


task. It doesn't teach you how to make important decisions. Employers tend to demand more from their employees than the

ability to perform a task. Our world needs workers who pay constant attention to high standards for their performance. It is

evident that far too many people today are focusing on making money and not on improving themselves. What puzzles me is

why people should ignore contributions to the good of humanity while making money. It is only rational a person who gives to

the world enjoys the benefits. After all, our civilization simply can't be built on the principle of making money alone. In

summary, we must educate our young people to understand and love the world around them. This is the only way to ensure a

better tomorrow.

Unit 9

Nobody has ev er had to tell me to get out of bed. My number one asset has always been that I am much more ambitious than

most. The way I see it, life is too short tomake periodical concessions to comfort and fun. If you want to accomplish something

remarkable, you've got to stay motivated and constantly work toward your goals. My goal has been to become a(n) journalist

since I was a young boy. When I was eight, my father said, "That field of work is too competitive for you. You should be more

realistic about your prospects and abilities." I didn't want to deceive myself about how hard it would be, so I started that day

by getting a job delivering newspapers. I departed from home every morning at 4:30 to do my work before school. I was

fascinated with the printing machines so I always arrived to work early to ask questions. I wasn't much of a scholar, so I

eventually ended up enrolling in an average university. Still, I was keen on becoming a reporter and did not give up my

dream. I wrote for the school newspaper and when I graduated, took a job sorting mail with a local media company. I later

convinced them to give me a chance to write some simple articles. That's how I got my start.

he wars of the past.

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