




Monster High Characters怪物高中造型

These are actually trending for all teens, girls, which are not

typical toy dolls that can be bought in any toy stores. These are

actually legendary monsters which are more in contemporary than the

classic fairytale presentations.


Celebrity Idols名人造型

They are selected hottest and popular singers in our time and

the best representation of which is Lady Gaga, which is known for her

unique and free-flowing fashion styles. These are favorite and top pick

selections of teenagers and those adults who are in their mid-30s.

这些造型多选自时下最热最火的明星,Lady Gaga以其独特的、不拘一格的时尚风格最为突出。这种装扮是青少年和三十多岁的成年人的最爱。


This is the classical and favorite game of those people who were

born in the mid 80s. Despite of the various character evolutions in this

era, it has still caught the heart of the people today. It’s the

favorite of both boys and adults.


Star Wars Characters星球大战造型

You could have watched repeatedly the story of Star Wars and

series of progress that it had. Nonetheless, the various characters that

can be seen in this movie are adaptable to what the Halloween season can

give. It could give more spice to the party itself.


The Smurfs蓝精灵造型

A comedy and comical movie released this year and this is

included in one of the top favorites for the costume that you could

think of because of its wacky and coolest side. The selections

compliment to toddlers, youngsters, and for parents who could feel

younger even once a year.



It has always been included in yearly Halloween parties in

whichever nation or country you are part of, because this is a costume

that you can get anywhere. They are ready-made and its pattern is



Captain America Costumes美国队长造型

This movie was launched and shown this year and it could go so

well that the whole Halloween party perceives. It is a better follow up

of the popularity that it got from the successful movie that was shown



Transformer Costumes变形金刚造型

Now that we have accepted all the major changes and

introductions which the market and other industries offer, transformers

could transform even the simplest celebration that we have been doing

for the past decades.


Harry Potter哈利波特造型

Now that the final destiny of Harry Potter has ended, it is also

recognized that it has left an impressive and memorable mark in the

movie industry. Everyone was moved with the growing characters on the

movie itself. It has become a legacy of this century.


Angry Birds愤怒的小鸟造型

Whether you are adults, teens, and young kids, no one could deny

the epidemic effect of Angry Birds to all people across the globe.

Everyone plays it. You can wear your favorite character costume and go

with other five birds.



1. Pumpkin cheese balls芝士南瓜球

Grate your favorite cheese, hard-boiled eggs, tomato or boiled

carrot (for color) and a few garlic cloves. Mix together and roll into

small balls. Decorate with olives and herbs to create little spooky

pumpkins. If you don’t eat cheese, you can use rice instead. Or, create

little vegetables balls to make sure your little ones consume enough

vitamins this fall season.


2. Halloween cookies万圣节曲奇

Halloween cookies come in different shapes, sizes and colors.

From pumpkins, ghosts, owls, skulls and bones to witches’ hats, bats,

spiders and black cats, there are a host of Halloween cookies that you

can make today or for your Halloween party. It may take a bit more time

to make the spookiest cookies, but it’s well worth it.


3. Monster mouths怪物嘴

These green monster mouths are super healthy and tasty, not to

mention that they are diet-friendly. All you need to have to make these

monster mouths is green apples, peanut butter, and yogurt covered

raisins (or mini marshmallows or almond slivers.) You can also use red

food coloring to make bloody monster mouths. Yuck!


4. Bloody drinks血腥饮料

Bloody drinks don’t necessarily have to be alcoholic. We all

love Bloody Mary, but this beverage isn’t for kids. Make some tomato

smoothie or combine orange juice, cranberry juice, softened raspberry

sorbet, and seltzer together to get a healthy, kid-friendly bloody

cocktail. Or use red wine instead of sorbet to make alcoholic beverage

for your friends.


5. Halloween pie万圣节派

It can be any pie you like – be it an apple pie, a berry pie or

a pumpkin pie. The trick is to decorate your pie so that no one can

guess that it’s a simple and ordinary pie that they eat during the

summer and fall seasons. Pumpkin, ghost, black cat, monster and bat are

just a few ideas to consider.


6. Marshmallow pumpkins棉花糖南瓜

Marshmallow pumpkins don’t look creepy, they taste amazing,

especially in hot cocoa or bloody drink. Grab some white marshmallows

(or any color you’ll find), heat the edges and fuse them together to

create little pumpkins. Use food coloring and syrups to decorate your

marshmallow pumpkins or let your little ones to do this job for you.


本文标签: 造型南瓜做出怪物电影