



I 什么是宾语?



He is reading a book.

I have seen the film, so I know what the film is about.

He refused to help me at that very moment.



The girl in a red skirt is my little sister.

They held a meeting yesterday in the classroom.

With a book in his hand, he came into the office.

It sounds like a train passing through the house.

My mother isn’t in now, she is at work in her office.

II. 什么可以作宾语?

可以充当宾语的有:名词,代词,数词,the adj(表示一类人和物), v-ing, to do, 宾语从句。

1. 名词或代词,数词,the adj(表示一类人和物)作宾语 例如:

He bought a new car and he likes it very much.

They are playing basketball on the playground.

She walks her dog every day after school.

We should help the homeless.

We need five instead of two.

2. 动词的ing形式做宾语。

I’m considering going abroad to study computer.

We don’t permit smoking here in our office.

Nobody can escape being punished if he/she cheats in an exam.

有些动词后面只能接ing作宾语。例如:, admit, appreciate avoid, ban, delay, deny, enjoy, envy, finish,

imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, resist, risk, suggest等。

avoid, miss, delay/postpone/put off

suggest, finish, practise

enjoy, imagine, can’t help

admit, deny, envy

escape, risk, excuse

keep, appreciated, mind







有些短语后也只能接v-ing作宾语。特别是含有介词to的短语:feel like, can’t stand/bear, cannot help, give

up, insist on, be worth doing, be/get used to, devote…to…, look forward to, pay attention to, get down to, be

addicted to, be/get/become accustomed to, lead to, contribute to,object to等。例如:

I’m looking forward to receiving your letter.

I am still not used to getting up so early every morning.

以下几个词常接v-ing作宾语,而接不定式作宾补。他们是:allow, permit, forbid, advise,consider。例如:

We don’t allow smoking in public places.

Teachers don’t allow students to speak in class.


Students are not allowed to speak in class.

3. 不定式作宾语。

He refused to admit his mistake.

We decided to have a meeting immediately to discuss this problem.

接跟不定式作宾语的动词很多. 常见的有, agree, attempt, choose, decide, determine, expect, hope, intend,

learn, manage, promise, pretend, plan, refuse, seek(尽力), want, wish等. 例如:

She wants to cook some vegetables quickly for lunch.

He has promised to help me.

He pretended not to see me when I passed by.

They agreed to buy the house as it was.

They seek to reduce waste.

They decided to move to New York immediately.

He managed to keep out of debt.

He chooses to stay at home.

He refused to take any money.

有些动词后面既可以接不定式作宾语,又可以接v-ing作宾语,但意义上有区别。它们是:remember to

do和remember doing, forget to do和forget doing, regret to do和regret doing, mean to do和mean doing, try to

do和try doing, stop to do和stop doing, go on to do和go on doing, want/need/require to和want/need/require

doing, can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事。can't help to do sth. 不能帮做某事。例如:

Let’s stop to have a rest.

Please stop discussing.

I regret to tell you that you failed in the exam.

I regret (having) told him the bad news.

I forgot to put the food into the refrigerator, and they went bad.

I forgot having added salt to the soup, so I put some again, and the soup was too salty.

Missing this chance means waiting another two years.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you by saying so.

Let go on cleaning the classroom.

After washing all the clothes, she went on to clean the house.

4. 宾语从句作宾语

He said that he would not attend the meeting to be held next week because he would have something more

important to do.

They told me that he had had supper.

宾语从句的引导词有that, if, whether, who,whom, which, whose, what, when, where, why, how, whoever,

whatever, whichever等,宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序。

He asked who broke the window.

We don’t know whether the sports meet will be held in time or not.

With so many books for me to choose, I don’t know which one I should choose.


有时有些及物动词常接两个宾语:直接宾语(The Direct Object)和间接宾语(The Indirect Object)才能



宾语一般代表人。在句中,直接宾语通常出现在间接宾语之后。常见的这类动词有:award, bring, buy, deny,

do, envy, fetch, give, find, hand, leave, make, offer, owe, pass, show, read, sell, sing, teach, tell等。例如

Our teacher told us an interesting story.

He bought his girl friend some flowers.

My mother found me a job.

The teacher gave me a book named “Pride and Prejudice”.

Show me your new dictionary.

She reads her mother the letter.

The Grandpa often tells his grandson old stories.

注意:有时候,间接宾语可以由介词to, for或者of连接,放在直接宾语的后面,句子的意义保持不变,


He bought me these flowers. = He bought these flowers to me.

I asked him a question. = I asked a question of him.

The father handed the son a book. = The father handed a book to the son.

VI同源宾语(Cognate Object)

同源宾语是指充当宾语的词在意义上和谓语动词相同或相近或者是谓语动词的同根词, 起到重复或更加充

分解释谓语动词的功能. 例如:

They fought a good fight.

They are living a happy life.

He ran a race.

The boy died a miserable death.

She smiled a sweet smile.

Last night, he slept a sound sleep.

V 复合宾语

有些及物动词加上宾语后意思仍不完整,需要再加一个宾语补足语(Object Complement)来补充说明

宾语。宾语加上宾语补足语叫做复合宾语(Complex Object)。复合宾语有以下几种形式构成:

1. 宾语(名词或代词宾格)+名词

I made him my husband years later.

2. 宾语(名词或代词宾语)+形容词或副词

He made his father angry.

She left all the lights on when sleeping.

3. 宾语(名词或代词宾格)+动词不定式或分词

I hear her sing many beautiful songs.

The mother told him to do his homework.

I found my wallet stolen.

I saw him running in the street.

4. 宾语(名词或代词宾格)+介词短语

He keeps all his money in a wood box.

IV 形式宾语



He found it necessary to work hard at English.


She made it a rule to run 2000 metres every morning.

I think it no use waiting here.

He made it clear that he resigned from the company.

She feel it easy to learn to play the piano.

动词或短语appreciate, hate, depend on, see to等后虽然没有宾补,也会习惯上用it作形式宾语,再把宾


I would appreciate it if you can help me find a place to live in.

I hate it when people speak with mouthful.

You can depend on it that he will give a hand whenever you are in trouble.

I will see to it that everything is ready in time. (务必做到,负责保证)



1. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ___________________. (catch)

2. She didn’t remember ______________________ (meet) him before.

3. The lake is polluted. We don’t allowed _______________ (swim) here.

4. I can hardly imagine Peter ________________ (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

5. I would appreciate __________________ (call) back this afternoon.

6. We advise ___________________ (make) another experiment.

agree _________________ (meet) here but so far she hasn’t turned out yet.

8. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _______________ (wait) for another hour.

9. People couldn’t help _________________ (laugh) at the foolish emperor in the procession.

10. Hearing the exciting news, I couldn’t help ___________________ (jump) with joy.

11. I feel like ______________ (take) a long walk. Would you like ______________ (go) with me?

12. I don’t think your hair wanted ________________ (cut).

13. He said the table needed _________________ (repair).

14. He wants to have the table ________________ (repair).

15. They forbid ________________ (smoke) in the office.

16. Now it is clear to me that he is honest and I do regret ______________ (say) he was a cheat.

17. I regret ______________ (tell) you that I can’t go to your birthday party.

18. Let’s try ___________ (do) work another way, for we should try ___________ (get) everything done in time.

19. It’s a good habit to practice __________________ (read) aloud early in the morning.

20. The floor requires ______________ (wash), so the students are required ______________ (do) the work.

21. Why have they delayed ___________________ (hold) the sports meet?

doctor advised the old man to give up _______________ (drink).

23. He went on ______________ (talk) until everyone was bored.

24. On the way home Bill ____________ (keep) on ____________ (ask) his father such questions.

25. –What are you going to do this afternoon?

--I’m thinking of _____________ (go) to visit my aunt.

26. The naughty boy was afraid _______________ (scold) by his teacher.

27. He insisted on ________________ (draw) a picture for the wall-newspaper.

28. Modernization is the key to ____________ (speed) up our agriculture development.

29. On ________________ (reach) home, he went to bed.

30. The man will die without _____________________ (operate) on at once.

31. I think the book worthy of ________________ (read).

32. He used to _________ (play) cards with his friends, but he is used to ___________ (take) a walk after supper.


33. Attention must be paid to ______________ (prevent) the jewellery shop from ____________ (rob).

34. After cooking, Mother set about ______________ (make) tea.

35. She’s got used to _____________ (read) English in the morning.

36. The nurse said, “You can never imagine what great trouble I have had ______________ (treat) the patient who

received a serious wound.”

37. Sue’s _______________ (fail) in the examination made her parents very angry.

38. His ____________ (stay) up so late is bad for his health.

39. I can’t excuse her ______________ (talk) like that.

40. They would rather spend time ___________ (study) than ___________ (wander) in the street.

41. It is no use ____________ (discuss) it any further now.

42. ---What make you so worried? ---_____________ (miss) the plane.

43. What worried the child most was his ______________ (allow) to visit his mother in hospital.

44. Some experts predict that the tourism in China needs three years to recover because of SARS ____________

(occur) in Guangdong and Beijing earlier in 2002.

45. Robert is said ______________ (study) abroad, but I didn’t know what country he studied in.

46. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______________ (see) whether they

will enjoy it.

47. Paul doesn’t have to be made __________________ (learn). He always works hard.

48. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ____.

49. The patient was warned _______________ (eat) oily food after the operation.

50. I would love _______________ (go) to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

51. The teacher asked us _______________ (make) so much noise.

52. Charles Babbage is generally considered _________ (invent) the first computer.

53. –You should have thanked her before you left.

--I meant____________ (thank) her, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

54. She reached the top of the hill and stopped ______________ (rest) on a big rock by the side of the path.

55. We are looking forward to ______________ (visit) your country.


本文标签: 宾语动词代词名词形式