




{0:00:58}{0:01:01}An inhospitable wasteland.

{0:01:01}{0:01:05}But even here,|on the earth's

{0:01:05}{0:01:07}we find life.

{0:01:14}{0:01:15}And not just any life.


{0:01:22}{0:01:26}Joyous, frolicking, waddling,|cute and cuddly life.


{0:01:30}{0:01:33}tumbling onto their chubby bum-bums.

{0:01:33}{0:01:36}Who could take these|frisky little


{0:01:37}{0:01:40}Does anyone even know|where we're marching to?

{0:01:40}{0:01:42}- Who cares?|- I question nothing.

{0:01:42}{0:01:43}- Me, too.|- Me, too!

{0:01:43}{0:01:44}Well, fine!

{0:01:44}{0:01:47}We'll just fly to the front of the line|and see for ourselves.

{0:01:47}{0:01:51}Kowalski! Rico!|Engage aerial surveillance.

{0:01:53}{0:01:54}Here we go!|Doing it! Come on!

{0:01:55}{0:01:57}Skipper, we appear to be flightless.

{0:01:57}{0:01:58}Well, what's the point of these?

{0:02:03}{0:02:07}I like it!|Hey, this could be our thing!

{0:02:09}{0:02:12}What are we gonna call it?|Let's call it the "high one."

{0:02:13}{0:02:16}Hey, did anybody see that?|That's an egg!

{0:02:16}{0:02:17}Is someone gonna go get it?

{0:02:17}{0:02:18}We can't do that.

{0:02:18}{0:02:19}Why not?

{0:02:19}{0:02:23}Well, it's a dangerous world out there,|and we're just penguins.

{0:02:23}{0:02:26}You know, nothing but cute and cuddly.

{0:02:26}{0:02:29}Yeah! Why do you think there are always|documentary crews filming us?

{0:02:32}{0:02:35}Well, sorry, kid.|We lose a few eggs every year.

{0:02:35}{0:02:36}It's just nature.

{0:02:36}{0:02:38}Oh, right. Nature.

{0:02:38}{0:02:41}I guess that

{0:02:42}{0:02:48}but something deep down in my gut|tells me that it makes no sense at all.

{0:02:48}{0:02:51}You know what?|I reject nature!

{0:02:53}{0:02:55}Who's with me?

{0:03:38}{0:03:42}The old ship.|No one's ever returned from there alive.

{0:03:44}{0:03:46}Relax, Kowalski.|There's a bird down there now.

{0:03:46}{0:03:48}Look, he's fine.

{0:03:51}{0:03:54}Leopard seals.|Nature's snakes.

{0:03:54}{0:03:56}Aren't snakes "nature's snakes"?

{0:03:56}{0:03:59}How should I know?|I live on the flipping frozen tundra!

{0:04:01}{0:04:04}They're going for the egg!|Give me a way down there, ASAP!

{0:04:04}{0:04:07}All one would have to do|is collect 300 feet

{0:04:07}{0:04:12}Tiny and helpless,|the baby penguins are frozen with fear.

{0:04:12}{0:04:17}They know if they fall from this cliff,|they will surely die.

{0:04:17}{0:04:20}Gunter, give them a shove.

{0:04:21}{0:04:24}...harnessing the jellyfish we've trained|to obey simple voice commands.

{0:04:26}{0:04:27}Now, that's more like it!

{0:04:40}{0:04:42}That-a-boy, Rico!

{0:04:42}{0:04:43}Don't let them have it!

{0:04:45}{0:04:48}Okay!|I guess that works.

{0:04:52}{0:04:53}Get to high ground!



{0:05:06}{0:05:07}I'd recommend firing it now!

{0:05:07}{0:05:08}Nope. Hold on.

{0:05:09}{0:05:10}We really should fire it!

{0:05:10}{0:05:12}Not till we see the white of its eyes.

{0:05:12}{0:05:14}They're mostly pupil.|Very little white! Almost none!

{0:05:14}{0:05:16}They gotta have a little bit of white,|right?

{0:05:16}{0:05:17}None whatsoever!

{0:05:17}{0:05:19}What if they look really far|to the left?

{0:05:21}{0:05:23}Fire in the hole!

{0:05:39}{0:05:42}Kowalski, analysis?

{0:05:43}{0:05:46}We are really awesome at this!

{0:05:48}{0:05:50}Boys, we did it!|Mission accomplished.

{0:05:50}{0:05:53}Hey, we could do our thing!|High one!


{0:06:02}{0:06:03}My bad!

{0:06:05}{0:06:08}Look, it's the miracle of birth!

{0:06:11}{0:06:14}A moment of extraordinary beauty.

{0:06:15}{0:06:20}That's disgusting!|I think I have amniotic sac in my mouth!

{0:06:26}{0:06:29}Hello!|Are you my family?

{0:06:42}{0:06:45}You don't have a family,|and we're all going to die. Sorry.


{0:06:46}{0:06:49}What? I thought that was what|we were all nodding about.

{0:06:49}{0:06:51}No one's gonna die!

{0:06:51}{0:06:52}Know what you've got, kid?

{0:06:53}{0:06:54}You've got us.

{0:06:54}{0:06:56}We've got each other.

{0:06:56}{0:06:59}If that ain't a family,|I don't know what is.

{0:07:04}{0:07:06}So adorable.

{0:07:06}{0:07:08}Kowalski, what's our trajectory?

{0:07:08}{0:07:10}95% certain we're still doomed.

{0:07:10}{0:07:12}And the other 5%?

{0:07:12}{0:07:16}Adventure and glory|like no penguins have ever seen before.

{0:07:16}{0:07:18}I'll take that action.

{0:07:18}{0:07:19}But where are we going?

{0:07:19}{0:07:21}The future, boys.

{0:07:21}{0:07:24}The glorious future.

{0:07:32}{0:07:34}That song!

{0:07:34}{0:07:36}I swear, it's gonna make me|lose my salmon.

{0:07:36}{0:07:38}Singing getting louder, Skipper.

{0:07:38}{0:07:39}Then move faster!

{0:07:40}{0:07:42}And somebody get|that wig off Private!

{0:07:45}{0:07:47}Kowalski, status report!

{0:07:47}{0:07:49}I am really getting|tired of this song.

{0:07:51}{0:07:53}Well, the best part|of owning

{0:07:54}{0:07:57}is you can transport a cannon|over state lines.

{0:08:11}{0:08:15}Ten years ago, on this very day,|a tiny

{0:08:15}{0:08:18}and our world got a little bit cuter.

{0:08:18}{0:08:23}So, tonight, Private,|we celebrate

{0:08:23}{0:08:26}by infiltrating|the United States

{0:08:26}{0:08:28}at Fort Knox!


{0:08:29}{0:08:31}- What?|- There she is, boys!

{0:08:32}{0:08:34}The object of our

{0:08:34}{0:08:35}the butter on

{0:08:36}{0:08:37}- the - Skipper?

{0:08:37}{0:08:40}Private, what's our rule|about interrupting analogies?

{0:08:40}{0:08:41}Sorry.|Please continue.

{0:08:41}{0:08:44}The moment's gone.|Private ruined it.

{0:08:44}{0:08:45}Sir, we're approaching our target.

{0:08:48}{0:08:49}But, Skipper, I really

{0:08:49}{0:08:51}Are you questioning|my leadership, Private?

{0:08:52}{0:08:53}- No, sir.|- Too bad.

{0:08:54}{0:08:57}Because I respect a soldier|with some moxie.

{0:08:57}{0:08:58}Really?|Then I really think

{0:08:58}{0:09:02}Whoa, whoa!|Dial back the moxie, sass-mouth!

{0:09:02}{0:09:06}Look at you.|Still so adorable.

{0:09:08}{0:09:09}Fire in the hole!

{0:09:14}{0:09:16}Eight o'clock.|Night-night time!


{0:09:21}{0:09:23}Private, come on!

{0:09:31}{0:09:32}Please enter passcode.

{0:09:32}{0:09:34}Kowalski, you're up.

{0:09:34}{0:09:36}Please enter passcode.

{0:09:36}{0:09:39}Rico, sonic incursion device.

{0:09:42}{0:09:43}Oh, come on.|You're kidding, right?

{0:09:44}{0:09:47}Kentucky, Skipper.|They do love their Flatt and Scruggs.

{0:09:47}{0:09:50}Y'all come in now, you hear?|Have yourself an ice tea.

{0:10:06}{0:10:10}Private, if you could have anything|you wanted in the whole

{0:10:10}{0:10:12}what would it be?

{0:10:12}{0:10:13}Well, gee, Skipper.

{0:10:13}{0:10:16}I think to be a meaningful|and valued member of this team.

{0:10:16}{0:10:17}Oh, well, we got you something else.

{0:10:21}{0:10:22}A vending machine?

{0:10:22}{0:10:24}Not just any vending machine, Private.

{0:10:25}{0:10:28}The last remaining home|in America's

{0:10:28}{0:10:33}for those succulent,|but chemically hazardous|bits of puffed

{0:10:34}{0:10:36}Cheezy Dibbles!

{0:10:36}{0:10:39}Happy ding-dong birthday,|you little scamp.

{0:10:40}{0:10:42}Thank you!

{0:10:49}{0:10:51}You mess with the bull,|you're gonna get the horns, Private.

{0:10:51}{0:10:54}Now hit that machine|and get your present.

{0:10:57}{0:11:02}We just broke into the most secure facility|in North America.

{0:11:02}{0:11:03}You know what that means?

{0:11:03}{0:11:06}We're wanted criminals|who'll be on the lam|the rest of

{0:11:06}{0:11:08}always feeling the hot breath|of Johnny Law on our necks?

{0:11:08}{0:11:13}No! it means, as elite units go,|we're the elitist of the elite.

{0:11:14}{0:11:18}Top shelf in the bureau.|The penultimate, plus one.

{0:11:20}{0:11:21}Where'd Private go?

{0:11:23}{0:11:24}There he is.|D-3.

{0:11:25}{0:11:26}Oh, Private. How much is he?

{0:11:27}{0:11:28}He's $3.50, sir.

{0:11:29}{0:11:31}That's outrageous.|Even for Private.

{0:11:33}{0:11:34}Sir, the machine is alive!

{0:11:36}{0:11:39}I don't think I like your attitude,|vending machine.

{0:11:39}{0:11:40}Or your prices!

{0:11:40}{0:11:42}Release them!


{0:12:46}{0:12:47}Kowalski, analysis!


{0:12:50}{0:12:53}I ate too many Cheezy Dibbles.

{0:12:54}{0:12:57}We're behind enemy lines|and incredibly thirsty.

{0:12:57}{0:13:00}Rico, bust us out|of this delicious prison.

{0:13:04}{0:13:05}Nice work, Rico!

{0:13:05}{0:13:09}You are a meaningful|and valued member of this team.

{0:13:24}{0:13:27}Private, quit lollygagging.|And regular gagging.

{0:13:29}{0:13:31}Dark and ominous.

{0:13:31}{0:13:34}Two of my least favorite traits|in a room.

{0:13:34}{0:13:35}Look!|A button.

{0:13:35}{0:13:36}Private, don't!

{0:13:40}{0:13:41}Now, what have I told

{0:13:42}{0:13:43}Sorry, what?

{0:13:50}{0:13:55}It looks like some sort of giant laser|sent to kill us all, sir.

{0:13:57}{0:13:58}Another one!



{0:14:03}{0:14:04}Naughty, naughty!

{0:14:07}{0:14:11}Pretty birds belong in their cages.

{0:14:28}{0:14:31}Now, that's just hurtful.

{0:14:31}{0:14:33}And I was so happy to see you again.

{0:14:34}{0:14:38}Skipper, Kowalski,

{0:14:39}{0:14:41}and sweet little Private.

{0:14:43}{0:14:44}Who are you?

{0:14:44}{0:14:47}The humans know me|as Doctor

{0:14:48}{0:14:52}renowned geneticist,|

{0:14:52}{0:14:56}and frequent donor to NPR pledge drives.

{0:14:56}{0:15:00}But you know me by a different,|much older name.

{0:15:00}{0:15:04}A name perhaps you'd hoped|you'd never hear again.

{0:15:05}{0:15:06}A phantom!

{0:15:06}{0:15:09}A shadow of a former life.





{0:15:20}{0:15:21}Sorry, sir. No clue.


{0:15:26}{0:15:28}- Dave!|- Dave?





{0:15:41}{0:15:44}Wait, wait.|I live this way.

{0:15:48}{0:15:49}Go ahead, Dan.|Continue.

{0:15:49}{0:15:52}You seriously don't remember me?

{0:15:54}{0:15:57}Dave! Dave! Right!|Oh, yeah, long time!

{0:15:58}{0:15:59}How's the wife?

{0:16:01}{0:16:03}I've never been married!

{0:16:03}{0:16:05}You may not

{0:16:06}{0:16:08}but I could never forget you.

{0:16:09}{0:16:11}Let's shake up some old memories.

{0:16:12}{0:16:14}New York City.

{0:16:16}{0:16:20}The Central Park Zoo.|Life was good.



{0:16:24}{0:16:27}monkey-house views.


{0:16:29}{0:16:31}my adoring legion of fans!



{0:16:34}{0:16:37}The octopus of a thousand tricks.


{0:16:39}{0:16:41}I was the total package.


{0:16:42}{0:16:43}Hey. kids!

{0:16:43}{0:16:45}You gotta see this!|Get up here, quick!

{0:16:47}{0:16:48}And then, you arrived.

{0:16:49}{0:16:51}They're so adorable!

{0:16:51}{0:16:54}Just smile and wave, boys.|Smile and wave.

{0:16:54}{0:16:57}And took everything from me.

{0:16:57}{0:17:01}- They are so adorable.|- Have you ever seen anything cuter?

{0:17:02}{0:17:05}Four adorable baby penguins.


{0:17:07}{0:17:10}no one wanted an old octopus anymore.

{0:17:10}{0:17:13}"Out you go, Dave!"

{0:17:14}{0:17:16}And so it went, over

{0:17:17}{0:17:19}at zoo after aquarium.

{0:17:19}{0:17:21}I can't see the penguins, man!

{0:17:21}{0:17:23}Adorable penguins stole the show.

{0:17:29}{0:17:31}While I was shunned.




{0:17:49}{0:17:51}That sounds awful!

{0:17:51}{0:17:54}Oh, it was.

{0:17:54}{0:17:59}I came to realize, some creatures|are born to get all the love.

{0:17:59}{0:18:02}The rest of us get nothing.

{0:18:02}{0:18:05}The only thing that has kept me going|all

{0:18:05}{0:18:09}is my burning thirst for revenge!

{0:18:11}{0:18:14}And my precious|souvenir snow globe collection.

{0:18:20}{0:18:21}What is wrong with you?

{0:18:24}{0:18:27}Daryl, Daryl, Daryl,|you can't blame us|for what happened to you.

{0:18:28}{0:18:33}Can!|That's how this whole revenge thing works!

{0:18:33}{0:18:38}And with this,|I finally have the|power to destroy you!


{0:18:45}{0:18:47}Nicolas, cage them.

{0:18:48}{0:18:51}I've got some bad news for you, Dennis.

{0:18:51}{0:18:52}You messed with the wrong birds.

{0:18:53}{0:18:56}Because we are an elite unit,|the best of the best.

{0:18:56}{0:18:58}The cream of the|corn on a platinum cob!

{0:18:58}{0:19:03}And we're gonna take|your deadly green goop and|sashay right out the exit


{0:19:03}{0:19:06}And just how are you going to do that?

{0:19:07}{0:19:09}Deploy secret weapon!

{0:19:11}{0:19:12}The cheese, it burns!

{0:19:13}{0:19:14}Roll out!

{0:19:20}{0:19:22}After them!

{0:19:26}{0:19:28}All right, boys, it's just like Cuba!


{0:19:35}{0:19:38}How about some music?|Something chase-y!

{0:19:41}{0:19:42}Here they come!

{0:19:43}{0:19:45}Let's move!

{0:19:45}{0:19:48}Stroke! Stroke! Stroke again!|Stroke some more!

{0:19:50}{0:19:52}Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!


{0:20:03}{0:20:04}We've got baddies, six o'clock!

{0:20:05}{0:20:07}Kowalski, battle formation!

{0:20:11}{0:20:13}So, you squeegees|wanna do the gondola mambo?

{0:20:14}{0:20:15}Let's dance!

{0:20:16}{0:20:18}Mother of pearl, that stings!|I've lost visual!

{0:20:20}{0:20:21}Kowalski, be my eyes!


{0:20:22}{0:20:24}Right, right! Up!


{0:20:28}{0:20:29}I think I got them.

{0:20:29}{0:20:30}They are down, sir.



{0:20:40}{0:20:42}They're back up,|and we are running out of canal!

{0:20:43}{0:20:44}Parker Posey! Go all-terrain.

{0:20:49}{0:20:50}Will What?

{0:20:57}{0:20:58}We've lost Engine One!

{0:21:01}{0:21:02}And Two and Three!


{0:21:05}{0:21:06}Switch to emergency power!

{0:21:06}{0:21:08}Aye-aye, Skipper!

{0:21:15}{0:21:17}We've got melons!|Dead ahead!

{0:21:28}{0:21:31}I can see!|Rico, the glowy thing!

{0:21:32}{0:21:34}Venetian blinded again!

{0:21:39}{0:21:40}We've been boarded!

{0:21:40}{0:21:41}Initiate self-destruct sequence!


{0:21:47}{0:21:49}Frankly, I'm surprised|we had a self-destruct sequence.

{0:21:57}{0:22:00}All right, boys, battle stance!

{0:22:00}{0:22:02}We're in battle stance, sir.

{0:22:03}{0:22:07}Okay, good.|Now, we spring our trap.

{0:22:09}{0:22:11}I'm not sure they're the ones|that are trapped, sir.

{0:22:12}{0:22:16}Kowalski, remember our little talk about|true, but unhelpful, comments?

{0:22:16}{0:22:17}Yes, sir.

{0:22:17}{0:22:18}Sometimes we just have to wing it!


{0:22:35}{0:22:38}Sorry for underestimating|the plan, Skipper.

{0:22:38}{0:22:41}It's okay, Kowalski.|Just don't ever doubt me again.

{0:22:42}{0:22:43}Now what the heck is going on?

{0:22:48}{0:22:50}Remain calm, penguins.

{0:22:51}{0:22:53}You are now under the protection|of the North Wind.

{0:22:55}{0:22:56}You're welcome.

{0:23:04}{0:23:05}Oh, my gosh!

{0:23:05}{0:23:07}You guys are so cute!

{0:23:07}{0:23:09}You're just so cute!

{0:23:10}{0:23:12}And cuddly!

{0:23:13}{0:23:15}Hey, get away!|No more hugs!

{0:23:15}{0:23:18}It's like being licked|by a basket full of puppy dogs.


{0:23:20}{0:23:23}Corporal! Chart a course|back to North Wind headquarters.

{0:23:25}{0:23:28}Eva, inform them|that we're bringing in witnesses.

{0:23:28}{0:23:30}Private, Dibble me.

{0:23:33}{0:23:35}We're not going|anywhere with you.

{0:23:35}{0:23:38}We don't even know|who the heck you are!

{0:23:38}{0:23:40}The North Wind is|an elite

{0:23:43}{0:23:44}The North Wind is an

{0:23:46}{0:23:49}An elite


{0:23:51}{0:23:53}...force. Dedicated



{0:24:00}{0:24:03}Dedicated to helping animals who can't|help themselves.

{0:24:05}{0:24:06}Like penguins.

{0:24:06}{0:24:08}Really?|And you are?

{0:24:08}{0:24:09}My name is classified.

{0:24:09}{0:24:12}"Classified," eh?|What is that, Dutch?

{0:24:12}{0:24:13}Can't really hear the accent.

{0:24:14}{0:24:15}- Excuse me?|- There's the accent!

{0:24:15}{0:24:17}My name isn't "Classified."

{0:24:17}{0:24:20}My name is classified,|because I am the leader|of this strike team.

{0:24:21}{0:24:23}The seal is Short Fuse,|weapons and explosives.

{0:24:23}{0:24:25}The bear is Corporal, he's our muscle.

{0:24:26}{0:24:28}And the owl is Eva,|intelligence and analysis.

{0:24:29}{0:24:33}Well, Agent Classified,|we happen to be an elite unit, too.

{0:24:33}{0:24:35}Self-destruct sequence activated.

{0:24:35}{0:24:37}You know,|you should really label these things.


{0:24:40}{0:24:42}The name's Skipper.|I run this outfit.

{0:24:42}{0:24:43}Back there is Kowalski.

{0:24:43}{0:24:45}He's the brains of our operation.

{0:24:45}{0:24:47}Say something smart, Kowalski.

{0:24:53}{0:24:56}See?|He's working on a whole other level.

{0:24:56}{0:24:57}And Rico.

{0:24:57}{0:24:59}He's our demolition expert.

{0:25:00}{0:25:03}He destroyed that chair|for the sheer fun of it.

{0:25:03}{0:25:04}No reason at all.

{0:25:05}{0:25:07}And then there's Private.

{0:25:08}{0:25:10}He's sort of our,


{0:25:13}{0:25:15}- Cute.|- And cuddly.

{0:25:16}{0:25:17}Oh, sorry.

{0:25:18}{0:25:20}Well, let's see how well|"cute and cuddly" handles this next bit.

{0:25:32}{0:25:33}Nice doggy door.


{0:25:43}{0:25:44}Look at this!

{0:25:44}{0:25:46}Well, well, well.

{0:25:46}{0:25:49}Not a bad place|you got here, Classified.

{0:25:49}{0:25:51}Thank you.|That's not my name.

{0:25:51}{0:25:54}Arrival, Pad 17.

{0:25:54}{0:25:56}All right, tiny penguins.

{0:25:56}{0:26:00}The best way for the|North Wind to protect|helpless animals

{0:26:00}{0:26:02}is to bring Dr. Brine to justice.

{0:26:02}{0:26:03}Now, you were inside

{0:26:03}{0:26:05}so I need to know everything you know.


{0:26:10}{0:26:13}Just tell me everything you know.

{0:26:13}{0:26:14}All right.

{0:26:15}{0:26:16}Numero uno.

{0:26:16}{0:26:18}Never trust a Dutchman in a tulip fight.

{0:26:18}{0:26:19}"Tulip fight."

{0:26:19}{0:26:21}Canada is secretly training|an army of sasquatch.


{0:26:22}{0:26:26}Hot dogs are, in fact,|only 17% actual dog.

{0:26:26}{0:26:29}Not "everything" everything!

{0:26:29}{0:26:33}Just everything regarding your abduction|by Dr. Octavius Brine.

{0:26:34}{0:26:35}- Why didn't you say so?|- What?

{0:26:36}{0:26:38}My team has uncovered|that Dr.

{0:26:38}{0:26:41}is actually an individual|known as Derek!

{0:26:41}{0:26:44}- "Dave".|- As Dave, the octopus.

{0:26:44}{0:26:45}An octopus?

{0:26:45}{0:26:48}No, Dr. Brine is not an octopus.|

{0:26:48}{0:26:50}An octopus. Precisely.

{0:26:50}{0:26:53}That's exactly what our intel indicated.

{0:26:54}{0:26:55}Release the sheep.

{0:26:58}{0:27:00}What you, of course,|could

{0:27:00}{0:27:04}is that Dr. Brine's laboratory|in Venice is secretly developing|a doomsday

{0:27:05}{0:27:08}called the "Medusa Serum."

{0:27:08}{0:27:10}But what you don'

{0:27:10}{0:27:11}- is - "Dave."

{0:27:11}{0:27:13}...Dave won't be using his|

{0:27:14}{0:27:16}- "Medusa Serum."|- ...Medusa Serum on anybody.

{0:27:16}{0:27:17}That part is accurate.

{0:27:17}{0:27:19}Show him, Rico!

{0:27:23}{0:27:25}You stole the Medusa Serum?

{0:27:25}{0:27:29}Well, "Stole the serum,"|"Saved the day," "Did your job for you."

{0:27:29}{0:27:31}Call it what you will.


{0:27:33}{0:27:35}- "Dave."|- Dave!

{0:27:35}{0:27:38}He hacked into our system.

{0:27:39}{0:27:40}Where's the sound?


{0:27:42}{0:27:44}- Your microphone, it's not on.|- I can't hear anything.

{0:27:44}{0:27:46}Click on the button|with the picture of the microphone.

{0:27:46}{0:27:48}Every time a villain calls in,|this happens.


{0:27:49}{0:27:51}Now we can hear you,|but we cannot see you.

{0:27:52}{0:27:52}Every time!

{0:27:53}{0:27:54}It's like talking to my parents.

{0:27:54}{0:27:55}How about now?

{0:27:56}{0:27:57}Yes, we've got you.

{0:27:57}{0:27:59}Excellent.|Now where was I?


{0:28:03}{0:28:05}Greetings, North Wind.

{0:28:05}{0:28:07}I see you've met|my old zoo-mates.

{0:28:07}{0:28:10}We were never "mates."|There was no mating.

{0:28:11}{0:28:12}Turn yourself in, David.

{0:28:12}{0:28:15}You're powerless now that I've stolen|your precious Medusa Serum.

{0:28:16}{0:28:17}You?|You didn't steal that!

{0:28:17}{0:28:18}It's over.

{0:28:18}{0:28:19}It's over?

{0:28:19}{0:28:23}Then why did I call you?


{0:28:24}{0:28:28}Oh! Maybe it was to show you this!

{0:28:28}{0:28:31}That is a lot of serum|for four penguins.

{0:28:31}{0:28:35}Oh, you thought|this was just about you four?

{0:28:35}{0:28:37}No! No, no, no.

{0:28:38}{0:28:40}We're just getting started.

{0:28:41}{0:28:46}Now, if you'll excuse me,|I have to go do

{0:28:46}{0:28:48}for revenge!

{0:28:51}{0:28:53}Wait. How ?

{0:28:54}{0:28:55}What do I push?

{0:28:56}{0:28:57}Is it the red, or...

{0:28:58}{0:29:00}I thought it It's

{0:29:04}{0:29:05}Incoming alert!

{0:29:05}{0:29:06}Put it on the screen.

{0:29:07}{0:29:09}The Berlin Zoo. 15 penguins missing.

{0:29:09}{0:29:11}Dave is kidnapping other penguins!

{0:29:11}{0:29:13}No doubt cute and cuddly!

{0:29:13}{0:29:14}We have to move!


{0:29:15}{0:29:16}- Time for our A-game!|- Everybody, huddle up!

{0:29:17}{0:29:18}Corporal, ready the jet.

{0:29:18}{0:29:21}I'm initiating|North Wind Protocol "Zeta."

{0:29:21}{0:29:23}Twelve more penguins|taken from London Zoo.

{0:29:23}{0:29:25}Okay, boys, this is it.

{0:29:25}{0:29:28}The mission we've been preparing for|our entire lives.

{0:29:29}{0:29:31}We're gonna take down Dave,|or die trying!

{0:29:31}{0:29:33}- Kowalski, cancel our improv class!|- Yes, sir.

{0:29:33}{0:29:35}Rico, equipify!

{0:29:35}{0:29:36}Private, do that little thing I like.

{0:29:38}{0:29:39}It's still funny.

{0:29:39}{0:29:41}Skipper!|Good news!

{0:29:41}{0:29:43}I got them to credit our class!

{0:29:43}{0:29:44}Sir, the jet is ready.

{0:29:44}{0:29:47}Oh, yeah, baby!|Just like Super Bowl XIX!

{0:29:47}{0:29:49}They're stealing my stuff!

{0:29:49}{0:29:53}No! This mission has no place|for a pathetic waddle of useless penguins.

{0:29:53}{0:29:54}Who are you calling "pathetic"?


{0:29:58}{0:30:01}See, Rico?|That's why you can't|have nice things.

{0:30:03}{0:30:07}You know,|I'm pretty good|with computers myself.

{0:30:16}{0:30:19}Put on your jammies, penguin.

{0:30:21}{0:30:23}They are even cute when they're asleep.

{0:30:23}{0:30:24}Not to me!

{0:30:24}{0:30:28}I want these butterballs out of my way,|and out of my mission.

{0:30:28}{0:30:30}Ship them to one|of our safe-houses.

{0:30:30}{0:30:33}The most remote place on the planet.

{0:30:39}{0:30:41}Where the heck are we?

{0:30:41}{0:30:43}Oxygen content is low.

{0:30:43}{0:30:45}I suggest we limit our breathing.


{0:30:51}{0:30:54}Sorry!|I get gassy when I fly.

{0:30:54}{0:30:55}Toot sweet!|He does!

{0:30:55}{0:30:56}We must be on a plane!

{0:30:59}{0:31:01}What did North Wind do to us?

{0:31:02}{0:31:03}They gave us badges!

{0:31:04}{0:31:07}Not badges, tranquilizer darts!


{0:31:09}{0:31:12}That low-down dirty dog|is trying to kick us off the mission!

{0:31:12}{0:31:16}He thinks we can't save the penguins,|because we're just "penguins."

{0:31:17}{0:31:20}Well, penguins are our flesh and feathers!|They're us!

{0:31:20}{0:31:22}And if anyone's gonna

{0:31:22}{0:31:23}it's us.

{0:31:23}{0:31:26}But, Skipper,|we've gotta be five miles up.

{0:31:26}{0:31:28}That pretty much limits our options.

{0:31:28}{0:31:30}I make my own options.

{0:31:36}{0:31:38}Brilliant move, Skipper.

{0:31:38}{0:31:40}But now we seem to|be outside the plane.

{0:31:40}{0:31:42}I kind of got caught up in the moment!

{0:31:43}{0:31:45}Well, hindsight's 20/20.

{0:31:45}{0:31:48}Okay, Kowalski,|your turn to pick up the slack.

{0:31:49}{0:31:51}Oh!|Why don't we catch that plane?

{0:31:53}{0:31:55}Bird strike, log it.

{0:31:56}{0:31:58}We've got another target, at 12 o'clock.

{0:31:59}{0:32:00}Good, it's only 11:30.

{0:32:00}{0:32:03}Follow me, boys, we're going in hot!

{0:32:04}{0:32:06}Hot, hot!

{0:32:06}{0:32:08}No one likes a showoff, Private.

{0:32:08}{0:32:10}Aim for first class!

{0:32:15}{0:32:17}I'm okay!

{0:32:17}{0:32:19}Kowalski, where does this aircraft go?

{0:32:19}{0:32:23}From the odd shape of this bagel,|I'd say we're headed for Paris.

{0:32:23}{0:32:26}France? Forget it!|Not with their tax laws!

{0:32:26}{0:32:28}Then I would suggest|a mid-air transfer.


{0:32:29}{0:32:31}Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!

{0:32:31}{0:32:32}We're out of peanuts, Skipper!

{0:32:32}{0:32:33}Try pretzels, Private.


{0:32:37}{0:32:38}There's our ride, boys.

{0:32:38}{0:32:40}Can't stay, doll.

{0:32:40}{0:32:42}Danger is my mistress.

{0:32:43}{0:32:44}Rico, more height!

{0:32:45}{0:32:47}Pretzels, pretzels, pretzels!

{0:32:47}{0:32:48}We're out of pretzels!

{0:32:48}{0:32:51}Then we're leaving just in time,|because these folks are gonna freak!

{0:32:51}{0:32:53}Deploy flaps!

{0:32:54}{0:32:56}Stay on target!

{0:32:57}{0:32:59}We're gonna catch it!|We're gonna catch it!

{0:33:00}{0:33:02}Crikey!|We're not gonna catch it!

{0:33:03}{0:33:05}Wait a minute.|Where's Skipper?

{0:33:06}{0:33:10}Time to get creative.|Start grabbing boxes, boys!

{0:33:11}{0:33:12}Going long!

{0:33:15}{0:33:17}Private, stop playing|with those backpacks.

{0:33:18}{0:33:19}Find something useful!

{0:33:20}{0:33:23}Now we're talking!|Let's get to work.

{0:33:23}{0:33:24}400 meters.

{0:33:25}{0:33:26}300 meters.

{0:33:26}{0:33:28}Speak American, Kowalski!

{0:33:28}{0:33:30}Sorry, sir. 218 yards.

{0:33:30}{0:33:31}109 yards.

{0:33:40}{0:33:41}Okay, then.

{0:33:42}{0:33:43}It's clear what|we need to do next.

{0:33:50}{0:33:51}That feels right!

{0:33:51}{0:33:53}Impressive bouncing, boys.

{0:33:53}{0:33:55}Now, then, back to civilization.

{0:33:56}{0:33:57}If we're gonna take

{0:33:58}{0:34:01}we need to know|where he's gonna strike next.


{0:34:19}{0:34:22}Elijah, would you please take them away?

{0:34:34}{0:34:36}Penguin footprints, still warm.

{0:34:36}{0:34:37}We just missed Dave.

{0:34:37}{0:34:39}Blast it!|He's gone!

{0:34:39}{0:34:41}So many penguins!

{0:34:44}{0:34:45}Boss!|He's stress-eating again!


{0:34:46}{0:34:47}There, there.

{0:34:47}{0:34:49}Rub the angry out of the tummy.



{0:34:52}{0:34:54}We are going to save|those

{0:34:54}{0:34:58}because we are the


{0:34:59}{0:35:03}no one breaks the Wind.

{0:35:04}{0:35:06}No one breaks the Wind.

{0:35:07}{0:35:08}There's a good Corporal.

{0:35:08}{0:35:11}Now, we rescued those four penguins|already, didn't we?

{0:35:11}{0:35:14}Shipped them off, all cozy and snug,|to a

{0:35:14}{0:35:15}How come there's beeping?


{0:35:18}{0:35:19}they never made it to Madagascar.

{0:35:20}{0:35:23}What?|Well, where the dickens are they?

{0:35:27}{0:35:29}Kowalski, what are our coordinates?

{0:35:29}{0:35:33}From my calculations, we've arrived|in the center of Dublin, Ireland.

{0:35:37}{0:35:40}All right, soldiers, we gotta blend in.|Riverdance!

{0:35:46}{0:35:49}But no time|to kiss the Blarney Stone, boys.

{0:35:49}{0:35:51}We need to find intel|on Dave's location.


{0:35:58}{0:36:00}All right, you! Where's Dave?|Give us the goods!

{0:36:01}{0:36:03}Spit it out!|Don't make me use me shillelagh!

{0:36:03}{0:36:05}Sir, that's a baby squid.

{0:36:10}{0:36:11}Sorry, laddie.

{0:36:12}{0:36:16}Stranded on the Emerald Isle|without a single clue.

{0:36:16}{0:36:18}Well, so much for the luck o' the Irish.

{0:36:18}{0:36:19}Skipper, look!


{0:36:25}{0:36:26}Does anyone speak Gaelic?

{0:36:27}{0:36:29}No, but it looks like|Dave's been busy.

{0:36:29}{0:36:32}He's stolen penguins from Guadalajara!

{0:36:32}{0:36:34}- Madrid!|- Paris!





{0:36:39}{0:36:40}Rio de Janeiro!

{0:36:40}{0:36:42}- Nairobi!|- Amsterdam!

{0:36:42}{0:36:43}Baton Rouge!

{0:36:44}{0:36:46}Dave's snow-globe collection!

{0:36:46}{0:36:49}It's every zoo and aquarium|he got kicked out of!

{0:36:49}{0:36:51}Don't tell me|where he has been.

{0:36:51}{0:36:54}Tell me where|he will have has been next.

{0:36:54}{0:36:55}Wait, what is it, Rico?

{0:36:56}{0:36:58}It's a book!|It's a film! It's a play!

{0:36:58}{0:36:59}First word.

{0:36:59}{0:37:01}Two syllables.


{0:37:05}{0:37:06}What ?


{0:37:14}{0:37:16}Dave hasn't been there yet, Skipper.

{0:37:16}{0:37:18}If we hurry, we can still stop him.

{0:37:18}{0:37:20}Nice work, Rico!

{0:37:20}{0:37:24}Pack your bagpipes, boys.|It's time to blow this potato stand!

{0:37:39}{0:37:40}So, this is it.

{0:37:40}{0:37:43}Shanghai's famous|Little Dublin district.

{0:37:44}{0:37:45}Skipper, look!

{0:37:45}{0:37:47}I see you, Private.

{0:37:47}{0:37:49}Who's the big boy|standing on his tippy-toes?

{0:37:50}{0:37:52}- No, - I just wanna eat you up!

{0:37:52}{0:37:54}Skipper, look!|Above Private!

{0:37:54}{0:37:57}Dave's next target.|Shanghai's famous Mermaid Penguins.

{0:37:58}{0:37:59}Good eye, Kowalski!


{0:38:00}{0:38:04}you've proved that|you are a meaningful and|valued member of this team.


{0:38:08}{0:38:11}Shanghai Marine World|is pleased

{0:38:11}{0:38:15}our world famous Mermaid Penguins!

{0:38:17}{0:38:19}Tonight, our mermaids|dedicate

{0:38:19}{0:38:22}to all of the missing penguins|around the world.

{0:38:23}{0:38:25}Stay safe, little guys,|wherever you are.

{0:38:25}{0:38:28}And we hope you|come home real soon.

{0:38:33}{0:38:35}Now, keep those eyes roving, boys.

{0:38:35}{0:38:37}Dave is a master of disguise.

{0:38:38}{0:38:40}He could be a small child,|a house plant.

{0:38:40}{0:38:42}Maybe even you, or me!

{0:38:42}{0:38:44}Is it you, Kowalski?

{0:38:44}{0:38:45}Hey, hold on.

{0:38:50}{0:38:51}Wait a minute.


{0:38:55}{0:38:56}Nice try, Dave.

{0:38:56}{0:38:59}Operation "Flash, Splash, and Crash"|is a go.


{0:39:00}{0:39:01}Take positions.

{0:39:01}{0:39:05}Penguin feeding time|will begin in two minutes.

{0:39:14}{0:39:15}Target, 30 yards and closing.

{0:39:16}{0:39:19}In position, Skipper.

{0:39:19}{0:39:20}Rico, report.

{0:39:21}{0:39:22}In position.

{0:39:22}{0:39:23}And for you, Private.

{0:39:23}{0:39:24}Yes, Skipper!

{0:39:24}{0:39:26}- Here's your mermaid costume.|- What?

{0:39:26}{0:39:28}We need a diversion.

{0:39:28}{0:39:30}And, frankly, you're the only one|who can pull off that look.

{0:39:31}{0:39:34}But I can do more, Skipper.|I want to help the team.

{0:39:34}{0:39:35}Really help the team!

{0:39:36}{0:39:38}If you think I'm ready, which I am!

{0:39:38}{0:39:41}Assuming you agree, and

{0:39:42}{0:39:43}if you don't.

{0:39:44}{0:39:46}I like the moxie,

{0:39:46}{0:39:51}but right now, I need a tail on that tush|and the cutest smile you've got.

{0:39:51}{0:39:53}You trust me, soldier?

{0:39:55}{0:39:57}Aye-aye, Skipper.

{0:39:57}{0:39:59}Hey, it's feeding time!

{0:40:02}{0:40:04}Target, 10 yards from flashpoint.

{0:40:04}{0:40:05}Private, you're up.

{0:40:07}{0:40:09}You just mermaid my day!

{0:40:09}{0:40:11}"Flash" is a go!

{0:40:12}{0:40:14}Look! They let one of the mermaids|out of the tank!

{0:40:14}{0:40:15}Oh, she's so cute!

{0:40:15}{0:40:17}It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

{0:40:17}{0:40:19}Shields up!

{0:40:24}{0:40:26}Target is stunned.|Rico, bring the "Splash."

{0:40:28}{0:40:29}Yeah, yeah!

{0:40:53}{0:40:55}What are you doing out here, cutie?

{0:40:56}{0:40:57}Come on, back in your tank.

{0:41:00}{0:41:02}Secure the mermaids, and

{0:41:05}{0:41:06}David, the octopus.

{0:41:09}{0:41:11}A little late, North Wind.

{0:41:14}{0:41:15}Mission accomplished.

{0:41:15}{0:41:16}High one!

{0:41:18}{0:41:19}Corporal, take

{0:41:19}{0:41:22}the one that belongs to us,|into custody.


{0:41:23}{0:41:26}You melted him?|You birds are sick!

{0:41:28}{0:41:31}He's going in through the pipes!



{0:41:39}{0:41:40}You gotta get out of there!

{0:41:41}{0:41:43}No, no, no! No, no, no!|Private!



{0:41:46}{0:41:48}- Help!|- No!

{0:41:49}{0:41:51}Here we go!

{0:41:51}{0:41:53}Move, move, move!

{0:41:56}{0:41:58}He's got Private!

{0:41:58}{0:41:59}He's getting away!|He's getting away!

{0:42:00}{0:42:01}Skipper!|The North Wind's plane!

{0:42:01}{0:42:03}Sweet chariot of the gods!

{0:42:03}{0:42:04}But can you fly it, man?

{0:42:05}{0:42:07}There's only way to find out.


{0:42:13}{0:42:14}I still can't read.

{0:42:15}{0:42:16}Then we're going off book.

{0:42:24}{0:42:26}No! No, no, no!

{0:42:28}{0:42:31}Too much, too much, too much!

{0:42:38}{0:42:39}I'm getting the hang of this, Skipper.

{0:42:41}{0:42:43}Good!|We're coming for you, Private!

{0:42:45}{0:42:49}Those ludicrous butterballs|are letting David escape!

{0:42:49}{0:42:51}Eva, secure transport.

{0:42:51}{0:42:53}Short Fuse, Corporal, hitch us a ride!


{0:43:04}{0:43:05}Go, fetch!

{0:43:19}{0:43:21}Hold her steady!

{0:43:31}{0:43:33}Sir, Dave is pulling ahead.|We are too heavy.

{0:43:34}{0:43:36}Curse our heavily cheese-dibbled diet!

{0:43:37}{0:43:39}Rico, give me a West Helsinki fire sale!

{0:43:39}{0:43:41}- Yeah, yeah!|- Everything must go!

{0:43:45}{0:43:47}Huh? What the-J?

{0:43:50}{0:43:51}That's everything, sir.

{0:43:51}{0:43:52}Have you purged the chemical toilet?

{0:43:53}{0:43:54}But Rico was in there for 15 minutes!

{0:43:54}{0:43:55}Just do it!

{0:44:11}{0:44:13}Self-destruct sequence,


{0:44:14}{0:44:16}- Stay strong, soldier!|- ...



{0:44:36}{0:44:39}Skipper's log.

{0:44:39}{0:44:43}Private has been kidnapped

{0:44:44}{0:44:48}while we have been cast adrift|for what seems like days.

{0:44:48}{0:44:50}No rations,

{0:44:52}{0:44:54}or land in sight.

{0:44:56}{0:44:58}Kowalski's sick as


{0:45:01}{0:45:02}keeps trying to eat him.

{0:45:03}{0:45:05}Just, please, just cut it out!

{0:45:07}{0:45:10}Not sure how long|we can hold on.

{0:45:11}{0:45:14}This may be my final entry.


{0:45:15}{0:45:17}2004, Grand Cru.|Hints of pear, white peaches.

{0:45:19}{0:45:20}This salmon is delicious.

{0:45:20}{0:45:24}I've never been|more hydrated in my life!

{0:45:24}{0:45:26}Let me cut you a piece of the salmon.

{0:45:26}{0:45:27}No, thank you.

{0:45:27}{0:45:28}It's the most delicious thing|on the boat.

{0:45:28}{0:45:30}I have to loosen my utility belt.

{0:45:30}{0:45:33}No, I'm full.|Just dump it in the ocean.

{0:45:34}{0:45:37}You know,|we're all in the same boat, here.

{0:45:38}{0:45:39}Actually, we're not.

{0:45:39}{0:45:42}And perhaps you could express|a little

{0:45:42}{0:45:44}over the fact that you stole|

{0:45:44}{0:45:46}a $19 million vehicle!

{0:45:47}{0:45:49}Bill me!



{0:45:51}{0:45:54}We're picking up a signal, sir.

{0:45:54}{0:45:57}It's five

{0:45:57}{0:46:00}but it stopped at that remote island.


{0:46:03}{0:46:05}Good on you!|You've tracked down some land.

{0:46:05}{0:46:07}No, silly willy.

{0:46:07}{0:46:10}We've been tracking|your little secretary/mascot.

{0:46:10}{0:46:12}What?|You put a homing device|on Private?

{0:46:12}{0:46:14}All of you,

{0:46:14}{0:46:16}when I "darted" you.


{0:46:18}{0:46:21}dirty, mangy,

{0:46:22}{0:46:25}flea-bitten, bum-sniffing|toilet-drinker!



{0:46:30}{0:46:32}See?|I told you.

{0:46:32}{0:46:35}You should've left this|to the professionals.



{0:47:20}{0:47:21}Ahoy, there!


{0:47:27}{0:47:31}I bet you're all just dying to know|why I brought you here.

{0:47:31}{0:47:33}He's gonna kill us all!


{0:47:37}{0:47:40}My Medusa Serum doesn't kill anyone.

{0:47:40}{0:47:41}Where's the fun in that?

{0:47:42}{0:47:44}So, what does it do?

{0:47:44}{0:47:47}Something much, much worse.

{0:47:49}{0:47:52}Right!|But, like, what specifically?

{0:47:53}{0:47:57}Well, that's exactly|what I came up here to show you.

{0:47:57}{0:47:59}All I need is a test subject.

{0:48:00}{0:48:02}Hello, little buggy-boo!

{0:48:02}{0:48:04}Is this about the chirping?|Because

{0:48:06}{0:48:12}Behold, as I unleash the full power|of the Medusa Serum!


{0:48:22}{0:48:23}Yes!|It works!

{0:48:25}{0:48:30}I made a monster!|I made a monster!

{0:48:30}{0:48:33}And all you adorable penguins are next!


{0:48:36}{0:48:37}Who said that?




{0:48:49}{0:48:52}Gentlemen, you remember Private.

{0:48:52}{0:48:53}Hey, Private.

{0:48:54}{0:48:56}You'll never get away with this, Dave.

{0:48:57}{0:48:58}My brothers are coming.

{0:48:58}{0:49:02}And, together, we'll take a wrecking ball|to your whole rotten operation.

{0:49:02}{0:49:04}Call off the hunt, everyone.

{0:49:05}{0:49:10}Turns out the elite unit|will be coming to us.


{0:49:21}{0:49:23}What do you see?

{0:49:24}{0:49:26}My count is 30 hostiles.


{0:49:30}{0:49:33}Those two are together.

{0:49:33}{0:49:36}I mean, "intertwined."


{0:49:38}{0:49:39}But not

{0:49:39}{0:49:41}lx-nay on the irt-flay, Kowalski.

{0:49:42}{0:49:43}Poor Private.

{0:49:44}{0:49:48}Alone!|Helpless in the belly|of that beast.

{0:49:48}{0:49:50}We've faced some long odds|before, Skipper.

{0:49:50}{0:49:54}But these look like the longest.|And oddest.

{0:49:54}{0:49:58}If we're going to pull this off,|we'll need a diversion.

{0:49:59}{0:50:00}Deactivating jungle camouflage.

{0:50:01}{0:50:02}Will you be quiet?


{0:50:03}{0:50:06}Short Fuse, you were supposed|to handcuff them to the raft!

{0:50:06}{0:50:07}Don't you hologram me!

{0:50:07}{0:50:10}I tried, but they don't have hands.|They just have flippers, boss.

{0:50:10}{0:50:13}And I have flippers,|so it's flipping useless!

{0:50:14}{0:50:17}All right, pooch.|If you won't work

{0:50:17}{0:50:19}you better work for us.

{0:50:19}{0:50:21}Our plan requires a diversion.

{0:50:21}{0:50:22}I give the orders around here.

{0:50:22}{0:50:25}As much as it pains me,|I need you to act as

{0:50:25}{0:50:27}for our operation.|Understood?

{0:50:27}{0:50:31}No! This is our plan, and it|requires you to cause a diversion.

{0:50:31}{0:50:32}- "Dye"-version.|- "Di"-version.

{0:50:32}{0:50:33}- "Dye."|- "Di."

{0:50:33}{0:50:36}- "Dye! Dye! Dye!"|- "Di! Di! Di!"

{0:50:36}{0:50:39}Gentlemen, there is only one way|to resolve this.

{0:50:40}{0:50:41}- We should kiss.|- Plan-off.

{0:50:41}{0:50:46}Yup, "plan-off."|That's what I was gonna say.


{0:50:49}{0:50:51}Here's Dave's sub.

{0:50:52}{0:50:55}And this young, helpless,|

{0:50:56}{0:50:57}is Private.

{0:50:57}{0:50:59}And here's Dave.

{0:51:00}{0:51:03}While you four blowhards|divert

{0:51:03}{0:51:06}we strike fast, and strike hard!

{0:51:07}{0:51:08}Get on in here, boys!

{0:51:09}{0:51:10}Slap him silly, Rico! Come on!

{0:51:10}{0:51:12}Kowalski, free the hostages!

{0:51:14}{0:51:16}Now, that's what I'm talking about,|big fella!

{0:51:16}{0:51:21}With Private freshly liberated,|we celebrate with a|well-earned

{0:51:21}{0:51:23}and feast off Dave's sweet remains.

{0:51:24}{0:51:25}Any questions?

{0:51:27}{0:51:29}Whoa!|Hey, now!

{0:51:29}{0:51:32}Wow.|I mean, truly impressive.

{0:51:32}{0:51:36}Especially the bit|where you slap the fruit.

{0:51:36}{0:51:40}Corporal, dim the lights.|Short Fuse, glasses.

{0:51:47}{0:51:49}My apologies.|I had to rush a bit.

{0:51:49}{0:51:51}The schematic is a little crude.

{0:51:51}{0:51:53}Where is that music coming from?

{0:51:53}{0:51:57}All right.|At 21:50, Skipper,

{0:51:57}{0:51:58}Richard, was it?

{0:51:58}{0:52:02}...divert the octopi|away from their posts.

{0:52:02}{0:52:04}At 22:00,|Short Fuse breaches

{0:52:05}{0:52:08}with a swarm of self-guided,|underwater nano-charges.

{0:52:09}{0:52:10}I call them "wet kabooms."

{0:52:10}{0:52:12}- Please, don't.|- Okay, sorry.

{0:52:12}{0:52:15}- At 22:02, knock-knock.|- Who's there?

{0:52:15}{0:52:17}- The North Wind.|- "The North Wind" who?

{0:52:17}{0:52:19}The North Wind who doesn't have time|for

{0:52:19}{0:52:22}because we're too busy taking down Dave!

{0:52:23}{0:52:25}Personal hover tank?|Check.

{0:52:25}{0:52:27}Auto-targeting wing mounts?|Why not?


{0:52:30}{0:52:32}...mission accomplished.

{0:52:32}{0:52:34}See that?|I don't even look back.

{0:52:34}{0:52:38}There's a huge explosion,|and I just keep walking.

{0:52:40}{0:52:43}Way to go, boss!|That's North Wind, sucker!

{0:52:43}{0:52:44}Nicely done.


{0:52:52}{0:52:55}A good plan is about more than|

{0:52:55}{0:52:56}and vocabulary words.

{0:52:57}{0:53:00}And you certainly|know a good plan.

{0:53:00}{0:53:04}Your operation in Shanghai|allowed Dave

{0:53:04}{0:53:06}with your boy.

{0:53:07}{0:53:12}I've never lost a member of my team.|It


{0:53:15}{0:53:17}God, imagine the guilt.|The regret.

{0:53:17}{0:53:20}The feeling that,|I don'

{0:53:21}{0:53:23}that it should have been you.

{0:53:30}{0:53:32}All for penguin plan.

{0:53:34}{0:53:36}All for North Wind plan.


{0:53:44}{0:53:45}His is better.


{0:53:49}{0:53:53}I'm sorry, boys.|But I can't lead you this time.


{0:53:56}{0:53:57}we're a team.

{0:53:57}{0:53:59}And you're our skipper, Skipper.

{0:54:00}{0:54:02}We don't need these guys.

{0:54:02}{0:54:05}No, Kowalski, but Private does.


{0:54:08}{0:54:10}this time,|we leave it to the professionals.

{0:54:10}{0:54:12}- But, - it's settled.

{0:54:12}{0:54:15}We take our orders|from Agent Classified now.

{0:54:16}{0:54:18}That's an order, Rico!

{0:54:26}{0:54:28}All right,

{0:54:28}{0:54:31}what's the diversion?

{0:54:40}{0:54:42}We take this|shame to our graves.



{0:55:19}{0:55:21}- Time?|- 22:00 hours.

{0:55:21}{0:55:23}Time to take down Dave.


{0:55:49}{0:55:51}show me your tentacles.

{0:55:54}{0:55:55}All of them.

{0:56:15}{0:56:16}We lost them, Skipper.

{0:56:16}{0:56:21}Not a moment too soon.|These hosen are|ridin' up my bundesliga.

{0:56:21}{0:56:24}All right, boys, grab your coconuts|and hold them tight.

{0:56:26}{0:56:28}Classified should be walking away|from a

{0:56:29}{0:56:32}with Private on his shoulder|in three,

{0:56:32}{0:56:34}Give him a welcome home, Rico!

{0:56:37}{0:56:39}Yes! In your face, Dave!

{0:56:40}{0:56:41}The Private is back!

{0:56:41}{0:56:42}Welcome home, Private!

{0:56:42}{0:56:43}Yeah, all right!

{0:56:43}{0:56:46}Here we go.|All right.

{0:56:46}{0:56:48}Sir, the sub didn'

{0:56:48}{0:56:51}and I fear

{0:56:51}{0:56:55}may have been a tactical mistake.

{0:57:03}{0:57:04}Stay calm!

{0:57:04}{0:57:06}Do not panic!

{0:57:06}{0:57:08}We will still Win!

{0:57:08}{0:57:10}Be full of love!|Don't hate!

{0:57:10}{0:57:11}Follow your dreams.

{0:57:11}{0:57:13}Love yourself.|Love other people.

{0:57:13}{0:57:15}Pick and choose your battles in life!

{0:57:15}{0:57:17}Don't let anyone|tell you what to do.

{0:57:17}{0:57:19}Ignore the haters.

{0:57:19}{0:57:20}Love the one you're with.


{0:57:25}{0:57:26}I know!

{0:57:32}{0:57:36}Welcome, Skipper, Kowalski,|and rootin'-tootin' Rico!

{0:57:36}{0:57:39}The gang's all here!|The mood is electric!

{0:57:39}{0:57:42}Is this really, finally everybody?

{0:57:42}{0:57:44}All right, Dave,|just what have you



{0:57:47}{0:57:48}You're in for it now, Dave!


{0:57:50}{0:57:51}Anyway, great catching up.

{0:57:51}{0:57:55}Now, who's ready to move on|to live penguin testing?

{0:57:55}{0:57:58}You point that death ray|away from Private, right now!

{0:57:58}{0:58:00}It's not a death ray, Skipper.

{0:58:00}{0:58:02}He's gonna turn us into monsters!


{0:58:04}{0:58:06}And what comes next, Dave?


{0:58:08}{0:58:12}Horrible mutant penguins,|unleashed on the streets of New York City!

{0:58:13}{0:58:14}You're the monster!


{0:58:15}{0:58:17}I'm the monster.

{0:58:17}{0:58:22}Everyone made that clear to me|every day of my entire life.

{0:58:23}{0:58:26}But let's see how much everyone loves you|when you're the monster!


{0:58:27}{0:58:29}You can't take away Private's cuteness!

{0:58:29}{0:58:31}He's the cute one.|That's his thing!


{0:58:32}{0:58:34}It's all the little guy's got!

{0:58:35}{0:58:37}You are super cute.

{0:58:37}{0:58:38}We better crank this up.

{0:58:39}{0:58:41}Drew, Barry, more power.

{0:58:41}{0:58:43}- Ready?|- Negotiations have broken down!

{0:58:43}{0:58:45}Rico, the paperclip!|Bust us out of here!

{0:58:46}{0:58:47}We need that paperclip!

{0:58:48}{0:58:49}Chop-chop, soldier!

{0:58:53}{0:58:55}Where's the paperclip?



{0:59:12}{0:59:13}- Private.|- Oh, no.

{0:59:16}{0:59:18}I disintegrated him.

{0:59:19}{0:59:21}That wasn't supposed to happen.

{0:59:21}{0:59:23}You maniac!

{0:59:23}{0:59:24}You blew him up!


{0:59:27}{0:59:28}Oh, well!

{0:59:28}{0:59:30}This is why we test things, people!

{0:59:30}{0:59:33}I'll have to lower the power|for the others.

{0:59:35}{0:59:36}Full speed ahead, gentlemen.

{0:59:36}{0:59:40}The monsters are due in Manhattan.



{1:00:22}{1:00:24}All right, all right, octopus.

{1:00:25}{1:00:27}Whatever Dave's paying you,|I'll double it.

{1:00:29}{1:00:31}Is that a yes?|Does anyone speak octopus?

{1:00:31}{1:00:32}- Sorry.|- Not a clue.

{1:00:32}{1:00:33}Blast it!



{1:00:40}{1:00:41}many fishes!

{1:00:46}{1:00:47}What is that?

{1:00:54}{1:00:55}Oh, great.

{1:00:55}{1:00:56}Oh, no! This is it!

{1:00:56}{1:00:59}I don't want to die all squishy!

{1:01:02}{1:01:03}We're dead.|Dead!


{1:01:05}{1:01:08}Oh, no, we're dead!



{1:01:14}{1:01:16}I pushed a button!

{1:01:17}{1:01:19}Super.|Well done, Private!

{1:01:19}{1:01:21}Good work, malinki.

{1:01:21}{1:01:23}Yes. Yes.

{1:01:23}{1:01:26}Excellent button-pushing.

{1:01:26}{1:01:27}Compliment, praise, etcetera.

{1:01:28}{1:01:29}All right,

{1:01:29}{1:01:31}we are back in business.

{1:01:34}{1:01:36}Wait!|Skipper, Kowalski,


{1:01:38}{1:01:39}They're this way!

{1:01:39}{1:01:40}So is a massive army of octopi.

{1:01:41}{1:01:42}And as soon as we return|to the North


{1:01:44}{1:01:45}and work up a smashing

{1:01:46}{1:01:49}we'll come speeding back,|and take down Dave.

{1:01:49}{1:01:52}But the penguins are in danger!|We have to go now!

{1:01:52}{1:01:54}Again, "Huge army of octopi."

{1:01:55}{1:01:57}So, because you failed once,|you're just running away?

{1:01:57}{1:02:01}We did not fail.|And we are not running away.

{1:02:01}{1:02:03}We're just very sensibly regrouping.

{1:02:03}{1:02:04}Skipper wouldn't care!

{1:02:04}{1:02:07}Plan or no, fancy equipment

{1:02:08}{1:02:10}he'd never leave a man behind!

{1:02:10}{1:02:14}Well, I suppose we can't all be penguins,|can we?


{1:02:22}{1:02:24}But maybe you should be.

{1:02:32}{1:02:33}Come on.

{1:02:42}{1:02:46}Showtime, everyone!|Big smiles for the Big Apple!

{1:02:46}{1:02:48}Listen up, Doris!

{1:02:48}{1:02:51}You turn us into freaks,|and then what?

{1:02:51}{1:02:54}You think that's gonna|make everybody love you?

{1:02:55}{1:02:57}No, but they'll despise you.

{1:03:01}{1:03:04}And I'm sure|going to love that!

{1:03:13}{1:03:16}Breaking news!|The missing penguins have been found!

{1:03:16}{1:03:18}Okay.|According to

{1:03:18}{1:03:21}genetic researcher, Dr. Octavius Brine|has found

{1:03:21}{1:03:23}and is bringing them here|to New York's Battery Park.

{1:03:23}{1:03:25}The penguins are coming back!

{1:03:25}{1:03:26}Oh, my gosh! Look!

{1:03:54}{1:03:56}Penguin lovers of the world!

{1:03:56}{1:03:58}Guess who I found.


{1:04:00}{1:04:01}It wasn'

{1:04:01}{1:04:04}but seeing the penguins|get what

{1:04:05}{1:04:07}will make it all worthwhile.

{1:04:07}{1:04:10}What a weird thing to say.|I'm so excited!

{1:04:11}{1:04:12}Do it.

{1:04:24}{1:04:26}Skipper! Skipper! Skipper!

{1:04:26}{1:04:28}Rico! Kowalski!

{1:04:28}{1:04:32}It's like I can still hear|his little voice calling to us!

{1:04:32}{1:04:35}You have to get out of there!|Move!

{1:04:35}{1:04:38}"You have a great otter, there. Moo."

{1:04:38}{1:04:39}Why would he moo?

{1:04:39}{1:04:43}What are you asking me for?|I'm not Private's little ghost.



{1:04:52}{1:04:56}Are you ready?







{1:05:16}{1:05:19}Penguins! Penguins! Penguins!

{1:05:33}{1:05:36}The people love you.|Just go give them a hug!

{1:05:46}{1:05:47}Don't let them touch you!

{1:05:56}{1:05:58}Oh, no.|What's happening?

{1:05:58}{1:06:00}Nobody likes you anymore?

{1:06:00}{1:06:03}Well, the fun and games|are just beginning.

{1:06:03}{1:06:04}Watch this, penguins!


{1:06:05}{1:06:07}the exterminators!

{1:06:16}{1:06:18}And when the exterminators|take

{1:06:19}{1:06:21}you never come back!

{1:06:46}{1:06:47}Oh, dear.

{1:06:47}{1:06:49}Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!

{1:06:49}{1:06:51}What do I do?|What do I do?


{1:06:58}{1:07:01}Come on, then, you wanna go?|You want some argy-bargy?

{1:07:27}{1:07:28}Uh-oh, missed one!

{1:07:30}{1:07:32}What a wonderful day in the park!



{1:07:42}{1:07:44}Hold on!|What are you doing?


{1:07:50}{1:07:51}Don't eat that!

{1:07:52}{1:07:56}Skipper, listen!|It's me, Private.

{1:07:56}{1:07:58}I've got a plan, but I need your help.

{1:07:58}{1:08:00}I need my Skipper.


{1:08:24}{1:08:25}Yes!|That's it!

{1:08:25}{1:08:27}Private, you're alive!

{1:08:29}{1:08:31}Oh, God!

{1:08:44}{1:08:46}Kowalski!|You've got to get a grip!

{1:08:48}{1:08:50}Kowalski!|Eva is worried about you!

{1:08:51}{1:08:52}She is?

{1:08:52}{1:08:53}What did she say?

{1:08:53}{1:08:55}Did she say my name, specifically?

{1:08:55}{1:08:58}I mean, were there tears?|Details! Come on, tell me!

{1:08:59}{1:09:01}Private!|You're alive! Come here.

{1:09:02}{1:09:03}This feels a

{1:09:03}{1:09:05}but I'm happy-

{1:09:09}{1:09:11}Rico!|You need to listen to us.

{1:09:11}{1:09:14}I guess you're kind of the same|either way.

{1:09:16}{1:09:17}Heads up!

{1:09:20}{1:09:23}Looks like we're back in business, boys.

{1:09:23}{1:09:26}And our business is saving penguin-kind.

{1:09:26}{1:09:27}Who's with me?

{1:09:28}{1:09:29}Count me in.

{1:09:29}{1:09:30}Let's do this!

{1:09:31}{1:09:33}Let's create and feel momentum!

{1:09:38}{1:09:40}Sir, how long do we stand here|like this?

{1:09:40}{1:09:44}Until we've reached maximum coolness.

{1:09:46}{1:09:48}There it is.

{1:09:48}{1:09:49}Now all we need is a plan.

{1:09:49}{1:09:51}I've got one!

{1:09:55}{1:09:57}You stole Dave's ray?

{1:09:57}{1:10:00}Well, I figured if we could|reverse

{1:10:00}{1:10:03}we could turn everyone back to normal.

{1:10:03}{1:10:04}Reverse the ray?

{1:10:04}{1:10:05}That's brilliant!

{1:10:06}{1:10:07}But it's impossible.

{1:10:08}{1:10:10}In order to reverse the ray,|we would need to replace|the

{1:10:11}{1:10:14}with a power source|of almost immeasurable cuteness.

{1:10:14}{1:10:16}"Immeasurable cuteness"?

{1:10:16}{1:10:18}Where the heck|are we supposed to get that?

{1:10:29}{1:10:31}No, wait, Private! No!

{1:10:31}{1:10:33}We don't know what|that will do to you!

{1:10:36}{1:10:37}All right!

{1:10:37}{1:10:39}The ray!|It works!

{1:10:39}{1:10:39}It works!

{1:10:40}{1:10:41}Private!|Are you okay?



{1:10:45}{1:10:47}There's a hand attached to his butt.

{1:10:48}{1:10:49}That was not there before.

{1:10:49}{1:10:51}Get out of there!|That's an order!

{1:10:51}{1:10:52}Permission to defy order.

{1:10:52}{1:10:53}Permission denied!

{1:10:53}{1:10:54}Then I deny your denial.

{1:10:54}{1:10:56}It's too risky, Private!

{1:10:56}{1:10:58}It already made you|sprout a butt-hand!

{1:10:58}{1:11:00}I know it has to|be me this time.

{1:11:02}{1:11:04}And I think you know it, too.

{1:11:18}{1:11:20}I'm the secret weapon!

{1:11:30}{1:11:34}I'm happy!|

{1:11:34}{1:11:39}now that I have my revenge,|I feel empty.

{1:11:39}{1:11:44}As if what I needed all

{1:11:44}{1:11:45}more revenge!

{1:11:46}{1:11:47}In fact, Robin, write this down.

{1:11:48}{1:11:50}Tomorrow, we move on to kittens!

{1:11:50}{1:11:52}Then, puppies! Bunnies! Pandas!

{1:11:55}{1:11:57}Charlize, they're on the ray!

{1:11:58}{1:12:00}Helen, hunt them down!

{1:12:00}{1:12:01}William, hurt them.

{1:12:02}{1:12:03}Halle, bury them!

{1:12:03}{1:12:05}Hugh, Jack, man the battle stations!

{1:12:06}{1:12:07}Kevin, bake on!

{1:12:07}{1:12:10}We're still gonna need|that victory cake!

{1:12:18}{1:12:20}We're only gonna get|one shot at this, boys.

{1:12:20}{1:12:22}How we doing on those snow globes?

{1:12:22}{1:12:24}Beam-splitter ready!

{1:12:24}{1:12:26}Fire at Will!

{1:12:27}{1:12:28}Do it, Skipper!

{1:12:41}{1:12:42}Dead batteries?

{1:12:42}{1:12:44}Game over, Skipper.


{1:12:48}{1:12:50}Rico, batteries!

{1:12:50}{1:12:52}Skipper, Kowalski,|hold off those octopi!

{1:12:52}{1:12:54}We're doing this now!

{1:12:55}{1:12:58}You heard Private!|Deploy!

{1:13:16}{1:13:19}Get back, you aquatic savages!

{1:13:19}{1:13:22}Behind you! Beside you!|Six o'clock! Twelve o'clock!

{1:13:26}{1:13:28}They're coming from every direction!

{1:13:28}{1:13:30}There's just too many of them!


{1:13:51}{1:13:53}You came back!

{1:14:01}{1:14:05}Oh! That's why you look back|at the explosion.

{1:14:20}{1:14:21}Fallback positions!

{1:14:22}{1:14:24}Stay away from Private!

{1:14:28}{1:14:31}Suck it up, Kowalski!


{1:14:34}{1:14:36}It's over, Skipper.

{1:14:36}{1:14:38}Over?|That's weird.

{1:14:38}{1:14:42}Then why is Rico|throwing me a fresh pair of double-As?


{1:14:48}{1:14:49}The remote!

{1:14:57}{1:14:58}Rico!|Dibble me!

{1:15:56}{1:15:57}It worked!


{1:15:59}{1:16:01}Excuse me!|Emergency! Coming through.

{1:16:01}{1:16:03}Make a hole!|Make a hole!

{1:16:07}{1:16:08}Oh, no!

{1:16:08}{1:16:10}Don't worry!

{1:16:10}{1:16:14}A chrysalis is just forming around you.|That's perfectly normal.



{1:16:42}{1:16:44}Oh, look at that.|Majestic!


{1:16:47}{1:16:49}- Oh! Hey!|- What's wrong?

{1:16:50}{1:16:51}Have I ?

{1:16:51}{1:16:53}Cover your eyes.|Don't turn your head!


{1:16:57}{1:16:58}How do I look?


{1:17:01}{1:17:03}and will probably be hunted for sport.



{1:17:06}{1:17:11}If there's anything we've learned|from this delightful adventure,

{1:17:11}{1:17:14}it's that looks don't matter.

{1:17:15}{1:17:17}It's what you do that counts.

{1:17:18}{1:17:21}And look at what you did.

{1:17:41}{1:17:43}Yes, sir.

{1:17:43}{1:17:48}You are the most meaningful|and valued member of this team.

{1:18:06}{1:18:07}Way to go, Private!

{1:18:08}{1:18:09}Atta boy!

{1:18:10}{1:18:11}Nicely done.

{1:18:12}{1:18:15}Way to go, Private.|You did it!

{1:18:15}{1:18:17}We're so proud of you!

{1:18:17}{1:18:18}You saved us!

{1:18:18}{1:18:20}We love you, Private!

{1:18:21}{1:18:22}Yeah, we love you!

{1:18:23}{1:18:24}You the penguin!


{1:18:45}{1:18:46}- "Dave."|- Dave!

{1:18:52}{1:18:55}What?|Are you kidding me?

{1:18:57}{1:18:59}Dave! Oh, look at you.

{1:18:59}{1:19:03}You think this is over?|I'm just getting started!

{1:19:03}{1:19:05}What do we do with him now?

{1:19:06}{1:19:07}Open this right now!

{1:19:07}{1:19:09}Here you go, kid.


{1:19:19}{1:19:21}I hope you find happiness, Dave.

{1:19:23}{1:19:25}It's snowing!|It's snowing! It's snowing!

{1:19:25}{1:19:28}It's snowing! It's snowing!|It's snowing! It's snowing!

{1:19:29}{1:19:30}Right. Now,

{1:19:31}{1:19:33}This is difficult for me

{1:19:33}{1:19:35}Is it "osteoporosis"?

{1:19:35}{1:19:36}You just gotta lean into the vowel.


{1:19:39}{1:19:40}No, no.

{1:19:40}{1:19:45}I want to say, you four|are the bravest agents|I have ever known.


{1:19:47}{1:19:49}I was wrong about you.

{1:19:49}{1:19:53}And I hope there is some way|I can make it right.

{1:19:53}{1:19:55}- Give us jetpacks?|- We should kiss.

{1:19:57}{1:19:59}Did you ?

{1:20:04}{1:20:05}Well, that feels right!

{1:20:06}{1:20:08}I think I'd actually|prefer a jetpack, please.

{1:20:09}{1:20:12}I think we should go with|Private's idea.

{1:20:16}{1:20:19}Kowalski, what's our trajectory?

{1:20:19}{1:20:24}95% certain this will end in massive,|flaming disaster.

{1:20:24}{1:20:25}And the other 5%?

{1:20:25}{1:20:28}Irrelevant, sir.|Jetpacks are awesome!


{1:20:40}{1:20:42}Who says penguins can't fly?


{1:21:25}{1:21:28}Skipper, we are going to turn me|back to normal, right?

{1:21:28}{1:21:30}Absolutely.|First thing, Monday.

{1:21:34}{1:21:36}I'm in a rocket ship!

{1:21:36}{1:21:37}I want to push the button.

{1:21:38}{1:21:39}Give me that.


{1:21:40}{1:21:42}Let's do this!|I'm ready!

{1:21:42}{1:21:43}Okay, on three.|One, three, go!

{1:21:44}{1:21:46}I'm just going to do|a little practice push.

{1:21:47}{1:21:48}Okay, I'm not going to

{1:21:49}{1:21:51}Why are you smacking my hand?|Hey, look over there!

{1:21:52}{1:21:53}I'm a laser show!



{1:21:58}{1:22:01}That's the Private we know and love.|High one!

{1:22:02}{1:22:04}Immeasurable cuteness, right there.

{1:22:04}{1:22:05}Good to be back.

{1:22:06}{1:22:08}I feel like a french fry.

{1:22:09}{1:22:11}I'm okay!

{1:22:11}{1:22:13}And with cuteness to spare.

{1:22:13}{1:22:16}Come on!|Frosty mugs of herring juice, all around.

{1:22:16}{1:22:17}- Private's buying.|- What?

{1:22:17}{1:22:21}You know, if I'm being honest,|I expected a


{1:22:24}{1:22:26}Yes! Now, that's pizzazz!

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