



Dynamic Bending Light (DBL)。

Dynamic Bending Light (DBL) is a type of automotive

lighting system that uses movable reflectors or projectors

to direct the beam of light around corners as the vehicle

turns. This allows the driver to see more clearly into the

curve ahead, making it safer to drive at night or in low-

visibility conditions.

DBL systems are typically used in conjunction with

high-intensity discharge (HID) or LED headlights, which

produce a brighter and more focused beam of light than

traditional halogen bulbs. The reflectors or projectors in

the DBL system are mounted on a movable base, which is

controlled by a computer. When the vehicle turns, the

computer adjusts the position of the reflectors or

projectors to point the beam of light in the direction of

the curve.

DBL systems are designed to provide the driver with a

wider field of view around corners, which can be especially

helpful in avoiding hazards such as pedestrians, cyclists,

and animals. DBL systems can also help to reduce glare from

oncoming vehicles, which can make it easier to see in dark


There are two main types of DBL systems:

Static DBL systems: Use fixed reflectors or projectors

to direct the beam of light around corners. Static DBL

systems are less expensive than dynamic DBL systems, but

they do not provide as wide a field of view.

Dynamic DBL systems: Use movable reflectors or

projectors to direct the beam of light around corners.

Dynamic DBL systems provide a wider field of view than

static DBL systems, but they are more expensive.

DBL systems are becoming increasingly common on new

vehicles, as they offer a number of safety benefits. DBL

systems can help to reduce the risk of accidents by

providing the driver with a clearer view of the road ahead.

Benefits of Dynamic Bending Light (DBL)。

DBL systems offer a number of benefits over traditional

automotive lighting systems, including:

Improved visibility around corners: DBL systems direct

the beam of light around corners as the vehicle turns,

which gives the driver a wider field of view. This can be

especially helpful in avoiding hazards such as pedestrians,

cyclists, and animals.

Reduced glare from oncoming vehicles: DBL systems can

also help to reduce glare from oncoming vehicles, which can

make it easier to see in dark conditions.

Increased safety: DBL systems can help to reduce the

risk of accidents by providing the driver with a clearer

view of the road ahead.

DBL systems are a relatively new technology, but they

are quickly becoming more common on new vehicles. As DBL

systems become more affordable, they are likely to become

even more popular.

How Dynamic Bending Light (DBL) Works.

DBL systems use a variety of sensors to determine the

vehicle's speed, steering angle, and yaw rate. These

sensors send signals to a computer, which then calculates

the appropriate angle for the reflectors or projectors. The

computer then adjusts the position of the reflectors or

projectors to point the beam of light in the direction of

the curve.

DBL systems are designed to provide the driver with a

wider field of view around corners, while minimizing glare

from oncoming vehicles. DBL systems can help to reduce the

risk of accidents by providing the driver with a clearer

view of the road ahead.


DBL systems are a valuable safety feature that can help

to improve visibility and reduce the risk of accidents. DBL

systems are becoming increasingly common on new vehicles,

and they are likely to become even more popular in the


本文标签: 照明弯道动态