




1) 记叙类(趣味小故事;传说;寓言;短篇小说等);

2) 说明类(介绍日常生活中物品的原理;科学领域的基本知识等);

3) 议论类(名人演讲;新闻评论等);

4) 描写类 (对某个地方的介绍;对某处风景的描绘;对某个人物的描写等)。


1) 客观题


2) 主观题



1. Be the Best of Whatever You Are

Be a hill, if you can’t be a mountain.

If you can’t be a hill, be a stone,

And make the wall stronger.

Be a bush, if you can’t be a tree.

If you can’t be a bush, be grass,

And make the road more beautiful.

If you can’t be a shark,

Then just be a fish.

But the happiest fish in the lake!

We can’t all be captains,

Some have got to be soldiers.

Somebody or nobody,

All be the best of whatever you are!


1) What should you be if you can’t be a tree?

2) What can we be, if we cannot be captains?


1) What do you want to be in the future? Why?

2) Now you are a student. What should you do so you can

be the best “you”?

2. Open Your Wings

Close your eyes, open your heart,

Focus hard, get ready to go.

It is just the time to fly.

Believe in yourself and you’ll fly high.

Open your wings,

This is what flying is all about.

I know you can make it through this test.

Come on now. Do your best!

Now you can fly, fly high,

You can enter that success door.

You’ve opened your wings and spoke loudly.

Now it’s time for others to do the right thing!


1) How can we fly high?

2) What should others do now?


1) Do you always believe in yourself? Why or why not?

2) Have you ever wanted to fly in the sky like a bird? Why or why



3. Wilma’s High-Dive Diving Day

Today is a high-dive diving day! Wilma’s friends jump off the

diving board, spring into the air and land in the water with a large

splash! But Wilma is too afraid to join them.

Wilma watches all her friends in the water jumping, playing and

diving. She wants to have fun with them, too.

That’s it!

“I don’t care if I’m afraid. I will be diving today!”

She climbs the high, high, high ladder and walks out on the

diving board high above the water. She is very, very afraid.

She covers her eyes and jumps! She jumps through the air and

splashes down perfectly. Wilma is very proud of herself. She did it!


1) Why doesn’t Wilma join her friends at first?

2) Why is Wilma proud of herself?


1) Have you done something you are afraid of? What’s it?

2) Do you think we need to be brave? Why?

4. The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good luck to have

a goose which laid a golden egg every day. But they soon began to

think they were not getting rich quickly.

They thought that if the bird could lay golden eggs, its inside

must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all

gold at once, they would get very rich very quickly. So the man and

his wife killed the goose.

However, when cutting the goose open, they were surprised to

see that its inside was like that of any other goose!

Think before you act.


1) Why did the man and his wife kill the goose?

2) What did they see when they killed the goose?


1) What do you think of the man and his wife?

2) What does this story tell us?

5. The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty was a Milkmaid and she was going to the market. She

was carrying milk in a pail on her head.

As she went, she began thinking of what she would do with the

money she would get from the milk. “I’ll buy some hens from

Farmer Brown,” said she, “and they will lay eggs every morning,

which I can sell. With the money that I get from these eggs, I’ll buy

myself a new dress and a new hat, and when I go to the market,

won’t all the young men come up and speak to me?"

As she spoke that, she moved her head back and the pail fell off

it, and all the milk went out!

Do not count your chickens before they are born.


1) What did Patty want to buy with money?

2) Why did the milk go out of the pail?


1) What do you think of Patty?

2) What can we learn from this story?

6. Strong or Weak

There was a proud tree in the forest. He was tall and strong.

There was a small grass next to the tree.

The tree said, “I am very handsome and strong. No one is

stronger than me.” Hearing this, the grass said, “Dear friend, too

much pride is harmful. Even the strong will fall one day.”

The tree didn’t listen to the grass’s words.

A strong wind came. The tree stood. Even when it rained, the

tree stood. During these times, the grass bent down. The tree

made fun of the grass.

One day, there was a storm in the forest. The grass bent down

but the tree stood. The storm was stronger. The tree fell down.

That was the end of the proud tree.

Pride goes before a fall.


1) When it rained, what did the tree and the grass do?

2) Why did the tree fall?


1) What can we learn from this story?

2) Do you want to be the tree or the grass? Why?

7. The Fox and the Stork

Once upon a time, there lived a very bad fox. He used to make

fun of others.

One day the fox met a stork. He made friends with the stork

and he invited the stork to have a dinner with him. The stork happily

went to his house. But the fox just cooked some soup in a shallow

bowl! The poor stork could not have any soup with its long mouth

and the fox easily licked the soup from the plate.

Later, the stork invited him to her house for dinner. The stork

put soup in a narrow bottle with a long neck. She was able to have

the soup very easily with her long mouth, but the fox could not.

One bad turn brings another.


1) What did the stork find when she came to the fox’s house?

2) What did the stork do when she invited the fox to her

house for dinner?


1) What do you think of the fox?

2) How should we get along with our friends?

8. The Lamb and the Wolf

Once, a little lamb was eating grass, with many sheep. Unluckily,

the little lamb walked away from the group of sheep. But she didn’t

know it and a wolf was closely following her!

The lamb asked the wolf, “Are you going to eat me?”

The wolf said, “Yes!”

The lamb said again, “But can you please wait for some more

time? I have eaten a lot of grass now and my stomach is full of

grass. If you eat me now, you will feel you are eating grass! Let me

dance for you.”

The little lamb danced crazily and the bell around her neck

rang. At that time, the farmer was looking for the little lamb and

heard the bell ringing. He ran towards the wolf with a stick. The wolf

ran away, and the lamb was safe!


1) Why didn’t the wolf eat the lamb at first?

2) How did the farmer find the lamb?


1) What do you think of the lamb?

2) What can we learn from this story?

9. Secret of Happiness

Three brothers lived a good life but they were unhappy.

Everyone wanted something and wanted to have it.

One day, when they were coming home from the forests

carrying their bags of woods, they saw an old woman

walking slowly with a bag on her back. They walked quickly up to

the old woman and helped her all the way to her home.

This old woman had magical powers and she asked them if

there was anything she could help them with.

“We are not happy,” said them. The woman asked what would

make them happy. Each brother spoke of a different thing.

“A great mansion.”

“A big farm.”

“A beautiful wife.”

Three brothers got what they wanted. But soon, all were

unhappy again. They visited the old woman to ask for the secret to


The old woman said, “Happiness never lasts without a very

important thing–content.”


1) Why were three brothers unhappy at first?

2) What did three brothers do when they all were unhappy



1) What can we learn from this story?

2) Tell us a happy thing you had this week.

10. The Monkey and the Crocodile

Once, a monkey lived in a tree near the lake. There was a

crocodile in the lake and itcollected fruits falling from that tree. As

the crocodile visited the tree every day, they became good

friends soon.

One day, the crocodile’s wife said to the crocodile, “I want to eat

a heart. Bring me your friend.” The crocodile shook his head, but

his wife kept saying every day and he gave in.

Next day, the crocodile invited monkey to join them for lunch.

Monkey couldn’t swim so the crocodile told him, “Don’t worry. I will

carry you on my back and take you back safely!” As they went half

way, the crocodile tried to push monkey down into the water but the

monkey held tightly and did not fall. Monkey asked crocodile to tell

the truth and knew that crocodile’s wife wanted his heart.

The smart monkey said, “Oh, my dear friend, I left my heart on

the tree. If you take me back, I can give you my heart.” So

crocodile rode the monkey back to the tree.

As they reached the tree, the monkey climbed quickly up. He

shouted at crocodile, “I thought of you as a good friend, but you

cheated me. I will never come back and never be your friend.”


1) Why did the crocodile give in to his wife?

2) How did the monkey save his own life?


1) Do you think what the crocodile did is right or wrong?


2) When we make friends, what should we do?

11. Three Old Men

It was a sunny day. Three old men with long white beard

knocked at the door of a beautiful house. A lady opened the door,

“Yes? Do you need any help?” Three men said they had something

to talk to the whole family. So all people came out and welcomed

the three old men.

The first men said, “I’m LOVE. If you want to have the flow of

love and peace forever in your house, pick me.”

The second man said, “I am WEALTH! I will give you much


The third man said, “I am SUCCESS. I will give you success.”

All three men said, “You have to choose one of us, for we don’t

enter into a house together. Now you can choose one.”

The family discussed for some time and decided to invite LOVE.

By hearing this, all the three old men entered the house happily.

The family were surprised and they asked.

Three men said, “When you choose LOVE, success and wealth

will follow. The place full of love will be full of wealth and success.”

Share love and choose to stay lovable!


1) What are these three men?

2) How can they go into a room together?


1) Love, wealth and success, which is more important for you?


2) If you are rich, what do you want to do?

12. Secret Garden (excerpt)

One day Colin spoke to all of them, “Listen, everybody. I think

there’s something like magic that makes gardens grow and things

happen. If I believe in it, the magic will make me strong. Let’s all sit

down in a circle and ask the magic to work.”

So they all sat on the grass in a circle. Colin said these words

for some times.

“Being strong. That’s the magic. Magic! Help me! Magic! Help


At last Colin said, “Now I’m going to walk round the garden.”

And he took Dickon’s arm. Slowly he walked from one wall to


And when he had walked all the way round, he said, “You see! I

can walk now! The magic worked!”


1) How could magic make Colin strong?

2) When the magic worked, what could Colin do?


1) What do you want if you have magic?

2) Have you read a book about magic? Can you tell the

name of the book?


13. The Life of a Frog

A frog goes through four stages of life. It changes and grows at

each stage.

First, women frogs lay eggs. That’s where new frogs come from.

The eggs hatch in one to three weeks.

Then a tadpole hatches from an egg. A tadpole lives in water. It

uses gills to breathe. It has no legs.

Next, a tadpole grows into a froglet. A froglet looks more like a

frog. It has legs for hopping and walking. It has lungs for breathing


An adult frog doesn’t have a tail. All types of frogs have the

same life cycle.


1) How many stages of life does a frog go through?

2) What does a tadpole breathe with?


1) Do you like frogs? Why or why not?

2) Do you have a pet? What do you do for it?

14. Sounds in Our World

The world is filled with many interesting sounds. Some are

unpleasant to our ears while others are very pleasant to hear. In a

single day, you probably hear hundreds of different sounds. All

sounds are different. Some may be loud. Some are high; others are

low. Some sounds are useful.

Without sound we cannot talk or listen to one another. The

ringing of the alarm clock wakes people up. The honking of a car

lets people know dangers. Some sounds are harmful. When planes

fly low over the land, the very loud sounds can damage the houses.

Very loud sounds can even make people deaf.


1) In a single day, how many sounds may we hear?

2) What things can sound do for us? Tell us two things.


1) What musical instrument can you play?

2) Do you know any other things sounds can do for us?

15. On the Water

Boats and ships carry people and things across water. They are

used for business. They are also used for fun! Here are some ways

to travel on water.

The wind pushes the sail-boat forward. The sails must change

direction with the wind.

Ferries take people and sometimes cars. Some ferries let you

bring your bike! Usually, ferries don’t go far. Most are pushed by an


Cargo ships take heavy goods. They travel from one country to

another. They take trade goods.

Do you know that not all boats travel above the water? For

example, submarine. It’s made to travel under the water and let

people see the deep sea.


1) How many boats are talked in this article?

2) What boat can travel from one country to another?


1) Have you ever been on a boat? How do you feel?

2) What’s your favorite means of transportation?

本文标签: 阅读选手能力人物介绍