


Melodic Patterns

Practicing melodic patterns (sometimes called sequences) is one

of the best methods available for learning scale fingerings. Their

practice will also aid in learning the sounds of the various scales,

as well as, help you to improvise lead lines from different scales.

The concept is very simple, the variations endless.

So, what are melodic patterns?

A melodic pattern is a short melody or sequence of intervals that

you play off of each successive tone of a scale, both ascending

and descending.

For example, let's look at a popular sequence:

This simple pattern has been used in one form or another for

hundreds of years. You can hear it in a lot of classical


The important thing to look at is the concept. The melody is really

only two notes, the first tone of the scale followed by the third

tone of the scale. Then you play the same idea off of the second

tone (this time followed by the fourth tone)

Now, if you continue all the way across the scale pattern it would

look like this:

Descending, the sequence looks like this:

Notice that we didn't change the order of the notes within the

sequence itself.

In other words, if our sequence ascends like this:

It descends like this:

Don't reverse the order of the notes within the sequence like this:

That variation will be covered by a different sequence.

What follows is a collection of 112 sequences.

All examples are shown using the C Major scale, but you should

practice any sequences that you learn in all 12 keys and through

all 7 modes, as well as any other scales that you are working on,

in all possible fingerboard positions.

I have only shown each sequence from the first two notes of the

scale. It's up to you to work out the pattern and apply it to the

rest of the notes of the scale. The easiest way to do this is to

look at each note and determine which degree of the scale it

functions as (think intervals), and then move the whole thing up

to the next note of the scale.

The double bar-lines in the standard notation and TAB seperate

one sequence from the next. Each pattern is also numbered for your


Melodic Patterns Part I

Scale Sequences 1 through 30

Melodic Patterns Part II

Scale Sequences 31 through 52

Melodic Patterns Part III

Scale Sequences 53 through 73

Melodic Patterns Part IV

Scale Sequences 74 through 93

Melodic Patterns Part V

Scale Sequences 94 through 112

一个初学者的一天练习(2小时方案) 注意: 1.先求准后求快 2.右手拨弦手腕用力(可以理解为手腕拨弦而不是手指拨弦) 3.对着镜子练,监视自已的演奏姿势. 一.1 用热水泡手五分钟, 擦干后,大约一分钟后等手指指尖有些硬度后开始练习 2.开节拍器,调好速度 3 热手练习 半音阶24组合 最好跳弦练习 如

先6弦1234再4弦1234 接着5弦之后3弦再1弦 2弦即按645312弦的顺序跳弦练,这样更有助于加强左右手的协调(30分钟) 二,音阶 1五声 各个指型都练

(含模进共练10分钟) 2.七声 MI指型 LA指型 C指型(以六弦5把位为例 6弦5 7 五弦457 四弦467三弦467 二弦57一弦45) 含模进10分钟 3.练习所收集的和教材上的各种音阶模进30分钟 三.击\钩\推弦练习 10分钟 四.继续教材进度1小时 我练的是湖南文艺出版社乔伊重金属教材 五.有时间的话再玩玩歌曲

本文标签: 练习拨弦教材