


PO 00000Frm 00001Fmt 4717


January 13, 2005

Part II

Consumer Product

Safety Commission

16 CFR Parts 1633 and 1634

Standard for the Flammability (Open

Flame) of Mattresses and Mattress/

Foundation Sets; Standard To Address

Open Flame Ignition of Bedclothes;

Proposed Rules

E:13JAP217:56 Jan 12, 2005Jkt 205001Sfmt 4717


Federal Register/Vol. 70, No. 9/Thursday, January 13, 2005/Proposed Rules

the fatalities that occur outside the room

where the fire originated and about half

of the fatalities that occur within the

room of origin. A mattress that reduces

the likelihood of reaching flashover

could significantly reduce deaths and

injuries associated with bedroom fires.



The size of a fire is measured by its

rate of heat release. A heat release rate

of approximately 1,000 kilowatts

(‘‘kW’’) leads to flashover in a typical

room. Tests of twin size mattresses of

traditional construction (complying

with the existing mattress standard in

16 CFR 1632) without bedclothes have

measured peak heat release rates that

exceeded 2,000 kW in less than 5

minutes. Tests of traditional king size

mattresses measured nearly double that

peak rate of heat release. [2]

Fire modeling and available test data

show that as a room fire grows, a layer

of accumulating hot gases and smoke

thickens downward from the ceiling.

For fires exceeding 600 kW, this layer

typically descends to less than three feet

from the floor. Heat release rates

exceeding 500 kW are generally

considered to pose a serious threat of

incapacitation and of igniting nearby

items. [2]

The objective of the proposed

standard is to limit the size of mattress/

bedding fires to below 1,000 kW for a

period of time by reducing the heat

release from the bed, specifically the

mattress and foundation, and by

reducing the likelihood that other

objects in the room will become

involved in the fire.

Research has shown that the mattress,

foundation and bedclothes operate as a

system in bedroom fires. Often the first

item ignited is bedclothes, which then

ignite the mattress. The gas burners

used in the proposed test method are

designed to represent burning

bedclothes. Research has indicated that

bedclothes themselves can contribute

significantly to fires, even reaching heat

release rates of up to 800 kW. [2&13]

Because of the role of bedclothes in

mattress fires, the Commission is

initiating a rulemaking on bedclothes

through an ANPR that is published

elsewhere in today’s Federal Register.

The Commission received numerous

comments on the mattress ANPR

concerning the role of bedclothes and

the need for a rule addressing them.

These comments are discussed in

section J of this document.


Numbers in brackets refer to documents listed

Comments to OMB should be directed

to the Desk Officer for the Consumer

Product Safety Commission, Office of

16 CFR Part 1633

Information and Regulatory Affairs,

OMB, Washington, DC 20503. The

Standard for the Flammability (Open

Commission asks commenters to

Flame) of Mattresses and Mattress/

provide copies of such comments to the

Foundation Sets; Notice of Proposed

Commission’s Office of the Secretary,


with a caption or cover letter identifying

the materials as comments submitted to


: Consumer Product Safety

OMB on the proposed collection of


information requirements for the


: Notice of proposed rulemaking.

proposed mattress standard.




: The Commission is proposing

Margaret Neily, Directorate for

a flammability standard under the

Engineering Sciences, Consumer

authority of the Flammable Fabrics Act

Product Safety Commission,

that would address open flame ignition

Washington, DC 20207; telephone (301)

of mattresses and mattress and


foundation sets (‘‘mattresses/sets’’). The



Commission currently has a

flammability standard that addresses

A. Background

ignition of mattresses by cigarettes.

On October 11, 2001, the Commission

However, that standard does not address

issued an advance notice of proposed

mattress fires ignited by open flames.

rulemaking (‘‘ANPR’’) concerning the

The proposed standard sets performance

open flame ignition of mattresses/

requirements based on research

bedding. 66 FR 51886. The ANPR was

conducted by the National Institute of

the result of the staff’s evaluation of fire

Standards and Technology (‘‘NIST’’).

data over the course of several years and

Mattresses/sets that comply with the

petitions filed by Whitney Davis,

proposed requirements will generate a

director of the Children’s Coalition for

smaller size fire, thus reducing the

Fire-Safe Mattresses (‘‘CCFSM’’).

possibility of flashover occurring. These

Although the Commission has an

improved mattresses should result in

existing mattress flammability standard

significant reductions in deaths and

that addresses ignition by cigarettes, 16

injuries associated with mattress fires.

CFR Part 1632, no current Commission

Due to the interaction of mattresses and

standard directly addresses open flame

bedclothes discussed herein, elsewhere

ignition of mattresses. The most

in today’s Federal Register the

common open flame sources are

Commission is publishing an advance

lighters, candles and matches. The

notice of proposed rulemaking to begin

Commission is now issuing a notice of

rulemaking on bedclothes.

proposed rulemaking (‘‘NPR’’)


: Written comments in response to

proposing a flammability standard to

this document must be received by the

address open flame ignition of

Commission not later than March 29,



Characteristics of mattress/bedding

2005. Comments on elements of the

fires. A burning mattress generally

proposed rule that, if issued in final

provides the biggest fuel load in a

form would constitute collection of

typical bedroom fire. Once the mattress

information requirements under the

Paperwork Reduction Act, may be filed

ignites, the fire develops rapidly

creating dangerous flashover conditions.

with the Office of Management and

Flashover is the point at which the

Budget (‘‘OMB’’) and with the

entire contents of a room are ignited

Commission. Comments will be

simultaneously by radiant heat, making

received by OMB until March 14, 2005.

conditions in the room untenable and


: Comments should be filed

safe exit from the room impossible. At

by email to cpsc-os@.

flashover, room temperatures typically

Comments also may be filed by

exceed 600–800 C (approximately 1100–

telefacsimile to (301)504–0127 or

mailed, preferably in five copies, to the

1470 F). In these conditions, carbon

monoxide rapidly increases, and oxygen

Office of the Secretary, Consumer

is rapidly depleted. Mattress fires that

Product Safety Commission,

lead to flashover are responsible for

Washington, DC 20207–0001, or

delivered to the Office of the Secretary,

about two-thirds of all mattress

Consumer Product Safety Commission,

fatalities. This accounts for nearly all of



Room 502, 4330 East-West Highway,

Bethesda, Maryland; telephone (301)

504–7530. Comments should be

captioned ‘‘Mattress NPR.’’


Commissioner Thomas H. Moore issued a

statement, a copy of which is available from the

Commission’s Office of the Secretary or from the

Commission’s Web site, .

at the end of this notice. They are available from

the Commission’s Office of the Secretary (see

‘‘Addresses’’ section above) or from the

Commission’s Web site (/


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