



Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters are essential

indicators for understanding the photosynthetic efficiency

and physiological status of plants. They provide valuable

insights into the dynamics of photosynthesis, allowing

researchers to assess plant health, stress responses, and

adaptation mechanisms. In this article, we will delve into

the various chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, their

significance, and how they are measured and interpreted.

1. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Principles.

Chlorophyll fluorescence occurs when photosystem II

(PSII) in chloroplasts absorbs light energy that exceeds

the requirements for photosynthesis. This excess energy is

dissipated as fluorescence, which can be detected and

analyzed to infer the state of PSII and the photosynthetic


2. Key Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters.

a. Fv/Fm (Maximum quantum yield of PSII): The ratio of

variable fluorescence (Fv) to maximum fluorescence (Fm) is

a widely used parameter to assess the maximum photochemical

efficiency of PSII. It is typically measured after dark

adaptation to ensure that all PSII reaction centers are

open. A decrease in Fv/Fm indicates damage to PSII or

inhibition of photosynthesis.

b. ΦPSII (Actual photochemical efficiency of PSII):

This parameter represents the fraction of absorbed photons

used for photochemical reactions in PSII. It provides

insights into the efficiency of PSII in utilizing absorbed

light energy for photosynthesis.

c. NPQ (Non-photochemical quenching): NPQ reflects the

ability of plants to dissipate excess light energy as heat,

thereby protecting PSII from photodamage. It is an

important indicator of plant acclimation to high light


d. qP (Photochemical quenching coefficient): qP

reflects the fraction of PSII reaction centers that are

open and capable of photochemistry. It provides information

on the redox state of the plasto.

本文标签: 荧光参数