


A Study of “Four Treasures of Chinese Study”

1. Introduction

Traditional tools and materials of Chinese calligraphy are basically evolved from

writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and inkstones, which are usually called as

“Scholars’ Four Jewels”or the four treasures of Chinese study (See Pic.1). As most

ancient Chinese scholars could write or draw, or manage both of the skills, they could

not live without these four treasures. The name of “Chinese study” could be traced

back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589) in Chinese history and

especially means scholars’ studies. (Zhang et al, 2008) Writing brushes, ink sticks,

paper and inkstones are used in study, therefore people praise the four objects as the

four treasures of Chinese study. Except for the four treasures of Chinese study, study

tools also include ink cartridges, ink and pen holders, pen rack beds, arm rests, writing

brush washers, book towns, water scoops, inkstones, seal boxes, cutting knives,

stamps,etc. (Zhang et al, 2008)

Pic.1 Four treasures of Chinese study.

Source: /show/4/141/)

Till the Song Dynasty (960-1127), writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and inkstones

have become the important writing and painting tools in the study, archaeology can

also prove it. For instance, in the tomb of Xu Jun of the Southern Song Dynasty in

Fouzhou city, Fujian Province, researchers found the whole set of the four treasures of

Chinese study as burial objects. (Zhang, 2004) Another example is that on the wall

painting Zhang Wenzao’s family tomb in the Liao Dynasty in Zhangjiakou, Hebei

Province, there are several images about the writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and

inkstones. These facts present that the four treasures have gradually formed a broad

social practical basis in such a long history and finally became a special word in the

Song Dynasty. (Zhang et al, 2008)

In order to know and resume the relations between ancient writing and painting tools

with the study and the scholars’ behavior, people should fully understand the main

line of the development of calligraphy tools. This paper will make an in-depth

historical research on the four treasures of Chinese study, analyze the historical

development and characteristics of the four tools, besides, the author will also conduct

a series of case studies of the most famous representatives in China and their


g brush

Pic.2 Writting Brushes

Source: /2011/14/111419/images/

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