



美国知名网络词典 (ydc)于2004年12月26日公布了通过网络调

查评选出"2004年度美国流行英语词汇"(the top word of 2004),今年

特别增加了数字和色彩类流行词汇。词汇共分八大类别,包括 the top

words, names, phrases, numbers, california youthspeak, internet,

sports-related, and color-related words, as well as the top words

in pop music and the most frequently spoken word on the


国大选相关的two americas(副总统候选人爱德华兹表述美国贫富差


变化太快),red states / blue states(美国大选各州投票支持率分别



数), orange(乌克兰尤先科发动的橙色革命)等。

top ten words of 2004

1. incivility

a year characterized by the incivil war, where the shrillness of

political discourse (dis-coarse) has risen (or descended to) the

highest levels in memory.

2. red states / blue states

a dangerously deep split or just the simplest way of cutting

an amazingly complex demographic pie.

3. blogosphere

the realm of the ‘web log’ or ‘blog’’. bloggers taken

on a prominent role in vetting the mainstream media.

4. flip-flop/flopping

whether in reality or in myth, the concept helped to torpedo

the kerry campaign.

5. esrever

that's `reverse' backwards, for the red sox who finally

'reversed the curse` of the bambino and won the world series

after 87 years.

6. fahrenheit

9/11 that is. evidently, moore passed on the more euro-

centric ‘celsius 488’.

7. ipod

another product-related verb such as 'to google' or 'to tivo'.

8. im

in 2004 instant messaging became a way of life, even in the

corporate world.

9. liberal

progressive, please.

10. eurosceptic

those in the eu who think the strength of europe was in its

vigorous diversity.

bonus word: pajamahadeen

those bloggers who have taken a prominent role in vetting

(or ensuring the accuracy) of mainstream media news coverage.

(origin: bloggers supposedly work in their bathrobes.)

top ten names

1. dubya rove (w. and karl rove)

an indomitable team that plowed to victory.

2. mel (gibson) (michael) moore

both filmmakers set out to tackle sacrosanct subjects and

both succeeded beyond all expectations.

3. saddam hussein

crawled his way out of a spider hole and spent ’04 holed


4. john kerry

another liberal from massachusetts meets his fate in one-

time democratic strongholds.

5. vladimir putin

consolidating power at an ever quickening pace.

6. howard dean

in the popular mind, the ‘i have a scream’ speech put an

end to his prospects though it occurred after he lost iowa.

7. martha stewart

camp cupcake’s no. 1 detainee.

8. ahh-nold

the governator remains in the news with his girlie-men

characterization of political foes

9. janet jackson

who won the super bowl?

10. yushchenko

leader of the ‘orange revolution’ in the ukraine who

survived alleged dioxin assassination attempt.

本文标签: 美国词汇流行战争英语词汇