



1. 加强:strengthen / reinforce / enhance / tighten

2. 新:new / up-and-coming / reinvent(v.) / emerging

3. 被称为/被誉为:be called as / be named as / be regarded as / be recognized as / be designated as / be paised as / be

honored as

4. 适合于:be suitable for / be tailored for

5. 欣赏/观赏:appreciate / admire

6. 独特的/特殊的:unique / special / distinctive

7. 看法/想法/观点:view / opinion / idea / prospect / thinking

8. 有利于/有助于:be conducive to / be instrumental in / contribute to / help to

影响:influence / effect / impact

exert/have a profound/strong/far-reaching influence on sb

have a salutary/good/beneficial effect on sb

have a bad/devastating effect on

wreak a havoc on

10. 人:people/person/man/human/individual/character/folk

11. 老人:the old/old people/the elderly/the aged/senoir civizens/older folks

12. 年轻人:the young/young people /youngsters/teen/teenager/adolescent

13. 事情:thing/event/matter/business/issue/affair

the most important business

affair(某种特质的事情):private affair/ international affair/world affair/family affair

14. 优点/好处/强项:advantage/benefit/merit/strength

15. 缺点/坏处/短项:disadvantage/shortcoming/drawback/downside

16. 错误:mistake/fault/error

17. 名声/名誉:reputation/renown/prestige/fame

个人威望/国际威望:personal/international prestige

18. 有能力做:have ability to do/capacity for doing/capability of doing/competence of doing

19. 在顶点/巅峰:at peak/creat/climax/zenith

20. 方法:way to do/way of doing/means of doing/approach to do/method of doing

21. 认为/持有..观点:think/reckon/insist/argue/deem

22. 获取/获得:get/obtain/acquire/gain

23. 表明/展示/显示/揭示:show/indicate/illustrate/reveal/disclose/demonstrate

24. 需要:need/require(requirement)/demand

25. 利用/使用/采用:use/utilize/take advantage of/make use of

employ a method

26. 提高/推进/推动:improve/promote/enhance/boost

27. 阻止/阻碍:impede/hinder/prevent/hamper



停止/打断/使结束:stop/quit/halt/cease/desist from

不断的/无尽的努力:ceaseless/endless/continuous efforts



stimulate one’s interest in the work

spur sb on to succeed

30. 完成/实现:finish/complete/achieve/accomplish

fulfill one’s dream

31. 支持:support/advocate/argue for/be in favor of

32. 反对:object to sb/argue against/oppose sth/disapprove of sb

33. 提供(我其他):give/offer/provide

provide sth for sb/provide sb sth

offer sth to sb/offer sb sth

36. 培养能力技能:develop/foster/cultivate/hone

cultivate new skills

hone one’s skills

35. 选择:choose/go for/opt(to do/for doing)

36. 讨厌:dislike/hate/detest

37. 放松:relax/loosen up/let,help oneself unwind

38. 在我看来/我认为/我的观点是:I think/as far as I’m concerned/in my opinion/from my perspective/from what I


39. 在当今社会:in the modern society/in the contemporary society/in the present-day society/in this day and


40. 随着……的发展:with the development of…/along with the advance of…/with the improvement of…/with

the rising growth of…

由于……的激增(不好的影响)due to the proliferation of smart phone/the internet/social media

41. 越来越多/急剧增多/逐渐增加:more and more / an increasing number of… / a growing number of / the number of

… increases exponentially / the number of … has risen steeply

42. 努力做:try one’s best to do / struggle for / strive for / spare no effort to do / exert oneself to do

43. 想要:want to do / aspire to do / be eager to do / be itching to do / long for / crave for / have a strong desire to do

44. 对……感兴趣:be interested in sth / sth appeals to sb / sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb

45. 总之/一言以蔽之/简而言之:in conclusion / all in all / to sum up / in summary / in a word / in brief

46. 实际上/事实上:in fact / as a matter of fact / in the concrete

47. 首先、其次、最后:first of all, secondly, last but not least / in the first place, in the second place / in addition /

what’s more / furthermore / additionly / besides

48. 毫无疑问:there is no doubt that… / there is no denying that… / on one can deny that… / undoubtedly / without


49. 众所周知:it is known to all that … / it is common knowlegde that … / it is commonly acknowlegded that … / as is

known to all, … / there is no doubt that … / there is no denying that … / it is clear that …

50. 许多/大量:a lot of / lots of / a plethora of / a multitude of / a large number of / a considerable number of / a

substantial number of / a large amount of / plenty of

51. 各种各样的:all kind of / all type of / multiple / a variety of / a wide range of / diverse

52. 视作/认为:consider…as… / regard… as… / view…as… / perceive… to…

53. 变化很大:change a lot / change radically / change profoundly / lead to momentous changes

tremendous changes have taken place

the past decades witnessed that …

54. 照顾:take care of / tend / attend to

55. 交朋友:make friend with / get along with / befriend / bond with / connect with / buddy up with

扩大朋友圈/改善人际关系:nelarge social circle / strengthen friendship bond / improve interpersonal relationship

56. 好的/优秀的:good / tremendous / excellent / prominent / outstanding / remarkable / superb / exceptional /

favorable / perfect / extraordinary / superior / promising / positive

57. 坏的/糟糕的:bad / undesirable / negative / adverse / dreadful / unfavorable / poor / counterproductive

58. 困难的/费力的/不容易的:difficult / burdensome / laborious / demanding / taxing / onerous

59. 大多数:most / the vast majority of / the overwhelming majority of

60. 流行/受欢迎:popular / well-regarded

61. 普遍的:common / universal / pervasive / widespread / ubiquitous

62. 充分的/足够的:enough / ample / sufficient / abundant / plentiful /adequate

63. 仅仅/唯一/独特:mere / unique / only / sole / special / distinctive

64. 贫穷的/贫乏的:poor(the poor) / needy(the needy) / impoverished / poverty-stricken(poverty-stricken area)

65. 富有的:rish / wealthy / affluent / well-heeled / prosperous

prosperous = rish and succssful

give children a opportunity to flourish = make children grow well

66. 有趣的:interesting / amusing / entertaining / fascinating / engaging

67. 无聊的/无趣的:boring / dull / tedious

68. 有好处的/有益的:beneficial / helpful / favorable / conducive / rewarding / instrumental

be beneficial to health

69. 重要的:important / vital / crucial / critical / significant / be of vital importance / considerable / salient / play a vital


70. 大的:big / gigantic / enormous / vast / huge / tremendous / considerable / massive / colossal

71. 大/程度深:big / large /giant / huge / tremendous / enormous / grand / momentous / great / very / extremely /


72. 明显地/毫无疑问地:clearly / obviously / apparently / evidently / undoubtedly

73. 不仅……而且:be not only…but also / be not alone……as well as

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