






China’s Chopsticks

When it comes to China’s chopsticks, some people did

some research on the origin of them. One theory is that China

was an agricultural society and relied on vegetables for food.

Chopsticks were very convenient tools for eating. Others believe

that China did not have much industry and, therefore, people

used chopsticks. It is the result of the culture.


The Chinese culture is developed around collectivism which

stresses communion and harmony. In terms of eating customs,

chopsticks is an expression of the culture. The Chinese like to

have communal meals where everybody eats out of the same

bowl of food. Chopsticks were used in order to discourage

people from eating more than others. This was not only a good

way to preserve collectiveness, but also to limit individualism.


In ancient China, chopsticks signified far more than tools that

take food to the mouth; they also signified status and rules, “can”

and “can’t”.


In ancient eating etiquette, there were some taboos

concerning chopsticks. For example, they could not be placed

vertically into a dish, as this was the way of making sacrifices to

the dead. Diners could not tap or push a dish with chopsticks,

nor use a chopstick as a fork by poking it into a piece of food.

When taking food, they could not go from one dish to another

or let their chopsticks cross over those of others. When diners

wanted to put down their chopsticks during a meal, they would

place them lengthways on a chopstick holder, or on the plate, or

spoon on their right hand side.


In addition, table manners are very strict during a Chinese

meal. Respect has to be given to the elderly. Each time a dish is

served, everyone has to wait until the elder person starts or, “to

cut the ribbon”, as it is now called.

本文标签: 筷子中国盘子集体主义礼仪