


Unit 1 New Fashions

Section One Speaking and Listening

Step 1 Greetings and Teaching Objectives

In this unit, you will

1. read about how to take nice selfies;

2. enlarge your vocabulary relating to personality;

3. come to know the craze among youngsters for plastic surgery;

4. get some tips about the use of English modal verbs;

5. learn how to read and write notes of apology.

Step 2 Introduction of Background Information

A seifie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or

camera phone held in the hand social networking services such as facebook, Instagram

and Twitter. They are usually flattering and made to appear casual. Most selfies are

taken with a camera held at arm's length or pointed at a mirror, rather than by using a


The term"selfie"was discussed by photographer Jim Krause in 2005, although

photos in the selfie genre predate the widespread use of the term. In the early 2000s,

before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-taken photographs

were particularly common on MySpace. However, writer Kate Losse recounts that

between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace),

the"MySpacepic"(typically"an amateurish, flash-blinded self-portrait,often taken in

front of a bathroom mirror") became anindication of bad taste for users of the newer

Facebook social network. Early Facebook portraits, in contrast, were usually

well-focused and more formal, taken by others from distance. In 2009 in the image

hosting and video hosting website Flickr, Flickr users used"selfies"to describe

seemingly entdless self-portraits posted by teenage girls. According to

Losse,improvements in design-especially the front-facing camera of the iphone 4 (2010),

mobile photo apps such as Instagram and Snapchat led to the resurgence of selfies in the

early 2010s.

Initially popular with young people, selfies gained wider popularity over time.

By the end of 2012,Time magazine considered selfie one of the"top 10 buzzwords"of

that year, although selfies had existed long before, it was in 2012 that the term"really

big time".According to a 2013 survey,two-thirds of Australian women aged 18-35 take

selfies- the most common purpose for which is posting on Facebook.A poll

commissioned by smartphone and camera maker Samsung found that selfies make up

30% of the

photostaken by people aged 2013,the word"selfie"had become commonplace

enough to be monitored for inclusion in the online version of the Oxford English

November 2013,the word"selfie"was

announced as being the"word of the year”by the

0xford English Dictionary,which gave the word itself an Australian origin.

Discuss the following questions:

Question: Do you like selfies? Why or why not?


like selfies because (1) it is a good form of self-expression; (2) it is a way to show our unique personality. I dislike selfies because (1) it is a matter of privacy; (2)

it may cause injuries while taking July 2014,a

fourteen-year-old girl in the Philippines fell to her death

after losing her balance while taking a selfie of herself

and a friend near the staircase landing of their school in

suburban Pasig City.

1. Oral Task-----Ask students to make a dialogue in pairs.

Topic: Talk something about “ take- selfies” with the classmates

Step 3 Listening Practice

1. Play the recording of Practice A-Making proper responses, students try to

choose the best answer to the questions they hear.

Pay attention to the key words of every sentence

Key: B D D B C

2. Play the recording of Practice B—Short conversation, students try to choose the

best answer according to what they have heard.

Key: D A B C B

3. Play the recording to Practice C—Dictation, students try to fill in the blanks in

the passage according to what they have heard.

Have you heard of the Apple Watch? Or are you (11)g it? People who

have seen it know that it is a very small and( 12 ) personal thing .It is designed to be

part of nearly every moment of your knows when you’re wearing can play

can talk to it.(13)Every so often,the Apple Watch thinks about your heartbeat.

But the Apple Watch is also a big 's the first completely new Apple product

in five years,and the first Apple product( 14)developed after the death of Steve 's

full of new hardware,new software,and new ideas about how the worlds of fashion and

technology should( 15 )work just has to answer one question: would you

actually use the Apple Watch instead of your phone?

Pay attention to the listening skill: firstly, before listening, students should get

familiar with the material to get better performance, and then ,when listening,

students should take down the lost words in shorthand.

Step 4 Assignment: Preview Text A, Unit 1.

Unit 1 New Fashions

Section Two Text A Selfie

Step 1 Greeting and Warm-up Discussion

We can ask students to read the Text A in 10 minutes. After reading, try to do the

Ex.A &Ex.B(P6), and then we can get the main ideas of the passage.

Step 2 Organization

Step 3 Detailed Explanation of the passage

Language Points

1. selfie

selfie has become a good form of self-expression among young people.自拍照已经成为年轻人表达自我的好方式。

2. self-portraiture

Most of my artwork consists of self portraiture.我的大部分作品由自画像组成。

3. built-in

We already know some species of ants have built-in GPS.我们已经知道一些种类的蚂蚁自带导航功能。

4. post

I posted a funny message on her Facebook page thi smorning.我今天早上在她的脸谱页面上发布了一个有趣的消息。

5. portrait

(1) Hang the portrait straight.把画像挂端正。

(2) The artist has reproduced your features very well in this portrait.这位艺术家在这幅画像中把你的容貌展现得惟妙惟肖。

6. blogger

Does this blogger interact with readers? 这博客作者是否与读者互动?

(1) Thanks to the angle at which he stood, he could just see the sunrise. 幸亏他站的地


(2) She angled her camera to get a good self- portrait.


8. pose

(1) He sat in a relaxed pose.他轻松自如地坐着。

(2) After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.


9. headshot

You need a professional headshot for an interview 你需要一张专业的头部特写照片去参加面试

Language points

1. smart phone’s high-quality ….among young

people :the superior-quality cameras built in smart phones are making “selfies” a

good way to express their individuality among young people.

High-quality:of superior quality 高质量的

Passers-by in the area have been treated to some high-quality performance 路过这一带的行人听到过水平很高的街头表演。

Self-expression:the expression of one’s individuality(usually through creative

activities) 自我表现

Clothes are a fundamental form of self-expression.衣服是一种基本的自我表现形式。

2. she is well-know blogger…different angles:she is a blogger known by many people

and has taken lots of photos of herself for practice from different angles.

Well-know :know by people in general 总所周知

His father is a well-know professor.他父亲是一位著名的教授。

Blogger who had taken hundreds of practice photos of herself from different

angles :an attributive clause introduced by “who”,modifying “blogger”

3. for most people,….Facebook or Twitter:for most people ,headshot is the most

useful self-portrait and can sere as an individual photo for social-media sites as

Facebook or Twitter.

Headshot,which can be used as a personal picture for social-media site like

Facebook or Twitter :an attributive clause introduced by “which”,modifying


Facebook :a popular social networking website 脸书

Twitter:an online social networking service that enables users to send and read

short 140-character messages called “tweets”推特网

4. she stands ….artificial source:she stands before a window to catch the light

produced by nature when it is possible or finds a sort light source created by people

which can produce the intended effect.

5. She angles…fill the screen:she turns the camera at an angle slightly from the left to

catch her face and believes that the left is her good side,and then fill her face and

hair in the screen of the camera.

Which she believes is her good side ,and lets her face and hair fill the screen:an

attributive clause introduced by “which”, modifying “the left”

6. frequently….a new dress:ms. Craig often takes a photo showing the whole of her

body to show how she looks when wearing a new dress.

Frequently:many times at short intervals 频繁地

I know him ,but we don’t frequently see each other 我认识他,但我两并不常往来

Show how she looks in a new dress:an object clause introduced by “how”serves as

the object of “show”

A full-length photo :a photo showing the whole of a person 全身镜可以看到整个人

Step 4 Assignments:

1. Vocabulary Building (P7-8) Ex.A (P9)and Ex.D (P15)

---Finish them by yourselves in students’ book;

2. Ex.B (P9) and Ex.C(P15)--- Write them down in the students’ notebooks.

Unit 1New Fashions

Section Three Grammar and Practical Writing

Step 1 Greeting and Warm-up Discussion

Check out students’ homeworks which were required to finish in last class.

Step 2 Grammar Focus Modal verbs (情态动词)

情态动词(Modal verbs)







(1)I can see you,Come here.我能看见你,过来吧

(2)What can I do for you? 你要什么?

(3)He must have been away.他一定走了

(4)How dare you treat us like that?你怎么能那样对待我们?



(5)He can be here soon.他很快就来

(6)Can you help me?能劳驾帮我一下吗?



you pass me the books ?你能把书递给我吗?

you help me ,please ?你能帮我一下吗?

can go now. 你可以走了

theater can seat 500 people 这个剧院能容纳500人/

Can 和could只能用于现在时和过去时两种时态,将来时态用be able to 来表示,例如

the teacher’s help ,I will soon be able to speak English fluently 在老师的帮助下,我将很快能讲一口流利的英语

May (might)提示说话人同意。许可或请求对方许可。例如:

may take the book home 你可以把书带回家吗

13he said he might lend us some money 他说他可以借我们一些钱

14、may I use your dictionary?我可以用你的字典吗

May否定式为may not 风,缩写形式是mayn’t . mayn’t .might 是may 的过去时,


told me he might be here on time 他说可能按时到

16、may I borrow some money now ?我可以借点钱吗

might be alive他应该还活着。

must 表示“必须”。“应该”“一定”“准是”提示说话人认为有必要某事。命令。要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。Must用来指一般现在时和一般将来时间,过去时可用have to 的过去时代替,例如: 18.I must finish my work today.我今天必须完成我的工作。

mustn't work all the time你不能老是工作。

20.I must return the book tomorrow?我必须明天还书吗?

such a long walk,you must be tired走了这么长的路,你一定累了。

had to go that day because somebody called him那天他要走是因为有人叫他。


must have received my letter by now.他现在一定收到我的信了。

must和have to的区别:must表示说话人的主观思想,have to表示客观需要。例如:

must do it now.你必须现在就干。(说话人认为现在必须干)

25.I have to go now.我得走了。(客观条件使“我”必须现在走)


I attend the meeting tomorrow?我明天需要参加会议吗?

Step 3 Practical Writing---- Notes of Apology

Notes of Apology



2 使用 I’m (awfully,really,terribly)sorry ,I must apologize 等表达,明确表示自己为此感到歉疚并愿意作出道歉。




1.I'm awfully sorry that have disturbed you.

2.I'm really sorry to have disturbed you

3.I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you

4.l do apologize for disturbing you

5.A thousand pardons for disturbing you

6.I can't tell you how sorry am for disturbing you

Sample answer


Dear ,

I'm very sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to make our appointment .this Friday

morning,my manager asked me to go to Beijing on business. I won’t

be able return until next Monday .Could we meet next Wednesday afternoon? Please

forgive me for any inconvenience I may have caused you.

Sincerely yours,


Step 4 Assignments:

1. Fast Reading ---- Text B : Ask students to finish the Ex.B (P13) in 10 minutes;

2. Preview Unit Two

本文标签: 动词情态表示