



However, this year's Nobel Prize was also awarded to men.

On October 12th, researchers discussed in Science why men often

swept the Nobel Prize in recent years, while women were rarely

nominated. Since the Nobel Prize was first awarded in 1901,

there have been only 17 women winners in 115 years. In recent

years, the call for solving the gender imbalance among Nobel

Prize winners and the scarcity of more women and scientists from

all over the world has reached a fever pitch. Members of the

Nobel Prize Committee shared data with Science.

It shows that in recent years, the change of this process

has almost doubled the proportion of nominated women, but it

is still hoped that more women will be nominated. In addition,

the composition of the selection committee itself has room for

improvement, and the proportion of women is small. Of course,

when the committee discussed the Nobel Prize, there was no

gender discrimination. We also need to solve this problem

ourselves, and strive to solve the problem that women are

under-represented in leading academic positions.

Since the Nobel Prize was first awarded in 1901, a total

of 581 people have won the Nobel Prize for Natural Science,

among which only 17 are women, and the number of women who won

the Nobel Prize for Natural Science only accounts for 2.93% of

the total number of winners. According to the statistics of the

winning disciplines, the gender imbalance of the Nobel Prize

in Natural Science will be more vivid through the following


In recent years, the call for solving the gender imbalance

among Nobel Prize winners and the scarcity of people of color

and scientists outside North America and Europe has reached a

fever pitch. In 2018, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,

which awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry,

announced a change in the nomination process to encourage

greater diversity. The selection committee expanded the list

of people invited to submit nominations to include more women

and scientists from all over the world. They also adjusted the

wording of the invitation letter to explicitly mention

underrepresented groups, and asked scientists to nominate at

least three discoveries, not just one. The institutes that

awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine have made some

similar changes.

Visibility is not the only key. Some people think that a

more transparent process may prompt nominees to add more

women's names to the candidates. "For most people, it is a

mystery how people get into any possible nomination list," she

said. If women don't know what this political process is, then

they can't put themselves in the right environment and connect

with the right people who can help them get nominated. "

本文标签: 男性得奖女性作文