






Each generation -- from Baby Boomers to Generation X to Millennials -- has its own set of values

and characteristics. But one thing common to all generations is that they are suffering from stress. In a

recent poll by the American Psychological Association ( APA), all age groups now report higher levels of

stress than in the past. Baby Boomers (those born roughly between 1946 and 1964, and who are now

moving into their retirement years) said that they are stressed about earnings and health issues. Gen Xers

(born roughly between 1965 and 1980) are concerned about work, income, and job stability. However,

Millennials (born roughly between 1981 and 2004) are turning out to be the most stressed-out of all the

generations. Poll results indicate that stress levels for these younger respondents are significantly above

average. So what's worrying the Millennials?

56. It can be learned from the results of the APA poll that

A. All age groups are experiencing more stress than before

B. Millennials have more stress than before, but other age groups aren't

C. Compared with other age groups, Millennials have more overprotective parents

D. Stress levels are down for all age groups, but they're down the most for Millennials


细节理解题。由第一段第三句内容In a recent poll by the American Psychological Association (APA),

all age groups now report higher levels of stress than in the past可知,各年龄段的人现如今都比以前经





Each generation -- from Baby Boomers to Generation X to Millennials -- has its own set of values

and characteristics. But one thing common to all generations is that they are suffering from stress. In a

recent poll by the American Psychological Association ( APA), all age groups now report higher levels of

stress than in the past. Baby Boomers (those born roughly between 1946 and 1964, and who are now

moving into their retirement years) said that they are stressed about earnings and health issues. Gen Xers

(born roughly between 1965 and 1980) are concerned about work, income, and job stability. However,

Millennials (born roughly between 1981 and 2004) are turning out to be the most stressed-out of all the

generations. Poll results indicate that stress levels for these younger respondents are significantly above

average. So what's worrying the Millennials?

Millennials are the first generation to grow in with computers in the home and the classroom. Due to

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the rise of modern technology and social media, they are constantly showered with information. Over time,

this information overload can become too much to handle and can result in stress, which in turn can cause

serious physical, psychological, and emotional problems. Another contributing factor, according to author

Michael D. Hais, is that many Millennials have lived sheltered lives due to overprotective parents. These

young adults lack problem-solving skills and may struggle with fear of failure once they leave home.

Making matters worse, the 2008 economic depression occurred when many Millennials were graduating

from high school or college. The resulting economic slowdown reduced the number of available jobs for

graduates. Sure enough, in the APA poll, Millennials said that work, money, relationships, family

responsibilities, and the economy are the main stressors in their lives.

57. is a cause of worry across all generations.

A. Health

B. Occupation

C. Money

D. Weak economy


细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,Baby Boomers 受到的是earnings和health issues的压力,Gen

Xers担心的是work, income and job stability。第二段内容讲的是Millennials的压力,最后一句总结

了压力来源是work, money, relationships, family responsibilities, and the economy,由此三类人共同





On the night of September 19, 1961, Betty Hill and her husband Barney were driving home through

the White Mountains from Niagara Falls. They were travelling on a nearly deserted two-lane highway

when Betty noticed a steady light in the sky that was getting bigger and brighter

She thought it was a planet or a star. Barney, stimulated at her excitement, said it was probably just a

wandering aeroplane. Whatever it was, it appeared to be following them.

they saw the strange object in the sky, Barney and Betty Hill_____.

A. were astonished at its strange flight and noise

B. regarded it as just a wandering car following them

C. realized immediately what the danger it might cause

D. showed curiosity in discovering what it really was


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