


Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring. Stranger: Well, no, uh…

Denise; You know, my sister’s son is very handsome. I think you two would like each other…Stranger: Uh, well; oh! I think I

hear your train coming! You’d better hurry so you don’t miss it!

Part Three

Exercise 3A

The BART system is a modern metro that links thirty-nine stations throughout Northern California’s San Francisco Bay Area.

The trains are operated by computers and the BART station platforms have electronic signs that light up with information

about trains that will be arriving. Exercise 3C

1. How long does it take to get from JFK Boulevard to Town Plaza? That’s JFK Boulevard to Town Plaza.

2. What is the fare from Oxford Avenue to College Avenue? That’s Oxford Avenue to College Avenue.

3. How much does it cost an dhow long does it take to go from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street? Again, that’s both the fare

and time from Fifth Street/Florida to Grove Street.

4. How much is a round-trip ticket from 75th Street to Kentucky Street? That’s a round-trip ticket from 75th Street to Kentucky.

5. How much time does it take to travel from Kansas Street to 20th Street? Again, how much time does it take to travel from

Kansas Street to 20th Street?

6. You are at the Alabama Street station. It’s twelve noon and you just got on the train. W hat time will you arrive at the Madrid

Avenue station? Again, it’s twelve noon and you’re going from Alabama Street to Madrid Avenue. What time will you arrive at

the Madrid Avenue station?

7. What time does the 4:07 PM train from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal? Again, what time does the 4:07 PM train

from Yonkers arrive at Grand Central Terminal?

8. What time does the 6:20 AM train from Grand Central Terminal arrive in Yonkers? That’s the 6:20 AM train from Grand

Central Termi nal arrive in Yonkers.

9. 9. How many trains are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 Pm? Again, how many trains

are there from Grand Central Terminal to Yonkers from 4:20PM until 7:53 PM?

10. How long is the trip from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal? Again, that’s the time from Yonkers to Grand Central


11. Which trains from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal do not stop at 125th Street? Again, which trains do no stop at 125th

Street going from Yonkers to Grand Central Terminal?

12. Look at your watch. What time is it right now? What time will the next train from Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125th

Street? Again, using the time now, when will the next train from Grand Central Terminal arrive at 125th Street?

Part Four

Exercise 1

1. Was her flight from New York on time?

2. Did you get the rental car information?

3. Which bus do I take to go downtown?

4. Is Alice meeting us at the train station?

5. Why was the man yelling at the stranger?

6. Are you going to call the travel agent today?

7. How long do we have to wait for the next bus?

8. Where are you going after the meeting?

9. What did you do with your extra ticket?

10. Were you going to go to the airport alone?

Exercise 2

1. What time did the plane arrive?

2. How often do you take the bus?

3. Did someone meet them at the airport?

4. Why didn’t she tell us she would be late?

5. Who will pay for the extra ticket?

6. Were you at the bus station yesterday?

7. How far is it from here to New Jersey?

8. Which bus do you think we should take?

9. Whose purse was left on the bus?

10. Are you meeting your brother at the bus station?

Part Five

Exercise 1

1. How much is the fare to Kansas ST.?

2. When is the next Yonkers train?

3. Does this bus go to City Hall?

4. How long does it take to get to Park Lane?

5. Which line do I need to take to get to the Macarthur Station?

6. Can you tell me how far the trip from Boston to San Diego is?

7. What’s the fastest way to get to Grand Central Terminal from here?

8. Do you know where the train for Atlanta stops?

Exercise 2:

1. The 12:20 train to Seattle will leave in two minutes.

2. The next train to Yonkers will leave from Grand Central Terminal in ten minutes.

3. A round-trip ticket from JFK Boulevard to Kansas St. is $2.90.

4. We’re sorry, but the 12:10 train Riverdale will be six minutes late.

5. The bus from Los Angles to Burbank leaves every fifteen minutes at that time of the day.

6. The next Fremont train will leave from platfor number 4 in half an hour.

Exercise 3

1. Question: Where does this person want to go?

A: Pardon me, how much does it cost to go to the Jefferson Auditorium?

B: That’s $1.80 one way, but you can’t go directly there after 6:00 PM. You’ll have to tak e a Lenox train at that hour and then

transfer to a Hastings train at the Portsmouth station. 2.Question: What time will the next bus for Chicago leave?

A: Excuse me, when does the next bus to downtown Chicago leave?

B: Let’s see. One just left at 8:00. Th e schedule says that that bus leaves every fifteen minutes, so…

A: Uh-oh;it’s already 8:10. I’d better hurry.

B: Ooh, I hope you make it.

2. Question: What is the total round-trip fare for the children?

A: May I help you?

B: Yeah, we’d like to ge t tickets from Portland to Long beach.

A: When are you planning on going?

B: We were thinking of going the week of June 15th.

A: Gook. That’s far enough in advance to take advantage of our supersaver fares. If you purchase your tickets thirty days in

advance, it will only cost $240 round trip.

B: $240. That sounds good.

A: How many people are in your party?

B: There’s my wife and me, plus our two kids.

A: Ooh, we have a special discount available for our young travelers. Let’s see, kids under twelve fly for half price and those

under three can go for free.

B: Well, Evelynne is six and Renee is one.

A: Very good. Let me check the computer to see which flights are open the week of the 15th.

Exercise 4

1. It’s really easy to get to school from my house by bus.

2. Greenwich is very close to London.

3. I take a 20-minute bus ride from home to work every day.

4. I leave my house each day at 8 am.

5. WE’re going to Hawaii for our next vacation.

6. According to this, the train to Vancouver will arrive in ten mnutes.

7. Do I need a Bakerloo or a Victoria train to get to Picadilly Circus?

8. How much is a ticket to Baltimore an then back again?

9. You need to take a #5 bus to the Berman Station. Then, catch a #12.

10. This bus is too crowded between 7am and 9am.

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