


ics: the study of meaning

my: the sameness or close similarity of meaning.

my: while different words may have the same or similar meaning,

the same one word may have more than one meaning

my: the phenomenon thea words having different meanings

have same form, i.e.,different words are identical in sound or spelling, or

in both

my: the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive

word and a more specific word

my: words that are opposite in meaning

tics: it is the study of how speakers of a language ues sentences

to effect successful communication

act theory: it is a philosopher explanation of the nature of

linguistic communicatin. It is aim to answer the question “what do we do

when suing lanfuage?”

tives: either state or discribe, and were thus verifiable

10. Performatives: did not state a face or describe a state, and were not


onary act: It is the act of utterance words,phrases,clauses. It is

the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexion and


tionary act: It is the act expressing the speaker’s intention; It is

the act performed in saying something.

utionary act: It is the act performed by or resulting from

saying something: it is the consequence of, or the change brought about

by the utterance; it is the act performed by saying something

ative principle: in making conversation, the participants must

first of all be willing to coopreate; otherwise, it would not be possible for

them to carry on the talk

ical linguistics: it is the subfield of linguistics that studies

language change.

ng: a way of forming a new word by combining parts of two

other words

ic broadening: the process in which the meaning of a word

becomes general or inclusive than its historically earlier meaning

anguage: the original form of a language family which has

ceased to exist

ge family: a group of historically relate laguages that have

developed from a common ancestral language

nguistics: the subdiscipling of linguistics thet studies language

variation and language ues in social contexts

community: a group of people who form a community and

share at least one speech variety as well as similar linguistic norms

franca: a variety of language that serves as a sommon speech

for social contact among groups of people who speak different native

languages or dialects

: a marginal contact language with a limited vocabulary and

reduced grammatical structures, used by native speakers of other

languages as a means of business communication

sia: a sociolinguistic situation in which two very different

varieries of languag co-exist in a speech community, each serving a

particular social function and used for a particular situation

ism:a word or expression that is thought to be mild, indirect,

or less offensive and used as a polite substitute for the supposedly harsh

and unpleasant word or expression

linguistics: the study of language in relation to the mind, with

focus on the processes of language production, comprehension and


al cortex: the outside surface of the brain which receives

messages from all the sensory oragns and where human cognitive abilities


lateralization: The localization of cognitive of cognitive and

percpetual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain

stic lateralization: hemispheric specialization or dominance for


critieal period: an early period of one’s life extending to the age

of puberty, during which the human brain is most ready to acquire

language naturally and effortlessly, a period that coincides with the period

of brain lateralization for language functions

ker speech: simple, modified speech used by parents,

baby-sitter, they talk to young children who are acquiring their

native language

ge transfer:the effect of one’s first language knowledge on the

learning of a second language

anguage: the aproximate language system that a second

language learner constructs which represents his or her transitional

competence in the target language

uration: a process of adapting to the culture and value system

of the second language communnity

本文标签: 语言学名词解释