




notional实词 form word虚词 word-building构词法

root词根 prefix前缀 suffix后缀

synonym同义词 antonym反义词 conversion转化法

derivation派生法 affixation词缀法 composition合成法

compound复合词 parts of speech词类 noun名词

pronoun代词 numeral数词 adjective形容词

verb动词 adverb副词 article冠词

preposition介词 conjunction连词 interjection感叹词

particle引导词 classification of nouns名词的分类

common noun普通名词 proper noun专有名词 collective noun集合名词

material noun物质名词 abstract noun抽象名词

countable noun可数名词 personal pronoun人称代词

possessive pronoun物主代词 reflexive pronoun反身代词

demonstrative pronoun指示代词 interrogative pronoun疑问代词

relative pronoun关系代词 indefinite pronoun不定代词

reciprocal pronoun相互代词 case格 nominative case主格

objective case宾格 possessive case所有格 singular form单数形式

plural form复数形式 cardinal numeral基数词 ordinal numeral序数词

fraction numeral分数数词 degrees of comparison比较级

positive degree原级 comparative degree比较级

superlative degree最高级 notional verb实义动词 modal verb情态动词

link verb连系动词 auxiliary verb助动词 transitive verb及物动词

intransitive verb不及物动词 regular verb规则动词

irregular verb不规则动词 finite verb限定动词

non-finite verb非限定动词 person人称 number数

gender性 tense时态 voice语态

mood语气 principal forms of verbs动词的主要形式

present form现在形式 past form过去形式 participle分词

present participle现在分词 past participle过去分词 infinitive不定式

gerund动名词 verbal noun动名词

simple present tense一般现在时 simple past tense一般过去时

simple future tense一般将来时 present continuous tense现在进行时

past continuous tense过去进行时 future continuous tense将来进行时

past perfect tense过去完成时 future perfect tense将来完成时

present perfect continuous tense现在完成进行时

future perfect continuous tense将来完成进行时

sequence of tenses时态的呼应 passive voice被动语态

active voice主动语态 indicative mood陈述语气

imperative mood祈使语气 subjunctive mood虚拟语气

adverb of time 时间副词 adverb of place地点副词


adverb of manner方式副词 adverb of degree程度副词

adverb of frequency频度副词 conjunctive adverb连接副词

definite article定冠词 indefinite article不定冠词

coordinating conjunction并列连词 subordinating conjunction从属连词

syntax句法 declarative sentence陈述句

imperative sentence祈使句 exclamatory sentence感叹句

interrogative sentence疑问句 general question一般疑问句

special question特殊疑问句 alternative question选择疑问句

disjunctive question反意疑问句 simple sentence简单句

compound sentence并列句 complex sentence复合句

compound complex sentence并列复合句 elliptical sentence省略句

elements of the sentence句子成分 subject主语

predicate谓语 predicative表语 attribute定语

adverbial状语 modifier状语 appositive同位语

independent element独立成分 limiting attribute限定性定语

descriptive attribute描绘性定语 simple predicate简单谓语

compound predicate复合谓语 direct object直接宾语

indirect object间接宾语 complex object复合宾语

cognate object同源宾语 direct address呼语

parenthesis插入语 appended element附加成分

inserted element插入成分 direct speech直接引语

indirect speech间接引语 absolute construction独立结构

phrase短语 participial phrase分词短语

prepositional phrase介词短语 infinitive phrase不定式短语

verb phrase动词短语 clause从句 main clause主句

subordinate clause从句 subject clause主语从句

object clause宾语从句 predicative clause表语从句

attributive clause定语从句 appositive clause同位语从句

adverbial clause状语从句

restrictive attributive clause限制性定语从句

non-restrictive attributive clause非限制性定语从句

natural word-order自然语序 inverted word-order倒装语序

inversion倒装 ellipsis省略

transformation of sentence句型的转换 analysis of sentence句子分析

punctuation marks标点符号 period 句号 full stop句号

question mark问号 exclamation mark感叹号

comma逗号 semicolon分号 colon冒号

dash破折号 hyphen连字号 quotation marks引号

parenthesis括号 apostrophe撇号(所有号,重音号,省字号)


本文标签: 动词副词代词