



Glucocorticoid modulates multiple important physiological and pharmacol-

ogical processes, in addition to the classic genomic model of glucocorticoid action.


Except for its role in adhesion, L-selectin can serve as a signal transduction

molecule.发挥作用的英语短语篇3 这是一个需要集体承担的责任,我们大家都可以发挥


This is a collective responsibility;

all of us have a role to play. 他说:“我认为,这可能是历史上一个不同寻常的时

刻,使非洲成为 一个希望的大陆,世行可以在这方面发挥作用。

I think this may be an extraordinary moment in history where Africa can

become a continent ofhope and the Bank can play a role in that. 如果我们开始在每

天的生活中采取一些小措施来留意我们对塑料的 使用,我们就可以在减少塑料依赖性中发


We can all play a role in reducing our dependence on plastic, if we started to

take some smallsteps in our everyday lives to be mindful of our plastic use. 这件事


This was the epitome of the "open source" leadership model in action. 每人必


People have to play all positions on the field. 他们这样做是因为他们认为,人们

在对自己的生活产生影响的决策中 发挥作用是一项民主权利。

They do this because they believe that it is a democratic right for people to

have a role indeciding issues that affect them. 这些低落的情绪影响我们发挥作用,可

能会干扰我们的目标、工作和 家庭生活。

These low feelings affect how we function they can interfere with our goals,

work and family life. 该调查认为,即使所有此类排放到2100年都停止,气候升温机在

未来 数百年仍将继续发挥作用。

Even if all these emissions were stopped by 2100, the warming machine would

continue tofunction for centuries to come, says the investigation.在考虑何时提供错


Several factors come into play as you consider when to provide error messages.


In fact, the market economy can function only if the state does intervene. 为

了让经理在新模式中发挥作用,组织必须重新定义经理的角色和对 经理的期待。

In order for managers to be effective in this new mode, the organization must

redefine the roleand expectations of the manager. 患这种病的患者眼睛中的光受体不


In this disease light receptors in the eye cease to function.

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