


高一寒假自学课第05讲 完形填空寒假



第05讲 完形填空寒假开心练








g on the narrow balance beam is not easy. But Lola Walter,a 13-year-old

gymnast, is an expert at perfect her skills,Loala_______for four hours a day , five

days a the date championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls.

d sed

由But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast,is an expert at it可知她是一名体




个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来,不要就 空填空。要根据上下文进行合乎逻

辑的推理判断。难选的题 通常在后文有暗示。




runs in the ___1____. Michael’s father always helped the poor as he believed it made

everyone e Greenberg feels the same. A pair of gloves may be a small

thing, but it make a big difference in winter.

C. neighbourhood D. company

这是一道语境题,仅看第一个句子,四个选项都可以。但后文讲Michile 的父亲总是

帮助穷人,因为他认为那会使每个人更快乐。Michile 感觉一样,所以通过父子两个



表示结构层次的语篇标志词有:firstly secondly, thirdly,finally 等。

表示逻辑关系的语篇标志词有:thus, therefore,so

表示改变话题的标志语有:by the way

表示递进关系的标志语有:besides, what’s more, furthermore(而且)

表示转折关系的有:but,however,while, on the other hand, although等。

表示事件关系的有:meanwhile,before, when,until, later 等。

通过这些 语篇标志语,可以快速弄清楚上下文的关系,确定答案。

For those people, he is“Gloves”Greenberg. How did he get that name?He looks like

any other businessman,wearing a suit carrying a briefcase .But he’s_______.His briefcase

always has some gloves.

B. different C. crazy D. similar

由He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit carrying a

briefcase(他看起来和任何其他商人一样,穿着西装,拿着公文包)But he’





had the rare balance of fun and compassion. He would__1_the loudest over fun and

be the saddest anyone’s___2__.

1.A. speak on

tune B. disbelief esty e




I said that I didn't know how to get back into town. In silence he started driving.

I ran back to my car and drove behind him. Finally I recognized a familiar street. As I

turned to head home, the car disappeared. Then I___my driveway when the warning light

for my gas tank turned on.

into away C. ran across out


的是the hard area or road between y:our house and the street,(美)(从建



以选pull into.正确答案为A




In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord

Chancellor, will introduce a ___ bill that will propose making payment to witnesses

illegal. (2001)

A. sketch B. rough C. preliminary D. draft

解析:draft 常用于法律术语中,draft bill 意为草案,法案的意思,是习惯搭配。




(2022·河北·正定中学高一阶段练习)It was a classic night. The noisy

Mexico City____1____ calmed down. The main stadium of Olympic track and field

competition was enveloped (笼罩) in the____2____.After he finished taking

photos of the marathon winners____3____the victory, Greenspan, a world-famous

news producer, found the stadium____4____. He was about to____5____ when he

suddenly saw a man with his right leg spotted with the blood ran into the stadium. This

man ran lamely(跛脚地)out of breath, but he didn’t stop. After he ran along the track for

a____6____ and got to the finish line, he____7____ on the ground.

Greenspan guessed this was a marathon athlete. Out of ____8____, he went over and

ask why the athlete managed to run to the finish line with such____9____.

The young man, called Kowari from Tanzania, replied in a____10____voice, “That

my country sent me here from over 20,000 kilometers is not to let me get off the track in

the competition, but to make me____11____the game. Though I’ve ____12____all other

runners, I have a sacred(神圣的)goal like them. The audience won’t ____13____ me, but

my motherland is watching me ” Tears welled up in Greenspan’s eyes.

Soon, he spread the most____14____scene in the history of the Olympic Games to every

corner of the world. Life should have a dream of reaching the peak. It is not whether we

can reach the top but whether we’ve made the greatest____15____that counts. To reach

the goal in the mind is also a success.

1.A.gradually B.officially C.actually D.extremely

2.A.sunlight B.darkness C.flash D.view

3.A.admiring B.exploring C.designing D.celebrating

4.A.busy B.different C.empty D.noisy B.leave C.quit

6.A.mile B.minute D.second

7.A.lay B.focused C.jumped D.jogged

8.A.sight B.curiosity C.control D.pity

9.A.difficulty B.feeling C.adventure D.impression

10.A.proud B.excited C.mad D.gentle

11.A.complete B.improve C.appreciate D.challenge

12.A.competed with B.fallen behind C.left behind D.started with

13.A.attract B.annoy C.cheer D.influence

14.A.frightening B.exciting C.touching D.confusing

15.A.achievements B.change C.progress D.efforts

(2022·甘肃·永昌县第一高级中学高一期中)I was walking in a park on a

cool autumn morning. The view was charming, and a pleasant breeze(微风)

was kissing my face ___16___.

Then I saw a mother and her little baby. The mother wore ___17___ clothes that

seemed to be found in a dustbin—How easy it is for fortunate people to ___18___ away

things they don’t need, and they do this ___19___ thinking of the unfortunate! She was

holding her baby, protecting her from the morning ___20___ and expecting some money

from strangers so that she could ___21___ food for both of them. It was then that I

realized how ___22___ I had been in my whole life for living a rich life.

Then a man ___23___ some money and food to the mother, and as she took them, her

face was ___24___ as if she had been the happiest person in the world. And why not, she

could now ____25____ her baby at least for the day.

Actually, happiness doesn’t ____26____ luck, your financial or your physical

conditions, but only on yourself. It is just a ____27____ in your hands. If you choose to

be happy, ____28____ can stop you from it.

How ____29____ it is that one observation(观察) can change your life! Life has a lot

to offer if you observe very closely. One who observes can ____30____ real happiness.

16.A.strongly B.gradually C.gently D.normally

17.A.expensive B.wonderful C.perfect D.dirty

18.A.move B.push C.throw D.send

19.A.for C.within D.without

20.A.cold B.light C.sound D.fact C.pick D.share

22.A.wealthy B.special C.successful D.lucky

23.A.donated B.lent C.promised D.sold

24.A.sinking B.shining C.shaking D.falling

25.A.improve B.protect C.deliver D.feed

26.A.go on B.come out C.depend on D.turn out

27.A.symbol B.strength C.voice D.choice

28.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

29.A.comforting B.amazing C.disappointing D.satisfying

30.A.invent B.lose D.ignore

(2022·湖南永州·高一期中)It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first

letter to Paul and Renee. I was about 13. Paul was the same ____31____ as

me, his sister Renee was two years younger, and they lived in France. I was keen(热衷

的)on learning languages, so I was ____32____ when my French teacher assigned(分

配)us pen pals.

It was quite a(n) ____33____ to get a letter from a foreign country, so

I ____34____ receiving their reply. They weren’t good at English, so after six months, we

were all writing in ____35____, which helped me acquire a good knowledge of the


I decided to go to France on holiday in 1949 to ____36____ them. The

family ____37____ me well, and I visited several times in the years that followed. The

first time I met Renee, she ____38____me up at the station, and we hit it off straight


I never got to meet Paul. Renee wrote to me and ____39____ me that he had died

shortly after joining the army. Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our

friendship became ____40____. We talked about our families, our ____41____ and our

troubles in life. After that I moved to South Africa for a while, married, had children, and

changed jobs. Throughout all this, we ____42____ writing letters.

I’m 93 now and I still write to Renee. She has difficulty writing now, so she phones

me to ____43____. Most people don’t seem to have the ____44____ for letters anymore,

but it gives me great pleasure to write. And this is the most valuable ____45____ I have

ever had.

31.A.interest B.dream C.height D.age

32.A.frightened B.pleased C.awkward D.annoyed

33.A.arrangement B.thing C.problem D.debate

34.A.looked forward toB.was attracted to C.signed up for D.took control


35.A.Spain B.English C.French D.German B.praise C.check

37.A.treated B.fitted C.knew D.protected

38.A.picked B.called C.brought D.held

39.A.assured B.informed C.contacted D.calmed

40.A.calmer B.deeper C.flatter D.shorter

41.A.memories C.organizations D.hobbies

42.A.kept B.stopped C.avoided D.recommended

43.A.explore B.remember C.revise D.reply

44.A.request B.concern C.time

45.A.adventure B.tradition C.friendship D.trip

(2022·浙江·缙云西桥中学高一阶段练习)A few years ago, I was leaving

the dog kennel(养狗场) where I worked, only to find a baby goat at the

end of the driveway. The kennel’s owners are animal rescuers, and I

thought someone____46____him over the fence. The kid was____47____nervous but

stood perfectly still as I got closer.

I’m an animal____48____and I’ve brought home dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and

fish, but never a goat. The tiny kid was too____49____for me to leave it behind.

I____50____him Quincy and bottle- fed him in my bathroom.

Quincy proved to be quite____51____. When he was about a week old, I tapped my

fingers on the floor and said “____52____” I was amazed when he dropped down. I was

even more amazed when he did it three times____53____. A quick study, Quincy learned

to lie down, bow, and turn in a circle in no time. He knows the name of everything I feed

him, and even joins us for____54____to the dog park.

I often take my dogs to shows where they can perform their_____55_____. Quincy

did his first show at just six weeks old. He knew only a few tricks then, but he did them

perfectly and never_____56_____or got nervous in front of the crowd. Now he’ll shake

hooves, come when called, walk on a leash, wave, smile for the_____57_____( “Say

cheese!” ), and more. Quincy and my dogs perform regularly at schools, nursing homes,

and charity events. Quincy can even “read” his tricks off cue cards(提示卡), which

always_____58_____the most applause(掌声).

The goat kid nobody_____59_____turned out to be one of the smartest animals I’ve

had. He’s by far the sharpest of my bunch—just don’t tell the_____60_____!

46.A.hunted B.dropped C.caught D.attracted

47.A.gracefully B.officially C.obviously D.equally

48.A.keeper B.researcher D.lover

49.A.lovely B.fortunate C.precious D.rare

50.A.offered B.named C.awarded D.showed B.energetic C.curious D.thoughtful

52.A.Sit down B.Calm down C.Slow down D.Lie down a loss B.on hand a row shock

54.A.adventures B.trips C.invitations D.hikes

55.A.duties B.experiments C.tricks D.plays

56.A.misbehaved B.answered C.damaged D.recognized

57.A.microphone B.headphone C.pipe

58.A.creates B.earns C.improves D.challenges

59.A.occupied B.recommended C.wanted D.packed

60.A.goats B.cats C.chickens D.dogs

(2022·内蒙古第一机械制造(集团)有限公司第一中学高一期中)My parents

and I never really saw eye to eye on anything. When I was young it was

just the ____61____ stuff — the length of my skirt or the movies I wanted to

watch. ____62____ , as I got older, I found that there was a lot more that we

didn’t ____63____ — my choice of friends or what I wanted to study at university.

I went to university in another city at 17. ____64____ home has totally broadened

my outlook (看法) on the world and has changed my opinions on lots of ____65____ .

I’ve encountered many amazing people with different experiences. My circle of friends

includes people with ____66____ beliefs, values, cultures and different ways of

approaching life. But the great thing is that we respect each other’s ____67____. I’ve

learnt to question what I’ve been taught and not always agree just because that is what

“everybody else” ____68____ .

When I went home to visit my parents the first couple of times, I found it really hard

to ____69____ . I found it hard to deal with not being able to ____70____ my opinions as

freely as I did when I was away from home. It was really upsetting. I used to get angry

that my parents weren’t in ____71____ of my opinions. Now, I gradually realize

that ____72____ I want my parents to respect what I say, I have to ____73____ their

views. While it is ____74____ , once I make an effort to respect their values, it is not

a ____75____ to get along with my parents.

61.A.major B.useful C.simple D.actual

62.A.Otherwise B.However C.Besides D.Thus

63.A.agree on B.focus on on D.rely on

64.A.Reaching B.Visiting C.Missing D.Leaving

65.A.decisions B.issues C.challenges D.experiences

66.A.secondary B.practical C.various D.normal

67.A.interests B.feelings C.attitudes D.viewpoints

68.A.argues B.considers C.exchanges D.battles

69.A.remove B.confuse C.handle D.complain

70.A.voice B.control C.tell

71.A.face C.need D.honor

72.A.unless B.after C.if D.although

73.A.welcome B.protect C.require D.develop

74.A.unfortunate B.alarming C.frightening D.tough

75.A.surprise B.shock C.breakdown D.struggle

(2022·宁夏六盘山高级中学高一期中)My wife and I moved into our home

two years ago. We had a yard with a lot of ____76____ very often when we

have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocks, just to add

some ____77____ to the area.

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