


(2020牛津译林版) 选择性必修一单词默写

选修1 Unit 1

1. mood

2. combination

3. do the trick

4. creamy

5. flavour

6. greedily

7. gently

8. dessert

9. association

10. vary

11. link

12. emotion

13. saucer

14. vinegar

15. native

16. salty

17. sour

18. cry out for

19. relieve

20. bond

21. security

22. generate

23. calorie

24. digest

25. lower

26. cycle

27. enhance

28. throw oneself into

29. boil

30. fry

31. steak

32. pan

33. impress

34. buffet

35. bay

36. scenery

37. bet

38. atmosphere

39. out of this world

40. version

41. filling

42. elderly

43. bake

44. flour

45. adorable

46. mild

47. tiramisu

48. bakery

49. layer

50. cheese

51. bitter

52. cream

53. ingredient

54. loose

55. let sth loose

56. chilli


57. pepper

58. Sichuan pepper

59. onion

60. spring onion

61. damp

62. foggy

63. dynasty

64. expand

65. multiple

66. sauce

67. plain

68. slice

69. chef

70. property

71. appropriate

72. estimate

73. consume

74. hit the spot

75. Cantonese

76. dim sum

77. essential

78. innovation

79. concept

80. stimulate

81. appetite

82. delicate

83. emphasis

84. steam

85. gram

(2020牛津译林版) 选择性必修一单词默写

选修1 Unit2

1. Austrian

2. composer

3. symphony

4. concerto

5. Polish

6. compose

7. deserve

8. tear apart

9. pleasant

10. whisper

11. dramatic

12. weep

13. overcome

14. sorrow

15. grave

16. transform

17. forever

18. combine

19. rely on

20. blues

21. folk

22. tune

23. lyric

24. throw in

25. for good measure

26. rural

27. surroundings

28. heaven

29. breeze

30. guarantee

31. jazz

32. arch

33. adaptation

34. communist

35. invader

36. consist of

37. defend

38. sole

39. flow

40. spacecraft

41. solar

42. greet

43. get down to (doing) sth

44. suitable

45. recording

46. distant

47. volume

48. stare

49. breath

50. unusual

51. grab

52. sweep

53. disc

54. complicated

55. lane

56. accompany


57. expectation

58. remarkable

59. stream

60. enthusiastic

61. handkerchief

62. vast

63. gifted

64. reputation

65. brilliant

66. prediction

67. extraordinary

68. depress

69. upset

70. possess

71. abandon

72. all of a sudden

73. orchestra

74. desperate

75. uplifting

76. ease

77. genius

78. variation

79. chorus

80. grand

81. finale

82. rhythm

(2020牛津译林版) 选择性必修一单词默写

选修1 Unit 3

1. portrait

2. landscape

3. wander

4. gallery

5. decade

6. mostly

7. pond

8. canvas

9. neighbourhood

10. strike

11. setting

12. like-minded

13. liberation

14. opposed

15. as opposed to

16. dominate

17. employ

18. brushwork

19. realistic

20. essence

21. vivid

22. vision

23. display

24. worthy

25. calling

26. shade

27. bathe

28. pixel

29. wage

30. campaign

31. architecture

32. toast

33. garlic

34. mushroom

35. arrange

36. raw

37. scroll

38. insight

39. crop

40. wind

41. sail

42. civilian

43. all walks of life

44. butcher

45. go about sth

46. apparent

47. ink

48. perspective

49. precise

50. ambitious

51. enormous

52. comprehensive

53. clothing

54. temple

55. structure


56. overall

57. critic

58. inspection

59. expose

60. political

61. soldier

62. crisis

63. decline

64. overthrow

65. be down to

66. scale

67. emperor

68. in one’s own right

69. outstanding

70. exhibition

71. rare

72. speak volumes about

73. historic

74. career

(2020牛津译林版) 选择性必修一单词默写

选修1 Unit 4

1. barren

2. frozen

3. imply

4. dimension

5. grasp

6. detect

7. rhyme

8. complex

9. contradictory

10. dig up

11. clue

12. cage

13. trill

14. interpret

15. patience

16. aside

17. set sth aside

18. remote

19. reward

20. constantly

21. logical

22. inner

23. perceive

24. reality

25. mist

26. novelist

27. break with sth

28. ideal

29. rigid

30. undergo

31. industrialization

32. advocate

33. belief

34. era

35. district

36. diverge

37. bend

38. claim

39. tread

40. sigh

41. hence

42. dare

43. dweller

44. striking

45. characterize

46. Confucianism

47. Taoism

48. legend

49. encounter

50. nourish

51. numerous

52. glorious

53. boom

54. stability

55. tolerant


56. liberty

57. unconstrained

58. vitality

59. distinguish

60. exaggeration

61. metaphor

62. representative

63. frost

64. cast

65. owe

66. debt

67. fascinate

68. entitle

69. blame

70. allowance

71. make allowance for

72. triumph

73. impostor

74. unforgiving

本文标签: 选择性必修默写单词译林