



自主练习30题 1

1. He might have be killed ______ the arrival of the police.

A. except for

B. but for

C. with

D. for

Key:B.该句意思是“要不是警察来了,他本可能已经被杀死了”。因此B项but for是答案。B项 but for意为“要不是,倘没有”,常用于虚拟语气的句子中。例如:I could not have done it but for your help. 要不是有你的帮助,我不可能做成这件事。

2. These figures are not consistent ______ results obtained in previous


A. to

B. with

C. for

D. in

Key:B.该句意思是“这些数字与前几次实验所得到的结果不一致”。因此B项with是答案。B项consistent为形容词,意为“和……一致”,后接 with。例如:

New goals are not always consistent with the existing policies.新目标并不总是与现行政策一致。consistent 的动词形式为consist,consist with 意为“与……相一致”。consist in意为“在于”,因此其他选项to,for,in均不符题意。

3. All the parts of these washing machines are ______, so that it is very

convenient to replace them.

A. normalized

B. modernized

C. mechanized

D. standardized

Key:D.该句意思是“这种洗衣机的全部部件都已经标准化了,因而更换部件非常方便”。因此D项standardized是答案。D项standardize意为“使标准化”。例如:Standardized products are usually cheaper than hand-made articles.标准化的产品通常比手工制品便宜。 A项normalize意为“使正常化”。例如:Relations

were slow to normalize after the war.战后关系正常化进展缓慢。B项modernize意为“使现代化”。例如:They succeeded In modernizing existing hospitals.他们成功地实现了使现有医院现代化。C项mechanize意为“使机械化”。例如:

Housework will become highly mechanized in the near future.在不久的将来,家务劳动将会变得高度机械化。

4. I was _____ by their kindness and moved to tears.

A. preoccupied

B. embarrassed

C. overwhelmed

D. counselled

Key:C.该句意思是“我被他们的好意感动得流下泪来”。因此C项overwhelmed是答案。C项 overwhelm意为“淹没,浸没,压倒”,后常接by或with,常用于被动语态句子中。例如:She was overwhelmed with/by grief.她悲痛欲绝。I was

overwhelmed with gratitude. 我不胜感激。A项preoccupied意为“全神贯注的”。例如:she became more and more preoccupied with children.她越来越专注孩子们了。B项 embarrass意为“使窘迫,难为情”。D项 counsel意为“劝告,提议”。

5. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ______

dreams were likely to be highly respected.

A. interpret

B. intervene

C. inherit

D. impart

Key:A.该句意思是“在许多文化群体中,那些被认为具有圆梦能力的人往往十分受尊敬”。因此A项interpret是答案。A项interpret意为“解释,说明”。例如: He

interprets Shakespear as no one has ever done before.他对莎士比亚的作品做了前人从未做过的解释。B项intervene意为“干预”。C项 inherit意为“继承”。D项impart意为“传授”。

6. The person who ______ this type of research deserves our praise.

A. originated

B. manufactured

C. generated

D. estimated.

Key:A.该句意思是“开创这项研究的人值得我们称道”。因此A项originated是答案。A项 originate意为“开创,创始”。例如: He is believed to have originated

this plan.大家认为是他发起了这项计划。B项 manufacture 意为“生产,制造”。C项generate意为“产生,引起”。D项 estimate 意为“估计,估价”。

7. All students in this university are requested to ______ with the regulations.

A. yield

B. comply

C. submit

D. consent

Key:B.该句意思是“要求这所大学的所有学生都遵守规则”。因此B项comply是答案。B项 comply with意为“遵守,服从”。例如: Most people comply with the

signs stating the speed limits.大部分人都遵守车辆限速标志的规定。 C项

submit意为“屈服,服从”,后常接介词 to。例如:They must submit to military

discipline.他们必须服从军纪。A项yield后接介词to时,表示“屈服,服从”。D项 consent后接介词to,表示“同意,赞成”。

8. My boss has always attended to the ______ of important business himself.

A. transaction

B. stimulation

C. transition

D. solution

Key:A.该句意思是“我的老板总是亲自参加重要交易活动”。因此A项transaction是答案。A项 transaction意为“交易”。例如: The transaction of the deal took

much trouble and long time.这次交易费了很大心血并用了很长时间。B项

stimulation意为“激励,鼓励”。C项 transition意为“过渡”。D项 solution意为“解决,解决方法”。

9. When he applied for a ______ in the office of the local newspaper he was

told to see the manager.

A. location

B. profession

C. career

D. position

Key:D.该句意思是“当他向当地报纸办事处申请一职务时,人们要他去见经理”。因此D项position是答案。D项 position意为“职位,职务”。例如:He left a career

in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council. 他离开了执教生涯,在艺术委员会谋得了 一席职位。A项location意为“位置,场所”,一般指物体的所在地。例如:The location of the factory is close to the railway.这家工厂的位置靠近铁路。B项profession意为“职业”,一般指需要业务知识或专业知识的职业。C项career意为“职业,事业”,强调长期以至终身的事业。例如: I chose

teaching as my career.我选择教书作为我的职业。

10. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of

an animal depends mainly on ______.

A. consciousness

B. impulse

C. instinct

D. response

Key:C.该句意思是“人的行为主要是学习的结果,而动物的行为主要取决于本能”。因此C项instinct是答案。C项instinct意为“本能”。例如:Birds learn to fly

by instinct.鸟学飞系出于本能。 A项 consciousness意为“意识;知觉”。例如:The blow caused him to lose consciousness.那一击使他失去知觉。B项


11. There's a whole ______ of bills waiting to be paid.

A. stock

B. stack

C. number

D. sequence

Key:B.该句意思是“有一大堆帐单等着付款”。因此B项stack是答案。B项 stack

意为“堆,垛”,a stack of相当于a lot of.例如:I've got a stack of letter to write.我有一大堆信要写。A项stock意为“库存,备料”,与题意不符。

12. To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very

______ imagination.

A. vivid

B. bright

C. living

D. colorful

Key:A.该句意思是“要想当发明家,就得有广博的学识和丰富的想象力”。因此A项vivid是答案。A项vivid意为“生动活泼的”,可修饰 imagination。例如:be vivid

with life 生气勃勃;a vivid description生动的描写。其他可修饰 imagination的还有:good, rich, strong, vigorous,active,lively。但 bright,living,colorful都不能修饰 imagination。

13. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ______ schooling begins

at age 5 and ends at age 16.

A. compelling

B. forced

C. obliged

D. compulsory

Key:D.该句意思是“苏格兰跟英国其他地方一样,义务教育从5岁开始,16岁结束”。因此D项 compulsory是答案。D项compulsory意为“必修的,规定的,强迫的”,强调根据法律或命令必须执行的事。例如:Is military service

compulsory in your country?在贵国,服兵役是义务的吗? English is a

compulsory subject in many universities. 在许多大学里英语是必修课 。A项

compelling, B项 forced,C项 obliged 意为“迫使的,强制的”,均含有强制之意,因此不符题意。

14. It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may

one day be ______ by insects.

A. broken in

B. run over

C. taken over

D. filled in

Key:C.该句意思是“许多科幻故事都有一个常见的主题:世界有朝一日被昆虫所侵占”。因此C项 taken over是答案。C项 take over意为“接管,接替”。例如:

When he retired,his son took over the business from him.他退休后,由他儿子接管他的生意。A项break in 意为“强行进入”。 B项 run over意为“溢出”,相当于 overflow。 D项 fill in 意为“填充,填满”。

15. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment,

is______ condition or events.

A. in response to

B. in favour of

C. in contrast to

D. in excess of

Key:A.该句意思是“大部分人类活动,尤其是与周围环境有关的活动,是对情况或事件做出的反应”。因此 A项 in response to是答案。A项 in response to意为“反应,回应”。例如:Certainly, they did it in response to external pressures.他们这么做肯定是受到了外部压力。C项 in contrast to 意为“与……形成对照”。例如:His white hair was in sharp conrast to his dark skin.他的白发与他黝黑的皮肤形成鲜明对照。D项 in excess of意为“超过”。例如:Never spend in

excess of your income.花钱决不要超出你的收入。 B项 in favor of意为“支持,赞同”。

16. David likes country life and has decided to ______farming.

A. get along with

B. go back on

C. get hold of

D. go in for

Key:D.该句意思是“David喜欢乡村生活,因此决定从事农业”。因此D项 go in for是答案。 D项 go in for意为“从事”。例如:He thought of going in for politics。他曾打算从政。B项 go back on意为“背弃,不守诺言”。例如:We won't go back

on my promise.我们绝不食言。A项 get along with 意为“与……相处融洽;干某事得心应手”。C项 get hold of意为“抓住,把握住”。

17. We are______ faced with the necessity to recognize that having more

people implies a lower standard of living.

A. readily

B. smoothly

C. inevitably

D. deliberately

Key:C.该句意思是“我们不可避免地要承认:人口增加意味着生活水平降低”。因此C项inevitably是答案。C项 inevitably意为“不可避免地”。例如:Death

inevitably comes to everyone.人总是要死的。A项readily 意为“乐意地,容易地”。例如If you want me to help you, I will readily come.如果你要我帮忙,

我乐意效劳。B项 smoothly意为“顺利地,平稳地”。D项 deliberately意为“故意地”。

18. Some people criticize family doctors for____ too many medicines for minor


A. prescribing

B. ordering

C. advising

D. delivering


prescribing是答案。A项prescribe 意为“开(药方)”。例如:After an

exmination,the doctor prescribed cough medicine for me.检查以后,医生给我开了咳嗽药。 B项 order意为“订购”,常指订货等。例如:It's time we ordered

dinner.订饭菜的时间到了。C项 advise 意为“劝告,建议”。D项deliver意为“投递,送交”。

19. Communication is the process of ______ a message from a source to an

audience via a channel.

A. transmitting

B. submitting

C. transforming

D. switching

Key:A.该句意思是“通讯是将信息通过某种渠道从来源处传送到听众的过程”。因此 A项 transmitting是答案。A项 transmit意为“传送,传递”。例如:transmit

a message by radio由无线电传送信息; transmit a disease 传播疾病。 B项

submit 意为“提交,呈送”。 例如:She submitted her term paper ahead of time .她提前交了学期论文。C项 transform意为“改变”,后常接介词 into。例如: An

electic motor transforms electricity into mechanical energy.电动机将电能转变成机械能。D项switch意为“改变,转移”。例如:He is always switching from one

job to another.他总是在改换工作。

20. Dogs are often praised for their ______: they almost never abandon their


A. faith

B. loyalty

C. trust

D. truthfulness

Key:B.该句意思是“狗经常因为忠实而受到称赞;狗几乎从来不背弃自己的主人”。因此B项loyalty是答案。B项 loyalty意为“忠诚,忠实”。例如:loyalty to

the people 忠于人民。A项 faith意为“信任,信心”。 C项 trust意为“信任,信赖”。D项 truthfulness意为“诚实,说真话”。

21. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of ______ case.

A. an operation

B. an emergency

C. a treatment

D. an incident

Key:B.该句意思是“因为有个急诊,要求医生回医院去”。因此 B项 an

emergency是答案。B项emergency意为“紧急情况”,这里是名词做定语修饰case。又如:an emergeny exit 紧急出口;an emengency meeting 紧急会议;In case of emergency 在紧急情况下。A项 operation意为“手术”。C项treatment意为“治疗”。D项 incident意为“事件”。A、C、D三项都不与 case搭配。

22. Mrs. Lacky was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours

after her husband's boat had been____

A. wrecked

B. decayed

C. collapsed

D. fired

Key:A.该句意思是“Lackey太太床边的电话把她从睡梦中惊醒,那是在她丈夫的船失事后12 小时”。因此A项wrecked是答案。A 项 wreck意为“(使)船、火车等失事,(使)遭难”。例如:My car was completely wrecked in the

accident.在这次事故中,我的车完全撞坏了。 B项decay意为“腐烂,衰退”。C项collapse意为“倒塌,崩溃”。D项fire意为“放火烧”。

23. No one needs to feel awkward in ____ his own customs.

A. pursuing

B. following

C. chasing

D. seeking

Key:B.该句意思是“在遵从自己的习俗时,谁也不必感到不自在”。因此B项following是答案。 B项 follow one's customs意为“遵守习惯,服从习俗”。A项 pursue,C项 chase, D项 seek都有“追求,追逐,追赶”之意,但都不与


24. When they had finished playing, the children were made to _____ all the

toys they had taken out.

A. put off

B. put out

C. put up

D. put away

Key:D.该句意思是“孩子们玩过了玩具,就要把拿出来的玩具都放好”。因此D项put away是答案。D项 put away意为“把……收起来,放好”。例如: The workers

put away their tools after work.工人工作完毕后把工具收拾好。 A项put off意为“推迟,延迟”。例如:Don't put off until tomorrow what can be donetoday.今日事,今仅毕。B项 put out意为“熄灭”。例如:put out a fire扑 灭火灾。C项

put up意为“住宿;得到食宿”。例如:You can put up here for the night.你可以在这里过夜。

25. There is an undesirable ______ nowadays to make films showing violence.

A. direction

B. tradition

C. phenomenon

D. trend

Key:D.该句意思是“现今有一种拍摄暴力影片的不良倾向”。因此D项trend是正确答案。D项trend意为“倾向,趋势”。例如: There is a trend to replace metal by

plastics.有用塑料代替金属的趋势。A项 direction意为“方向”。B项 tradition 意为“传统”。C项 phenomenon意为“现象”。

26. Most pople who travel in the course of their work are given travelling


A. income

B. allowances

C. wages

D. pay


allowances是答案。B项allowance意为“津贴,补助费”。例如: a traffic

allowance 交通补助费。A项 income意为“收入”。C项 wage 意为“工资,报酬”。 D项 pay 意为“工资,薪金”。

27. He failed to supply the facts relevant ______ the case in question.

A. for

B. with

C. to

D. of

Key:C.该句意思是“他无法提供与在审案有关的事实”。因此C项 to 是答案。Relevant 后接介词to,意为“与……有关”。例如:All data relevant to the project

are stored in the computer.与工程有关的所有数据都存储在计算机里。

28. Young people's social environment has a ______effect on their academic


A. gross

B. solid

C. complete

D. profound

Key:D.该句意思是“年轻人所处的社会环境对他们在学术上的进步有深远影响”。因此D项 profound是答案。D项 profound意为“深刻的,深远的”。例如: The

scientist's dicovery will have a profound influence on mankind.这位科学家的发现将对人类产生深远的影响。 A项 gross意为“全部的,总的,毛的”。例如:

gross industrial output value业总产值; gross national product 国民生产总值;

gross weight 毛重;gross profit 毛利。 B项 solid意为“稳固的,可靠的”。例如:on solid ground在稳固的基础上; solid arguments理由充分的论点。C项complete意为“完整的,完全的”。

29. In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are sometimes viewd

______ a threat to domestic industries.

A. like

B. with

C. for

D. as

Key:D.该句意思是“在英国以及欧洲大陆,日本人有时被看成对当地实业的威胁”。因此D项as是答案。D项 view… as意为“把……看做”。例如:I view the

whole thing as a joke. 我把整件事看成是一个笑话。 B项 view… with意为“以……看待”。例如:His father viewed his talent with a mixture of pride and


30. The service operates 36 libraries throughout the country, while six ______

libraries specially serve the coutryside.

A. mobile

B. drifting

C. shifting

D. rotating

Key:A.该句意思是“这家服务机构在全国设有36个图书馆,同时有6个流动图书馆专门为农村服务”。因此 A项 mobile是答案。A项 mobile 意为“活动的,流动的”。例如:The new light furniture is very mobile.这种新式轻型家具很易搬动。B项drifting意为“漂流的”。C项shifting意为“正在移动的,转换的”。D项rotating意为“正在转动的,旋 转的”。

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