


qq盗号及验证码作用(QQ hacking and verification code.)

A:QQ login using the image verification code, it is no law that

contains the character information. Ordinary users with the

naked eye can identify the character information, but through

malicious software automatic login behavior (bad sense by user

behavior is not legitimate software registration system or

website, without manual input number and password) will be

effectively prevented

Q: verification code is commonly used in what place?

A: early verification code used in the BBS, forums and websites,

user registration, post, through the verification code

validation is successful before using these functions. The

purpose is to prevent people recklessly spam posted on the site,

advertising stickers.

Q:QQ login verification code what is the use?

A:QQ login, authentication code is useful to prevent hacking

by timely and effective large sign stealing QQ number. The ones

who may use your number of spam, viruses, fraud, transfer to

game point, your friends, friends, and even delete back groups,

the dissolution of group action, and verification code greatly

retard the hacking of these harmful behavior, you will minimize

the loss.

What Q:QQ login verification code can be done? The direction

of future efforts is what?

A: cannot prevent theft, can not prevent the metastasis of QB,

can not prevent the friends, the group is deleted, but can

reduce hacking batch modify user information, or send spam

messages to transfer speed. The future direction is to optimize

the performance, makes good identification easier, more

difficult to identify the bad guys; the verification code is

more intelligent, only the bad guys, do not affect the good.

Q: when I QQ why suddenly need to enter the login login

verification code?

A: if you find the right number password is prompted to enter

your verification code, may have the following two reasons:

1. QQ password has been stolen, and without your knowledge by

others to send advertising or fraudulent messages, which is

detected by the system.

2. is the use of the network (such as Internet cafes) are now

engaged in some compromise QQ user security behavior (hacking,

send fraudulent information, spam etc.).

Q: why login code are so difficult to identify?

A: in order to deal with the enemy verification code, using text

recognition technology in the automatic login software (word

recognition technology refers to computer automatic

recognition of text in the image, no human eye identification.

It can be used Daohao registration and verification code, is

the relationship between the spear and the shield). Therefore,

we must continue to improve in order to prevent the automatic

recognition of the software, improved the verification code to

本文标签: 验证码盗号作用