


Unit 13 第十三单元








熟悉map、chart、plot、construction、draw的含义;so far、heretofore、by far的含义;have

to do with、be referred to、be related to的含义;compatible with、pertain to 、application to 的含义;;layout、staking out 的含义;construction的不同含义。

Surveying has to do with(与..有关)the determination of the relative spatial location(相对空间位置)of points on or near the surface of the earth. It is the art(技术)of measuring horizontal and

vertical distance between objects, of measuring angles between lines, of determining the direction

of lines, and of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear measurements(角测量法和线性测量法).


Accompanying the actual measurement(度量)of survey are mathematical calculations. Distance,

angles, directions, locations, elevations, areas, and volumes are thus determined from data of

survey. Also, much of the information of the survey is portrayed graphically(图示描述)by the

construction of maps, profiles(纵剖面图), cross sections(横剖面图), and diagrams(图表).


The equipment available and methods applicable for measurement and calculation have changed

tremendously in the past decade. Aerial photogrammetry(航空摄影测量), satellite observation,

remote sensing, inertial surveying(惯性测量), and electronic distance measurement(电子测距)laser techniques are examples of modern systems(现代方法)utilized to collect data usable in the

surveying process. The relatively easy access to(利用)electronic computers of all size(各种容量)facilitates the rigorous(精确的)processing and storage(处理和储存)of large volumes of



With the development of these modern data acquisitions(收集)and processing systems, the duties

of the surveyor have expanded beyond(超出)the traditional tasks of the field(现场)work of

taking measurements and the office work of computing and drawing. Surveying is required not

only for conventional construction engineering projects(项目), mapping, and property(地籍)

surveys, but is also used increasingly by other physical sciences, such as geology(地质学)and

geophysics(地球物理学); biology, including agriculture, forestry, grasslands(草原), and wildlife(野生动植物); hydrology(水文地理学)and oceanography(海洋学); and geography, including

human and cultural resources(人文资源).


The tasks in these physical science operations(活动)need to be redefined to include design of the

surveying procedure(程序)and selection of equipment appropriate for the project; acquisition of

data in the field or by way of remote station; reduction(整理)or analysis of data in the office or in

the filed; storage of data in a form compatible with(适合于)feature retrieval(特征检索);

preparation(整理)of maps or other displays in the graphical(绘图)(including photographic摄影) or numerical form needed for the purpose of survey; and setting of monument(界标)and

boundaries in the field as well as control for construction layout(施工放样). Performance of these

tasks requires a familiarity with the uses of surveying, knowledge of fundamentals of the

surveying process(方法), and knowledge of various means by which data can be prepared for



The earliest surveys known were for the purpose of establishing(确定)the boundaries of land, and

such surveys are still important work of many surveyors.


Every construction project of any magnitude(规模)is based to some degree upon measurements

taken during the progress(发展)of a survey and is constructed about lines and points established

by the surveyor. Aside from land surveys, practically all surveys of a private nature(私营性质)and most of those conducted by public agencies(公共机构)are of assistance in the conception(规划), design, and execution (施工)of engineering works.


For many years the government, and in some instances(在某些情况下)the individual states, have

conducted surveys over large areas for a variety of purposes. The principal work so far(迄今为止)accomplished consists of the fixing(确定)of national and state boundaries; the charting(绘制)of coastlines(海岸线) and navigable(适于航行的)streams and lakes; the precise location(定位)of definite reference points(固定基准点)throughout the country; the collection of

valuable facts(论据)concerning the earth’s magnetism(磁力) at widely scattered stations;

establishment(建立)and observation of a greater network of gravity station(重力站)throughout

the world; the establishment and operation(运转)of tidal and water level (潮位和水位)station;

the extension(扩充)hydrographic(与水文地理学有关)and oceanographic(与海洋学有关)charting and mapping(绘制)into the approximately three-fourths of the world which is essentially(本来)unmapped; and the extension of topographic(地形的)mapping of the land(陆地)surfaces of the earth.


Observations of a worldwide net of satellite triangulation stations(三角测量卫星观测站) were

made during the decade 1964-1974. Results of the computations have been completed by 1985.

They allow(有助于) determination of the shape of the earth from one to two orders of magnitude(数量级)better than has heretofore(迄今为止)been known. Consequently, surveys of global

extent(全球范围)have been performed and will become common in the future.


Thus surveys are divided into three classes: (a) those for the primary purpose of establishing the

boundaries of land, (b) those providing information necessary for the construction of public or

private works, and (c) those of large extent and high precision conducted by the government and

to some extent by the states. There is no hard and fast line of demarcation(严格的界线)between

surveys of one class and those of another(不同类型) regarding the methods employed, results

obtained, or the use of the data of the survey.


Different types of surveying undertake(承担)the tasks of three classes. Geodetic surveying(大地测量) is employed in the third class, which takes into account the true shape of the earth.

Surveys making use of the principles of geodesy(测地学)are of high precision and generally

extend(遍布)over large areas. Where the area involved is not great, as for a state, the required

precision may be obtained by assuming that the earth is a perfect sphere(球体). Where the area is

large, as for a country, the true spheroidal(椭球体)shape of the earth is considered. Surveys of the

latter character have been conducted primarily through the agencies of governments. In the United

States such surveys have been conducted principally by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey.

Geodetic surveys have also been conducted by the Great Lake Survey, the Mississippi River

Commission, several boundary commissions, and others.



Though relatively few engineers and surveyors are employed full time in geodetic work(测量工作), the data of the various geodetic surveys are of great importance in that they furnish(提供)precise points of reference to which the multitude of(大量)surveys of lower precision may be tied(连接). For each state, a system of plane coordinates(平面坐标系统)has been devised(建立), to which all points in the state can be referred without an error of more than one part in 10

000 in distance or direction arising from the difference (差异)between the reference surface and

the actual mean surface of the earth.


That type of surveying in which the mean surface of the earth is considered as a plane, or in which

its spheroidal shape is neglected, is generally defined as plane surveying. With regard to horizontal

distances and directions, a level line(水平线)is considered as mathematically straight, the

direction of the plumb line(铅垂线)is considered to be same at all points within the limits of the

survey, and angles are considered to be plane angles. By far(到目前为止)the greater number of

all surveys are of(属于)this type. In general the surveys necessary for the works of human beings

are plane survey. The shape of the earth must be taken into consideration only in surveys of

precision covering(涉及)large areas.


The operation(工作)of determining elevation is usually considered as a division(一部分)of plane

surveying. Elevations are referred to(与..有关)a spheroidal surface, a tangent at any point in the

surface being normal to(垂直于)the plumb line at that point. The curved surface of reference,

usually mean sea level(平均海平面), is called a “datum” or curiously and incorrectly, a “datum

plane”. The procedure ordinarily used in determining elevations automatically takes into account

the curvature(曲率)of the earth, and elevation referred to the curved surface of reference are

secured(获得)without extra effort on the part of the surveyor. In this procedure, the curvature of

the earth’s surface can not be neglected even for very rough(粗略的)values of elevations.


Here a brief description of the various types of surveys will be given. Most of them employ plane

rather than geodetic techniques.


Land surveys are the oldest type of survey and have been performed since earliest recorded history.

They are plane surveys made for locating property lines(地籍线), subdividing land into smaller

parts(分割土地), determining land areas and any other information involving the transfer of land

from one owner to another(土地产权转移). These surveys are also called property surveys,

boundary surveys, or cadastral surveys.


Topographic surveys(地形测量)are made for locating objects and measuring the relief(地貌),

roughness(粗糙度), or three-dimensional variations of the earth’s surface. Detailed information

is obtained pertaining to(关于)elevations as well as to the locations of man-made and natural

features(人工和自然地物) (buildings, roads, streams, and so on) and the entire information is

plotted on maps (called topographic maps).


Route surveys(路线测量)involve the determination of the relief and the location of natural and

artificial objects along a proposed(拟定的)route for a highway, railroad, canal, power line(输电线), or other utility(应用). They may further involve the location or staking out(放样)of the

facility and the calculation of earthwork quantities(土方工程量).


City survey are made within a given municipality for the purpose of laying out(定位)streets,

planning(布置)sewer systems(排水系统), preparing maps, and so on. When the term is used,

it usually brings to mind(使人想起)topographic surveys in or near a city for the purpose of

planning urban expansions or improvements.


Construction surveys are made for purposes of locating structures and providing required

elevation points during their construction. They are needed to control(指导)every type of

construction project.


Hydrographic surveys(水文测量)pertain to(适合)lakes, streams, and other bodies of water(水域). Shore lines(海岸线)are charted, shapes of areas beneath water surface are determined,

water flow(水流量) of streams is estimated, and other information needed relative to(相对于)navigation, flood control(防洪), development of water resources, and so on, is obtained. These

surveys are usually made by a governmental agency. When hydrographic and topographic

surveying are combined the resulting surveys are sometimes called cartographic survey(地图制图测量).


Marine surveys(海洋测量)are related to hydrographic surveys but they are thought to cover a

broader area. They include the surveying necessary for offshore platforms(近海平台), the science

of navigation, theory of tides(潮汐学说)as well as the preparation of hydrographic maps and



Mine surveys(矿井测量)are made to obtain the relative positions and elevations of underground

shafts(矿井), geological formations (地质组成), and so on and to determine quantities and

establish lines and grades for work to be done.


Forestry and geological surveys(林地和地质测量)are probably much more common than the

average(一般的)layman realizes(了解). Foresters(林务员)use surveying for boundary locations,

timber cruising, topography, etc. Similarly, surveying has much application in the preparation of

geological maps(地质图).


Photogrammetric surveys(摄影测量)are those in which photographs (generally aerial) are used in

conjunction with(加上)limited(有限的)ground surveys (used to establish or locate certain

control points visible from the air). Photogrammetry is extremely valuable because of the speed

with which it can be applied, the economy, the application to(适用于)areas difficult to access(达到), the great detail provided, etc. Its uses are becoming more extensive each year.


In the decades to come there will undoubtedly be the other special types of surveying which will

develop. Surveyors might very well(极有可能)have to establish boundaries under the ocean, in

the Arctic and Antarctic, and even on the moon and other planets. Great skill and judgment by the

surveying profession(测量业)will undoubtedly be required to handle these tasks.


Unit 15 第十五单元

Soil Mechanics







Grain size(颗粒尺寸)is the basis of soil mechanics, since it is this which decides whether a soil is

frictional(有摩阻力的)or cohesive(有粘结力的), a sand or a clay(粘土). Starting with the

largest sizes, boulders(漂石)are larger than 10 cm, cobbles(卵石)are from 5 cm to 10 cm, gravel(砾石)or ballast(碎石)is from about 5 cm to 5 mm, grit(粗砂)is from about 5 mm to 2 mm,

sand is from 2 mm to 0.06 mm. All these soils are frictional, being coarse(粗糙的)and thus

non-cohesive. Their stability depends on their internal friction. For the cohesive or non-frictional

soils the two main internationally accepted size limits(范围)are: silt(淤泥)from 0.02 mm to

0.002 mm, and clay for all finer material. There are, of course, many silty clays(粉质粘土)and

clayey silts(粘质粉土).

土力学的基础是颗粒尺寸,因为是它决定了土壤是有摩阻力的还是有粘结力的,是砂还是粘土。从最大的尺寸开始,漂石大于10cm,卵石在5cm到10 cm之间,砾石或碎石约在5cm到5mm之间,粗砂约在5mm到2mm之间,砂在2mm到0.06mm 之间。所有这些土壤都是有摩阻力的,是粗糙的,因而是没有粘结力的。它们的稳定性依赖于内摩擦力。对于有粘结力或无摩擦力的土壤,国际上能接受的两个主要的尺寸范围是:淤泥在0.01mm到0.002mm,而粘土为所有较细的材料。当然还有很多粉质粘土和粘质粉土。

Every large civil engineering job starts with a soil mechanics survey(地基勘测)in its early stage.

The first visit on foot(踏勘)will show whether the site might be suitable, in other words, whether

money should be spent on sending soil-sampling equipment out to it. The soil samples and the

laboratory results obtained from the triaxial test, shear test and so on will show at what depth the

soil is likely to be strong enough to take the required load. For a masonry or steel structure, this is

where soil mechanics survey will end, having rarely cost more than 2 percent of the structure cost.


Generally, the strength of a soil increases with depth. But it can happen that it becomes weaker

with depth. Therefore, in choosing the foundation pressure(地基压力)and level(深度)for this

sort of soil, a knowledge of soil mechanics is essential, since this will give an idea of(对..有所了解)the likely settlements.


There are, however, several other causes of settlement apart from consolidation(固结)due to load.

These causes are incalculable(不可计算的)and must be carefully guarded against(预防). They

include frost(霜冻)action, chemical change in the soil, underground erosion(侵蚀)by flowing

water, reduction of the ground water level, nearby construction of tunnels(隧道)or vibrating

machinery(机械)such as vehicles.


Static load can cause elastic (temporary) or plastic (permanent) settlement, consolidation

settlement being permanent. However, when plastic flow(塑性流)is mentioned in English, it

generally means the failure of a soil by overload in shear. Consolidation settlement occurs mainly

in clays or silts.


From dynamic load alone the commonest settlements are found in sands or gravels, caused by

traffic or other vibration, pile driving(打桩)or other earth shocks(冲击). A drop(降低) in

the ground water level will often cause the soil to shrink and a rise may cause expansion(膨胀)of the soil. Ground water is lowered by the drainage(排水)which can be caused by any deep

excavation(深开挖). The shrinkage which can occur with drying(干燥)is well shown by the clay

underlying Mexico City, a volcanic ash. After seven weeks drying this clay shrinks to 6.4 percent

of its initial volume. It is an unusual clay with the very high voids ratio(孔隙比)of 93.6 / 6.4 =



Underground erosion is the removal of solids(固体颗粒的流失), usually fines(细颗粒), from

the soil by the flow of underground water. The solids can be removed as solids(固态) or in

solution(溶解状态), though only a few rocks are soluble enough(充分溶解)to be removed in

this way. Rock salt(岩盐)is the commonest example of a soluble rock. Potassium salts(钾盐)also are soluble.


The permeability(渗透性)of a soil is important for calculations of underground flow(地下潜流), for example of oil or water to a well, or of water into a trench(排水沟)dug for a foundation,

or of water through an earth dam(土坝). Of the loose soils which can be dug with spade(铲),

clays are the least permeable, silts slightly more(稍大), sands yet more(更大), and gravels even

more. In other words, the permeability is in direct proportion to(与..成正比)the grain size of the



When a well is being pumped(抽水), the water flows towards(流向)it from every direction and

the ground water surface (water table地下水位) around it sinks. As the distance from the well

increases, the water table is lowered rather less, so that around the well it becomes shaped like a

funnel(漏斗形), though it is usually called a cone of depression(降落锥体).


Unit 17 第十七单元

Tendering Procedure 招投标






熟悉in accordance with、in connection with、in compliance with的不同含义;cover、comprise、contain的含义;anticipated、intended、envisaged、prospective的用法;tender的不同含义。

This document presents(介绍)a systematic approach for tendering and awarding of contracts(签订合同)for international construction projects. It is intended to assist the employer / engineer to

receive sound competitive tenders(公开投标)in accordance with the tender(招标)documents

so that they can be quickly and efficiently assessed. At the same time, an effort has been made to

provide the opportunity and incentive(鼓励)to contractors to respond easily to invitations to

tender for(投标)projects which they are qualified to implement. It is hoped that the adoption of

this procedure will minimize tendering costs and ensure that all tenderers receive a fair and equal(公正与公平)opportunity to submit(提交)their offers(建议)on a reasonable and comparable(同等的)basis.




Establishment of Procurement Method and Form of Tendering In the context(上下文)of this

document the word “project’ covers all the stages from the initial idea to construct a given

physical asset(有形资产)to the final taking-over(接收)by the employer of the completed work.

建立获取投标的方法和形式 在本篇的上下文中,“项目”一词包括了从最初建造一个特定的有形资产的构思到最后雇主接收已完工程的全部阶段。

Project Strategy 项目策略

Projects may be organized and implemented in accordance with different strategies. Which

strategy is best suited for the purpose depends on, for example, the nature and complexity of the

project, the access to finance(融资渠道), life cycle(生命周期)costs of the projects, the technical

and administrative capability of the employer and the general political and economic environment.


The project strategy defines(规定)the way in which the project will be implemented, determines

the role of each party involved and, where appropriate(适当处), specifies(指定)the way the

project will operate. To a large degree contractual relationship(合同关系)between the parties and

their individual rights, duties and risks are thereby also determined by the project strategy.


At the implementation stage of a project, tendering serves as a method to ensure that the work is

procured(获得)at competitive terms(条件).


The choice of strategy is a major(较重要的)decision which has far-reaching consequences(深远意义). Once a strategy has been settled it is of great importance that it be followed(遵循)throughout the implementation of the project. Lack of (没有)strict adherence(遵守)to the

strategy may lead to flaws in the procurement process(获取过程), resulting in claims(索赔),

disputes(争端)and extra cost for all concerned.


Any part of a project which can be covered by a separate contract may in principle(通常) be

made subject to(根据)tendering.


As soon as the project strategy has been decided, the employer, assisted by his engineer, should

establish procurement methods and forms of tendering to be used in the project.


The procurement methods and forms of tendering are established by determining:

(1)The parts of the project for which tenders are to

be sought(试图获得);

(2)The conditions of contract to be adopted;

(3)The award criteria; and

(4)The tendering procedure.






Once these basic preconditions(前提)have been determined and agreed between the employer

and his engineer, the planning of when and how the tendering can be carried out may commence.


If, for unforeseen(无法预料的)reasons, changes in principle and form have to be made at a later

stage in the project the implications(含意)of such changes have to be considered and assessed



Preparation of Programmes The tendering procedure, as described in this document, implies that

certain activities have to be carried out in connection with(连同)each part of the project for which

a separate tender is to be called(招标) .

计划的准备 正如本文所描述的,投标过程意味着某些活动必须连同项目的各个部分一起进行,而该项目是进行单独招标的。

It is important that these activities are carried out in a systematic and timely(适时的)manner.

They should therefore be planned carefully and incorporated in(并入)the programme for the



Normally, preliminary overall programme covering all major activities of the project is prepared in

the initial stage of the project. As a minimum(作为最低要求), such programme should comprise

the main phases of the project, that is:

-Project definition

-Tendering procedure




and should establish all milestones of significance in connection with(与..有关的)each phase.








Calling tenders for a given part of the project should be carried out in compliance with(按照)the

overall programme.


In order to ensure this compliance(一致性), detailed programmes should be made for

implementing the tendering procedure for each part of the project. As a minimum, these

programmes should specify duration(持续时间)and deadlines(最终期限)for the following

activities in connection with each potential contract.

-Preparation of tender documents

-Preparation of prequalification(预审)document

-Prequalification of tenderers

-Obtaining tenders

-Opening of tenders

-Evaluation of tenders

-Award of contract









Time should be allowed(留出)in each programme for the employer to make necessary decisions

and give required approvals(批准).


Further information about content and scope of each of these activities is given in the following

section of this document.


Prepration of Prequalification Documents General: Prequalification is recommended to ensure

that tenders are sought only from contractors whom the employer / engineer has already

established(确定)as having the requisite(必要的)resources and experience to perform the

intended(预期)work satisfactorily.

预审文件的准备 一般:预审被建议用来确保投标只从那些雇主/工程师已经确定的、具有必要的资源和经验从而能圆满地完成预期工作的承包商中去寻找。

Prequalification of Tenderers


The aim of prequalification is to establish a list of capable(有可能的)firms whilst(同时)ensuring

that a proper level of competition is safeguarded(维护). To achieve these objectives and to give

added(更多的)encouragement for contractors to respond to invitations to tender(招标), no more

than seven organizations should be prequalified unless the rules of the employer or financing

institution otherwise dictate(另外规定).


Prequalification Document Prequalification documents should give information about the

project, the tendering procedure and the prequalification procedure. They should also specify what

data is required from contractors wishing to prequalify.

预审文件 预审文件应该提供关于项目、投标过程和预审过程的信息。它们也应该规定来自承包商的哪些数据是需要的,并希望预审。

The documents are prepared by the employer / engineer and will normally include the following:

-Letter of invitation to prequalify

-Information about the prequalification procedure

-Project information

-Prequalification application






The documents should include inter alia(尤其)the following:

-Name and address of the employer

-Name and address of the engineer

-Location of the project

-Description(类型)of the project and scope of work included in the contract

-Anticipated(预期的)programme, indicating the

tender period(周期), contract award date,

design/construction/ commissioning(试运转)periods

and any other key dates

-Conditions of contract to be used

-Criteria for evaluation of tenders

-Criteria for prequalification

-Details(详细资料)of any work intended to be

undertaken by nominated subcontractor(s)(指定分


-Anticipated sources of finance (including any

requirement for contractor financing筹措资金)

-Payment arrangements envisaged(预期的)

(including currencies)

-Any financial guarantees to be given by contractors

-Whether price escalation arrangements(涨价计划)

will be included

-Language and law of the contract

-Any aspect of the intended work which is

unusual and would(可能)thus have a bearing on

(对..有影响)the contractors obligations(职责)

-Charges for(收..费)purchase of tender documents,

if applicable




















Applicants should also be advised of(告知):

-The policy of the employer concerning domestic preference(国内


-The attitude of the employer to joint ventures(联合体). It is

recommended that Joint ventures should be allowed to prequalify

but that the subsequent formation of Joint ventures from amongst(从..中)prequalified

organizations should be controlled as this

reduces the breadth(范围)of competition. A prequalified

organization should be allowed to strengthen its capability(实

力)by the subsequent incorporation, during the tender period,

of non-prequalified firm(s), subject to the approval of the employer.

-The number of copies of prequalification applications to be


-The name, address and latest date(截止时间)for receipt of

submissions (提交物), including any particular instructions for


-The language to be used for the submissions

-The currency to be used for presenting(提供)financial



—雇主有关国内的优惠政策 。











Invitation to Prequalify The employer/engineer should publish a notice(发布通告) of inviting

interested contractors to apply for prequalification documents, stating(声明)that tender(招标)documents will be issued only to(发给)a limited number(少数的)of companies/joint ventures

selected by the employer/engineer as having the necessary qualifications(条件)to perform the

work satisfactorily.

预审邀请 雇主/工程师应该发布通告邀请有兴趣的承包商来申请预审文件,声明招标文件仅发给由雇主/工程师选择的、具备圆满完成该工作的必要条件的少数公司/联合体。

The notice should be published in appropriate newspapers and journals to give sufficient publicity(宣传)according to the particular circumstances of the project. The notice may also be issued to

financing institution representatives, if relevant, and to government agencies responsible for

foreign trade(外贸)so that the international community(团体)receives timely notification of the

proposed project and instructions on how to apply.


The notice should be reasonably brief and where feasible contain:

-Name of the employer.

-Name of the engineer.

-Location of the project.

-Description of the project and scope of work.

-Source of finance.

-Anticipated programme (i.e. award of contract,

completion and any other key dates).

-Planned dates for issue of tender(招标)documents and submission of tenders(标书).

-Instructions for applying for prequalification documents.

-Date by(到..时为止)which applications(申请表)to

prequalify must be submitted.

-Minimum qualification requirements(限制条件)and any particular aspects which

could be of concern(至关

重要)to prospective(预期的)tenderers.












—最低的限制条件以及对预期的投标人至关重要的特 殊情况。

Issue and Submission of Prequalification Documents On(一旦)receipt of requests from

contractors, the employer/engineer should issue the prequalification document.

预审文件的发布与递交 一旦收到承包商的请求,雇主/工程师应该发给预审文件。

The letter of invitation to prequalify should state(说明)how the application is to be packaged and



The employer/engineer should acknowledge(确认)receipt of the completed prequalification

applications from the contractors.


Analysis of Prequalification Applications The employer/engineer should evaluate the

prequalification applications to identify(确定)those companies/joint ventures whom they consider

to be suitably qualified(条件合适)and experienced to undertake the project.

预审申请书的分析 雇主/工程师应该对预审申请书进行评价,以确定被他们认为是条件合适并有经验承担该项目的公司/联合体。

The evaluations should determine, for each company or joint venture:

-Structure and organization.

-Experience in both the type of work and the country

or region in which it is to be undertaken.

-Available resources, in terms of(在..方面)

management capability, technical staff, construction

and fabrication facilities, maintenance and training

facilities, or other relevant factors.

-Quality assurance procedures(措施)and

environmental policy.

-Extent to which any work would be likely to be


-Financial stability and resources necessary to execute

the project.

-General suitability, taking into account any potential language difficulties.

-Litigation(诉讼)or arbitration(仲裁)history.



—对即将承担的工作类型以及工作所在的国家或地区 的经验








Selection of Tenderers If the resulting list, after those firms who were found unsuitable have

been excluded, exceeds six potential tenderers and there are no special regulations or conditions

imposed on(影响)the employer, the selection procedure should be continued to eliminate the less

well-qualified(不太适合)in order to arrive at no more than six.

选择投标人 在那些被发现不适合的公司被排除以后,如果作为结果的名单超过了六个可能的投标者,且没有影响雇主的特别规则或条件,则应该继续进行选择的过程来排除不太适合的,以便获得不超过六个的投标者。

Notification of Applicants When the list of the selected tenderers has been prepared,

successful applicants should be notified and requested to confirm(确认)their intention to submit

a tender. This should ensure, as far as possible, an adequate number of competitive tenders. If a

potential tenderer wishes to drop out(放弃)at this stage, the next best-placed should be invited

and asked to confirm as above. Following this, all applicants should be notified of the list of

selected tenderers without giving explanation for the decisions.

通知申请者 当挑选的投标者的名单准备好时,应该通知成功的申请者,并要求确认他们递交标书的意向。应该尽可能地确保有足够数量的竞争性投标。如果在这个阶段有潜在的投标者想要放弃,则应该邀请下一个名次最列前的公司,并要求其确认上面所说的内容。接着将挑选的投标者的名单通知所有的申请者,而对该决定不作解释。

Unit 18 第十八单元

Building Construction 建筑施工






熟悉be subject to 的不同含义;several 的不同含义;be engaged with、be engaged by的不同含义;address、cite、argue的用法;Given..的用法;specification的不同含义。

The construction industry consists of numerous types of projects to include residential units,

commercial institutions and industrial projects, and heavy and highway projects(市政项目). One

means of classifying(分类)construction contractors is to identify(确定)the firms consistent with

the type of work they perform; i.e., a residential contractor, a building or commercial contractor,

or a heavy and highway contractor.


Construction Contractors 工程承包商

(page 243)

While(虽然)the purpose of this handbook addresses(针对..而写)the building/commercial

contractor, it is helpful in understanding the characteristics of the building/commercial contractor,

to contrast the characteristics of the firm to (将..与..形成对照)those of the residential and/or

heavy and highway contractor.


As pointed out there is the advantage of less sensitivity to the economy for the firm that has skills

and performs each of the three types of work. On the other hand, it is not possible for every firm to

involve itself in(陷于)the three types of construction work in that(因为)the physical (自然科学的)and management skills required differ for the three types of work. Obviously, not every

firm can or should strive(努力)to possess all the skills required to enable its performing each of

the three types of work.


Residential Contractor The decision to specialize in(专攻)residential, commercial, or heavy and

highway construction should recognize the unique characteristics of each of the three types of

work. Residential construction is characterized by(表现为..的特征)severe cycles in volume(数量). The residential contractor is subject to(受..的支配)the policies of the government. Due in

major part to changes in the government’s fiscal and monetary policies(财政和货币政策), new

residential housing(住宅建设)starts may approach(接近)two million units one year and one

million the next. Variations in starts from one year to the next and from one season to the next

often create unique management problems for the residential contractor. His available cash(可用现金)through stack volume(堆积,可引申为建设)periods can make the difference(区别对待)between a continuing firm and a bankrupt firm.

住宅承包商 决定专攻住宅建设、商业建设还是市政建设时,应该承认这三种工作各自独特的特性。住宅建设表现为数量上严重循环的特征。住宅承包商受政府政策的支配。主要由于政府财政和货币政策的变化,新的住宅建设的启动可能这一年接近两百万套,下一年一百万套。启动时,从这一年到下一年、从这一季到下一季的变化常常引起住宅承包商独特的管理问题。在整个建设期间,他的可用现金允许在继续运作的公司和破产的公司之间区别对待。

Residential contractors have the advantages of being able to operate on a low volume in that they

normally have relatively low overhead(企业管理费用) versus the building or heavy and

highway contractors. Whereas the building or heavy and highway contractor must compete against

above average-sized contractors, each having relatively sound(合理的)management practices(经验), the residential contractor compete against much smaller firms who normally have less

sophisticated(完善)management skills. This is not to say that the residential contractor does not

have competition, the opposite is in fact true. However, the size of the average competitor and the

management skills of the average competitor allow the residential contractor to actually operate

out of his house(脱离其机构)as a one-man show(独角戏). Because of this, the number of

residential contractors is numerous, often leading to excessive competition, low profit margins(利润率), and bankruptcies.


Heavy and Highway Contractor Several differences exist between the building contractor and

the heavy and highway contractor. For one, the building contractor is normally less dependent on

the need for expensive equipment than is the heavy and highway contractor. Because of its high

investment in equipment, the main management task for the heavy and highway contractor centers

on(集中)the ability to effectively utilize equipment and to minimize idle equipment(闲置设备)time. On the other hand, the building contractor is more dependent on the use of labor. Its

management needs center on effective personnel management(人事管理)and the ability to

control the many materials that flow to the commercial building construction project.

市政承包商 在建筑承包商和市政承包商之间存在一些区别。一方面是建筑承包商通常比市政承包商更少依赖于昂贵设备的需要。由于对设备的高额投资,市政承包商的主要管理任务集中在能够有效地利用设备,并使闲置设备的时间最小。另一方面,建筑承包商更依赖于劳动力的使用。其管理要求集中在有效的人事管理以及能够控制流向商业建筑施工项目的大量材料。

The heavy and highway contracting firm tends to be less subject to(遭受)bankruptcy than the

residential contractor or the commercial building contractor. Perhaps this is due in part(部分地)to the fact that heavy and highway work (sometimes categorized as(归类为)public-works

construction) tends to be more stable as to profit margin earned. In additional, because of the high

equipment investment needed to operate, the heavy and highway contractor tends to be a large

firm with a relatively sound financial structure(财务结构). Several of these differences in the

types of firms are summarized in Fig. 18-2 and 18-3.


General v. Subcontractor Within the classifications of residential, building, and heavy and

highway contractors is a class of(一类)contractors referred to as specialty contractors or

subcontractors. These types of firms continue to be founded by craftsmen(工匠)and highly

skilled(非常熟练的)individuals(个体). Typically(一般), the subcontractors are small as to

the number of employees and its volume of work. Subcontractors normally have relatively low

overhead but are highly dependent on labor and labor productivity. Competition tends to be high

and profit margins vary depending on the type of speciality work performed. Unlike the general

contractor, the subcontractor is normally responsible for his own work. As such(同样地)the

management skills needed to coordinate(协调)the skills of several(不同的)labor crafts(工艺)or flows(流通)of several types of materials are not vital to the subcontractor’s profit on a

project or its financial stability. What is needed is an ability to perform a highly skilled type of

work and to be able to obtain high productivity while carrying out the work.

总承包商与分包商 在住宅承包商、建筑承包商和市政承包商的分类范围中,有一类承包商称为专业承包商或分包商。这类公司不断地由工匠和非常熟练的个体创办。分包商在雇员数量和工作量方面一般是小规模的。分包商通常具有相对低的企业管理费用,但是高度依赖于劳动力和劳动生产力。竞争往往是激烈的,利润率随进行的专业工作的类型而变化。不象总承包商,分包商通常只负责其自己的工作。同样地,为协调不同劳动工艺的技能或不同种类的材料的流通所需的管理技能对分包商的项目利润或其财务稳定性不是至关重要的。分包商所需要的是能够非常熟练地履行某类工作以及在进行该项工作时能够获得高的生产力。

The building or commercial contractor is normally engaged as a prime contractor(总承包商)directly with (打交道)the project owner. The contractor has responsibility for delivering the

completed construction project to (移交)the project owner. In effect (实际上)the contract it

signs(签署)places the firm in a role of independent contractor. In this process, specialty

contractors are typically engaged(雇佣)by the contractors serving as subcontractors.

The General Contracting Process 总承包过程

The General Contracting Process 总承包过程

(page 249)

The building or commercial contractor serving(适合于)the role outlined above is referred to as

the general contractor for the project. The process itself is commonly referred to as the general

contracting process. The process is illustrated in Fig. 18-4.


The majority of building construction contracts are let(签定)using the general contracting process

(note: the next chapter addresses(提出)an alternative process). Advocates(提倡者)of the general

contracting process point to several reasons for their preference for the general contracting process.

Project owners cite(列举)the fact that by means of soliciting bids(招标)on one single contract

for their entire project via(通过)the single general contract, they are able to secure the most

competitive (i.e., lowest) price for the proposed project. Some project owners also argue(指出)that another advantage of this process is the fact that they, as the project owner, only have to deal

with(与..打交道)a single contractor instead of having to contract and deal with individual

specialty contractors.


The general contractor himself may favor(偏爱)the process relative to another process (e.g.,

construction management) in that the potential for substantial(很多)profits exists if the contractor

performs efficiently. The general contract typically signs a lump-sum contract(总价合同)for its

services. If the firm is able to construct the project for less than the contract amount(承包价), the

entire difference(差额)becomes profit for the firm. Naturally, the competitive bidding(竞标)process limits the amount of profit that a firm can realize. However, given the documentation that

as much as 50% of all on-site time is non-productive, the potential for that profits associated with

eliminating or even reducing this non-productive time is substantial. It is this potential profit that

the general contractor seeks. In effect the general contractor takes on(承受)a lump-sum contract

risk as a means of seeking a large profit. Naturally it also follows(必然是)that while having a

potential for a significant profit on a job, the possibility of a significant dollar(财富)loss also



The architect/engineer designer illustrated as part of the project team in Fig. 18-4 may also argue(表明)in favor of the general contracting process. In particular the architect/engineer designer

may cite the benefit of only having to write contract documents for a single contractor rather than

write contract documents for a series of multiple specialty contracts. In addition most designers

would likely favor administering a single construction contract rather than multiple contracts.

如图18-4 中所示的建筑师/工程师设计人员,其作为项目组的一部分可能也表明喜欢总承包的方法。特别是建筑师/工程师设计人员可能列举了只须为单个承包商而不是一系列的多个专业合同书写合同文件的好处。而且,多数设计师可能喜欢管理单个施工合同而不是多个合同。

Independent of(与..无关)the project owner, the designer, or the general contractor, an

independent party(独立方)might argue(认为)that the general contracting process enhances

efficiency, technological change(科技进步)and free trade. Each and every bidder(投标人)in

the general-contracting process has an equal opportunity to be low(低价)bidder for the owner’s project. Given the competitive bidding process, it can be argued(表明)that the contractor will

seek out efficient means of performing construction methods to include seeking new technology

and cost-control means. Given this fact, it follows that the general contracting process promotes a

more cost-effective construction industry(建筑业).


As an alternative(另一选择)to the competitive bidding procedure, the potential owner or his

architect/engineer may negotiate with(与..协商)a contractor for building the project. This

contractor is usually chosen because of his skill, his reasonable price, and his dependability(可靠性). In order to assure himself of work in a negotiated contract environment, the construction

contractor must maintain a respectable reputation(不错的信誉)with potential construction project



Negotiated Contracts 议标合同

(page 252)

Negotiated contracts often have the advantage of producing better coordination(配合)between the

owner, the architect/engineer, and the contractor. This improved(改进的)coordination often

results in less construction delay time, better project quality, and savings in money for the owner.


By using a negotiated contract, construction on a project may actually start before the completion

of the plans(设计)and specifications(合同条款). In this case, the owner signs a letter of intent(意向书)with the contractor. This letter of intent assures the contractor that he will be paid for

his services, even though the final contract for the project has not been signed, owing to the lack

of(没有)the finalization(最后决定)of the plans and specifications. The contractor is paid for

his costs plus a negotiated fixed fee or percentage of the project’s costs.


Arguments(观点)against negotiated contracts include higher contract prices and a lack of

contractor incentive(鼓励)in finding new construction methods to do the job for a lower cost. The

argument of higher owner project cost is debatable(有争议的); i.e., competitive contract owner

costs must include advertising and lettering(发信函)cost. In addition, the owner is more apt to(易于)get an irresponsible(不可靠的)contractor in a competitive bidding procedure versus a

negotiated contract procedure. Negotiated contracts are gaining popularity(普及)in the

construction industry. However, the competitive bidding procedure remains the rule(统治)in

awarding construction contracts.



A single contractor will seldom construct an entire project for the project owner. This might only

occur on a small project, such as a home owner hiring a contractor to pour a driveway(车道). In

this book, the construction project is meant to imply a somewhat large project; i.e., several(一些)trades(交易)or skills are required for the building of the project. Projects such as home building,

industrial construction, highway construction, and dams require several(不同的)types of

contracting skills. Owing in part to the restricted size(有限的规模)of contracting firms and the

unfeasibility of overexpanding (过分扩张的不可能性), the average construction contractor is

usually restricted to a few skills or types of work which he can perform. As a result, projects

which require several(各种)different types of labor trades(手艺)or skills will have several


Contractor Responsibility to Owner 承包商对业主的职责

单个承包商很少建造项目业主全部的工程。这只可能发生在小项目,如住宅业主雇佣一个承包商浇灌一条车道。在本篇中,建筑项目意味着一个稍大的项目;即项目的建造需要一些交易或技能。诸如住宅建设、工业建设、公路建设以及水坝的项目需要不同类型的承包技能。部分是由于承包公司有限的规模以及不可能过分扩张,一般的 工程承包商通常被限制于其能履行的一些技术或工作类型上。因此,需要各种不同类型的劳动手艺或技能的项目必须有不同的承包商。

In a normal contract, the owner will select a general contractor (either by a competitive bidding

procedure or by negotiation). This general contractor will usually perform some of the actual

project construction, but not all of it. Some states(规定)require that on their public construction

projects, the general contractor perform, at least, a defined percentage (规定的比例)of the actual

construction. This is done with the intent of facilitating better overall project coordination between

the project’s contractors. In the normal contract, the general contractor is given the responsibility

of the entire project. On the other hand, the owner can hire a so-called(通常所说的)construction

manager(工程项目经理)who recommends a need and a design, supervise the overall project

(including financing), and coordinates the project’s contractors. Such an arrangement is referred to

as a management contract or as construction management.


In the general contracting process, the project designer and general contractor each typically sign

contracts directly with the project owner. However, whereas the designer contract with the project

owner is typically an agency contract, the general contractor is engaged by the project owner via

all independent contractor agreement(协议).


Designer – General Contractor Relationship


In the general contracting process set out(展示)in Fig. 18-4, the general contractor and the project

designer have no direct contract relationship. However, given the fact that the designer serves as

the project owner’s agent, one might argue(认为)that the designer has the contract rights of the

project owner and thus has an indirect contract relationship with the general contractor.


In actuality the designer does not direct(指导)the actions of the general contractor and vice versa(反之亦然). In fact, the designer typically goes out of its way(特意)not to direct the general

contractor because the designer does not want to take on the liability(责任)for the general

contractor’s actions or performance. For example, the designer’s on-site project representative

does not attempt to advise the general contractor’s subcontractors directly or(否则)the designer

may subsequently be subject to legal damages(法律赔偿金).


While(尽管)the project designer does no “direct” the general contractor, the designer does have

project administration-contract duties. In particular, the architect/engineer designer must

“observe” the put-in-place(恰当的)construction of the contractor to determine that the work is

compatible with the contract specifications. The designer must also aid the general contractor in

the interpretation of the contract documents to include the drawings and specifications(说明). It

is also the designer’s duty to pass judgment on (评定)the amount of work completed by the

contractor and to approve(核准)owner progress payments(分期付款)to the contractor.


Given this somewhat “policing” role(管制角色)of the project designer in regard to the general

contractor, on occasion(有时)there has been somewhat of an adverse(敌对)relationship between

the designer and general contractor. This potential adverse relationship aids neither the project

owner, the designer, nor the contractor. A spirit of cooperation is necessary between all these

entities(实体)in the general contracting process to enable a project to be built on a time-and-cost

budget and to satisfy the quality standards set out(列出) in the specifications.


Whether the owner of a project is an individual, a company, or a government agency, the owner is

responsible for the definition(解释)of the project and establishment of the budget to finance it.

Upon becoming interested in a potential project, the owner usually employs an architect to plan(规划)overall designs; others require an engineer to determine the most economical and safe

design. In addition, many projects require the services of both an architect and an engineer.

Projects designed solely(完全地)by architects are referred to as building construction(建筑构造)projects, whereas products designed solely by engineers are referred to as engineering

construction(工程建设)projects. From this point on, the individual or company the owner hires to

design his project will be referred to as the architect/engineer.

Owner – Architect/Engineer Relationship



The architect/engineer is responsible for the drawings and specifications for the owner’s projects

and for supervision of construction of the project. The owner usually pays the architect/engineer

on an hourly basis, a fee as a percentage of the total cost, or on a fixed fee basis. The

architect/engineer is most commonly(常见)chosen through negotiation rather than through a

competitive bidding process. Some large projects do have a competitive bidding procedure to

determine the architect/engineer. However, it is much more common for a potential project owner

to seek out(找到)an architect/engineer on the basis of his past performances(业绩). The

reputation of an architect/engineer is an extremely important attribute(品质)when he is seeking

work with(与..合作)potential project owners.


Although in most cases the construction project owner, the architect/engineer, and the contractor

are three separate(独立)individuals or firms, some projects will have the architect/engineer

internal to(属于)the owner’s company or organization. Many large corporation(公司)(e.g.,

Procter and Gamble宝洁) design and supervise their own construction projects. In such instances,

the owner and architect/engineer become one and the same(同一个)individual or company.



通过一篇Reading Material的学习,进一步了解工程管理(CM)中所涉及的内容。

本文标签: 测量承包商项目业主确定