



exchange transactions 外汇交易

exchange value 外汇价值

exchange war 外汇战

excise 货物税,消费税.

exercise date 执行日

exercise price, striking price 履约价格,认购价格.

expenditure tax 支出税.

expenditure tax regime 支出税税制.

expenses incurred in the purchase 购买物业开支.

expiration date 到期日

export and import bank 进出口银行

export gold point 黄金输出点

exposure 风险.

external account 对外帐户

extraneous risks 附加险.

extrinsic value 外在价值.

face value 面值

facultative insurance 临时保险.

fair and reasonable 公平合理

far future risks 长远期风险.

farm subsidies 农产品补贴

farmland occupancy tax 耕地占用税.

favourable exchange 顺汇

fax base 税基.

feast tax 筵席税.

feathered assets 掺水资产.

fee 不动产.

fee interest 不动产产权.

fictions payee 虚构抬头人.

fictitious assets 虚拟资产.

fictitious capital 虚拟资本.

fiduciary a. 信托的,信用的,受信托的(人)

fiduciary field 信用领域,信托领域

finance broker 金融经纪人.

financial advising services 金融咨询服务

financial arrangement 筹资安排.

financial crisis 金融危机

financial crisis 金融危机

financial crisis 金融危机

financial forward contract 金融远期合约.

financial futures 金融期货.

financial futures contract 金融期货合约.

financial insolvency 无力支付.

financial institutions' deposit 同业存款

financial lease 金融租赁.

financial leases 金融租赁.

financial risk 金融风险.

financial statement analysis 财务报表分析.

financial system 金融体系

financial system 金融体系

financial system 金融体系

financial transaction 金融业务

financial transaction 金融业务

financial transaction 金融业务

financial unrest 金融动荡

financial unrest 金融动荡

financial unrest 金融动荡

financial world 金融界

本文标签: 金融价格资产