




YES! It was his room. Now he could put things right! Scrooge 1 out of his bed. “Oh Jacob Marley,

thank you!”

“They are still here,” cried Scrooge, holding one of his bed curtains in his arms. “They are here. Now, I

can change the future. I know I can.”

Scrooge hurried to get dressed. And in his 2 , he put on his vest inside out. He put on his trousers

upside down. He tore his shirt. And he couldn’t find his socks.

“ A Merry Christmas to everybody!” shouted Scrooge.“A Happy New Year to all the world.”

He stopped when he heard the church bells ringing. He ran and 3 the window. No fog. It was a clear,

4 day. Golden sunlight! Sweet fresh air!Happy bells!What a wonderful, wonderful day!

“What day is it today?” cried Scrooge, Calling 5 to a boy in his Sunday clothes.

“EH?” replied the boy.

“What day is it today?” 6 Scrooge.

“Today?”replied the boy.“It’s CHRISTMAS DAY.”

“Do you know the butcher’s, on the corner? Go and buy the big prize turkey in the window, I will send it

to Bob Cratchit’s. I will give you a shilling.” Said Scrooge.

After that, He put on his 7 suit and then go out. He smiled at everybody and greeted the kind old 8

who he saw yesterday.

“Please forgive me for my behavior you will…”Scrooge whispered 9 in his ear.

“Good heavens!” cried the gentleman. “My dear e, are you 10 ? That’s very kind of you.”

That afternoon, he walked to his nephew’s house. He was very 11 . He walked past the door several

times before he finally knocked on it. His nephew was very happy to see him and everything was the same. It

was a (an) 12 party.

The next morning, he went to his office early and Bob was 13 , but he wasn’t angry with him.

“Now, listen to me,” said Scrooge. “ I’m going to give you a pay rise! And I’m going to help your

family.A Merry Christmas, Bob.” He 14 his words and became as good a friend, as good a boss, and as

good a man, as the good old city knew, 15 any other good old city or town, or country, in the good old city.

He never saw the Ghost again. God bless us all!

(Adapted from A Christmas Carol)

1.A. moved

2.A. sadness

B. jumped

B. peace

C. went

C. excitement

D. worry

3.A. closed

5.A. on

6.A. said

7.A. common

8.A. gentleman

9.A. nothing

10. A. good

11. A. nervous

12. A. usual

13. A. earlier

14. A. had

15. A. and


B. towards

B. warm

B. down

B. shouted

B. old

B. woman

B. anything


B. cheerful

B. tiring

B. late

B. kept

B. but

C. ahead

C. cool

C. along

C. repeated

C. best

C. neighbor

C. everything

C. satisfied

C. excitement

C. wonderful

C. inside

C. lost

C. or

D. opened

D. wet

D. up

D. replied

D. daily

D. officer

D. something

D. serious

D. happy

D. uncomfortable

D. absent

D. forgot


As we walked down the shore, Ben Gunn told his story.“I was alone here for years,” he said. “One day, I

found the skeleton(骷髅). I saw it was pointing to a tree. I dug around that tree and found the treasure. I was

living in a cave, so I took the treasure to the cave. This morning, when Long John Silver and his men came to

look for the treasure, I showed myself to one of them. He thought I was a ghost.” Ben laughed. “He ran off,

and this gave me time to get back to the squire(乡绅) and the doctor. They were waiting at the cave.”

“Now I know,” I said to the doctor, “why you gave the map to Silver.”

“It was useless by then,” the doctor said. “There was no buried treasure. Ben Gunn had it. My plan was to

get Long John Silver and his men away from the stockade(木寨). We could then get some stores from it.”

When we got back to the cave, the squire was waiting for us.

“Three of the mutineers(反叛者) got away,” the doctor told him. “But if we hurry, we can get to the boat

before them. They ran back to the stockade on the other side of the island. We are nearer to the boat than they


I went into the cave. The captain was lying inside it next to the treasure—a pile of gold coins.

“Hello, Jim,” he said. “I am pleased to see you. But I don't think you or I will be going to see again.”

That night, the captain died. We carried the treasure down to the boat. We lit a fire on the shore and had a

fine meal together. We were not afraid of the three mutineers. We had pistols(手枪). They had none. There

were more of us than of them.

The next morning, we went in the boat towards the Hispaniola. We didn't care about the three men. We

left them on the island.

I will not tell you about the journey home. Nothing important as soon as we got to Bristol,

Long John Silver ran away. He took some of the gold with him. None of us cared. We were pleased to see the

back of him. We each shared the treasure and used it in a different way.

(Adapted from Treasure Island)

found the treasure?


John Silver.



did the doctor give the map to Long John Silver?

wanted to help Long John Silver find the treasure.

Gunn had taken the treasure away and the map was useless by then.

plan was to get Long John Silver and his men to come to the stockade.

wanted Long John Silver to get some stores for him.

was the squire waiting?

the cave.

the boat.

the stockade.

the tree.

ing to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

Gunn explained the treasure and the cave.

three mutineers were afraid to fight with the doctor and his men because the doctor had pistols and more


, the doctor, the squire, Long John Silver and Ben Gunn left the three mutineers on the island and went

back to Bristol with the treasure.

John Silver took all the treasure away as soon as they got to Bristol.


The two boys, Tom and Huck, were very frightened because they worried about being found by Injun Joe

and his friend. Through the hole in the floor, the two boys upstairs saw the men eat and talk. Then the men

were tired and fell asleep. Tom and Huck lay there for a very long time. Finally, the two men woke up and

lifted up a stone in the ground and took out some money they had stolen. Then Injun Joe lifted up another

stone and found a box.

“What's this? ” Injun Joe asked.

The two men pulled the box out of the ground and opened it. The two boys, Tom and Huck, could see

there was much money in it. They were very excited.

“There's thousands of dollars in the box!” said his friend.

“It must have been left here by Murrel,” said Injun Joe.

“What will we do with it? ”

“We'll take it to my hideout(隐匿处).”

“Number one or number two?”

“Number two, under the cross.”

Then Injun Joe and his friend saw some tools in the corner and decided to go upstairs. But the stairs broke

when Injun Joe stood on them! So the two men left the house and went towards the river. Tom went home as

quickly as he could.

The next day, the two boys remembered the “Number two”, thinking this must be the number of the room

in the hotel. They got all the keys they could find anywhere. But Tom discovered the door was not locked. He

opened it!

(Adapted from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)

and Huck were very frightened because .

worried about being found

stole Injun Joe and his friend's money

Joe and his friend were looking for them

Joe and his friend wanted to talk to them

and Hack were very excited after they saw .

and Injun Joe

B.a box in the ground

Joe and his friend

money in the box

would Injun Joe do with the money?

would throw it away.

would hide it in the ground.

would take it to his hideout.

would give it to the two boys.

happened when Injun Joe stood on the stairs?

stairs broke.

r box was found.

fell off the stairs.

saw Tom and Huck.

the story, we can know .

Joe and his friend found many works of art in the box

followed the men when Injun Joe and his friend left the house

thought “Number two” was the number of the room in the hotel

opened the door of the room in the hotel with the key that he found


“Well, I'll eat the cake,” Alice said. “If I get taller, I can reach the key on the table. And if I get smaller, I

can go under the door into the garden.” Then she finished the cake very soon.

“I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,” she said. She tried to look down at her feet. And could only just

see them.

Just then her head hit the ceiling(天花板) of the room. She was now about three metres tall. Quickly, she

took the key from the table and hurried to the garden door. But she was too tall to go through the door. She

began to cry. The tears ran down her face, and soon there was a large pool of salt water all around her on the

floor. Suddenly, she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen.

“Oh, the Duchess(公爵夫人), the Duchess! She'll be very angry! I'm late, and she's waiting for me, Oh

dear, oh dear!”

It was the White Rabbit again. He was hurrying down the long room, with a pair of white gloves in one

hand and a fan in the other hand.

Alice was afraid, but she needed help. So she said in a low voice, “Oh, please, sir—”

Her voice frightened(使惊恐) the Rabbit. He dropped the gloves and the fan, and ran away quickly.

Alice picked up the gloves and the fan. The room was very hot, so she cooled down with the fan. She said,

“Oh dear! How strange everything is today! Shall I get smaller during the night?”

She began to feel very unhappy again, but then she looked down at her hand. She was wearing one of the

Rabbit's white gloves. “How did I get it on my hand?” She thought. “Oh, I'm getting smaller again! I'm already

less than a metre tall. And getting smaller every second! How can I stop it?” She saw the fan in her other hand.

“It must be the fan!” she thought, and quickly she dropped it.

She was now very, very small, and the key was still lying on the table.

“Things are worse than ever,” thought poor Alice. She turned away from the door, and fell into salt water,

right up to her neck. At first she thought it was the sea, but then she saw it was the pool of her own tears.

“Oh, why did I cry so much?” said Alice. She swam around and looked for a way out, but the pool was

very big. Just then she saw an animal in the water near her. It looked like a large animal to Alice, but it was

only a mouse.

“Shall I speak to it?” thought Alice. “Everything is very strange here, so perhaps a mouse can speak.”

Then she began, “Oh, Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming.”

But the mouse looked at her with its little eyes and said nothing.

“Perhaps it doesn't understand English,” thought Alice. “Perhaps it's a French mouse.” So she began again,

and said in French, “Where is my cat?”(This was the first sentence in her French book.)

The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily.

“Oh, I'm sorry!” cried Alice quickly. “Of course, you don't like cats, do you?”

“No. I don't like cats,” the mouse replied.

(Adapted from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

did the White Rabbit drop when he heard Alice's voice?

cake and the fan.

cake and the key.

gloves and the fan.

gloves and the key.

did Alice feel after the White Rabbit ran away?





is the correct order of what happened to Alice in the story?

fell into the salt water.

ate up the whole cake.

met a mouse and spoke to it.

took the key and hurried to the door.





can we learn from the story?

key was taken away by a French cat.

fan made Alice get smaller and smaller.

mouse couldn't speak French or English.

White Rabbit was waiting for the Duchess.

of the following is the best title for the story?

White Rabbit's house

C.A cute mouse and a lazy cat

ceiling of the room

's strange experience


When night comes, they stop under a big tree. The Tin Woodman cuts some wood and makes a fire for

Dorothy. Dorothy and Toto eat some bread and the Lion goes into the forest to find something for his dinner.

The Scarecrow collects some nuts for Dorothy's breakfast. Then all of them lie down and sleep until morning.

The next day they set off again very early. They walk a few miles and then come to a big ditch. It's very

wide and very deep. There are a lot of sharp rocks at the bottom of it.

“How can we cross the ditch?” Dorothy asks her friends.

“We can't fly over it,” the Scarecrow says. “And we can't jump over it. So we must stay here.”

The Lion looks at the ditch and says, “I can jump over it.”

“Can you?” the Scarecrow says. “That's good. You can take us across on your back, one by one.”

“Who wants to go first?” the Lion says.

“Me!” the Scarecrow says and he gets on the Lion's back. The Lion jumps across the ditch easily. Then he

jumps back and takes Dorothy and Toto. Finally he takes the Tin Woodman across the ditch.

Later in the afternoon, they come to a wide river.

“How can we cross the river?” Dorothy asks.

“Easy!” the Scarecrow replies. “The Tin Woodman can cut down some trees and build a raft. We can

cross the river on that.”

“That's a good idea,” the Lion says to the Scarecrow, “One would believe you had brains in your head,

instead of straw!”

But it takes time to make a raft, and it's very late when the Tin Woodman finishes it. So they find a cozy

place under the trees where they sleep well until the morning. That night, Dorothy dreams of flying to the

Emerald City and finding the good Wizard Oz, who would soon send her back to Kansas.

(Adapted from The Wizard of Oz)

take his friends across the ditch on his back, the Lion jumps times.

the sentence “One would believe you had brains in your head, instead of straw!”, the Lion wants

to .

the Scarecrow from building the raft

the Scarecrow for his good idea

of the following sentences is TRUE?

Lion goes to the forest to find some food for Dorothy as supper.

Scarecrow is the first one to cross the ditch on the lion's back.

Tin Woodman spends little time building the raft because it is easy.

y flew to the Emerald City and found the good Wizard Oz.

does the writer organize his ideas in this passage?

l to specific

to opinions


Here came a terrible telegram(电报),s_________1__ ‘Mrs. March, your husband is very ill. Come

quickly.’ Suddenly the March family stood there in silence and sadness.

But Mrs. March soon recovered (恢复) from the sadness and asked the girls to c________2__ down. She

planned everything well and all the girls tried their best to get everything r__________3__. But where was Jo?

It was dark when Jo finally a__________4__ home. She looked very s__________5__ in some ways and

carefully put twenty-five dollars in her mother's hand. Surprisingly, to do something for Father, she made the

money by c__________6__ her beautiful hair. Now she looked like a boy How kind and b_________7_ Jo

was! All the other family members were proud of Joe.

That night, the girls all missed their father. It was cold and wet, but the moon came from the

c_________8__ and shone. As we know, there is always a l__________9__behind the clouds.

The stories of the March family tell us how i___________10__ the family is. If you have a chance, enjoy

of events

of time

age the Scarecrow to think like a man

the Scarecrow to change the brain

Little Women carefully.

(Adapted from Little Women)



1-5 BCDAB 6-10-25 CCADD 11-15 ACBBC



1.B 由第一段中的“Ben Gunn told his story… One day, …I dug around that tree and found the treasure.”可知答案为B。

2.B 由第三段中“‘It was useless by then,’ the doctor said. ‘There was no buried treasure. Ben Gunn had it,”可知答案为B。

3.A 由第四段“When we got back to the cave, the squire was waiting for us.”可知答案为A。

4.D 由最后一段第三、四句“But as soon as we got to Bristol, Long John Silver ran away. He took some of

the gold with him.”可知Long John Silver带走了一些金银珠宝,故D项错误。



1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“…because they worried about being found by Injun Joe and his


2.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The two boys, Tom and Huck, could see there was much money in it.

They were very excited.”可知,他们看到箱子里有很多钱后,他们感到很兴奋。故选D。

3.C 细节理解题。根据文中对话“What will we do with it?”和“We’ll take it to my hideout.”可知答案选C。

4.A 细节理解题。根据文中“But the stairs broke when Injun Joe stood on them!”可知,当印第安乔站到楼梯上时,楼梯断裂了。故选A。

5.C 细节理解题。对比各个选项可知C项“他们认为‘2号’是他们宾馆房间号”和最后一段中的描述相符。A项错在箱子里面是艺术品;B项错在Tom没有尾随他们,而是迅速回了家。D项错在房间门没关,不是用钥匙打开的门。故选C。


D 1—4 ACBD


2. calm d e

g ant

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