





My Super Awesome Summer Vacation

Last summer was the best summer ever! I had so much fun

and did a ton of cool stuff. First, my family went on an amazing

vacation to Hawaii. We stayed in this really nice hotel right on the

beach in Maui. The hotel had several huge pools, a waterslide,

and a lazy river. It was awesome!

Every morning, I woke up and the first thing I did was go

swimming in one of the pools. The water was warm and perfect

for swimming. After swimming for a while, my parents and I went

to the breakfast buffet. They had every kind of breakfast food

you can imagine - pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit, cereal,

you name it! I piled my plate super high and stuffed myself.

After breakfast, we spent time on the beautiful sandy beach.

I loved playing in the waves and building sandcastles. My dad

showed me how to bodysurf and I got the hang of it pretty

quickly. We also went snorkeling one day and saw so many

colorful fish and coral. It was like being in an aquarium, but


In the afternoons, we often went on adventures around the

island. One day, we hiked through a lush, green rainforest to a

amazing waterfall. The waterfall was huge and we could swim in

the pool at the bottom. Another day, we took a boat tour around

the island and saw whales breaching! On our last day, we went

ziplining through the trees. It was a little scary at first but ended

up being a total blast.

After spending a week in Maui, we flew to the big island of

Hawaii. This island was more volcanoes and lava than beaches.

The first day there, we went on a tour of the Volcanoes National

Park. I got to walk through a lava tube and see steam vents with

hot air and smoke coming out. It felt like I was on another planet!

The highlight was going to see the active volcano at night.

The orange glow of super hot molten lava was unbelievable. I

had never seen anything like it! We cooked marshmallows over

one of the steam vents too. They were the best s'mores ever.

After the volcano tour, we went luau. A luau is a big Hawaiian

party with music, dancing, and a delicious roasted pig you eat

with your hands. The dancing and fire performers were so

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