


A*A* always afloat 永远漂浮

A*F* advanced freight 预付运费

A*F*B air freight bill 空运运单

A*H* after hatch 后舱

A*M* above mentioned 上述的

A*N* arrival notice 到达通知

A.V ad valorem 从价费率

A/R ALL RlSKS agai t all risks 一切险、承保一切风险

A/S after sight/a 见票后/船边

ABT about 大约,关于

ACCT account 账目,账户

ACPT acceptance 接受

ADCOM addre commis 订舱佣金,租船佣金

addre commi ion 订舱佣金,租船佣金

ADFT aft draft 艉吃水

ADV advance 提前


AFMT after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后

AGRD agreed 同意

AGRT agreement 协议

AGT agent 代理

AGW all going well (取决于)一切顺利

AM morning 上午

AMT amount 金额、数额

A R a roximate 大约

A ROX a roximate 大约

ASAP as s00n as po ible 尽,决、尽速

ASF as follows 如下

A T a istant 助理,援助

ATL actual total lo 实际全损

ATTN attention 由??收阅

AUTO automatic 自动的

AVG average 平均,海损

A/C account current 账户

A/C account 计算

A/P additiona pri 额外保险费老船加保费

's option 买方选择

best regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)

terms/liner terms 班轮条款

B/E bill of exchange/bill of entry 汇票/进口报告书

B/P bills payable 应付票据

B/R bills receivable 应收票据

B/S bill of sale/bill of store 抵押证券/船上用品免税单

BA bale capacity 包装容积

BAF bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费

BAL balance 平衡、余额、差额

below bridges 桥楼以下(容积)

BD banking days 银行工作日

BDI both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日

BDL bundle 捆

BEAM breadth of the ve el 船宽

BENDS both ends 装卸港

BFI baltic freight index 波罗的海运价指数

BG bags 袋

BIMCO baltic international maritime conference 波罗的海国际航运公会

BIZ busine 业务

BL blading bill of lading 提单

BLFT bale feet 包装尺码(容积)

BLK bulk 散装

BLKR bulker 散装船

BLT built (船舶)建造(年月)

BM beam 横梁(船舶型宽)

BOC bank of china 中国银行

/L bills of lading 提单(复)

BUTC baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,“波尔的摩”期祖合同

B/D bar draught (河口)沙洲吃水

B/G bonded goods 保税货物

B/H bill of health 健康证明书

B/L bill of lading 提单

B/ST bill of sight 临时起岸报关单,见票即付汇票

C&am D collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕

C&am F cost and freight 货价加运费

C&am I cost and i urance 货价加保险

C.A.L currency adjustment factor 货币附加费

C.C civil commotio 内乱

uation clause 连续条款

feet 立方英尺

C.G.A cargo's proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额

C.I.C china i urance 中国保险条款

C.I. Co ular invoice 领事签证

on delivery 现金交货

rers pay dues 租船人负担税捐

t rate 现行费率

tructive total lo 推定全损

C.T.L.O. co tructive total lo only 仅承保推定全损

CANCL cancelling 解约,解除合同

CAPT captain 船长

CC carbon copy 抄送

CCIB china commodlties i ection bureau 中国商检总局

CCIC china commoditeis i ection corporation 中国商检总公司

CCPIT china council for promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会

CERT certificate 证书

CFM confirm 确认、证实

CFMD confirmed 已确认、已证实

CFR cost and freight 货价加运费(运费付至目的港)

CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站

CHGES charges 费用,责任

CIF cost of i urance and freight 货价加保险和运费

CIF&C cost,i urance,freight and commi ion 货价加保险费运费及佣金

CIP carriage and i urance paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运、保费

CL.B/L clean bill of lading 清洁提单


CLP container load plan 集装箱装箱单

CO-OP co-operation 合作

COA contract of affreightment 包运合同

COM commi ion 佣金

ion 佣金

CO ILL conference bill of lading 公会提单

CONGEN conference ge ill eral cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单

CO EC co ecutive 连续的

CONT continent of europe 欧洲大陆

ation 公司

COSCO china ocean shi ing company 中国远洋公司

COSTACO china ocean shi ing tally company 中国外轮理货公司

CO. company 公司

CPT carriage paid to 货价加付至指定目的地的运费

CQD customary quick de atch 按港口惯常速度快速装卸,不计滞/速费

CST centistoke 厘拖,表云燃油浓度

CTR contract 合同

CUB cubic 立方

CUD could 能、可(过去式)

CUFT cubic feet 立方英尺

CUM cubic meter 立方米

CY container yard 集装箱码堆场

C/E chief efgineer 轮机长

C/I certificate of i urance 保险证明书

C/N co ignment note/cover note credit note 发货通知书/认保单贷方通知单

C/O certificate of origin 原产地证明书

C/O (in)care of 转交

C/P charter party 租船合同

D diesel oil 柴油

and batte (timber) 垫板和板条

D.D.O dl atch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费

D.L.O dl atch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费

oil 柴油

surcharge 直航附加费

damage 海上损害

te time of arrival 船舶确切抵港时间

ight 载重吨

warrant 码头收货单

D/P documents agai t payment 付款后交付单据

D206 diesel oil 206 tong 柴油 206吨

DAF delivered at frontier 边境指定地点交货价

DD dated 日期

DDP delivered duty paid 目的地约定地点交货(完税后)价

DDU delivered duty u aid 目的地约定地点交货(未完税)价

DEL delivery 交船(期),交货

DEM demurrage 滞期费

DEP departure (船舶)离港

DEPT department 处、部(门)

DEPT departure (船舶)离港

DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货价

DES delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货价

DE de atch money 速遣费

DE O-SECOND owner of nent ihe same ve el owner 二船东

DEST destination 目的地(港)

DF dead freight 空船费

DFL draft full load 满载吃水

DFT draft 吃水、汇票、草稿

DHD demurrage and half de atch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半

DHDWTS de atch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends 装


DHDWTS de atch money half demurrage and for working time saved 速遣费为滞期费的一


er 直径

DISCH d1scharge 卸货

DIST distance 距离

DLVY delivery 交货

DO ditto 同上,同前

DOCS documents 单证

DOZ dozen (一)打

DP direct port 直达港

DTLS details 详情

DWC deadweight capacity 受载量

DWCT deadweight cargo to age 载重吨,受载吨

DWT dead weight to age 载重吨

DWTC dead weight to age of cargo 货物载重吨

D/A direct additional 直航附加费

D/A documents agai t acceptance 承兑交单

D/C deviation clause 绕航和条款

D/D days after date 到期后??????日

D/D delivered at docks 码头交货

D/D demand draft 汇票、银行汇票

D/O delivery order 提货单

D/S deviation surcharge 绕航附加费

E.&am and ommisio excepted 有错当查/错误和遗漏不在此限

e gratia, for example 例如

route (船舶)在途中

EFF efficiency 效率

EIU even if used 即使用也不计算

ENCL enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的

ENG engine 发动机,(主)机

ENG engineer 工程师,轮机员

EQ equal 等于

EST estimated 估计的,预计的

ETA estimated time of arrival (船舶)预计抵港时间

ETAD expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)预计到达和离开时间

ETB expected time of berthing (船舶)预计靠泊时间

ETC expected time of commencement 预计开始时间

cetera 等等

ETCD estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)预计开始卸货时间

ETD estimated time of departure (船舶)预计离港时间

ETE estimated time enroute 预计(在海上)航行时间

ETL estimated time of loading (船舶)预计开装时间

ETS estimated time of sailing (船舶)预计开航时间

EX excluding 除外 ,扣除

EXP export 出口

EX expe es (费用)支出

EXT exte lon 电话分机,延长

EXW ex work 产地交货价

E/M export manifest 出口载货清单,出口舱单

F fuel oil 燃油

F.&am t and demurrage 运费和延滞费

discharge (船方)不负担卸货费用

into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格

in (船方)不负担装货费

into barge (燃料)交到油驳价格

into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格

F.O.W first open water 解冻后首次派船

ng (oropen)policy 船名未定保险卑

F.R.O.F fire rlsk on freight 货物火灾险

F.R.& of rlots and civil commotio 暴动和内乱不保条款

terms 全部条款

F.W.D fresh water damage 淡水损害

FAA free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿

FAQ fair average quality 中等货

FAS free alongside ship 船边交货价

FC floating crane 浮吊

FCA free carrier 货交承运人

FCL full container load 整箱货

FDFT fore draft 吃水、艏吃水

FEFC far east freight conference 远东水脚公会

FEU fourty equivalent ufit 40英尺标准箱

FILO free in and liner out (船方)不负担装货费,但负担卸货费

FILSD free in lashed,secured and du aged 船方不负担装货、捆扎、加固、隔垫(料)等


FIO free in and out 船方不负担装卸费

FIOS free in,out and stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费

FIOST free in,and out,stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费

FIW free in wagon 船方不负担装人货车费

FLT full liner terms 全班轮条款

FLWS follows 跟随,下面

FM from 从……,来自

FO firm offer 实盘

FO for orders 等待指示

FO free out 船方不负担卸货费

FO fuel oil 燃油

FOB free on board 船上交货 离岸价格

FOD free of damage 损害不赔

FPA free of particular average 平安险

FR from 自从

FRT freioht 运费

FT foot or feet 英尺

FW fresh water 淡水

FWD forward 前部

FWDET fresh water draft 淡水吃水

FYG for your guidance 供你参考,供你掌握情况

FYI for your information 供你参考,供你掌握情况

FYR for your reference 供你参考

F/C forecast 预报

F/M export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单,运费舱单

F/N fixture note 订舱确认书

F/T freight ton 运费吨

GA general average 共同海损

GENCON uniform general charter 统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,“金康程租合同”

GMT greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间

GR grain capacity gro (船舶)散装容积毛(重)

GRD geared 带吊杆的

GRT gro register to age 总登记吨

G generallzed system of preferences 普惠制

GW gro weight 毛重

water 高潮

HA hatch 舱口

HADIM hatch dime ion 舱口尺寸

HATUTC half time used to count (as laytime) 实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业


HD heavy diesel 重柴油

HO/HA hold/hatch 货舱、舱口

HP horse power 马力

HRS hours 小时

HWL high water level 高潮水位

I.C.C i titute cargo clauses,london international 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)国际商会

IAC including addre commi lon 包括租船人佣金

IFO intermediate fuel oil 中燃油

IMMEDLY immediately 立即

IMO international maritime organization 国际航海机构

IMP import 进口

IN inch 英寸

ing 包括

IND index 指数

I i ection i ector 检验,检验员

I T i tant 本月的,立即

INT intention 意下,企图

INV invoice 发票

IOP irre ective of percentage 不管百分比

ITWF international tra ort workers federation 国际运输劳工协会

IU if used 如果使用

J.&am on and washing overboard 投弃货物和甲板,货物被冲

KATT kind attention 请转,请交

KG kilogram 公斤

KILO(S) kilograms 公斤

KM kilometer 公里

KT knot 节,海里(约合1.852公里)

K/T kilo-to 公吨

draft 满载吃水

„s machinery certificate 劳合氏船机证书

time 当地时间

water 低潮

L/G letter of guarantee 保证书,保证信

L/L loading list 装货清单

LADEN the draft when draftr ve el is laden (船舶)满载吃水

LAT latitude 纬度

L length between perpendiculars (船舶)垂线间高

L pounds 磅

LCL le than container load (集装箱)拼箱货

LD light diesel 轻柴油

LDG&am KG leakage andbreakage 漏损和破损

LDT light deadweight 轻载重吨

LH lower hold 底舱

LM lump sum 包干费总额

LO liner out 由船方负担卸货费

LOA length over all 船舶全长

LOAD-READY for loadreadying, ready to load 已备妥,可装货

LONG longitude 经度

LT letter telegram 书信电报

LT liner terms 班轮条款

LTD limited (有限) 公司

LTD lower tween deck 下二层柜

LW light weight 轻载重量

L/C letter of credit 信用证

L/T long ton 长吨 (约合1.016公吨)

high water rings 大潮平均高潮面

i urance policy 海险保险单

low water rings 大潮平均低潮面

ement 运价标记,按货物体积计算运价

,metre 分(钟),米

M.S motor ship 内燃机船

M/T motor tanker 内燃机油轮

M/T,MT, metric ton 公吨(易与尺码吨相混,故尽量用K/T表示)

MAX maximum 最大(多)

MDM madame 夫人,女士

MDO marine diesel oil 船用重柴油

MIN minimum 最小(少)

laneous 杂项

MME madame 夫人,女士

MOLOO more or le at owner„s option 溢短装由船东选择

MOLSO more or le at seller„s option 溢短装由卖方选择

MPH miles per hour 海里/小时

M multi-purpose (ve el) 多用途(船)


MRS mistre 夫人

MS mi ,mistre 小姐,夫人,女士

MTD metric ton delivery on b0aro 每吨船上交货价

MTON measurement ton 尺码吨

MV motor ve el 内燃机船

M/R,' s receipt 大副收据

N and 和

always afloat 不经常漂浮

N.C.V no commercial value 无商业价值

otherwlse ecified 未列名

N/M no mark 无唛头,无标记

N?H?P? nominal horsepower 定额马力

N?O?E not otherwise enumerated 未列名

NAUT*M nautical mile 海里

NAUT?M nautical mile 海里

NDW net deadweight 净载重量

NM nautical mile 海里

NOR notice of readtne 装卸准备就绪通知书

NR number 数字,号码

NRT net register to age 净登计吨

weight 净重

NVOCC non-ve el operatio common carrier 无船公共承运人

N/R notice of readine 装卸准备就绪通知书

charter, open cover 货港未定租船合同,预定保险

O/P overage premium 老船加保费

OAP overage additlonal premium 老船加保

OBO oil bulk and ore(carrier or ship) 石油,散货,矿砂(船)

OCP overland common points 内陆共同点

OFF office 办公室,办事处

OS ordinary sailor 普通水手

OTLX our telex 我方电传

OWlSE otherwise 否则

OWRS owners 船东

charter, open cover 货港未定租船合同,预定保险

P.&am tion and indemnity 保赔协会

dues 港务费

on delivery 交货时付讫

ports 选定港

P/N promi ory note 期票

P/S public sale 公开出售

PA particular average 单独海损

PCE piece 一件

PCS pieces 件(复数)

PCT percent 百分比

PDPR per day or prorata 按天计算,不足一天者按比例计算

PENAVICO china ocean shi ing agency 中国外轮代理总公司

PICC people„s i urance company of china 中国人民保险公司

PKG package 包装

PLs please 请

PM premium afternoon 保险费 下午

O RATA in proportion 按比例(计算)

T prompt loading 即期装船

PWWD per weather working day 每晴天工作日

P&I CLUB protection and indemnity club 船东保赔协会

P&L profit and lo 盈亏,损益

P/L partial lo 部分损失

ty at captain„option 数量由船长确定

R*D*C ru ing down clause 两船碰撞条款

R?A? refer to acceptor 交付接受人(汇票)

R?D?C? ru ing down clause 两船碰撞条款

RCVD received 收到

RD ru ing days 连续日

RE-DEL re-delivery 还船(期)

REF referring to 提及、参阅

REVERT- we(I) shall telling you about it again(or later) 详情后告

RF reference 参考

nce number (函电)参考号码

RGDS regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)

ROC with reference to our cable 参阅我方电报

ROT with rerefence to our telex 参阅我方电传

RYC with reference to your cable 参阅贵方电报

RYL with reference to your letter 参阅贵方来信

RYT with reference to your telex 参阅贵方电传

delivery 短卸

S.L. salvage lo 救助损失

S.O.L shipowner„s liability 船舶所有人的责任义务

S.O. senior officer 高级船员

r pays dues 船方负担税金

S.S. suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费

S/ and labour clause 损害防止条款

S/N shi ing note 装船通知单

S/O shi ing order 装货单,关单,下货纸

S?C? Salvage charges 救助费用

safe berth 安全泊位

SEC second 秒

SF safe factor 安全系数

SHEX sundays, holldays excepted 星期日和节假日除外

SHINC sundays, holidays included 星期日和节假日包括在内

SHPR shi er 托运人,发货人

SINO-TRA china national foreign trade tra ortation corporation 中国对外贸易运输总公司

SINOCHART china national chartering corporation 中国租船公司

sales and purchase 销售买卖部

SOONEST as soon as po lble 尽决,尽速

SOS save our ship,a me age for help (船舶遇难)呼救信号,救命

safe port 安全港

ring tide 大潮

ACETO measurement to including broken stowage ace 包括亏舱在内的尺码吨

EC. ecificatio 规格,说明书

safe port and safe berth 安全港口,安全泊位

SR sign and release 签发和放行

SRCC strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险)

steam ship 蒸汽机船

SUBCHARTERER third owner of the same ve el 再租人,三船东

SUBLET tra fer the chartership 转租

SU su titute 代替

SURCH surcharge 附加费

SWAD salt water arrival draft 抵港海水吃水

SWDFT salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水

delivery 短卸

S/F stowage factor 积载因素

S/P stowage plan,cargo plan 货物积载图,船图

S/T short ton 短吨(约等于0.907公吨)

S/W shi er„s weights 发货人提供的重量

charter on trip basis 航次期租船

eck 二层柜

lo only 仅保全损

lo 全损

per cen(tpc) timeter 每厘米吃水吨数

T.P.I to per inch 每一英寸吃水吨数

TB to be 将要

T to be nominated 待派船,待指定

TC type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)

TD time of departure 开航时间

TD type derricks 双杆吊(船吊类型)

TDY today 今天

TEMP temporary 临时的

TEU twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱

TKS thanks 感谢

TLX telex 电传

T D theft,pilferage and nondelivery 偷盗和提货不着(险)

TV tanker ve el 油轮

T/A tra hipment additional 转船附加费

T/C time charter 期租

T/S tanker ship 油轮

T/S tra hipment surcharge 转船附加费

T/T turbine tankfr 蜗轮机油轮

U you 你,你们

UD u er deck 上甲板

ULCC ultra-large crude carrier 特大型油轮

ULT ultimo, last month,ultimate 上月的,最后的

UTD u er tweendeck 三层的

UU unle used 除非使用

V voyage 航程,航次

as in original policy 价值如原保险单所载

VLBC very large bulk carrier 大型散装船

VLCC very large crude oil carrier 巨型油轮

VOY voyage 航程、航次

VSL ve el 船舶

V/C voyage charter 程租船

W gro weight 运价标记,按货物毛重计算运价

t benefit of salvage 无救助利益

guarantee 保证重量

r permits 如果气候条件许可

risks only 仅保战争险

WA with particular average 水渍险

WCCON whether customs clearance or not 不管通关与否

WHF wharf 码头

WIBON whether in berth or not (船舶)不管靠泊与否

WICCON whether in cus toms clearance or not (船舶)不管通关与否

WIFPON whether in free pratique or not (船舶)不管检疫与否

WIPON whether in port or not (船舶)不管抵港与否

WKG working 正在做

WL water line 水线

WOG without guarantee 没有保证

WPA with particular average 水渍险

WRTING we ( I ) shall write to you about it alter 详情函告

WTON weight ton 重量吨

WTS working time saved 节省的工作时间

WT ENDS working time saved at both ends 装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算(速遣费)

WW warehouse to warehouse (clause) 仓至仓条款(保险)

WWD weather working day 晴天工作日

WWDSH weather workinc ing day sundays,holidays included 晴天工作日,星期日和节


WWDSHEX weather working day sundays,holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期日和节


W/M gro wight or measurement 运价标记,按货物的毛重与体积分别计算, 按高者


YAR york-antwerp rules 约克-安特卫普规则(1974)(共同海损理算规则)

YC your cable 你的电报

YLET your letter 你的信

YR year 年


YTLX your telex 你的电传


A/A always afloat 永远漂浮

A/C account 计算

ACCT account 账目,账户

ACPT acceptance 接受

address commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金

ADV. advise 通知

A/F advanced freight 预付运费

AFMT after fixing main terms 主要(租船)条款确认以后

AGRT agreement 协议

AGW all going well (取决于)一切顺利

AM morning 上午

AMT amount 金额、数额

A/P additiona pri 额外保险费老船加保费


APPROX approximate 大约

A/S after sight/a 见票后/船边


ASF as follows 如下

ATL actual total loss 实际全损

AUTO automatic 自动的

AVG average 平均,海损

BAF bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费

BUTC baltime uniform time charter 统一定期租船合同,“波尔的摩”期祖合同

BD banking days 银行工作日

BDI both dates inclusive 包括首尾两日

B/E bill of exchange/bill of entry 汇票/进口报告书

BENDS both ends 装卸港

B/G bonded goods 保税货物

B/H bill of health 健康证明书

BIZ business 业务

BL blading bill of lading 提单

BLK bulk 散装

BLT built (船舶)建造(年月)

B. O. buyer's option 买方选择

B/P bills payable 应付票据

B. RGDS best regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)

BS/L bills of lading 提单(复)

B. T. berth terms/liner terms 班轮条款

CANCL cancelling 解约,解除合同

CC carbon copy 抄送

C. C. continuation clause 连续条款

CCIC china commoditeis inspection corporation 中国商检总公司

C&D collected and delivered 运费收讫和货物交毕

CERT certificate 证书

C&F cost and freight 货价加运费

CFMD confirmed 已确认、已证实

CFS container freight station 集装箱货运站

CHGES charges 费用,责任

C/I certificate of insurance 保险证明书

C.I.C china insurance 中国保险条款


CIF&C cost,insurance,freight and commission 货价加保险费运费及佣金

CL. clause 条款、条文

CLP container load plan 集装箱装箱单

CO. company 公司

C/O certificate of origin 原产地证明书

C.O.D. cash on delivery 现金交货

COMM. commlssion 佣金

CONGEN conference genbill eral cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单

CONT continent of europe 欧洲大陆

CORP. corporation 公司

COSTACO china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司

C. P. D. charterers pay dues 租船人负担税捐

CQD customary quick despatch 按港口惯常速度快速装卸,不计滞/速费

CST centistoke 厘拖,表云燃油浓度

C. T. L. O. constructive total loss only 仅承保推定全损

CUB cubic 立方

CUFT cubic feet 立方英尺

CY container yard 集装箱码堆场

D206 diesel oil 206 tong 柴油 206吨

D/A document. against acceptance 承兑交单

D.B. deals and battens(timber) 垫板和板条

DD dated 日期

D/D demand draft 汇票、银行汇票

D. D. O dlspatch dicharging only 仅在卸货时计算速遣费

DDU delivered duty unpaid 目的地约定地点交货(未完税)价

DEM demurrage 滞期费

DEPT departure (船舶)离港

DEQ delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货价

DESP despatch money 速遣费

DEST destination 目的地(港)

DFL draft full load 满载吃水

DHD demurrage and half despatch 滞期费,速遣费为滞期费的一半

DHDWTS despatch money bends half demurrage and for working time saved at both ends


DISCH d1scharge 卸货

D.L.O dlspatch loading delivery only 仅在装货时计算速遣费

DO ditto 同上,同前

D.O. diesel oil 柴油

DOZ dozen (一)打

DP direct port 直达港

D.S. direct surcharge 直航附加费

D.T.A. definite time of arrival 船舶确切抵港时间

D.W. dock warrant 码头收货单

DWC deadweight capacity 受载量

DWT dead weight tonnage 载重吨

EFF efficiency 效率

EIU even if used 即使用也不计算

ENCL enclosure or enclosed 附件或所附的

ENG engine 发动机,(主)机

EQ equal 等于

EST estimated 估计的,预计的

ETAD expected time of arrival and departure (船舶)预计到达和离开时间

ETC expected time of commencement 预计开始时间

ETCD estimated time of commencing discharging (船舶)预计开始卸货时间

ETE estimated time enroute 预计(在海上)航行时间

ETS estimated time of sailing (船舶)预计开航时间

EXP export 出口

EXT extenslon 电话分机,延长

F fuel oil 燃油

FAQ fair average quality 中等货

FC floating crane 浮吊

FCA free carrier 货交承运人

F. D. free discharge (船方)不负担卸货费用

F.&D. freight and demurrage 运费和延滞费

FEU fourty equivalent ufit 40英尺标准箱

F. I.B. free into bunkers (燃料)交到船上燃料舱价格

FILO free in and liner out (船方)不负担装货费,但负担卸货费

FIO free in and out 船方不负担装卸费

FIOST free in,and out,stowed and trimmed 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费

FLT full liner terms 全班轮条款

FM from 从……,来自

F/N fixture note 订舱确认书

FO fuel oil 燃油

FO firm offer 实盘

FOD free of damage 损害不赔

F. P. floating (oropen)policy 船名未定保险卑

FR from 自从

F. R. O.F fire rlsk on freight 货物火灾险

FT foot or feet 英尺

F. T. full terms 全部条款

FWD forward 前部

FWDET fresh water draft 淡水吃水

FYI for your information 供你参考,供你掌握情况

GA general average 共同海损

GMT greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间

GRD geared 带吊杆的

GSP generallzed system of preferences 普惠制

HA hatch 舱口

HATUTC half time used to count (as laytime) 实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业


HO/HA hold/hatch 货舱、舱口

HRS hours 小时

HWL high water level 高潮水位

I.C.C institute cargo clauses,london international 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)国际商会

IMMEDLY immediately 立即

IMP import 进口

INC. including 包括

INSP inspection inspector 检验,检验员

INT intention 意下,企图

IOP irrespective of percentage 不管百分比

IU if used 如果使用

KATT kind attention 请转,请交

KILO(S) kilograms 公斤

KT knot 节,海里(约合1.852公里)

LADEN the draft when draftr vessel is laden (船舶)满载吃水

LBP length between perpendiculars (船舶)垂线间高

L/C letter of credit 信用证

LD light diesel 轻柴油

LDT light deadweight 轻载重吨

LH lower hold 底舱

L/L loading list 装货清单

LMPS lump sum 包干费总额

LOA length over all 船舶全长

LONG longitude 经度

LT letter telegram 书信电报

L. T. local time 当地时间

LTD lower tween deck 下二层柜

L. W. lower water 低潮

M. minute,metre 分(钟),米

MDM madame 夫人,女士

M.H.W.S. mean high water springs 大潮平均高潮面

M.I.P. marine insurance policy 海险保险单

M.L.W.S. mean low water springs 大潮平均低潮面

MOLOO more or less at owner's option 溢短装由船东选择

MPH miles per hour 海里/小时

MR. mister 先生

MRS mistress 夫人

M.S motor ship 内燃机船

M/T motor tanker 内燃机油轮

MTON measurement ton 尺码吨

N and 和

NAUT?M nautical mile 海里

NDW net deadweight 净载重量

NM nautical mile 海里

N?O?E not otherwise enumerated 未列名

N. O. S. not otherwlse specified 未列名

NR number 数字,号码

. net weight 净重

OAP overage additlonal premium 老船加保

O.C. open charter, open cover 货港未定租船合同,预定保险

OFF office 办公室,办事处

OS ordinary sailor 普通水手

OWlSE otherwise 否则

PA particular average 单独海损

PCS pieces 件(复数)

P. D. port dues 港务费

PDPR per day or prorata 按天计算,不足一天者按比例计算

PICC people's insurance company of china 中国人民保险公司

PKG package 包装

P&L profit and loss 盈亏,损益

PM premium afternoon 保险费 下午

P.O.D. paid on delivery 交货时付讫

PPT prompt loading 即期装船

P/S public sale 公开出售

Q.C. quantity at captain'option 数量由船长确定

RCVD received 收到

R?D?C? running down clause 两船碰撞条款

REF referring to 提及、参阅

RF reference 参考

RGDS regards 致敬,致意(电传尾常用结束语)

ROT with rerefence to our telex 参阅我方电传

RYL with reference to your letter 参阅贵方来信

SB safe berth 安全泊位

S.D. short delivery 短卸

SF safe factor 安全系数

SHEX sundays, holldays excepted 星期日和节假日除外

SHPR shipper 托运人,发货人

SINO-TRANS china national foreign trade transportation corporation 中国对外贸易运输总


S/L.C. sue and labour clause 损害防止条款

SNP sales and purchase 销售买卖部

S.O. senior officer 高级船员

S.O.L shipowner's liability 船舶所有人的责任义务

SP spring tide 大潮

S/P stowage plan,cargo plan 货物积载图,船图

S.R.D. steamer pays dues 船方负担税金

SPSB safe port and safe berth 安全港口,安全泊位

SRCC strike , riots and civil commotion 罢工,暴乱,内哄(险)

S.S. suez surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费

SUBCHARTERER third owner of the same vessel 再租人,三船东

SUBS substitute 代替

S/W shipper's weights 发货人提供的重量

SWDFT salt water draft 海(咸)水吃水

TB to be 将要

TC type cranes 单杆吊(船舶呆杆类型)

T.C.T. time charter on trip basis 航次期租船

TD time of departure 开航时间

TDY today 今天

TEU twenty equivalent unit 20英尺标准集装箱

T.L. total loss 全损

TLX telex 电传

T.P.I tons per inch 每一英寸吃水吨数

T/S transhipment surcharge 转船附加费

T/T turbine tankfr 蜗轮机油轮

U you 你,你们

ULCC ultra-large crude carrier 特大型油轮

UTD upper tweendeck 三层的

V voyage 航程,航次

VLBC very large bulk carrier 大型散装船

V.O.P. value as in original policy 价值如原保险单所载

VSL vessel 船舶

WA with particular average 水渍险

WCCON whether customs clearance or not 不管通关与否

WHF wharf 码头

WICCON whether in cus toms clearance or not (船舶)不管通关与否

WIPON whether in port or not (船舶)不管抵港与否

WL water line 水线

WOG without guarantee 没有保证

WPA with particular average 水渍险

W.R.O. war risks only 仅保战争险

WTS working time saved 节省的工作时间

WW warehouse to warehouse (clause) 仓至仓条款(保险)

WWDSHEX weather working day sundays,holidays excepted 晴天工作日,星期日和节


YAR york-antwerp rules 约克-安特卫普规则(1974)(共同海损理算规则)

YLET your letter 你的信

YR year 年


冷冻室Freezing Chamber 氟,弗里昂Freon

淡水Fresh Water 淡水线Fresh Water Line

淡水舱Fresh Water Tank 淡水热带载线Fresh Water Tropical Load Line

燃料,燃油Fuel 燃料消耗量Fuel Consumption

燃油Fuel Oil 燃油舱Fuel Oil Tank

整集装箱船Full-container Ship 满载Full Load

全速Full Speed 烟囱Funnel

烟囱棚Funnel Casing 烟囱盖Funnel Cover

厨房Galley 工班Gang

舷梯Gangway 齿轮,装置,器具Gear

总布置图General Arrangement 一般的,综合的General

共同海损General Aargo 杂货General Cargo

经理办公室Business Dept. 概述Information

总经理Manager 分公司经理Manager of Branch

(经理部)经理Manager of Dept. 办公室Office

桁材Girder 仓库保管员Godown Keeper

鹅颈式通风筒Goose Neck Ventilator 谷物Grain

散货容量Grain Capacity 重力柜Gravity Tank

加油工Greaser 栏杆Guard Rail

回转罗盘Gyro Compass 半梁Half Beam

半宽水线图Half Breadth Plan 半速Half Speed

锤击试验Hammering Test 搬运费Handling Charge

庇阴甲板Harbour Deck 仓口Hatch

仓口闩Hatch Bar 仓口压条Hatch Batten

仓口楔耳Hatch Batten Cleat 仓盖板Hatch Board

仓口桁梁Hatch Carling 仓口活动梁架Hatch Carrier

仓框Hatch Coaming 仓盖板Hatch Cover

仓口端梁Hatch End Beam 仓口Hatch Opening

仓盖布Hatch Tarpauline 舱口楔Hatch Wedge

仓口位Hatch Way 锚链筒Hawse Pipe

大缆Hawser 水头Head of Water

暖气管Heating Coil 重吊杆Heavy Derrick

横倾Heel 舵工Helmsman

同潮High Water 中拱Hogging

起重机Hoist 仓Hold

舱梁Hold Beam 货仓容量Hold Capacity

仓顶板Hold Ceiling 货仓口梯Hold Ladder

货仓支柱Hollow Stanchion 空心支柱Hollow Pillar

漏斗驳船Hopper 马力Horse Power

软管Hose 软管接头Hose Connection

冲水试验Hose Test 医院Hospital

气垫船Hovercraft 船壳Hull

船号Hull Number 船体说明书Hull Specifcation

船体强度Hull Strength 消防栓Hydraut

水压试验Hydraulic Test 静水力曲线图Hydrostatic Curve Plan

半制成品Half-finished Goods 犹豫Hesitate

及时…Do Not Hesitate to 容纳,货舱Hold

持(执)票人Holder 正当执票人Holder in Due Course

重合同Honour the Contract 殷勤招待Hospitality

抵押Hypothecate 难以辩认Illegible

标记不清Marks Illegible 碰伤Impact

公正的结论Impartial Findings 破冰船Ice Breaker

冷藏室Ice Chamber 下沉Immersion

船内,向船中心Inboard 在关栈中In Bond

散装In Bulk 英寸倾力距Inch Trim Moment?I.T.M.

华侨试验Inclining Experiment 倾度计Inclino Meter

所得税Income Tax 股份有限公司Incorporated Company

承受Incur 独立核算Independent Accounting

指示,读数Indication 单个的,个别的Individual

一式二份In Duplicate 告知Inform(Advise,Notify)

消息,情况Information 有益的Informative

初稳度Initial Stability 内底Inner Bottom

一式四份In Quadruplicate 查询Inquire

询盘(价)Inquiry 检验证明书Inspection Certificate

设备,装置Installation 绝缘仓Insulated Hold

说明书Instruction Manual 不足,不适当Insufficiency

保险,保险额Insurance 保险证书Insurance Certificate

保险单Insurance Policy 被保险人Insured

绝缘材料Insulating Material 绝缘试验Insulation Test

投保金额Insured Amount 保险人,承保人Insurer

国际讯号旗International Code of Signal 利益,利息Interest

有关各方Interested Parties 利率Interest Rate

国际货币基金International Monetary Fund 间隔Interval

检验项目Interventions Requested 一式三份In Triplicate

技术引进Introducing of Technology from Abroad 发票Invoice

不可撤消的Irrevoable 不可撤消信用证Irrevocable Letter of Credit

签发Issue(Issurance) 开(发)证银行Opening(Issuing) Bank

绳梯Jacob‟s Ladder 合股公司,股份公司Joint Stock Company

法人Juridical Person 应急锚Jury Anchor

应急舵Jury Rudder 龙骨Keel

龙骨底吃水Keel Draft 龙骨线Keel Line

内龙骨Keelson 密切注意Keep a Close Water for

防潮Keep Away from Moisture 切勿受潮Keep Dry

节、厘/小时Knot 标签Label

劳务费Labour Service Charge 梯Ladder

女盥洗室Ladies Lavatory 卸下Landed (Discharged)

实卸件数Actual Landed 用驳船运Landed by Lighter

从…船上卸下Landed Ex m/s 卸下数量Quantity Landed

起货Landing 大量的Large Amts(Lquantities)of

块装较大Larger in Piece 大号Larger Size

最后的,耐久的Last 前面装过的货Last Cargo

前航次On the Last Voyages 上上个月The Month Before Last

以后Later 以后At Later Day

待以后通知To Be Advised Later 最新的,最迟的Latest

最迟At(the) Latest 装运期限,最迟装运期Latest Date of Shipment

艇Launch 洗衣室Laundry

盥洗室Lavatory 垂线间长度Length between Perpendiculars?L.B.P.

层厚,层Layer 重点厂Leading Factory

密封性检验Leakage Test 得知Learn

离开,留下Leave 吊上吊下Left on/Left off

举重力Lifting Capacity 诉讼费Legal Expenses

法定检验Legal Inspection 法币Legal Tender

总长Length Overall?L.O.A. 节省时间Less Down Time

减去10%折扣Less 10%Discount 备忘录Letter of Intent

信用证Letter of Credit 保证书(函)Letter of Guarantee

抵押书Letter of Hypothecation 赔偿保证书Letter of Indemnity

债务Liabitities 责任Liability

盖Lid 救生艇Life Boat

救生圈Life Buoy 救生衣Life Jacket

救生圈Life Ring 举重装置Lifting Gear

灯Light 空载状态Light Condition

空载排水量Light Displacement 空载吃水Light Draft

驳船Lighter 驳船费Lighterage

舷窗Light Port 轻排水量Light Ship

空载水线Light Water Line 污水道Limber

污水道盖Limber Board 邮船,定期船Liner(Vessel)

有限公司Limited Company 规格齐全A Full Line of Specification

业务范围,主要业务Lines of Business 带缆船Liner

链环Link 清算,付清Liquidation

清单,横倾List 装载Load

装船前Before Loading 装船时间Date/Loading

起运地Loading Port 贷款Loan

载荷Load 满载吃水Load Draught

载重标记Loading Mark 满载吃水线Load Line

满载吃水线证书Load Line Certificate 装货Loading

装货单Loading List 装货港Loading Port

当地市场惯例Local Usage 提出,住宿Lodge

室,库Locker 航海日志Log

航海日志Log Book 纵梁Longitudinal

纵仓壁Longitudinal Bulkhead 纵浮心Longitudinal Centre of Buoyancy?L.C.B.

纵漂心Longitudinal Centre of Floatation? L.C.F.

纵重心Longitudinal Centre of Gravity?L.C.G.

纵稳心Longitudinal Metacentre 盼早日答复Look Forward To Your Reply

丢失,损失(耗),亏短(率)Loss 下半部Lower Half

右下角Lower Right Corner 下甲板Lower Deck

底仓Lower Hold 下甲板仓,三层柜Lower Tween Deck

低潮Low Water 行李房Luggage Room

运木材船Lumber Carrier 总数(额,计)Lump Sum Charge

费用合计…A Lump Sum Rate of … 一次费用在内In Lump

一次总付Lump Sum Payment 自动仓盖Mac‟gregor

机仓Machinery Room 军火房Magazine

处女航Maiden Voyage 邮件室Mail Room

主甲板Main Deck 主机Main Engine

主桅Main Mast 人孔Man Hole

挡水Manger Plate 信汇Mail Transfer

厂家Maker 常务董事Managing Director

载货清单Manifest 明显,边缘,盈余Margin

水险,海上保险Marine Insurance 唛头,标记Mark

合格标志Mark of Conformity 标明毛重Marked GR WT

标明皮重Marked Tare 标明重量Marked Weight

市场Market 桅Mast

船长Master 标准纸箱Master Carton

事故报告Master‟s Report 桅脚Mast Housing

麻袋,赠脚垫,蒲包Mat 大付收据Mate‟s Receipt

麻包装运Packed In Mat Bales 到期Maturity

平均吃水Mean Draught 总平均吃水Mean of Mean(Draft)

平均速率Mean Speed 载货容积Measurement Capacity

餐室Mess Room 稳定高度Metacentre Height

商品,货物Merchandise 符合…要求Meet…Requirement

口信,信息Message 稳心半径Metacentre Radius

中垂线Midperpandicular 船中Midship

船中剖面系数Midship Coefficient 船中剖面图Midiship Section

想法Mind 部优Ministry Prize

错误Mistake 误解Misunderstanding

后桅Mizzen Mast 模宽Molded Breadth

模深Molded Depth 模吃水Molded Draught

每纵倾一厘米力距Moment of Trim 1cm 停泊在…泊位Moor at Berth

系船装置Mooring Arrangement 导缆洞Mooring Hole

导缆孔Mooring Pipe 内燃机船Motor Vessel?M.V.

模宽Mould Breadth 模深Mould Depth

模吃水Mould Draught 抵押Mortgage

最惠国条款Most-favored-nation Clause 作相应的让步Make a Corresponding Move

菌状通风筒Mushroom Ventilator 互助(利)Mutual Assistance(Benefit)

船名Name of Vessel 自然通风Natural Draft(Ventilation)

船籍Nationality of Vessel 驾驶台Navigation Bridge

航海灯Navigation Lamp 净吨位Net Tonnage

协商,议付Negotiation 议付银行Negotiationg Bank

净,净吨Net/Nett 现金实价Net Cash

新闻,消息News 夜更Night Watch

不许可,无限No Allowance for 工休日,节假日Non Business Days

非水密仓壁Non-watertight Bulkhead 非水密门Non-watertight Door

公证人Notary Public 注明,指明,提及Note

提及,(预先)通知Notice 不再经通知Without Further Notice

短少/残损通知单Notice of Loss/Damage 准备就绪通知Notice of Readiness

放行通知Rleasing Notice 告知,通知Notify(Advise,Inform)

反对Objection 对…有异议Lodge an Objection to(against)

不得不(做)Obliged to 感谢d to M

得到Obtain 临时检验Occasional Survey

海运提单Ocean Bill of Lading 海运,海运单Ocean Freight

尺寸不符Off Size 发盘(价)Offer

向…报价Make an Offer to 存根,留度Office Copy

办公时间Office Hour 高级船员Officer

公务航海日志Officer Log Book 燃油仓Oil Bunker

油布Oil Cloth 耗油量Oil Consumption

加油工Oiler 燃油Oil Fuel

燃油仓Oil Fuel Tank 油管Oil Pipe

油泵Oil Pump 油仓,油柜Oil Tank

已装运提单On Board Bill of Lading 见票即付,即期On Demand

预约保险Open Cover 多…吨 M/T Are Over

货物溢短单Over Landed(and)Shortlanded Cargo List 加班费Overtime Payment

透支Overdraft 逾期Overdue

船东监督员Owner‟s Inspector 件号Package No

包装单Packing List 包装不当(妥)Improper Packing

装箱单Packing List 包装不牢固Insecure Packing

包装马虎Negligent Packing 包装不良Unsound Packing

工休日Paid Holidays 配膳室Pantry

邮政包裹Parcel Post 包裹收据Parcel Receipt

零件清单Parts List 零件号Part No.

分批Partial Shipment 单独海损Particular Average

隔板Partition 内分小格With Small Partitions

合伙Partnership 当事人Party

敝甲板型Open Shelter desk 乐意接受意见Open to Ideas

通车Open to Traffic 开口向下Open Side Down

使用说明书Operation Manual 选购件Option

随卖方意见,由卖方选择At Seller‟s Option 可选购Optionally Available

次序(顺序),订货Order 向…订货Order Placed With…

完好的,正常,齐全无误In Order 发现…没有问题Found…in Order

凭样订购Order against Sample 订货单Order Sheet

普通股Ordinary Stock(Shares) 起点,产地Origin

原来的,正本Original 产量,结果Ou












FRT: usd 15/mt on fiost bss1/1

海运费:每吨15美元 船东不负责装卸及理舱,平舱
























本文标签: 船舶时间货物租船运费