




had no food left in our backpacks, and things worse, it began to pour.

have made made make

2.________ is the most hard-working student in our class?

you think whom

do you think

do you think

think who

3. _____ be sent to work there when you are away?

do you suggest who should

do you suggest

you suggest who should

you suggest whom should

________ for the US government shutdown after President Donald Trump and the US

Congress failed to pass the bill to extend federal funding?

suppose to blame

suppose is to blame

you suppose to blame

you suppose is to blame

made another great discovery, ________ of great importance to the economy.

I think is

I think it

6. go for a holiday?

do you suggest that we do you suggest we

you suggest when should we you suggest that when we should

do you think ______ the grammar book?

has put Tom put

I think it is

D.I think which is

has Tom put Tom has put

difficulty _____you have ______the problem?

think; solving you think; to solve

you think; solving think; to solve

9.—Tom looks discouraged.____?

—It’s hard to tell what has happened.

you think what is the matter with him

do you think is the matter with him

do you think the matter is with him

do you think he is with the matter



_____ from his clothes, he is not so poor.



do you imagine ______ to Johnson?

ing happening happened have happened

advice at the school meeting?

suppose the headmaster will give

you suppose that the headmaster will give

you suppose the headmaster will give

you suppose will the headmaster give

reads the texts every morning. ________ he is able to recite them.

this way this way

this means this method

14.— Tom hasn’t come to class yet

本文标签: 句法高考复习句式解析