somebody or not. D. Taking off shoes or not

59. Which is bad manners at a traditional dinner in some African cultures?

A. Eating using your right hand. B. Using your left hand while eating.

C. Eating the food closest to you. D. Washing your hands before eating.

60. The passage is about how to deal with different

A. cultures B. countries C. activities D. foods

77.电视占据了青少年过多空闲时间,影响他们健康成长。有人倡议开展"关闭电视一周(TV Turn off Week)"的活

动。于是,同学们在英语课堂上以此话题展开讨论,请你以"My TV-Turn off Week"为题写一篇发言稿。


2.关掉电视后的活动安排及理由。 注意事项:词数80 —100左右;文中不能出现.真实的学校,班级和姓名。

可参考词汇:TV program, sports show, spend, interesting, helpful, .necessary


本文标签: 电视英语课堂学校时间活动