



电容器油Capacitor oil 抗氧化剂antioxidant 防锈剂antirust

黏度viscosity 透明度transparency 抗氧化安定性antioxidation stability

运动黏度中心值Kinematic viscosity center value 凝点solidifying point

防锈性rust preventing characteristic 伺服阀servo valve 闪点flash point

抗乳化性能anti-emulsification performance 减压阀depressurized valve

抗泡沫性能foam preventing performance 外观颜色appearance color

绝缘液体介质insulating liquid media 界面张力interfacial tension

水溶性酸碱water-soluble acid or alkali 活性硫activated sulfur

苛性钠caustic soda(NaOH) 击穿电压breakdown(striking) voltage

体积电阻率volume resistivity 芳香烃aromatic hydrocarbon

抗燃油fire resistant oil 馏分fraction 液压系统hydraulic system

自燃点auto-ignition temperature 抗燃液压油fire resistant hydraulic oil

合成型(磷酸脂,芳香脂,卤化物) Synthetic (Phosphate esters, aromatic esters, halides)

水垫层water stratum 水合型(水-乙二醇)Hydrate (water-glycol)

酯化产物esterifying production 腐蚀corrosion(corrosive) 挥发性Volatility

芳基aryl 烷基alkyl 介电性能Dielectrical performance 润滑剂lubricant

电阻率resistivity 抗磨性anti-wear characteristic 热氧化安定性thermal oxidation

stability 热安定性Thermal stability 热分解Thermolysis 脱气性Degasification

中性酯Neutral ester 热氧化分解thermal oxidation decomposing

铜合金copper alloy 起泡沫性foaming characteristic 相容性Compatibility

体积弹性模数Volume elastic modulus 可压缩体积compressible volume

溶剂效应solvent effect 有机化合物organic compound聚合材料polymeric material

橡胶、涂料Rubber and paint 精滤装置meticulous filtering device

水解安定性Hydrolyzing stability 介质medium 合成液synthetic liquid

分子量molecular weight 分子结构molecular structure 石油基petroleum base

辐射安定性Radiation stability 比热specific heat 受辐射的设备irradiated equipment

对流特性convection characteristic 可燃性combustibility 溶解度solubility

闭式齿轮油closed gear oil 压缩机油compressor oil 叶片泵vane pump

润滑脂grease 中负荷开式齿轮油medium load open gear oil

柱塞泵piston pump 蜗轮蜗杆油worm wheel and worm shaft oil

过滤性filterability 滴油回转式oil drop rotary 倾向性orientation

增压油泵boost oil pump 喷射泵jet pump 杂质impurity

排烟风机 Smoke exhaust fan 雾化atomization 劣化deterioration

悬浮状suspension 悬浮物suspended matters 乳化状emulsion

溶解状Dissolution 有机酸organic acid 皂化物sponified substances


催化作用catalysis 挥发性可燃物volatile combustible substances

不可缺少indispensable 低分子碳氢化合物low molecular hydrocarbons

倾点pour point 水溶性酸water-soluble acid 相对密度relative density

水的存量water stock 结晶crystallize 导电性electric conductivity

无机酸inorganic acid 固体纤维纸solid fiber paper 流动性fluidity

模拟试验simulation test 实验室laboratory 油泥oil sludge

试油testing oil 介质损耗角正切值tangent value of media loss angle

余切cotangent 吸附剂sorbent 余角complement angle

热虹吸过滤器thermosiphon filter 隔膜密封装置diaphragm seal device

电容率capacitivity 炭黑carbon black 胶体colloid 乙炔C




虫胶shell-lac 鱼腥味Fishy smell 霉气味Moldy smell

散热heat radiation 相角phase angle 四球试验机Four-ball tester

磨痕直径grinding crack diameter 无卡咬负荷nonseizure load

烧结负荷sintering load 曲轴箱crankcase 剪切速率shear rate

边界泵送温度borderline pumping temperature 下降率dropping rate

聚合物polymer 轮轴承wheel and axle 高扭矩后桥high torque back axle

线性linearity 原水Raw water 除盐demineralization, desalting

预处理pretreatment 后置处理post-treatment 再生regeneration

澄清池clarification basin 环形annular 絮凝(剂)flocculant

重力无阀过滤器Gravity valveless filter 虹吸siphon 滤层filter layer

联通管connecting pipe 冲洗水箱flushing tank 无烟煤anthracite

石英砂quartz sand 浊 度Turbidity 反洗强度Backwash intensity

水头损失head loss 排水阀drainage valve 排气阀exhaust valve 正洗Washing

透明transparency 活性碳Activated carbon 吸附过滤器absorbent filter

游离free 氯chlorine 铯cesium(Cs) 溴bromine 有机物organic matter

玻璃钢fiber glass reinforced plastic (FRP) 筒体Cylinder 碳钢carbon steel

斗形bucket shape 支管branch pipe 电渗析Electrodialysis (ED)

半透膜semipermeable membrane 选择透过性selective permeability

溶质粒子solute granule 冶金metallurgy 电解质electrolyte 凝聚剂flocculant

自来水tap water 电渗析器electrodialyzer 交换膜exchange membrane电镀plating

隔室compartment 提纯purification 黄泥yellow mud 泡花碱(硅酸钠)sodium

silicate聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylamide 助凝剂coagulant aid 渗透Osmosis

矾花(铝钒絮凝剂)alum floc 细菌bacteria 孔径aperture

反渗透Reverse osmosis 苦咸水brackish water 补给水make-up water

淡水fresh water 晶体crystal 柠檬酸C






(citric acid)

清洗混合液cleaning mixture 阻垢剂scale inhibitor


硅垢Silicate scale 消毒(杀

本文标签: 装置过滤器齿轮油性能介质