


The Nile River

The Nile is the world's longest river at 4,135 miles. It has two sources, one at Lake

Victoria, in Uganda (the White Nile) and one at Lake Tana, in Ethiopia (the Blue


The entire Nile River Delta is estimated to drain an area of 1,293,000 square miles.

This area is so vast that is has a number of different climate areas. North, in Egypt and

Sudan, rainfall is sparse. More to the south, in and around Ethiopia, rainfall is heavy,

contributing to the floodwaters that rush downstream and eventually create the

wonderfully fertile soil that supports so much of life in Egypt and Sudan. Dams, the

most notable being the Aswan High Dam, have been built along the route to prevent

massive flooding of populated areas.

The Nile River Delta is home to many species of animals, including crocodiles, turtles,

baboons, wildebeest, and more than 300 species of birds, including fishing eagles, ibis,

and the Nile Valley Sunbird.

The ancient Egyptians called the river Ar or Aur, meaning "black," because of the

black sediment left behind after the frequent river floods. The ancient Greeks called

the river Kem, which translates into "black" as well. But it is as Nile that we know this

river today. Nile comes from the Greek Neilos, which means "river valley."

The people who lived along the Nile in ancient times used the river for agriculture and

transportation. That hasn't changed, although the methods of agriculture and

transportation have. Steam ships are still used in Egypt and Sudan, to transport goods.

Facts About the Nile River




Countries Flows Through

Major Cities Flows


4,135 miles

Lake Victoria, Uganda; Lake Tana, Ethiopia

Mediterranean Sea, off Egypt

Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya,

Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi

Cairo, Karhtoum, Aswan, Luxor, Alexandria, Egypt

Where Name Comes From

Greek word Nelios, which means "River Valley"

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