





Mother, for any people, are so sacred, so intimate. I know

that the great motherland is our mother, because each of us life,

joy and happiness are related to the safety of the motherland

are closely related, closely connected, I am living in the warm

embrace of the motherland is how much pride.

Increase with age, I learned from the classroom and in the

books more and more aware of our motherland is a long history

of five thousand years of ancient civilization. She has a vast

territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, has universally

alaimed Chinese culture, has a well known overseas, four great

inventions, a stretch thousands of miles of the Great Wall, the

world's eighth wonder of the Qin terracotta warriors and horses,

the magnificent Imperial Palace in Bei __g, Suzhou,

unparalleled garden, there is a wealth of treasures and

beautiful scenery ... ... five thousand years of history, like

an old poem, like a long scroll, demonstrating the motherland

that has experienced many vicissitudes in the face and body

strong and unyielding.

For the motherland's bright and strong, I do not know how

many of the revolutionary martyrs to shed its blood, so that

the motherland break free chains, a new life; How many patriots,

stand by a mon fate with the motherland. Fate of the nation,

every citizen is used to be fathers of rhetoric, the face of

broken rivers and mountains, we are the older generation of

proletarian revolutionaries one after another, for the

motherland's prosperity and happiness of the people of the


Whenever I see the five-star red flag raised, ears hear

the majestic strains of Anthem, the always felt blood boil,

there are stocks from the heart cries: the motherland, and I'm

proud of you.



本文标签: 爱国情怀社会主义现代化作文