





Here's a 2000 word English essay about a trip to the zoo,

written in the voice of an elementary school student:

My Fun Trip to the Zoo!

Yay, it was finally the day of our school trip to the zoo! I was

sooo excited and could barely sleep the night before. I woke up

super early and got ready. I put on my favorite t-shirt with a big

tiger on it and my comfy shorts. I ate my breakfast really fast

cause I just couldn't wait to go!

When I got to school, the whole class was there and

everybody was buzzing with excitement. "Are you ready to see

the monkeys?!" my best friend Timmy asked. "You know it!" I

replied. I was actually way more excited to see the big cats like

lions and tigers. Those are my total favorites!

Finally, the buses arrived and we all piled in, still screaming

and shouting about which animals we wanted to see first. The

ride to the zoo felt like it took forever. I kept staring out the

window, wishing the bus could go faster. When we finally got

there, I was one of the first ones off the bus. The entrance to the

zoo was huge with these really tall gates. I could hear the animals

making all kinds of noises from inside!

First up was the bird house. There were birds of every color

flapping around and squawking up a storm. I saw bright red

parrots, pink flamingos, and even a huge blue peacock showing

off its amazing tail feathers. It was like walking through a

rainbow! A zookeeper brought out an owl and we all got to see it

up close. That was really cool.

After the birds, we headed over to the reptile area which had

sooo many different snakes! There was a reallllly long python

slowly slithering around its glass cage. I felt kinda bad for the

snakes being stuck in those tanks. The crocodiles and alligators

were pretty awesome though. They looked like living dinosaurs

guarding those swampy waters. One opened its gigantic mouth

and we could see rows and rows of sharp teeth!

Lunchtime finally came and we all huddled in the shaded

picnic area to eat our packed lunches. I was starving from all that

walking around. My sandwich tasted so good! After lunch, it was

time for my favorite part - the big cats! We walked down a long

trail with tall wooden fences on both sides to keep the animals

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