



In every era, there are a group of people who work hard. The topic is the

pioneer and model of the times. There is a group of such people - "light", which

makes their dreams closer to the starry sky and the universe; "Heavy" makes their

steps more heroic and magnificent. They are Chinese astronauts. The country is

heavy and the individual is light. "I am proud of my motherland."

At 6:23 on October 16, 2003, the Shenzhou V manned spacecraft re-entry

capsule landed in the Amugulang grassland in central Inner Mongolia. When

astronaut Yang Liwei stepped out of the re-entry capsule wearing a milky white

space suit, the first sentence he said was "I am proud of my motherland". After that,

Nie Haisheng flew to heaven twice and Jing Haipeng went into space three times.

The first sentence after each triumphant return was "I am proud of my motherland".

Eight words, every word sincere, weighing more than a thousand, reflect the

astronauts' love for the motherland and the people. This love comes from knowing

that in order to lift them to the sky, on all fronts of the national aerospace industry,

how many people have moved their bedding to the workshop, how many people

have fallen asleep on their desks, how many old experts have overdrawn their

health, and how many young people have frosted their temples

"The motherland lifts me to the sky!" Jing Haipeng remembered that in order

to develop China's own extravehicular spacesuit, female designer Zhang Wanxin

went to Russia for study and training seven times. She not only studied the

technical principles hard, but also took the initiative to participate in operation

training. Because of her thin body, she put on an inflatable and pressurized

extravehicular suit, and her joint activities were very difficult. After each training,

she was soaked all over, so tired that she collapsed to the ground and couldn't

stand up for half The Russian expert was very surprised and asked, "isn't

she the female astronaut selected by your China?" Scientific researchers regard one

day as two days. Just relying on this tenacious and persistent hard work, it took

only four years to complete what could be done in eight years. Zhai Zhigang said

proudly after completing the extravehicular activities: it's great to walk in space in

the independently developed extravehicular spacesuit!

本文标签: 贡献航天员